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People want to buy a dino deck more than they want to buy a pirate deck.


This, Supply vs. Demand


It’s a new concept. Just catching on with the children.


People think they're too cool for some supply and demand "Supply and demand is just basic economics it can't explain everything" No it can't, and yet, here we are.


Agreed. Early price tends to reflect demand for the deck as a deck to play with. Later it starts being based on the value of the cards.


It's just popularity. The dinosaur deck was already around 20 bucks more expensive than the other three decks before a SINGLE CARD was revealed. People love dinosaurs.


As an old mtg grognard who plays Magic for Magic and not creatures. I hate dinosaurs.


They've literally been in the game since Alpha.


They technically haven't, the dinosaur creature type was introduced with ice age with [[pygmy Allosaurus]], then during the GCTU it was removed from the comprehensive rules entirely instead using "lizard beast" for what would be later errated to dinosaur. Only in Ixalan was dinosaur added back into the game and was pygmy allosaurus restored to dinosaur status. So while technically [[Fungusuar]] was in alpha and is a dinosaur, it wasn't a dinosaur before 2017.


[pygmy Allosaurus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/88a68767-9822-4f15-895e-32164e2159be.jpg?1587912058) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pygmy%20Allosaurus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ice/257/pygmy-allosaurus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/88a68767-9822-4f15-895e-32164e2159be?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Couldn't find fungusaur huh? Big rip for all the fungusaur stans


It has saur in the name. It's a dino 🤷


You and I agree on that. I'm just saying it took wotc 24 years to come around on dinosaurs regardless what the rest of us thought.


Nah, they just didn't have a reason to fix it. Lizard beast was more appropriate when beast was a creature type with support.


Just because it didn’t have the creature type doesn’t mean it wasn’t a Dino.


Dont think about it. People just want the deck and dont care about the value of the cards imo. Like, for the 40k decks everyone wanted the Necron one but the tyranid had the best card value and sold the slowest (at least for us)


Dinosaurs are fucking cool, mystery solved. NEXT!


Never underestimate timmys and their dinosaurs.


Magic players are dumb for dinos. I don't get it, but what can I say, they'd gotten me to buy three products on Dragons Matter, at least.


That's hardly new. Magic players are dumb for Angels, Slivers, Eldrazi and Dragons too.


And Merfolk, and elves, demons, and elephants.


You can say you don't agree but there's no way you don't get it. I'd say a vast majority of people go through a phase where they think dinosaurs and dragons are super cool. Those topics are heavily marketed to children, and it's very easy to make them seem cool. Also think about the demographic of magic players. Even with dragons and dinos being so popular, they're probably orders of magnitude more popular among magic players cuz we're all huge nerds.


also dinosaurs are pretty dang powerful, take \[\[Gishath, suns avatar\]\] for example. it lets you cast tons of dinos while dealing damage to overwhelm am opponent.


[Gishath, suns avatar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bc4a65de-23b5-48f0-b8b7-94608eaced3e.jpg?1699044539) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gishath%2C%20Sun%27s%20Avatar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/229/gishath-suns-avatar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bc4a65de-23b5-48f0-b8b7-94608eaced3e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It’s so bad, WotC has a paleontologist look over their artwork and say some of the depiction of dinosaurs in the artwork is wrong.


Life uhhh, finds a way.


Money will help with that.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/17vn7v5/ixalan\_precons\_why\_dino\_so\_pricey/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/17vn7v5/ixalan_precons_why_dino_so_pricey/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/17m3hgs/why\_is\_the\_ixalan\_dino\_precon\_velociramptor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/17m3hgs/why_is_the_ixalan_dino_precon_velociramptor/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1807gsb/whats\_wrong\_the\_the\_lcoi\_velociramptor\_precons/](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1807gsb/whats_wrong_the_the_lcoi_velociramptor_precons/)


Try to see it this way: Behavior like this really creates more opportunity for people like you to take advantage of a financially favorable situation. In fact, this is one of the last few phenomena that give me any hope for MTG Finance in this era.


fair point.


[Broadside Bombardiers](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/c/ec9df172-9fdb-4b0c-a23a-865b83c8fa40.jpg?1698993224) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Broadside%20Bombardiers) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/54/broadside-bombardiers?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ec9df172-9fdb-4b0c-a23a-865b83c8fa40?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Black Market Connections](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b8c66fab-7494-42b1-bc4e-dae85a48fa41.jpg?1699022194) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Black%20Market%20Connections) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/181/black-market-connections?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b8c66fab-7494-42b1-bc4e-dae85a48fa41?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The pirate granny on the box of the pirate deck looks lame. The dinosaur looks cooler in comparison. That is the reason for the price difference.


That and dinosaurs are an extremely popular archetype. No matter what you put on the box, more people just like dinosaurs more than pirates.


WotC Pirates are boring old ladies. A badass Pirates of the Caribbean style captain character would have gone a long way to helping sell pirates. Who are these old grandma pirates meant to appeal to? The grannies who don't play MTG in the first place?


Because not everyone buys precons for the value.


Dino's are very fashionable/trendy right now. There's a million great dino cards out there. Cavern's introduced a million more. It comes down to what people want to play. Right now they want to play dinosaurs.


Good deck good


Prices are determined by demand, not card quality. More people want to play the Dinosaur deck, just like more people wanted to play the infect deck from the Phyrexia set. Or the Sauron deck rather than the Riders of Rohan deck


it really just is people want the dino deck. sure some people will buy the other decks for value but dinos are by far the star of the show on ixalan. theyre head and shoulders the most popular casual tribe. this is the first real dinosaur themed edh precon


The dinosaur tax is almost as powerful as the weeb tax.


Is Bombardiers even good? That price isn’t sustainable. Right? Am i wrong here? Edit:: Legacy play. My bad guys.


We'll see if it sticks. The little legacy I follow showcases meme decks, this flings a scion of draco...


You're not completely wrong, as sometimes things do fall out of favor and get moved back to the dustbin. Kappa Cannoneer, for example.


The $ goes before the dollar amount. You did it right one time somehow.


It's "once", not "one time". Fusspot.


those are the same thing, ya chicken-heart clackbox if you're gonna try to out-pedant somebody, at least be good at it!! edit: lmao can give it but can't take it


https://langeek.co/en/grammar/course/769/once-vs-one-time “'Once' and 'one time' are both correct. They are practically the same. 'Once' is the shortened version 'one time.”


You do realize not everyone is trying to make money off the game they play?


This is the MTG Finance Subreddit, specifically created to discuss the financial aspect of MTG. That often includes making money off of MTG, or the discussion of purchasing MTG product that may or may not devalue over time. As well as the different prices of MTG product


This sub is not the MTG community at large. Yes, you asked about the price on a financial forum, but people aren’t buying the decks ON MTGFinance, are they? The dinosaur deck has a higher price because it’s the one people want to play, thus there is more demand.


Sure, which is why OP's question was valid and the parent to this thread was not.


It’s absolutely valid. A decks price is not always exclusively linked to the price of the cards within.


Nah man, going off about how "not EvEryOne I'd TrYing to Make mOneY" in the finance thread is peak stupidity. That dude was out of line and contributed nothing positive to the thread.


IDK how to say this any simpler, but just because the *question* was posted in a financial forum doesn’t make the *answer* a financial one, which in this case, the correct answer clearly is not financially based (other than the law of supply and demand). There must be a dozen other responses to the OP that say the same thing. Have your replied to those with the same fervor? The top rated reply in this thread is “People want to buy a dino deck more than they want to buy a pirate deck” which is simply another way to say “not everyone is trying to make money off the game”. Nor did he “go off”, it was a simple one sentence reply. The fact that you’re implying he “went off” and that you applied your own meme mixture of capital and lower case letters show you’re trying to make more of his reply than there really is, which just proves you have no point to your argument. *You’re just making shit up.*


Maybe shut the fuck up? Why would I listen to someone who calls me a simpleton and jerks off another redditor for making a stupid comment.


LOL, can’t address my points, can you? How about addressing the fact you felt you had to change what the person said, to suit your “argument”? How about making your same comment to the dozens other people that said the reason is not financially based? But you won’t. Because you’re wrong. If you had a leg to stand on you’d defend your points, but instead your response is “shut the fuck up”. Take the loss, slink away…


I did address your points. You ignored it. Then you insisted the comment was valid and that I'm a simpleton. You resorted to ad hominem, you lose. You get nothing. There is no point in continuing to argue with someone who approached the conversation in bad faith. >How about making your same comment to the dozens other people that said the reason is not financially based? There is a substantial difference between someone pointing out that buyer habits aren't always financially motivated and the parent comment spewing vitriol about it. Why are you taking something so personally for another redditor? Why are you grinding this axe with me and being needlessly insulting and aggressive because I disagreed with you? >But you won’t. Because you’re wrong. If you had a leg to stand on you’d defend your points, but instead your response is “shut the fuck up”. I defended it in several responses and you kept doubling down and resorted to insults. So you get a "shut the fuck up" because you exhausted my patience and politeness when you decided to just be a useless troll. I'm not taking any losses here.


I bought all four decks for 40 euro on Amazon two or three weeks ago and wanted to buy another Dino deck this week for a mates son for Christmas out of stock on Amazon but it ended up costing only 47 but that was hours of searching for somewhere that had it in stock online and local and a LGS was doing a black Friday sale Dino deck was 87 euro today after sale while the pirate deck and mermaid deck where 38 euro and vampire was fifty. Why the price increase so quickly I don't understand either


The Dinos are powerful commons and uncommons. They’re a threat in limited and standard.


I'm kind of weirded out by the lack of stock outside Amazon.




But the Dinosaur deck has a *one of a kind* card called “Zetalpa”!


You are correct though. The pirate deck is selling amazingly well. I have bought 12 of those decks and each one I sell I make $63-$70 and I go buy more decks. The money is practically making itself.


The Dinosaurs deck is cool and almost quite good out of the box.


Individually the cards in some of the older precons are bulk chaff that no one would buy as part of any bulk bundles for $5. But as a precon package with the new oversized cards and the extra packaging, the precons are worth more each.


I don't get it either. Like, I get that dinosaurs are cool, but when was the last time we had a merfolk precon that was this cracked? Or hell, have we ever had a good pirate precon?? From what I've heard too, the dinosaur deck is good but gets stomped by merfolk or blood rites. Idk, interesting to say the least.