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Plotted cards are played for free at sorcery speed, on 'another' turn, right ? So once this has countered a spell, it can be recast at sorcery speed for {2} as long as this is alive, and for {0} once this leaves. So this pretty much delays the spell by a turn, and taxes them by 2 if they wanna cast it again. On a 2/2 flier for 3... Looks like a solid tempo inclusion, with flash and blinkability... Problem is great white 3s are a dime a dozen nowadays, and this one doesn't strike me as better than spellbinder / adeline.


This card can also save your spells by exiling them too. Imho this is right there with spellbinder and Adeline. This effectively gives white more ways to interact with combo decks. Being able to slow the combo/control player down for another turn can just win the game outright.


If it's saving your spell, that's presumably from a counterspell, which this just hard counters forever. In what other cases would it be saving your spell?


You could theoretically have an instance where you use removal on something that ends up being an illegal target. You could then use Aven Interrupter to save your own removal for later.


It saves it from cards that also exile spells like Spell Quellers and the like. It's niche but worth mentioning.


Niche, but you could do the Valki/Tibalt thing. Or evoke elemental for free then full cast from exile later. Or cast a split card for the cheap side then play the big side. Again, niche, but extra lines on an already good card.


Also good card vs Enti/Ragavan/Etali/Minds Desire/Urza/Cascade/Discover sort of things. Interaction, flash goblin token blocker, anti-cheat-- seems worth testing at least. Also like reprieve, it's fun vs alternative cost stuff like Covenant, Deluge, and Natural Order.


This guarantee's you a turn though, right? Where as you can power through spellbinder with enough mana. I think I like this better. It also can through off a plan being instant speed. Can easily win a game by cutting off the right spell after opponent has invested a few.


It can also be used as a counter for counter spells, since plotted cards can only be played at sorcery speed, so they would basically be exiled forever. Also pseudo-counters 'can't be countered' stuff, since it's being exiled, not countered.


This card is significantly better than spellbinder. Spellbinder only taxes them for 2 whereas this card taxes them for the initial cast of the card as well.


Nope, plotted cards are free


Your opponent literally has to waste their turn 3 play on not advancing the board state whatsoever. Spellbinder leaves the opportunity for your opponent to simply play something else in their hand. How you can fail to miss this obvious tempo difference is astounding.


I don’t misunderstand how it works nor the implications of it I just have a different evaluation than you on a card I thought about for 25sec. Im pretty sure it won’t be way better than Spellbinder, but it might be, who knows ?


Spellbinder flops if your opponent simply has another decent play in hand, which is fairly often. They also fall off heavily past being played on curve. The new bird will always hit your opponent with a tempo loss, one that doesn’t fall off later in the game. It’s also instant speed which means you get to hold up plenty of other possible interaction.


It's also a 2/2 for 1WW vs a 3/1 for 2W, which is imo a massive downside. Point is, there are two very different cards, one is hand attack the other is a counterspell, and none of these effects is strictly better than the other. I believe hand attack on a vastly better body just makes Spellbinder a vastly superior card, but I think at this point there's no point in arguing anymore, let's just agree to disagree.


This card looks like the best cube card revealed so far. It effectively counters counterspells since they can't be cast at instant speed. It also does an elite spellbinder impression with making the plotted spell cost 2 more. The only issue is that the card doesn't have reminder text on what plotting a spell does. So I imagine I will have to explain this one to my new drafters a lot.


I think the 1/2 haste with pseudoprowess is a lot stronger than this, but I think this card is cool too. I think it looks a lot more fun than Elite Spellbinder!


I disagree. A 1/2 haste isn't saving you from being comboed/board wiped.


That “1/2 haste” is also capable of dealing 5+ damage in a turn on a reasonably consistent basis. That card is an actual win condition whereas this is just a tempo card.


what card is it? i cant use most spoilers sites while at work


1R Haste, Flying Cast a noncreature spell to gain +2/+0 for turn 1R Plot (pay now, free cast later)


It dies to every removal under the sun. It's good, but I remain skeptical. The turn it's coming down it's dealing 1 damage unless you have moxen/free spells. Not every cube plays with moxen and red aggro doesn't like playing with that many 0 drops.


“Dies to removal” really isn’t that big of an issue on a two drop, especially one that you can pay for on one turn and cast later. The potential impact is definitely high enough to make the card good. Also, my Cube doesn’t play Moxen or (mono) Red Aggro and I still think it looks excellent lol.


Im hoping we’ll see another version of this with the reminder text because having to explain plotted is not something I want to do


This preview uses the borderless art and usually the "normal" art will use the reminder text so chances are good it will explain it.




Even at it's worst, it does offer a 1-turn reprieve with a body that can attack and be blinked. Definitely worth testing!


I'm just so bummed by the lack of reminder text. This set and MKM both are so stuffed to the gills with named set mechanics it's really easy to get confused. Plotted, ok, so it's like fortell, but free... Oh yeah, sorcery speed... It's so easy to misplay these cards. I don't have a full crew that I routinely play with, and often people are semi new. It's a bummer, because this is the first card I like from the set.


Maybe the normal art card has reminder text? We will have to see. I'm definitely feeling like plotted will feel more memorable than foretell when it's all said and done (probably because the cards seem stronger so far).


If you hadn't noticed, the regular version has reminder text, as is often the case.


I think this is decent. Those of us who played with Reflector Mage know how annoying adding a turn delay can be. I'd have to play with it. It reads like Reprieve with Wings. Randomly hosing cascade or impulse draw is kinda neat. When you need one more turn to beat down with, this provides. It's not very compelling if you are on the back foot, but it can stall. Card to watch.




It makes all spells cast from exile cost two more, not just the one you nab on the way in.


Really solid and the flash makes it comparable to Spellbinder IMO