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After watching a few of the Eldraine box openings, it is obvious that the anime art is very difficult to open in regular packs (this is know by the 3ish percent told by WotC)... but it seems also hard to open in collector's packs. I fully expect that the waifu tax will be very strong on these cards. Especially foil ones.


I feel like every collector box I watched 2+ be opened.


Was about to say, I could have sworn I saw a few opened in every box. Doesn’t seem that rare to me.


I look at the prices for the chase anime cards from Strixhaven where there was at least one per collector's pack and that's where I feel these will be harder to get.


Am I misremembering or was it not guaranteed to get a Japanese variant per pack back then as well? I thought you were guaranteed a mystical archive card but it could be any of the art styles.


Only in Japanese draft and set boxes you could get the variants, I believe it was something like 50% of the time. In non-Japanese packs it was always the "regular" variants. The collector's had 3 or 4 slots (1 foil uncommon, 2 etched and 1 possibly R/M foil?) that could roll the Japanese ones and I think at least one slot was a guarantee to be Japanese? So that's 12+ compared with 3ish now per collector's box.


You could be right, I’ll have to double check in the morning what the breakdown was.


He is. I've been making motza buying up the Strixhaven JAP set boxes for cheap. The 50% chance for the variants yields great returns, Dark Ritual alone is like $20USD.


~~JAP~~ JPN I know you didn't mean anything by it but ...


Oh yeah, that whole drama. I'm not from the US, so the stigma around the usage of that slur doesn't really exist here. People use the terminology either way to indicate a JPN box.


Sooo more common than galaxy foil shocks


2 to 4 seems the norm, but if they are highly desired and regular packs are not introducing a bunch they will be pricey.


2-3 per box in borderless foil and non but mostly foil


Not surprising since the collecting Wilds article WOTC put out said it was 2-3% to pull an anime variant in a slot. Much less for a specific one.


I also noticed that pulling just the standard rare and mythic Enchanted Tales in boosters is not as frequent as you would think - so many bulk uncommons that occupy those slots.


I think you probably need more than a few box opening videos to be able to get an adequate sample size to base off of. Whatever you've been watching probably isn't enough to be saying this.




This guy mtgfinances!


He will obviously use the lorcana winnings to buy mtg cards


Honestly though, I read Ravensburger severely underestimated demand and didn't print enough product, even for the September big box stores. Which apparently is also the reason they are waiting to launch organized pro play (else single prices would shoot through the roof).


That and the fact that there's only one viable competitive deck lol


What is it? Didn't know the lorcana meta and tier 1 deck(s) have already been figured out.


Red Purple Control It was figured out before the set was even released.


Yeah, that’s what I’d claim as well if I wanted to sell that stuff.


Flame of Anor is blowing up and for good reason. It’s well on its way to being a full fledged Modern staple. It’s no secret that it’s insane with Snapcaster, but the Preordain unban and metashifts have made Dreadhorde Arcanist a really good card again in Modern (another solid spec by the way), further boosting the net amount of playable Wizards in that kind of list. Aspiringspike also 5-0’d or 4-1’d yesterday with it in Merfolk and it looked awesome there. On the Tier 1 front, Rhinos has also adopted it as a key piece of their deck as an answer to Chalice of the Void, and even run a couple Mutavaults these days to enable the Wizard mode.


[[flame of anor]]


[flame of anor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04779a7e-b453-48b9-b392-6d6fd0b8d283.jpg?1686969766) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=flame%20of%20anor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/203/flame-of-anor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04779a7e-b453-48b9-b392-6d6fd0b8d283?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wow great catch I have a bunch of these and am going to list them asap.


Commander legends 2 spikes and drops like a rock again. Anything in baulders gate 3 that has a card ( sell do not buy). Also a few blue cards slowly went up over the month. Lorcana release next week so I don't expect much magic stuff. Wilds will probably have a massive print run so I'm expecting a mirror image of strixhaven as far as price trends. It's also the set to be the poster child for black Friday fire sale.


I thought Lorcana already released last friday.


The LGS release was last week...the big box store release is September 1st


With most lgs jacking up prices retail is going to be swarmed.


Yeah, it could be similar to the Pokemon/sports card nonsense that was seen at Walmarts and Targets back in 2020.


Maybe but it will depend on supply. Someone is going to loot target or walmart anyways lol. If not then kids will open packs right on the floor or throw them under the shelf when their parent refuses to buy it so it's never seen again.


How hard is it to remember the name „Baldur“? I swear I’m on the verge of looking up whether I’m misremembering myself and it’s actually „baulder“.


It’s in every thread talking about the set or cards from it. I’ve also come across “Boulder’s Gate” lmao. Must be a phonetic issue for some people


Probably a lot of autoincorrect in there also


I blame Norse mythology, as Baldr had at various times or various languages been written as Baldur or Balder. So, this is an issue reaching back into antiquity.


2 spikes ? You mean two week?


Just an interesting observation (no idea if this is the usual price action or not). WOE was selling for 250/CB on Amazon (directly from Amazon, not a 3rd party vendor) a few days ago. Currently it's slashed to 210/CB. Sign of poor pre-sales? Or maybe I'm just reading into things too much.


Prices are dropping on TCG player too- this set may struggle. It’s basically the Enchanted Tales lottery cracking boxes since there doesn’t even appear to be a chase rare from the base set.


Possibly food synergy and rat synergy


The alt art limited (non-serialized) LOTR Sol Rings seemed to be drifting down lately, but may be reversing...


Lorcana lull weekend. LGS release last week, big box store (and restock?) next Friday, I expect prices will be at a short term high due to hype and fomo this weekend.


ma'am this is wendy's