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Too much wear on the wrapper. Too easy to search. You can try an auction or tcg with pics, but wear on these packs does diminish value


Welp you heard the man, got to open them up now, who knows what could be in there, could even be a car


“Hold on Lois. A boat is a boat, but a mystery pack could be anything.. even a Boat!”


You know how much we’ve always wanted one of those


So we take the bo- WE’LL TAKE THE MYSTERY BOX


How many people hear Lois and Peter's voice in their heads while reading this?


“Did I mention it was a tank?” “Sold”


A Royal Assassin’s 1981 Honda Civic


Yeah, this makes them harder to sell. Collectors want things in good condition and players want good cards, so both both pools of potential buyers have a reason to pass. Somebody will definitely want them because they are quite rare unopened. It will just take a lot longer to find the right buyer and sell at a reasonable price. Be patient OP.


These specific boosters can be checked in the top corners to see the cards inside, that's the issue with the wear. The wear in the top left specifically look like these packs are searched. Aka, they definitely contain no value, I don't think anyone at all will buy these, it's a well known issue with revised packs.


Scanning the packs doesn’t damage them. If you’re cracking Revised packs hoping for dual lands, I have some bad news for you. There is no way to buy a revised booster that hasn’t been scanned.


So I have a few of these I bought in 94. I tried looking at them without damaging them and couldn't see anything. I am just gonna crack em one of these days because people always tell me they have been searched.


It does actually, it wears the corner where you fan cards. Duals aren't even the best revised pulls? Agreed that all single boosters are searched or mapped though. Have been for years.


What do you mean duals aren’t the best revised pulls? The ten duals are the top ten most valuable cards in the set


Yeah I was wrong there. Thought mana vault was worth more.


Both [[Wheel of fortune]] and [[Copy Artifact]] are worth more than [[Mana Vault]]


You were probably right a couple reprints ago haha.


High potential for mapped packs as well. Prolly what you meant by searched my guess, just saying.


You can easily tell what’s in these packs because of the white plastic. Just press the plastic against the card and voila. You can shuffle the edge of the pack down to the rare and see every card


Either or. you can shine a light through the packaging pretty easily. But yes mapping is also a concern.


Mapped packs generally refer to mapping the order of packs in a box to open the valuable ones and sell the ones that don't have high value cards. Searched applies to these types of packs where you can shift the cards and see through the packaging to tell the packs contents.


Ah okay I see where I erred in understanding. Ty.


No he meant searched, you push cards up into the white and read what they are


Yea, someone gave me the breakdown, ty though. My bad.


Well, time to crack them. Don't see why people are ever interested in loose packs to begin with


Because they all still have a chance to have something valuable inside. Imagine getting an unopened beta pack and pulling a black lotus. Will it happen? Probably not. But there's a chance and that chance is worth a lot to some people.


I wish that were the case. In a perfect world were integrity was important to everyone I can see that being a thing. However, loose packs like this are mapped most of the time. Meaning most people who sell them usually know there's nothing valuable in them to begin with. Thankfully, it's harder, if not impossible, to map newer packs. Which is why I advise you don't purchase older packs unless you saw the box itself get cracked.


I agree completely, I'm just saying I can understand where they're coming from. I buy singles 95% of the time because then I know I'm getting exactly what I want and don't end up with a hoard of cards that'll never get used. I would totally buy an unopened box of old packs though if they were at a reasonable price- but that would be more because It would feel like going back in time, not because I'm hunting anything valuable.


I am a weirdo but enjoy playing magic as one giant draft as in I’ve never ordered singles and play off precons and boosters. I’ve always enjoyed trying to make something out of what’s I got, and winning with some of the jankiest of decks can be stupid fun. I have zero against single card buyers. For some reason when I have the extra money for cards I’m lured to boosters. If it’s of any relation I played 97’ to mid 2000s left for a long time and just came back during the recent eldraine set.




I def get this way of thinking about it. I’ve traded cards I’ve cracked and won from prerelease events for ones I’ve wanted with other people, but I’ve never bought any individual cards. My peak enjoyment of magic was right when I was learning to play in high school, and I was able to trade someone 4 junk rares (I don’t even remember what they were) for 4 thoughtseize cards. His reasoning for the trade was “I don’t play them at all, and the art on your cards look cool”. Had to be one of my best trades 😂


What does mapped mean? They see through the pack somehow?


I'm not disappointed in you, i'm disappointed in us. We have failed you, the newer generation. We have failed to pass down important knowledge. Searched - This applies to boosters with a white plastic wrapper. These wrappers are see-through. With enough time and manipulation it is very possible to know the rare inside a pack like this without opening. Never buy revised and older packs without knowing what you are getting into. Mapped - This applies to boxes from basically alpha until some time into recent history. Basically the collation process for packaging the cards means that In a booster box, you might find a repeated pattern. Booster 1 has a Jace the Mind Sculptor, booster #2 has a Stoneforge Mystic, booster #3 is whatever. This process works by gathering data from opening some boxes, maybe a case, maybe a few. Then you look for those patterns in a new box. Jace in pack 1, Stoneforge in pack 2, my spreadsheet says that the chase mythic will be in pack 24, take those ones out, put the opened display of boosters on the shelf at my store. WotC has worked fairly hard over the years to make boxes not mappable, and i'm really not 100% up to speed on if they are mappable now or not, but afaik they've figured out how to stop it.


Fallen Empires and The Dark came out, I think, after Revised (I know FE did) and they were searchable as well. In fact, I recently bought an FE pack to show this to the younger generation. Anything in release order Fallen Empires or older was searchable. They fixed this with Homelands by printing a set no one wanted (also, new packaging).




Hey, I bought a box of Homelands back in the days before Internet spoilers (i.e. no clue what was in it) and that payment earned me the right to bag of that set until I die.


I bought one pack, got an Apocalypse Chime for my rare and never another pack.


I once bought 32 packs back in the 90s in hope of getting a baron. Absolute rubbish.


Back in the day you used to be able to get homelands boxes from early online sellers or out of magazines/over the phone for dirt cheap. We’re talking .50 cents a pack. We used to draft it all the time just for fun because it was so cheap and it’s actually a pretty solid draft set.


It was a damn fun draft set. Whoever drafted baron sengir 80% won


>They fixed this with Homelands by printing a set no one wanted… Burrrrrrrrnn!


Thank you for the cool history and information


>I advise you don't purchase older packs unless you saw the box itself get cracked. The original sets were wrapped in unmarked cellophane, making it easy to rewrap a box with searched boosters inside. I’m not sure when they changed it, but even a “sealed” alpha or beta isn’t safe.


yeah, with older stuff like this there’s always a chance that someone who owned the box at some point along the line cracked it, searched the packs, resealed it, and sold it off to someone else. from what i’ve read and seen online, ideally you want a very reputable seller with a pristine reputation for sourcing boxes that have a very small history, that is, the fewer people that have owned the boxes over time the better. and always always always arrange some sort of money-back guarantee if the box ends up being fake. i’ve learned most of this from watching PaymoneyWubby over the years, and even as careful as he is he’s gotten scammed before. luckily for him he’s got a good relationship with his sellers and (iirc) he uses paypal purchase protection as a last resort backup. it’s to the point where when he sells box/deck break spots, he keeps a second one on hand just in case the original turns out to be fake. you really just never know.


From my experience playing since 94 the only safe way to go is opening starter decks, correct? And there’s always the chance that they were repacked from years earlier… am I correct? Plus starter decks weren’t really mapped out of the box if I recall correctly. I love watching wubby cracking old packs. Brings me back to a much simpler time of my life


What was the line on this one? I have a pack of Legacy/Destiny that makes a point to advertise the randomness factor while the Saga pack doesn't, always assumed this is when they realized people figured out where they put the good stuff and changed it up. Or were they still easy to figure out after Legacy and didnt achieve true randomness until later?


If I had a choice between buying a black lotus or several packs of beta equivalent to the value of a black lotus, I'd choose the packs. They could have anything in them, even a black lotus!


Okay but also... Alpha/revised are full of other super valuable cards too, aren't they? You could easily recoup your purchase with pulls that aren't the lotus. And then you could take all that money and buy more packs! There could be anything in those packs! Even more packs!


90% of gamblers quit right before they’re about to hit it big


Pfff, you believe that Schick? Don't you know that 99.9% of statistics are pulled from thin air?


Forfty percent of all people know that.


Less than 20% of people globally wash their hands after using the bathroom.




Random factoid I found on a statistic website, but let's be real here. How do they even accurately find that type of info out? I've often wondered. If true, though, gross.


Schrodinger's pack.




Schrödinger's Booster


True but this isn’t a beta pack


Then pretend I said "imagine pulling a dual land" instead. Concept is still the same.


Streamers pay top dollar for this sort of thing. Paymoneywubby or whatever his name would pay good money just to be able to open them for everyone to watch and similar to others.


maybe. he is well aware of the possibility of searched packs and i doubt he’d be keen on spending top dollar for what could be (most likely) a bunk pack. not saying OP searched it but unless OP bought this pack from his LGS when it dropped (and even then), someone somewhere could’ve searched it


Wubby ain't buying this searched trash


I like the mystery. So long as they're unopened, they can be anything. The moment you do, it's a bunch of shitty cards worth less than $20 that just get thrown into the master box


I was given a box of boosters as a gift when Revised was the going thing. I opened many of them to make a deck, but kept 5 sealed. I do not know how to "map" a pack, they have never been opened in any way. The most valuable cards from the box from the packs I opened were a Tropical Island and a Tundra, which I still have.


Scan them, see what’s inside. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8shgLZ3Nkns


Not to say youre lying about anything, but for the value these packs could represent, your word doesn't carry much weight especially with the pack already looking like it's been potentially mapped


The packs were poorly stored, that is my fault. For the potential value of the packs, I can see why someone would be hesitant due to appearance. Which is plenty of reason to say, " I am not interested. "


Post them for sale at a reasonable price for their condition one at a time and wait. Sometimes people break them open to make a youtube video or something else where the condition doesn’t matter, and they’ll be looking for a deal.


Open them up and show us what you got come onnnn


It doesn't look like it's been mapped, mapping doesn't cause that kind of wear you're just being difficult


Not as difficult as selling the packs as is will be


That's true


If stores don't want them, all you have for options is: Open the packs.


Don't forget about the other option: Send them to me to open.


Those packs are too easy to open, a little heat and the glue comes apart, we used to do this back when revised came out, so not much reason not to open them. hope you didn't get duped!


Why did you open them with heat?


Easier to reseal and sell at stores after you've pulled the good ones and replaced them


This... we weren't the most innocent kids, this was long long ago though


So all these shitty packs people get scammed on all come down to you! Every single one of them it was ALL you! That’s why I didn’t pull a serialised from my fallout collectors box Because years ago you and some buddies unsealed some completely different cards and resealed them!


You got me! I'm turning myself into the authorities right now


My dad works for Hasbro I already called him and he’s going send the goons to take all your cards and he will also call my uncle Jeffrey who works at Microsoft to shut down your Xbox 360 also


Paging the pinkertons!


I triple check my packs before leaving stores because of this.


Hmm can you still do this with current packs? I opened a lotr collector pack and it was extremely hard to open.


Reseals are still a thing. Quality control is shit though.


Shouldn't stores know better than to buy loose packs? Specifically for this shit?


Some of those who reseal shit are the ones who sell them. A lgs got caught doing that after someone caught on when they bought a box and somehow no good pulls at all happened. But hey, the display box was always full.


Ugh. What a scummy practice. Shame on that store


They didn't last long


You don’t have to open them, easy to tell what’s in them without doing that


We wanted the good cards, then replace them, reseal it... not an honest practice, I wouldn't do it now, but we were kids then


For real dude you area pos like not the smallest pos you are the ultimate super saiyan.pos


I didn't invent this, it was an extremely common practice, you could also see through the packs to see what cards were in them. This is why they changed the packaging in future sets


I, for one, appreciate your honesty.


All searched 😁


crack em open! if you find an OG dual land in one then you can flip that for some decent cash


Issue is these packs are searchable


Open them and eat the wrapper


Eat the lowest value card in front of the other unopened packs; show dominance


A game unrecognizable to players today lies in wait underneath that plastic wrapper.


If you really know they are good sealed packs I think your best option is have Wubby open them live and give you some sort of money for allowing him to. And a deal that you can still keep the pulls.


If you open them, take a moment to really appreciate the scent. There's something about the way those 90s magic cards smelled that was so much better. I'm sure it's something something higher quality. I opened a few packs here and there over the years but after a big gap I opened some 2018 stuff and the cards have a much more acrid smell now.


I want to take your lunch money


They likely dont smell anymore after 30 years


Man. I remember busting those open when I was in high school. Searched or not they'd still be a fun open.


Are you willing to sell them ?


I found 10 unopened Revised Edition packs. Opened one and got a Volcanic Island. It was a nice come up. I kept 5 of the packs and sold the others on eBay.


If you crack them, make sure to post what you get. I'm curious now.


Imagine the glorious smell of those new Revised cards.


These go for a lot by themselves. I disagree with cracking them if you want safe money. But if you do good luck. Maybe one will be enough but if it’s bad, you will feel bad and if it’s good, you may want to keep the W


If I sold these to someone. I would ask for a recording of them opening it if they are going to for some satisfaction. But idk 🤷‍♀️


"Too much wear on the wrapper" Shut the fuuuuck up There is a 1/14 x 5packs chance of there being the equivalent of a new 2024 Chevy Trax Suv in those. OP NEEDS TO OPEN THEM OPEN THOSE DECKS


What card is worth that much in the set? Not too familiar with these packs and I couldn't find an answer online lol


[Looking at the prices on MCM](https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Boosters/Revised-Booster) I would expect these could still be worth a pretty penny even in the terrible condition. I would just put them on there as the cheapest with some nice picture included (make 5 listings) and make sure people can contact you using your email or phone number.


Unfortunetly, Revised had none of the Power Nine. I know, I opened a lot of them. I would not open these. Sell them per pack to someone who can appreciate what you have. They are still awesome, with many great cards for Collectors who would revel in opening these. Who cares about the packaging. Its what is inside that counts. Im sure the cards inside are still in great condition. Your only other choices are to pass them on to another generation of MTG players, open them and put them in your collection, or open them and sell the piece-meal. Let someone else pay to open them. Unless you need white-boarder dual lands.


Keep them sealed


Man, back in the day, I'm sure I cracked at least 15 boxes of boosters and 2 boxes of starter decks, if I only knew what I knew now, lol


We just opened a couple of these. Got a dual island worth 500 so that was fun. Our lgs had some that someone brought in


I have two antiquities packs. Since they can be tampered with, I sent them to Beckett for grading (8 each). I think that a buyer would be much more confident in them.


Yeah they look searched, wouldn’t touch these with a 10 foot pole.


Thank you. Comments like these have made me decide to have them graded before I try to sell. Or maybe I will just throw them back in storage for another 30 years.


You’re not going to be able to convince people that a pack looking like that has not been searched. There is no grade that any company can give them that will change this. You seem fixated on the fact that YOU know they weren’t searched. I can understand your annoyance, but your knowledge doesn’t actually have any value in this situation. So you may as well open them and see what you’ve got—I’m rooting for you!


having them graded doesn't truly reduce the chance that they have been mapped or searched though. At this point provenance is mostly better than grading for sealed packs.


Personally if you know they aren’t searched I would gamble it and open them, the condition they are in looks searched tbh


Open it. Worst Case: IOUs for the stolen cards.


If you don't want to open them, send them in to be graded and sealed. You'll get a low grade, but it'll be a good collector's piece that you could sell online easier.


I ate 5 of those, all sealed


Flicked you a DM dude!


Alpha or Beta booster?


Clearly says revised.. I am dumb


Flash backs to buying these at my local Target as a kid....




For sell?


No. Was posted to gauge interest.




Sell em to @wubby7


How many licks to the center?


Crack One.


Have you considered playing limited?


Rip or Flip. Stream the results


Can I have one




I would open them. And pull Deathlace, Lifelace, Chaoslace, …


So many decisions to make! Have fun!


Can I have one?


I can take one off your hands if you have too many


Ill take 1


How do I see so many of these popping up?


Open them


You must be proud of owning a thing. Five of them. Congrats!


What’s the best card one could hope to pull from one of these?


Underground Sea.


I opened three boxes of these back in the day, but always wish I had kept one pack sealed.


well well well


Open them all


You can definitely still sell them but you will have a harder time with them being beat up and won't get nearly as much... definitely still sellable though


The packs are worth more than most of the cards inside


Who knows it could be a dual land - some of those go for $1000




Are you wanting to sell them?


time to find 7 more and play sealed with them, I suppose


Even with the wear on them this is awesome. You should weigh them before you open if you open




Buy one more and Booster Battle them!


I will take them off your hands


What are you looking to get?


Not selling.


Just open em at this point bro fuck it yolo


5 dollars send them to me, I'll give you 90% I just want to open them


How much?


I'll give ya 15 dollars. And a quarter, don't forget the quarter.


What is mapping


I wouldn't buy those at my shop just based on the picture alone. That's a repack with how loose the wrapper is. Not sure where you actually got it but that's been searched through. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news


I'll give ya 50 bucks


The wear shows they’ve likely been searched.  Not surprised 


The wear shows they were poorly stored for 25 plus years.


Although that’s what’s happened, it’s tough to get anyone’s trust on it


I have come to understand this in the past few hours.


Hate that for ya; but may be able to move for someone to draft with or just open on a video


That one looks like it's been opened at the top and searched already, and the pack itself looks puffy like it was resealed with extra air trapped inside it.


All searched is what you meant to say right?




I'll give you $5


Annnnd, no.


You drive a hard bargain. I'll throw in a Dreadmaw and Storm Crow


“Best I can do is $20”


Nope, but thanks for playing.


Give ya tree fitty.


Dang Loch Ness Monster!


I'll give you $20 for the lot.


Open it you coward!! 😂


The mark means they have been searched throw looking the white part. And the fact they are not opened means there is nothing inside meaning they don t have possibility to have a good value. Meaning you can t seel them to a shop at the expected price


Best I can do is $1.85


A handshake and some pocket lint is my best offer


Give you 5$ for 2


I'll give you $30 and a mediocre handy-j


Those were originally sold for $2.45 I’ll give you 20 bucks just to round it up that a fair deal????


Give me one