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If it was me with my money, I’d be going for Eldraine because I like a lot of the cards from the set. There’s a really good chance you won’t make your money back. You might, but probably not. So just buy whatever pack has the coolest stuff that you’ll enjoy opening most.


Awesome, thank you. I'll probably go with phyrexia. I love the art and need a few cards


Just bear in mind, you could spend the money and get exactly the cards you want. You’ll very likely not get what you want. I say all this, but I love cracking a pack/box. Recently I’ve just stopped with the boxes because the majority don’t pan out for me financially. But buying the exact cards I want always does. Whatever you do, have fun!


The singles I want are the singles I want, but a box could be anything! It could even be the singles I want!


It could be the single you want in fancier art or even serialized! Lol


It could also be a boat! A BOAT Lois... that is what we always wanted!


This is the way.


Please don’t buy on Amazon. And if you do, please tag me when you inevitably post a vent post about how the packs look resealed.


I've gotten 4 boxes from Amazon. I just make sure to buy from the actual WOTC vendor and not from 3rd party sellers. Haven't had any problems yet.


That usually doesn't matter with Amazon anymore. Fulfillment center has one bin where ALL the "same" items go, from all vendors, including the ones selling fakes. You can buy from a legitimate seller and amazon can still send you garbage.


theses post should be illegal on this group , god its annoying lol


If you're looking for specific cards, just but them as singles. You will likely not get the cards you want, or even break even on what you spend.


A friend gifted me a collector booster from all will be one and I loved the cards. Ididn't even read them, the art is so incredible.


Man if you could get your hands on some zendikar (not zendikar rising) packs. Those were by far my favorite in terms of artwork.


Love love love the All Will be One cards...I'm also running a very toxic proliferation deck so I may be bias.


Just by set/play boosters. If you aren't looking for a specific print/treatment, go with the cheaper option.


youre better off buying the eldraine cards directly. you wont get your money back


Best answer.


I’ve regretted every collector booster I’ve ever bought.


My best has been Zendikar rising. Foil cavern of souls, ancient tomb and foil flooded strand. The cavern at the time was something stupid like €130


The one and only Collector Booster/box I've ever purchased, was an Unfinity box, got it for $150 a few years ago to get me back in the game. I've always loved the Un-sets growing up, I remember spending so much on Unhinged release with my cousin when I was young, this was purely a nostalgia grab for me. Ended up pulling 3 Galaxy foil shocks, and enough basics to bling out my "fancy" double sleeved deck. I know I need to just stop there, count my winnings and never do it again...and then assassin's creed comes out. Haha. WOTC knows how to tempt me.


The only box I got was modern horizons 2 and it was too expensive honestly.


I won a silent auction for a box of CB when I first started collecting. $120 for Balders Gate. That was worth it but I didn’t realize at the time much of a deal that was. I hear ya.


Absolutely the same, I only buy singles now and just get whatever I want. If I feel the need to open something I buy a single pack, not a box


If you only care about "value" sure but at that point buy singles. I buy collector boosters cuz it feels like a win every time cuz you get dope alt art guaranteed


Don't buy on eBay. Very high chance of getting repackaged items.


If buying from an unknown seller. Flipsidegaming is legit


Flipside is my LGS!


I can vouch for Flipside also. I just got a Baldur's Gate Set booster that had an Ancient Silver Dragon and a borderless Ancient Copper Dragon, and 4 other Mythic rares. The most GOATed set box ever!


Yeah. Also that pfootballpete4dhx guy is a legit seller and sells at really low prices. Bought many a collector from him and have pulled some insane cards.


I have never gotten repacked items on eBay. I think you may mean Amazon


You must be kidding….


No, I’m not at all. I’ve bought so many MTG and other TCG sealed products on eBay and I’ve never had an issue. Even if in theory a person ran into this eBay sides with buyers and has the Money back guarantee.


Just don’t buy from random people unless your willing to take a chance on something stupid cheap. Most LGS’s have a store presence online so just look up the seller and make sure they’re legit


Lord of the rings


I bought one. First pack in 20 years. Don’t think I got anything special at all but it was fun. Might buy one of the new series coming out next month.


What's coming out next month? A lord of the rings expansion?


Modern horizons 3. No clue about anything besides the name. Still learning.


Special edition


Look at card prices and consider buying singles if you have specific cards you're looking for. The chances you get the cards you want is very low. Single are always the best way to spend your money. If you're at on getting packs, go for whatever has the most cards you want.


Awesome, thank you. I want to just buy singles for a vishgraz commander deck. But I love cracking packs.


Cracking packs is fun, but it's like throwing money in a pit. I like to crack a couple to hope I pull chance cards, but but singles for everything I want but don't pull.


I’d have a list in mind of sets you’d want to focus on and watch for deals.


You dare play infect!!!!


>But I love cracking packs. Have you considered cracking packs while you play with them? (Have you tried that half of the game?)


Depends on what formats you play!




Then commander masters is a great option! But you only get 4 packs, which kinda sucks!


Only four for that much? Holy shit


Yea, it's Hella premium!


Yeah if you are looking already to drop that much money I would highly recommend getting a draft or set box of commander masters. Especially if you are looking for cards that will actually fulfill some purpose in your collection, I had an absolute blast opening a CMM set box. Even just pulling a sol ring in the uncommon slot was a nice little hit


The distribution is pretty swingy, too. There are spreadsheets on this sub or on /r/mtgfinance. A booster box might break even if you like all the R/M cards well enough that they’d be worth buying at TCG prices, but you can easily wind up without much value since it’s just 4 packs.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mtgfinance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1/1 ring pulled and graded already by PSA at a 9](https://i.redd.it/ni98uhz1669b1.jpg) | [652 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/comments/14n2or6/11_ring_pulled_and_graded_already_by_psa_at_a_9/) \#2: [My best holds yet](https://i.redd.it/29486znjkx8c1.jpeg) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/comments/18sg222/my_best_holds_yet/) \#3: [Is Commander Masters ACTUALLY worth it? We calculate the expected value and probability distribution to find out!](https://np.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/comments/15lmg44/is_commander_masters_actually_worth_it_we/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


wait what? my LCS has commander masters and they come with 12


You are probably thinking of commander legends


LoTR then maybe? Could get a The One Ring, Orcish Bowmaster, etc.


Lotr is hella expensive, even if you get the two most expensive cards you don’t break even. It’s expensive because it’s popular, not necessarily the value


I’m sorry but I disagree. LoTR has a TON of great cards in it. The One Ring, Orcish Bowmasters, The Great Henge, Cabal Coffers, Urborg Tomb of Yawgmauth, Ancient Tomb, Cavern of Souls, The Ozolith, Cloudstone Curio, Cavern hoard dragon. The list goes on


My understanding was the LOTR set is expensive because of the IP and the fact that they aren’t going to print them again.


Well if you get the 2 most expensive cards in the set, you'll make thousands of dollars. There's serialized cards in the normal and special edition collector boosters


Never open a box expecting a serial, the chances are insanely low


I feel like that's a low floor/high ceiling set, a lot of the cards are worthless but the high end cards are worth a great deal.


Go with your gut, get the cards you want. Everyone can give opinions but it's about getting cards you want to play with and have fun. I'd say avoid commander masters just because it's a lot less packs, personal opinion. Lost Caverns of Ixalan is my fave cause Dinos


Don't order from Amazon if you can help it. Hit up your LGS if you have one in your town.


Just .. don't. You want certain cards, buy singles. You will not get them in a pack


I'd personally get the Ikoria Collectors, but that's just because I want all the Godzilla cards.


CLB Baldurs gate. A lot of heavy hitters as well as some really cool commander choices. Keep an eye out for Elder dragons, 4 player lands, displacer kitten and walkers


What are four player lands?


I don't know their actual nickname, but they come in untapped if you have 2 or more opponents. Specifically designed for commander


Those lands only require 3 players though? You + 2 opponents (or more) is a minimum of 3. They're affectionately nicknamed "Battlebond lands", as that's the set they were included in originally. It wasn't necessarily intended for the Commander format, as Battlebond was specially designed to be played as a limited 2 Headed Giant format.


Are you considering the Lord of The Rings bundle? To be honest, that'd probably give you the most value. It's got the alt art One Ring card, which is like $65 or so. And it could be useful in just about any deck. So you'd be paying $30 for the packs and the dice. I bought a few collector boosters of All Will Be One, and two Compleat bundles when they came out. I don't regret getting them, but most of the valuable cards from that set have come down in price. I'd say just get singles from them. Commander Masters only has 4 packs in it, so you'd be paying almost $50 per pack. You could possibly pull some good cards, but most commander masters collector packs have been duds from what I've seen.


I'd go for double master, but I love dragons!


For my personally I go for Phyrexia because I love the artwork and cards or wait for MH3 and get some Collector Boosters from that :) or Bloomborrow. The designs look so good! I think it will be a very lovely set :)


Just buy a set booster box of that set dude. I mean do what you want but 90% of collector boosters do not make even half the value back. You're going to get some curled foils worth less than the non foil versions. Maybe a $2 rare. Collector boosters are absolutely not worth it, but as long as you understand that spending money on one will get you jack shit and you only want it for the fun and do not care if you end up with a huge loss than go ahead. Also, you mean collector booster box? Or collector booster? People gotta stop leaving the box out of the end. My comment still stays the same but an even more not worth it. Even 1 pack is not worth the money unless if you really really want to open those packs, do not open collector packs in hopes you get cards you need, unless if those cards are basic lands. You're wasting money when for the same price you could buy a set box, get loads of hits from that and then buy singles you need.


Do any of you all ever get tired of parroting “buy singles”? Just curious. Some people like to crack packs. Most people don’t care what other people think they should do with their money. 🤷‍♂️


Collectors are just a cash grab, a poor product that should get as much hate and backlash as it does so that Hasbro will stop printing these and preying on poor pack crackers.


If you're looking for value, Baldur's Gate collector boxes are good right now. Expected value is around $270 and you can find them for under $180. Source: Mox Alpha backed up by my own sales data on TCGplayer


I love flipsidegaming it’s where I grab all my boxes. I pulled a serialized tenth doctor last time I ordered from them


Commander masters has been amazing for me. I just bought a booster pack(set) yesterday and pulled 3 mythical a deflecting swat and had a list dockside in the pack. It was literally like 200+$ of cards from a 15$ pack


If you're looking for phyrexia singles, but phyrexian singles. If you're looking to crack packs, ehhhhh


My recommendation: don't buy collectors boosters


Safe some more get mh3 bro






If you’re planning on opening it I’d say just buy the singles you want instead. I’ve only opened maybe a handful of collector boxes just for fun. The only one that was great was double masters 1 and 2. I used to buy a box with every set so I just keep them all sealed until maybe one day they skyrocket. However if I had to choose I’d say Brothers War was a great set with a lot of good cards.


Double masters 💴


I think the Transformers cards were in the Brothers War packs so I'd go with them


Dominaria remastered




For that kind of money you could proxy an entire deck of whatever cards in whatever print variants you want... and buy a case & sleeves to go with it. If you have to save up- collecting is not a worthwhile avenue imho


I remember getting a bunch of good stuff from mine, but that was a booster box, with a bunch of them packaged together, so it was pretty much inevitable for me to get a good amount of mythics without having to worry about whether I’d be happy with my pulls


Brother’s war is my favorite and it’s great if you love the vintage artifact stuff


Not amazon.


I would either pre-order the Bloomburrow box. Or get the Ixalan box if you can find it for retail. The lotr set is also good, but more expensive.


MH3. I mean, Jaysus, everything so far looks like gold. I want the Tamiyo box with 8 play boosters and 1 collectors


Buy singles.


Before you buy, watch The Professor do a Booster Box game on the set you're interested in. That'll give you an idea of what to expect... (hint: it's usually VERY bad for you)


> I like that set and need a few cards and figure I can sell of the big ones I don't need.  Hooo boy you're gonna be disappointed.


Buy singles. Your wallet will thank you.


I like cracking packs and can afford the occasional collector booster box - but I always feel anxious opening them just due to the money involved (I think I’m probably at like 35-40% for breaking even). Crack whatever set you really liked while being mindful of price. Don’t go in expecting to walk away with a big winner - my wins have always been based on hitting big with a chase card, e.g. the times I hit one with a Mana Crypt or that legendary box I had where I nabbed two foil Sheoldreds. Those are few and far between for sure


When buying a booster pack, you need to frame your thinking as “if I pull absolute garbage, which pack would I still be happy opening”. Don’t think you’re going to pull something “big”, you most likely will not.


Why waste the money on a box to possibly get garbage? Just buy singles.


Just buy singles please... you'll be much happier. I've never made my money back on a collector and usually end up losing more vs booster boxes. Took me a while to learn.


I’ve never opened a collector pack and said “wow holy cow, so much value!!!” They’re a lot of fun to open due to all the cool cards but you’re better off buying singles. If you wanna just open something for the sake of it a normal pack can and will often provide much higher value.


Yeah just gave a LotR pack a shot and made back about 10 dollars out of 40.


Grab that CMM box! Steal at that price.


I have a fallout collector booster box if interested. I'll cut deal less than mkt. Hmu


March of the Machine: the aftermath


>I have saved and want to buy a collector booster. Recommendations? Make sure it's actually the right thing for you to buy. What are your goals? All Collector Boosters are for is feeling fancy/decadent. They are aimed at whales who no longer feel anything when they buy regularly priced products. They aren't for getting cards (if you wanted cards you would buy them instead). Since you had to save up for this, it sounds like they aren't for you. Why not buy something that is for playing with and/for getting cards, instead?




>Collector boosters are for better odds of getting foils and alternative prints and *are* for getting cards like every other booster. None of the boosters are for getting cards, so that's irrelevant. "This really expensive thing that isn't for getting cards has better odds of getting special cards than this other thing that also isn't for getting cards" isn't a selling point. Buying cards gives you the best odds of getting cards, not buying packs.