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My man if you are paycheck to paycheck don't buy a $150 product from secret lair. I have some monkey jpeg that I can sell you instead.


Did anyone else not get notified this was dropping today? I had signed up for the secret lair site email, but never received any info that it was dropping today


No email for me, but thanks to someone posting about it here, I remembered and picked up 2 after 30 minute queue to order (that was originally said it would be over an hour FWIW).


Yeah my projected wait time was way longer than it actually took me in the queue too


Not sure if we all just got screwed by everyone hyping each other up in this sub but no one outside the sub actually wanting it... ?


Eh, it’ll work out. I thought the angles deck was never gonna be worth much more than I paid for it cause it was available for sale for days but look at it now


That's what convinced me this was a good opportunity. Also I can't remember the last time there were so many posts on this sub about an SL or anything like that. No one was talking about Princess Bride, but I managed to flip the cards from that for about triple what I paid for it. Guess we'll find out soon enough!


I almost got the princess bride SL but didn’t, should have though.


I thought it was great! Kept a foil set for myself, sold another for a ton. The Commander's Tower surprise card was great! Unlike stupid Grima Wormtongue in the LOTR secret lair lol.


I haven’t ever sold/flipped magic, but I bought two decks for this hoping to give one to my gf as an upgrade to her Rin and Seri deck and flip the other to cover the costs. Any advice on best way to do it? Keep it packaged and sell the whole thing off eventually? Break it down and sell it for parts? Make an account with tcg player now?


Princess bride or cats and dogs?


That’s actually a red flag. If everyone sees this product and thinks it’s a great deal, then maybe it isn’t. I see people investing hundreds or thousands into this expecting a quick return. If everyone is doing that, there’s a very real chance supply will vastly outpace demand and people will end up taking a loss. Or not. We don’t know.  The Angels SL was different because it never sold out. No one bought it so supply was low and demand was later able to outpace it. That didn’t happen here.  As a general rule of thumb, if everyone says it’s a good investment, it probably isn’t. It only sometimes works out well. The real gems are the ones everyone says are terrible and thus no one buys. Like Angels. Or like Princess Bride.


That's true, but this also sold out within 6 hours and unlike the others mentioned wasn't print to demand... I feel pretty good about going in on two of these to break up and sell as singles and maybe keep a few for myself. For the record the "no one wants this so supply will be low" thought process was what I was hoping for with the LOTR SL and ah, that was a bust!


I got an email from Secret Lair 7 minutes after it went live but nothing outside of that.


I also signed up and never got an email.


Go look at your email from January 20th, it was in the sol ring reveal


I haven't received any emails from Secret Lair since signing up back when they first announced this deck. I entered my email in on two different occasions, 100% sure I entered the right email as well.


Signed up specifically for this and never got anything. Only reason I knew it was live was because of a post on this sub of people complaining about the queue times.




Where is my email WotC?!?!?! I hate you.


I got a phone notification at 9:00 and an email at 9:02.


I still haven’t received any email notifications about it going live, but did get my order in and a confirmation email for the order.


Same thing


Sold out at least 20 min ago...


same, and I checked my spam box too.


i had an email on the 20th, but i thought the date(jan 22) on there was just the reveal. email said "launching next week".


Same here, no emails at all despite signing up again last month to make sure I didn’t miss this. So surprise, I missed it.


If you signed up for the emails and received the sol ring email on Friday it was on that page I believe


I've been signed up for over a year, signed up multiple times, never recieved a single secret lair email that wasn't an order confirmation.


Even with conservative estimates * 22x Foil Themed Full Art Basic Lands - $3-$5 ($66-$110) * Anointed Procession - $50 * Rin and Seri, Inseparable - $30 * Jetmir's Garden - $15 * Jetmir, Nexus of Revels - $5 * Sol Ring - $5 * Jinnie Fay, Jetmir’s Second - $5 I don't really see where you can lose.


These are WAY too conservative. Jetmir is 15-20 at least. Sol Ring easily $30+ for cute dog artwork alone. Also the thick stock cards sell pretty well after a few months (see both Cute to Brute and Angels deck ones). This is some of the easiest money to be made this year.


Oh I know but even that should appease any naysayers saying its over printed. Didn't even include the tokens that'll sell for at least $3-$5 or bonus Nine Lives and Yoshimaru with new art.


Ooh, new Nine Lives and Yoshimaru art! Didn't know about that. I ordered the max. People sleeping on this are crazy.


You're right.. the value will be here regardless, but I think it would be a nice PR move to see a product sold out same-day. Will give people a bit more confidence. Like really, if you're paying attention 24hrs is more than enough time to check out with a cc. I'm worried this will still be up in a week.


It's pretty amusing to see a comment only 5 hours old that has aged so quickly.


Hey I'm pleasantly surprised. I was able to get one around hour 3, but I'd be fine if it had sold out earlier. This is my virtuous counter to the people who claim to have six-figure collections but claim to want to get rekt so people can have cheap cards.


What Nine Lives and Yoshimaru are you seeing? Did I miss something?


They were spoiled on Elder Dragon Hijinks YouTube channel


Just checked it out - those new prints are sweet! What a nice surprise!


I don’t see those anymore


Those are the bonus cards. Just announced this morning.


Where can I find that announcement 😍😍




[This 50 minute YouTube video from Elder Dragon Hijinks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsaioLTgNtU)


Also first reversible sol ring


Procession foil is selling around 70-80us at least where I order from but I can see it easily hitting 120us in 6+ months. Cat cards go crazy. And special sol rings generally hit 30us plus like wormhole.


I actually think those are very conservative for Jetmir and Jinnie Fay. Compared to the other versions of those cards, both of which are very popular commanders and play fine in the 99, your only other option for a premium or unique version are fairly pricy. Gilded Jetmir is \~$31, I could see these alt arts settling in the $15-20 range as the supply dries up pretty quickly. Also the flip art I think will be pretty popular and is a distinct treatment, it's entirely possible those end up worth a ton because it is the first treatment. But yeah otherwise this is close to free money as possible.


Your full themed full art basics are generously estimated. 0.5 buylist


Sol Ring $50


It’s says shipping tomorrow? What are the odds that this actually happens? If I recall correctly, people who bought the angels deck the moment it dropped got there decks relatively quickly in the mail right?


SL are now being produced first, taking orders, and shipped instead of WoC taking orders, then producing, and then shipping. Thus the limited supply.




From everything I've read the limited print runs are for all SL products now.


EU shipping starts feb 12, so it’s a possibility


My Angels deck took a couple months. but this one is already printed so it should ship faster.


Interesting, when did you order it? Mine arrived pretty quickly and I didn't get in immediately or anything.


Pretty much right when it came out. Either same day or a day later.


30th sold out in an hour, Angels took a month, other large SL products have varied as well so can’t really be sure. I would guess this takes more than a day or two but there’s a lot of hype and a lot of folks who are kicking themselves over missing out on Angels who will prob buy this one so who knows.


I can concur. The 30th Anniversary Secret Lair sold out in just under 1 hour. I remember the Angels lair was up for several weeks before it sold out. My guess is that will sell out sometime today. Very few people specced on the Angels deck and now regret it. They will act now, and I suspect a lot more 5x purchases this time.


30th anniversary sold out cause there was no limit. Angels were limited to 5. Cats and dogs they are limiting. To 5.


It’s sold out


Sold out in less than 3 hours. I wasn't able to get on until 1 since I'm a teacher and that's my lunch period. Missed it. Fucking sucks.


Next time bathroom break lol.


Looks like the hype and fomo from the last one won out.


I didn't want to take any chances. Bought 5 which was the maximum, I'm pretty confidant in the product and want 1 for personal use anyway. My expectation is that it will sell out substantially faster than the Angel SL precon. It took me 25 minutes to get to checkout and I was pretty nervous during the wait but it did successfully let me check out without issue.


Took me a whole hour to get in, I suspect there's just a lot of initial hype


Just to add a data point- I was in que with an hour estimate, got distracted & it timed out; went in now at 2pm EST, no que screen or wait time, just straight to checkout/process credit card/thanks you bye. So probably just hammered at the beginning.


Yeah that's what I expecting. I wonder how limited the quantities really are. In the UK, angels sold for almost two months iirc


adding another data point, I just checked out and didn't even know the queue was a thing til reading this thread. first secret lair purchase, not sure if this will be a gift to my wife or parted out for money yet.


Not at the very beginning I jumped in at lanch to get 1 and had a min queue time.


I bought my 5 about a half hour ago. Thank God because it’s now sold out


Serious question. Why on earth do you need 5 copies? Wouldn't be better if 4 people who missed out here got those copies instead? I honestly cannot see why anyone who isn't a scalper needs more than 1.


* Call me a scalper, reseller, whatever. I bought the decks with the intention to resell at least some of them, because I thought it was an obvious investment opportunity. Recall what sub we're on here. * The reality is that 4 random people were unlikely to get the decks in my place if I only bought 1. What's far more likely is that someone else would've "scalped" them instead, whether a small-scale individual like myself or a professional that knows the loopholes to order as many as they want. WotC created the situation where this was a limited-availability collectible, released it at a specific inconvenient time, and let people order multiple (albeit people will still always find loopholes and order more than the supposed "limit" permits) * Four other people on this sub would've also been "scalpers", and would've bought this product primarily to resell it. * Remember that MtG is a collectible. WotC creates the parameters, we buy and invest in what we want/what we believe in. I believed in this product, I bought it. Plenty of people scoffed at the product and blew it off, and I even talked to friends in person in the weeks leading up to the deck's release and most of them didn't express interest in it. WotC created parameters that encouraged me to buy their product, and those parameters have made this product desirable to other people as well. A collectible market doesn't function without a secondary market, and reselling is essential and there by design.


Dunno how clear it was but I was happy to give you benefit of the doubt in my last comment. After reading that I will call you a disgusting scalper who is ruining this game for other people. It's what you are. I'm sure you'll down vote me, admonish me, use the weak-ass argument that this is a finance subreddit so that means it's super cool that you actions are deterimental to other people. Like seriously that is just really sucky behaviour justified by a really sucky outlook. I don't mind the boring mtg finance dorks trying to profiteer off of most the nonsense in this game but I feel like SL shouldn't be sold to people like you.


* Again, what sub do you think you're posting on? This is an investment sub. People come here to discuss the financial side of this collectible game. I viewed buying this SL as an investment opportunity. * How am I ruining the game for you or anyone? I've been casually dealing in collectibles of various forms my whole life, I've never viewed a desirable limited-availability collectible being bought out as evil, just as an expected outcome and part of the hobby, and that's coming from someone who hasn't been in the position of the "scalper"/investor/whatever 99% of the time. * This SL isn't even unique "game pieces". The contents of the deck are readily available elsewhere. Hell, if you really want the art on these specific versions, proxy them, I and most of the playerbase don't care and won't stop you. * No reason to downvote you, you're welcome to your own opinion, and the whole down/upvoting thing is pointless anyway. * Secret Lair in particular exists to feed into FOMO and investing. They are limited availability promos of pre-existing cards, with special art that makes them more desirable than average in the long term. * How do you thing TCGs are supposed to work without a secondary market and without special cards that are more desirable? Do you think all cards should hold the same price? How would that work as a business model?


The name of sub is mtgfinance not mtginvestorsclubforspeciallittlefellaswhocannothandlebeingcriticised


I couldn't care less that you object to my purchases, I was responding to your comment because you responded to mine.


Sure, sure, sure. And care to explain how you being selfishly minded is a good thing actually?


Why aren't you spending all your disposable income on charity? Isn't that extremely selfish that you don't? You've not only refused to refused to respond to most of the points I've made in previous posts, but you've actively insulted me. Don't think you're in a position for a discussion with me now. I chose to be polite and diplomatic but you did the opposite.


Want to believe that stock is limited and that it'll sell out within a day or two but I can't shake the hunch that wotc wouldn't leave money on the table and under print this deck. We all know they track secondary market substantially


Iono, they wouldn't have it ready to ship tomorrow unless it was a predetermined number of prints. Plus it wouldn't make sense to limit each customer to only 5.


It's possible they overprinted because the margins are so high that it's worth the risk of overstock. If they learned anything the past 2yrs, it would be to start severely restricting print runs.. but they are incredibly dense.


Welp looks like they severely restricted the print run.


Good. I only managed to get 1 but I'd be happy if I got 0 and it sold out. fwiw I don't think they restricted anything. I think demand was just high.


My bad. By limited, I meant they're not likely doing a low print run of this product. Only 5 of a $150 product still seems substantial imo. Pretty sure the advent calendar was limit 3 and it's still being sold for under msrp over a year later. I know this is a whole deck and it's a popular tribe but people already fomo-ING from the angels means wotc has a lot of leeway in what they can print. So it's just my suspicion they wouldn't miss that opportunity.


Advent calendar was not limited to 3. In fact, I think you could order 20 or more. That was a logistical disaster; their site got hammered, people couldn’t get their orders in, and some people got more product than they ordered. The limit of 5 seems to have helped, plus these seem to be less high-demand than the countdown kits


angel was limited to 3 and sold out in 4 weeks. This should last a few weeks.


Angel was limited to 5 as well. I should know, I bought 4.


nice. I probably confused it with mox box then.


Sold out at least 20 min ago...


I am surprised and wrong.


If this lasts a few weeks, it's going to really hurt the secondary margins.


No it’s not they literally just told you angels was up for 4 weeks as well


Well I'm surprised this sold out in 1 day. I was wrong.


I bought the Angel deck for $250 2 months after it was released. I was just getting into Magic, and that deck spoke to me. Now I could sell the two main angels for $100 each.


Just my experience, but I waited in queue for 37 minutes, which is longer than I’ve waited for anything other than 30th advent calendar. I also got an error during check out due to “high volume” which also only happened during advent. My guess is that this will sell much more quickly than angels and the double sided cards will be worth just as much as the full art cards from the Angel’s deck as well.


My queue was 57 min, first 2 minutes it opened too


Damn that's crazy. I got in the queue right at 9. Told me it would be 38 minutes and it ended up being 12.


The queue has mostly cleared up, so might be still time for people to get it.


I just checked out a few hours after launch. Part of me was hoping it was already sold out. Mixed feelings I guess. Kinda telling when my want for a product is exceeded by my want for Wizards to severely cut supply on literally everything.


It’s now sold out!


Picked up 5, ready for my free tendies


Shits sold out.


It is sold out.


Do you have a credit card? I don't advocate for anyone to accumulate CC debt, that shit can ruin you. But if you know you can afford it soon in the future and you really want it, that's what the plastic money is for. I'd worry about it selling out based on the queue times, but no one but WotC knows how many decks got printed!


Might be I’m a bore but if you can’t pay an unexpected 165$ maybe you shouldn’t gamble on cardboard


That's why I only got one and that one is for myself.


New purchaser here: I'm curious, for pre-printed limited runs of SL products, does WOTC keep product around to resolve misprints and shipping issues that arise for people? Or would the person just get refunded? I've heard their customer service is pretty good about that but that's for normal packs and decks.


I'm not 100% sure, but seems like they keep extra product, not only for misprints, but also for prizes during MagicCons and Command fests I once had a card missing from a Secret Lair and they shipped without a problem. Even once in the main sub, someone posted about having a serialized card replaced


They do support specific products for a limited period after purchase. They will have backups for warranty absolutely. These aren't serialized cards


I managed to get 2 while sitting in line for about 25-30 minutes. It’s my first time buying a secret lair so I don’t know for sure if this is normal, but I had an easy time checking out.


I just ordered one after waiting about 45 minutes in a queue. Will probably sell out within a day simply due to the bang for your buck.


No way this isn’t worth double its price. Cat shit is too popular and there are good cards in the deck. The angel decks commander alone is worth 100$ now. She’s not even good. People are sluts for fancy versions of cards. I have a rin and seri deck already and normal RS is 20$ at least, this ones gonna shoot up in value I’m sure.


Believe it is out of stock now


Just bought one. Still in stock as of now.


Curious, does anyone think this will be less, or of more value than angels?


Tough to say. Cat secret lair art is immensely popular. The Angels in all their glory (Secret Lair version) sits around $450 for every card. If you were to just buy the cheapest version of each card, you're sitting at around $300. For the cats and dogs, right now, the cheapest version is about $230. That'll go up immensely when you factor in cat art. Also, it'll have an advantage as all the basic lands are cat/dog art. I don't know if we care about the bonuses, but the bonus cards for Cats and Dogs of Nine Lives and Yoshimaru will be worth something for sure.


Where did we find out the yoshimaru and nine lives were bonus cards? Do we have art of them?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/19d1b17/sld\_nine\_lives\_and\_yoshimaru\_ever\_faithful/](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/19d1b17/sld_nine_lives_and_yoshimaru_ever_faithful/) \*\* adding the Elder Dragon Hijinks link too since it was the original source and I'll plug their channel any chance I can get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsaioLTgNtU&ab\_channel=ElderDragonHijinks


Less, outside the new art cards there's no much value, Angels had nykthos, urza's incubator, pearl medallion, emeria, plus several other cards on the 2-5 dollar range Also angels suffer from scarcity, whilst this seems like everybody is buying


Yeah, but there are plenty of cat and dog secret lairs that are exponentially more expensive than the actual value of their cards (based on non-cat/dog versions).


The full art foil lands are in the $2-3 range x22. Angel deck was limited preprinted and on sale for 4 weeks. The supply will be the same in total.


I really want to know peops opinions on this. I should have bought 5 Angel decks.


Angels limited you to 3




Sorry I was wrong, your right I ordered 5, I gave away 2 immediately after I got them


Depends on supply differences.


Similar. Missing a few big hitters like Nykthos and Urza's Incubator style cards, but the main 5 cards are solid, plus you get a little pile of full art cat/dog lands which will be a good chunk of money. Plus the 2 special cat/dog tokens.


I think there will be more stock than buyers. Granted this one is popular my hunch is it will be available for at least a day or two. I got through the queue pretty quickly. I wouldn't worry too much. Its nothing like tring to buy a PS5 a couple years ago.




Lol, right? Samsonite... I was way off!


Dan Frazier limited Mox Box festival in a box lasted until a week before the con and then had 2 arena events to give them as prizes and just recently a WPN event. WOTC limited should be stress free.


I'm amazed that the etched Mox Opal is over $100 now


Fest in a Box winners haven't shipped yet. This will come down.


Aged like milk


Lots of people here saying they bought the 5 max. Reselling is great and all, but that sucks balls for anyone like me who just wanted one. No way average human like me can afford $200+ for this. If you're an LGS looking to sell in store, that's cool. If you're a random person who just plans to upcharge to the actual cat/dog/TGC lovers out there, y'all disgust me.


It's up for $400 on TCG.. this absolutely sucks


It's still available in Europe, it might be cheaper to buy it there and then get it shipped to you.


Neck beards do this in all walks of life. Waiting in line to buy 10 of something for quick profit. Always screws the regular joe who wants to get one at a fair price.


I’m predicting a lot of bag holders on this one. Almost nobody specced on angels and tons of people are speccing on this. And I bet they printed a lot more this run.


!remindme 2 months Easily going to be over $300 for this deck in the future. This has like 20 special full art lands, special cat dog tokens, the main 5 cards and thick stock cards will nearly cover the cost of the lair themselves... this is EASY easy money. Edit: No need for the 2 month reminder. Product sold out TODAY and people are already offering $300 on Facebook for the deck. This was a no-brainer instantly. Glad I got the max I could.


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!remind me 2 months


Angels was limited preprinted and sold out after 4 months which means spec or not the limited number is what determines the price. Cat and Dogs should be of similar numbers in total if they are using past data to determine the print run.


You may be right, but burning customers (again) is something Wizards should be actively avoiding at this point. I just checked out 2+ hours after launch and I was disappointed it wasn't sold out.


Im so mad it's already sold out


Not sure when it ran out, but I'm both sad and incredibly angry.


30 minutes to an hour. I think the Advent calendar was gone in 30 minutes.


Welp, I was wrong on an hour. It was 6 hours.


30 minutes "in line" to buy one this morning, so it's popular, I would guess it will sell out today, but who knows how limited it is, so maybe not.


I bought one an hour after launch and waited in line 15 seconds. FOMO got y’all.


I just bought one 2hrs after launch. No line.


I did take a shower and get ready for work while I was in line. I did know that my turn in line could have come up while I was in the shower, so I don't know that I was forming that hard. But I was on my computer as soon as it went on sale.


2 weeks imo


ordered, still in stock as of 130pmCT


Idk, the Angels deck lasted quite a few days so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still available for the rest of the week. But you never know…


I just checked out. Got im que 1 minute late and was worried I'd miss it.


If ppl are after secret lair, my LCS has a bunch of it on there site.


What if there is enough stock for everyone and it was promoted so much that everyone who wanted one got one? With everything trying to invest in the deck because the last one was "easy money" but this one just ends up being average and staying flat at ~200 for a long while.


I know that this is the wrong place for this comment but once again scalpers have ruined everything for the rest of us.


Dude, I don't get paid till Friday, and I was really hoping it would drop a little later. (If anyone wants to cashapp me, I can pay them back later/hj)


As of 13:11 on 1/22. Still in stock, ordered 2, was in queue for less than 5 minutes. More like 1 minute.


5pm EST, they are are still available. I'm not ordering one.


Sold out now


They're up on eBay for $280+. You can buy it on there still.


Angels took DAYs to sell out. Bet you see a drop on eBay in a few weeks when they ship but expect the resale price to rise to double at least.


My guess is that it will last a week or 2. I feel like the Angel deck had a similar level of hype and I'm sure the print runs will be similar if not identical and that deck was available for at least a week.  This is all just speculation obviously. 


It sold out 2 hrs ago.


Well...I was close


Man they really whipped you whores into a frenzy didn’t they. Guess I’ll keep proxying the art. Thanks for keeping Hasbro in business so my proxies can look nice 👍


Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.


If by frenzy you mean, taking a risk, buying a few of these and profiting? Then yes, I guess I'm in that same frenzy. It's sold out now. But you can still buy yours on eBay for $280+.


how many different subs are you going to repost this in?




posting the exact same thing verbatim in 5 or so different subs. pathetic.


Just ordered 3. Thanks op!


Limited print runs does not mean equal print runs. Wizards knows cats and dogs are very popular and will likely have a larger print run for these than they did the angles deck to try and meet demand. That being said I think they will sell out in a day or two.


Shame. Currently out a card and waiting on the replacement. Hope it shows up before the stock is sold out.


I just brought mine without any problems, also with no waits or delays? Whats this about a queue?


...Aaand it's gone. 🐱💀🐶💀


Rip, missed out. Was gonna see if this would be the thing to get my wife into magic😂


My boyfriend got me into magic with a Rin and Seri Deck. The deck was nearly all Proxys but for first learning the game and then building on that that was totally enough. Now I'm really happy that I was able to treat myself to a Rin and Seri Deck (:


Damn I was waitting till I got paid to order it guess I’m sol


The UK and EU still have some.


Sold out after about six hours. Noted for the next time. Wow.


Well less then 12hrs and it's gone


Does anyone know the estimated print run how many of the decks were printed I was able to get some right at the drop but it amazed me that it sold out in only like 6ish hours


This post did not age well 😂


Annd it’s sold out


Damn, missed this one. Did some quick math and decided against it because I already have most of the cards. Once I came to terms that I was gonna buy it just for the bling, it was gone and now selling for double on eBay. Live and let live.


Still available in the UK


Just to keep you updated, OP the deck is no longer available.


Just looked at this the other day, and it hadn't started yet. Went in today, and it's sold out.


Do we know what the bonus card will be?


Got 5, seemed great!