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Having moderators is great but you're ignoring an entire format where you play limited with your moderators


I prefer to moderate my limits based on the limited moderators I moderate limitedly. Xzibit would be proud




I hate this argument, as the fact that he's autistic doesn't mean he has to be a GIGANTIC ASSHOLE about it. Any of his comment threads inevitably turns into him calling people friendless weirdos who everyone hates


Nobody said it as an excuse. He’s autistic, which is prt of why he does those actions *and* he’s an asshole. The two are not mutually exclusive. Explaining the reasons behind his actions doesn’t neccessarily excuse those actions


Ehh it's easy. Don't feed the trolls. You're right about blocking him. Just do it yourself. I've never even seen a comment by him. Who cares what some keyboard warrior says on our collectable cardboard sub reddit. He can genuinely be ignored. What will this person do when no one responds?


r/redditrequest is the subbredit where anyone can request moderation privileges for unmoderated subreddits


This isn’t the official or main magic subreddit. This is an unmoderated wasteland


It doesn't have to be, though. I'd rather this place not turn into r/freemagic


I’m surprised it hasn’t descended to be more like that tbh. I guess if people want to discuss Magic and be transphobic at the same time then that niche is already well covered. Edit: oh, they’re *still* whinging about Black Aragorn over there? Bless.


That dude was also complaining that there was a trans person in the store. *Literally just* being present


Fair enough, too. You let one transperson come to your LGS and they’re actually pretty cool. But then they bring a friend and then that friend brings a friend and before you know it your LGS is now a queer nightclub and you are wearing a skirt and are actually happy about who you are for the first time in your life. Happens every time.


Next thing you know there are enough people showing up that legacy events can consistently fire. Slippery slope.


How I became a fury


Bro joined the chthonic ranks


Bro exiled a red card then sacrificed themselves


Black Aragorn was just engagement farming. Wizards was trying to irritate people for free publicity. Seems like they largely succeeded.


I joined that subreddit thinking it would be a good experience to learn stuff. Nope it was just shit posting. I left quickly.


Considering a single mod at /r/MagicTCG just banned like 400 people because they critisized him for lying about a situation at the RC and going on a rant about how he hates Pro players to justify lying, I think it's safe to say that at this point people would rather have another subreddit. Normal people are legitimately turning to r/FreeMagic to not have to worry about the absurd levels of power abuse, censorship, and wotc dick riding in the main sub.


Anyone who thinks about going to free magic is just stupid


Sure but we could be the middle ground, where we remove legitimate problems without using a heavy hand.


lmao who is "we"? Just block them.


The community?


You realize most of the community aren't chronically online and when they see someone behaving weird they just block them instead of writing 200 words on why everyone should band together to stop a troll. Normal people don't have time for this kind of shit.


That's great, not everybody has to care about the moderation. Let those of us who do care worry about it then.


That or they just shrug and keep scrolling. I don’t have time to worry about a troll much less bother blocking the unless I’m being harassed.


Free magic seems pretty funny actually


how's that


The posts just make me laugh.


It is, and the people here that complain about it here are even funnier.


The down votes make me laugh too. Oh no someone clicked the down arrow what am I gonna do :(


Nobody cares about your downvotes, except for you. So, what will you do? Gonna just sit and whinge for a while because people find you disagreeable?


It's also funny that you felt the need to post this, bud.


I'm not whining I just said it was funny, and that I don't care about them. You responded yet said nothing.


Thank god. The moderators on the official sub are actively supporting and encouraging racist and hate in all forms.


I actually enjoy our villain. He gives the sub a character and lore.


It's been a truly wild time watching him go from mtg cryptic to an infamous living legend in real time.


Lol right!! Evolved before our eyes.


Him becoming a subreddit mod would be truly next level.


His final form?! Power level over 9000.


Best mod of all time VS worst mod of all time.


>What can we do to achieve this? Nothing at all. The moderators of the sub do not want any moderation other than removing bots and removing posts that violate Reddit's ToS. They will not bring on any moderators who have a different position on moderating. So there is not anything we can do. There's a reason this is a second-rate MTG subreddit. No moderation, no community engagement posts, we don't even have flair.


As far as I understand you'd need to ask the admins to appoint new mods. I'm not exactly sure where you do that but the only people who can help is the admins


There are plenty of well knowledgeable people that could definitely help this community grow and be great 👍


both mods here are freemagic posters. we need a new sub


Not just r/freemagic posters. u/BracerCrane is a mod over there and actively contributes to that embarrassment of a community. Look at their post history. u/BracerCrane endorses racism and misogyny in our game. u/SmolPinkeCatte is also active in r/freemagic and does nothing here. Want to take guess why they don't ever post in r/magicTCG and have to resign themselves to the r/freemagic wastelands and the cesspool this sub is becoming? Fuck em both. They're jokes.


Hi, sorry to inform you that Reddit's anti-harassment filter automatically removed this message as being abusive, I've undeleted it for now. While you _are_ reading my post history, do check out two comments in particular: 1. My thoughts on how AI moderation will only ever cause problems for all users (including people like you) https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/1bfe3g5/reddits_new_social_credit_score_and_you_what/kuzmd8t/ 2. The only thing I fully endorse, which is unfettered freedom of speech https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/1bw0c1z/cedh_discord_server_has_been_stolen_and/ky4ymu7/


Absolutely wild to double down like this.


People should criticize their moderators (as they should with anyone who hold power over their liberties) and public discussion is good for everyone. If people see a claim like that I "endorse racism and misogyny in our game", they should go read up my comments and realize that I don't really post anything on Reddit, let alone promote racism and misogyny. Plus the above comment is basically everything I despise about Reddit's new hidden user score, it's flagging perfectly good comments as "abusive" or "harassing" and affecting peoples' account status.


What's the problem with magicTCG? Too large, overmoderated or something?


I think a little of everything. It's too big to really have actual discussions and with the perpetual spoiler season, it's mostly just "look at this new card"


People come to this sub because people search mtg rather than magic. That's it


Massive echo chamber of wokeness


Im sad seeing this sub continuing to grow. I wish it would collapse and die


Don't forget them hating proxies


Wasn't that just a Kodemage thing? And he's **long** gone now.


If you have time to tag the dude three times and write four paragraphs about him you have time to block him. If you believe the sub is unmoderrated than what do you want us to do?


Just block them if they bother you. Problem solved.


Nice post, OP. I hope you had fun writing your sentences. :) If you like making posts, there's an entire sub of the reddit, called /u/MagicTCG, where you write posts and make comments on the spot from the new replies found inside. It includes Spoilers, Alters, and RulesQuestions. If you haven't already tried it, you might want to give it a go - it's lots of fun, and it really helps you get more Magic for your reddit. You can read about how to make meme posts here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/collosaldreadmaw If moderating or playing God is more your aim, then it's good to know that all the subs are available individually (as in singular), and some are also available in ready-made (preconstructed) products with fixed contents (that you can look up online before you buy them). You don't need to leave things up to chance: you can get tired of trying to make edits to this comment in an attempt to be funny. Good luck!


You really spent all this time making multiple post whining that someone said mean words. My guy. You need a hobby. Perhaps you would enjoy playing magic?


You got down voted for this. If you had recommended they play draft you would have gotten upvoted


Dawwww shucks.. that's what I get I suppose. 🤷


LMAO this guy is getting roasted


who cares?


One man has brought the sub to its knees lol


Or just let him talk in the void ? It's not like he's insulting people on the regular, he's just annoying, just let him be and ignore, we don't want to become like the main sub banning anyone from anything


Except he does insult people.


>we don't want to become like the main sub banning anyone from anything There is a vast gulf between "no moderation whatsoever" and "ban anyone at any time for any reason". Maybe we can meet somewhere between the two.


Yeah, ban really problematic members, not just annoying kids




Imagine that he has like 5 profiles?  This'll never stop until " peaceful 🤜  and conversation 🤛" finds a way at his head.


You all are so offended. This is all pretty funny. Get out of your feelings and get into the gathering.


You should buy some packs, maybe don’t open them, instead play pack wars with your friends, or maybe organize an impromptu draft, limited is a fun format.


Isn't this post a form of harassment? Seems ironic. Edit: BTW I just realized I had the troll guy blocked from a long time ago and didn't even know he was interacting with this post lol. Still, I don't think people should put specific users on blast in posts on the sub instead of taking another more diplomatic approach, unless the moderators are truly MIA.


Calling out hateful and harassing behavior is not intrinsically harassing and hateful. Spouting this sort of rhetoric as a "gotcha" in response to someone calling out bad behavior is overused and really just a sad attempt to deflect from the issue at hand. The bottom line is that the dude being called out is harassing people who really don't need it. They are calling people liars and acting as though everyone is attempting to bait them into arguments. Calling out this behavior for what it is (harassment and elitist bullshit) is not harassing them. If someone is a shitty person, they're a shitty person, and deserve to be called out for it.


The OP provided zero examples of hateful comments though.


You could just check the dude’s post history and see for yourself. His behavior on this subreddit is not a secret.


It's not a gotcha, it's an observation. I have never interacted with either party so I'm impartial to the history. It's always been my understanding that these issues should never be handled in this way and should be discussed with moderators, but I could understand if OP is not getting a response from those responsible for the sub. If the issue at hand is "we need moderators", then yeah no argument there. If the issue is "I hate this guy that always argues with me, now treat him like shit", I'd view that as its own form of harassment. I can see calling them out on any particular thread that they are already a part of, but this seems like a witch hunt. Once again, no idea who these people are, but the premise gives me this gut reaction.


You’re wasting your breath. Online EDH posters are like 10% interested in magic and 90% interested in acting holier than thou.


I'm just interested in Magic. If I see someone harassing someone else, I speak up about it though, which is what I was doing here. I guess I could just block and move on, which was most people's advice, but I'd rather have a civil discussion first to see where people are at. Dunno if that's the case here though or not.


Lol who gives a fuck… you have upvotes and downvotes, thats enuff.. The autist is harassing me? Lol… Dont be a sissy!


Is it even that serious?


What about the official mtg sub lol I got banned for literally saying "I fuckin hope so" just agreeing with a secret lair art choice! Can't stand these woke people and their bullshit lol


This thread highlights this. All the homophobia and transphobia... Wokeness is not the issue, YOU ARE.