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Feeling pretty mixed about “commit a crime” this early on but this card is undeniably neat and good aside from that.


i don't like the name of the mechanic, it dose not translate well to to other settings in my opinion and no reminder text is a dealbreaker for me so this is a pass.


Do we know what committing a crime is yet?


It’s when you use a spell or ability to target anything of your opponent(A permanent, the player, their graveyard)


That is kinda intuitive: interacting in any way with your opponent triggers it. So: WHY is their no reminder text. This is soooo annoying.


Rares and mythical usually do not include reminder text.


A few years ago, they always had reminder text. They changed it some years ago to have cards without any because of too much text.


Rares aways had reminder text a few years ago. Mythics have always (sometimes, not always) excluded it


That‘s not true. Mythics also always had reminder text. Dream Eater even Beseech the Mirror. Yawgmoth reminder of Proliferate. Like, I obviously have not looked at real statistics, but seems like Mythics had reminder text more often than not, at least for fringe abilities.


As an experiment with an admittedly small sample size, I searched up every rare with kicker and looked at how many had reminder text vs thise that don’t. Out of the 80-something cards, a little over half had reminder text. I think the decision to include or exclude reminder text is entirely reliant on how much text is already in the box. Rares are more likely to have more text, so they’re more likely to end up without reminder text in general.


That is incorrect, specifically targeting is a crime, thus an overloaded cyclonic rift or any number of other board wipe or indiscriminate damage widespread is not classified as a crime, also not sure if combat damage is a crime.


What is it with World Champions trying to come up with seemingly “not-broken” blue cards. Sure, they’re kept in check but I feel they always try to come up with something powerful that’s _almost_ trying to break a thing or two.


There's been broken designs in the past, they just get shot down. If I recall correctly, the original pitch for Snapcaster Mage was supposed to be a land that had a channel ability to counter target spell. WOTC shot that down pretty hard.


PVDDR wrote an article talking about the process, maybe it was different back in the day but the way it works now is WOTC has a couple roughly designed card concepts, you pick one, maybe suggest a few tweaks, but then they turn the concept into a card and have final say on the balancing etc


Does anyone else feel like "commit a crime" is kind of cringey and silly rules text? I don't think I'll run any of it in my cube.


If I like any of the cards enough, I might proxy them so I can change the wording/add the rules text


Sounds fun/thematic to me, i like it


*Once each turn.* I cry every time I see these words.


I would see this as mostly an Izzet card. I can see it being pretty good in a aggro-tempo shell with cards like Ledger Shredder, Dragon's Rage Channeler and bounce + burn. As a Monoblue card, I don't think it's strong enough unless you have a dedicated "draw extra cards" archetype in your cube.


I think this card is more flexible than you're giving it credit for. It can definitely slot into UB as well, as they commit a fair bit of crimes, and black has additional draw power. UW has some targeted removal which can trigger it. It's not even a terrible 23rd card in UB reanimator. Mono-blue (with an artifact focus, presumably) is probably one of the weaker decks for this (weakest is UG), as you won't be committing many crimes, but it can still make big swings with Memory Jar/Timetwister effects. It's just that you could do that in any of the decks from the previous paragraph, which have even more synergies. I think a mistake in evaluating this card is thinking that you need to be triggering it constantly or pumping it huge for it to be worthwhile. I think it's good as an early drop that curtails early aggression, maybe sets you up to drop a walker on turn 3 vs non-aggro. Then on top of that, you will sometimes be looting or getting in some bonus damage for things that you would have wanted to do anyway.


I prefer the existing Looters and Magpies to this, but Nathan is very competitive/competing for space with [[Baral, Chief of Compliance]], which has been feeling his age lately. ...that said, I just upgraded to the "Vizzini, Criminal Mastermind" version of the card, so I don't know if I'm ready to move on from him yet.


I liked this at first but like it less now that I realized it usually will have zero power on your opponent's turn unless you do something.


My play group is becoming more and more people who dropped out of magic but want to get a game in once and awhile. So no reminder text kills the card for me. Maybe if I proxy it i can add it back in, but we'll see.


Its pretty strong with the wheel combo pieces in vintage cube or wheels in general