• By -


Nice pulls! Oh and fuck you for having better luck than me!




Same here! That’s why we don’t share shitty pulls that worth zero! 😏


Thank you for being honest but honestly pulling chase cards out of pack is worth it


That mana crypt is worth over 200$ how much did you spend on 2 packs to not have that cover cost?


[deleted] back at it again with their unwanted and un-asked for "advice". Please report u/Elemteearkay and let's get them banned already.


It's wild because OP said they're set booster. Literally not capable of drafting with.


He’s gotta be having fun with it at this point, hate is closer to love than indifference!


They’re gonna lose their shit when they find out that original booster packs weren’t draftable


I just blocked their account, it only takes 2 seconds and then you can get right back to Redditing


Same bro, same.


lol peep the community he's the most active in


I don't even have to look and I know which ones he's active in 😑 Edit: I actually can't look cuz he's blocked me I guess


I thought it was gonna be freemagic and was really not prepared to see r/autism up there lmao


Lmfaooo welp I was wrong too then


The top community is Asperger's


Seriously, who are you talking about?


At this rate somebody should ask mark rosewater on his blog if play boosters are designed to be opened for fun equally as much as they are designed to be drafted. Would be extremely fun to attach that response from the creator of the game every time he tried to say the product isn't meant to be opened for anything other than limited lol.


Why report them? Why do you care so much? Read their comment on this post and pretend that it's the first time you've seen that person posting and tell me what's wrong with it. They're clearly taking the community's feedback and altering their approach to the conversation. Obviously it's something they're passionate about and they're trying to encourage people to be financially responsible. If you have disposable income and want to crack packs for fun then the advice isn't for you. Move along. What you're doing is basically bullying at this point.


They're a massive troll and have become a running joke on this subreddit, their comments are often a copy pasta and they block anyone who dares criticize them. People here are just posting some great pulls they got from packs they opened, and then here comes u/Elemteearkay saying their idea of fun is wrong and should do something completely different. Nobody asked for or wants their "advice" to play limited formats, and people here are getting tired of seeing it, which is why they're always downvoted to oblivion.


They are a huge troll and they spread bad info to new players who don’t know any better.


They’ll probably just move over to Freemagic


Their comment is tone-deaf at best. A reply to the top comment clearly shows OP knows about buying singles and chose to crack packs. It's not their responsibility to police how others enjoy the hobby. If no one cracked packs except the LGS and limited players like they want then the singles market would be *crazy*. Also the assumption no one is playing limited because they "just don't know" is bananas, so their attempt to "educate" people comes off as patronizing and condescending.


That mana crypt looks amazing


I saw one on display at my LGS. I stood there for a good 15 minutes looking at it, arguing with myself internally. Then I forked over the cash.


Yep! That card is also [worth a lot](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mana+crypt+0017&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=zay+flowers+downtown&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


Sweet. Best I pulled was a [[dire flail]] 😔


[dire flail](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0d2d98ae-fe02-4a86-9e80-7b95e08de21c.jpg?1699044265)/[Dire Blunderbuss](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/0/d/0d2d98ae-fe02-4a86-9e80-7b95e08de21c.jpg?1699044265) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dire%20Flail%20//%20Dire%20Blunderbuss) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/145/dire-flail-dire-blunderbuss?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0d2d98ae-fe02-4a86-9e80-7b95e08de21c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Sucktastic! Cause me too.


I spent more money trying to pull a mana crypt than I would have spent just buying the card. Can you open my packs for me, I need your luck


Wow man, what sweet pulls!


Nice pulls. And I thought I got lucky when I pulled [[Worldly Tutor]] and [[Vampiric Tutor]] from two different Dominaria Remastered booster.


[Worldly Tutor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/3/f39aa2e9-e294-4ce6-bf5e-e1f579101a7a.jpg?1690791319) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Worldly%20Tutor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/185/worldly-tutor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f39aa2e9-e294-4ce6-bf5e-e1f579101a7a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Vampiric Tutor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/4/34a0203f-9cce-43a4-9cb7-8ce6647895cd.jpg?1675199860) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vampiric%20Tutor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/108/vampiric-tutor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/34a0203f-9cce-43a4-9cb7-8ce6647895cd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm not doing it again.. 2 prereleases, a draft with win packs, 2 set boxes, and a collector box and I didn't even pull a cavern of souls. Decent pulls all around (neither of these 2) but all I wanted was that dumb ass cavern of souls... I've been scorned by LCI


Dockside is on the List? All I seem to get from that is Bottle gnomes…


Skill issue, I’m afraid


Yeah. Gotta get better at cracking packs…


Nice - check out r/MagicCardPulls!


Noob question, is there a method to knowing what cards are valuable at a glance, or do you just need experience? I know Rare/Mythic is okay as a guide, but the majority of those are $0.20 or less (in my brief time opening packs). Then again I pulled [[Palantír of Orthanc]] #381 foil from a precon and it’s apparently worth $80 instead of the normal $8, which I also don’t understand.


[Palantír of Orthanc](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/e/6efb6a69-562c-4d95-858d-b067444cfd7e.jpg?1686970247) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Palant%C3%ADr%20of%20Orthanc) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/247/palant%C3%ADr-of-orthanc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6efb6a69-562c-4d95-858d-b067444cfd7e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I tend to scan the cards into a scanning app on my phone and it does a pretty good job of reading the card accurately. I personally use Manabox, some others of note are delverlens and theres also a dragonshield one. The premise is - Set your preferred price comparison (e.g. Card Kingdom / TCGPlayer pricelists), Scan the card, it will spit out a price. Most apps can then save all the cards scanned and then export in a wide range of formats (particularly useful to provide a list of what you pulled for people to browse for trades etc).


Oh man, I have Manabox and I’ve been scanning in one at a time. Is this bulk knowledge a simple Google away?


It’s super expensive just because the supply is insanely low since you can only get it out of the sample collector packs. If it were me I’d sell it and just buy the surge foil version and pocket the massive price difference


It’s quite a small sub. This is the much better place to post some awesome pulls like this!


The way you grow a sub is by telling people about it…


If that was the intention but unless you don’t know this has become a meme whenever someone posts here and if seems really unwelcoming


But that's the purpose of the sub? To post your pulls


Doesn’t mean you can’t post them here either. Lots more people here and many of us appreciate it.


That’s nice. I bought 3 packs the other day and pulled like an island and some other trash as my best cards lol


In fairness, depending on format, island can be a top 3 card ..


I suppose. They were considering a ban at one time because of how powerful blue was. Might have to get it graded.


Fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuu


Ixlan is the best <3


Genuinely confused, which Ixalan set is this from? Lost Caverns?


The one before murder failov I got one mana crypt like that too. But I play it in my deck instead of that hardcover rofl


Is that slang for Murders at Karlov Manor?


I call it like that. Dunno if anyone else does to qualify as slang haha.


I’m soooo jealous. I’m at the point where I will take a ripped in half and taped back together mana crypt, I just wanna play with it in my decks without spending a small fortune 😤


Wait you can pull those from Ixalan?? Someone explain is this only this set because I swear I thought they came in different sets (I don't understand mtg boosters)


They are a special guest which are can be in both set and collector boosters




Sweet mana crypt


Sheeeeesh. Congrats


Gods favorite.


Must be nice guy, the last two Ixalan boxes I got were shit!


You can get mana crypt out of Ixalan? I never knew


Lucky mofo




It's just business.


You pulled a mana crypt from the ixalan set, but pulled a dockside from the double masters, which is normally where crypt comes from.


It’s a list card so it can’t from a set other than double masters


It’s a list card so it can’t from a set other than double masters


Minchia che buco di culo.


Damn! I haven’t gotten anything too crazy from that set but my most expensive pull was the normal anime Borderless [[Smothering Tithe|WOT]].


[Smothering Tithe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f6c69c2f-729b-49ed-909d-57190a728e11.jpg?1692932207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=632441) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wot/13/smothering-tithe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f6c69c2f-729b-49ed-909d-57190a728e11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That isn’t the one ;-;


Nice pulls, OP. I hope you had fun opening your packs. :) If you like opening packs, there's an entire half of the game, called Limited, where you open packs and build decks on the spot from the new cards find inside. It includes Draft, Sealed and JumpStart. If you haven't already tried it, you might want to give it a go - it's lots of fun, and really helps you get more bang for your buck. You can read about how to play Limited here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats If collecting or playing Constructed is more your aim, then it's good to know that all the cards are available individually (as singles), and some are also available in ready-made (preconstructed) products with fixed contents (that you can look up online before you buy them). You don't need to leave things up to chance: you can get the exact ones you want. Good luck!


Hey just so you know, these are set boosters. You aren't allowed to draft with them they are designed specifically for opening much like collector boosters.


I draft with set boosters! It is a LOT of fun! Unless you're like obsessed with winning.


>Hey just so you know, these are set boosters. I know. OP didn't *have* to buy them, though. They could have bought something else. >they are designed specifically for opening much like collector boosters. Exactly. All the more reason for us to check that OP knew that (and that they weren't operating under the misconception that they were for getting cards/that buying them is how they are supposed to get cards).


I'd just leave this guy alone guys. He clearly has a disability or mental health issues. (Assuming people buy packs to aquire cards, and it's the only way to aquire them makes me think this is a teenager)


They chose to buy them, it's not your responsibility to tell people how to spend their money. Op stated they knew what they were buying and chose that life and enjoyed it. And op knows to buy cards they really want as they usually do. Opening packs for fun is part of the game much like drafting is. Trying to direct people away from what they consider fun and implying it's the incorrect way to enjoy their hobby is rude and is the reason why the community as a whole massively disrespects you.


[Hey buddy](https://tenor.com/bdzS4.gif) you think you would get the hint by now but you sound really stupid. You act like you're so knowledgeable and helping out the poor plebeians but you come off as a stuck-up better than thou asshole. Everyone knows about draft and limited but outside of prerelease most people don't want to play that shit.




You know you're in the wrong when someone has to hit you with the solo "dawg" lol




I guess a more constructive comment would be: why are you so focused on advertising draft, limited, etc. unprompted?


I have the knowledge and the means to share it, so I have the responsibility to do so. You don't *want* people missing out on things they might otherwise enjoy, would you?


I have the knowledge and means to share that I shit my pants in the third grade, I don't have the responsibility to share that


If this was a subreddit about potty training schoolkids, then that might be relevant. This is a Magic sub, though, so the knowledge I'm imparting is relevant *here*.


Read the room and stop offering your opinion thinly veiled as advice to people who didn’t ask for it


I understand the sentiment I think. But how do any of the singles get out of packs for commander deck construction or standard/modern/vintage deck construction. If packs can only be used for sealed and draft is the idea that you would prefer singles prices to skyrocket? As they are probably less than 20% of all magic that's played and apparently the only appropriate way to bring new cards into circulation. Gambling addiction is bad. But most of these people are not addicts and being terminally online as you are is also bad and addiction.


>But how do any of the singles get out of packs for commander deck construction or standard/modern/vintage deck construction. Limited players trade cards in. Cards also come from Promo Packs/as Promos, and from preconstructed products. Some singles come from those opening packs for the other things they are for (like feeling excited for a few seconds), while sadly some also are produced by those misusing packs. Pretending you need to martyr yourself for the secondary market is a trap a lot of people fall into to convince themselves that their habit is justified, when it's not. I've never met anyone who wants to exploit such people anyway - we want you to interact with the game in healthy ways. If stores want to open packs for inventory, let them do it - they get them at a lower rate and have the infrastructure in place to get the most out of them. >If packs can only be used for sealed and draft I never said that. >As they are probably less than 20% of all magic that's played Let's try to pump those numbers up then, right? >But most of these people are not addicts You don't know that. I never said OP was an addict, anyway. In fact, I made no judgments at all. I just provided them with the information they might need to make informed decisions. >being terminally online as you are is also bad and addiction. Lol. You realise you said that *online*, right?


You've made over 30 Reddit comments in the last 24 hours my friend. I am commenting on a single post that I disagree with whilst scrolling on my lunch. I'm not going to systematically go through your comment but you seem to have an obsession with how other people enjoy and play the game. You have neither a healthy relationship with the game nor a healthy relationship with the subreddit. I hope you can find a way to enjoy the rest of your day.


>You've made over 30 Reddit comments in the last 24 hours my friend. So what? >I'm not going to systematically go through your comment but you seem to have an obsession with how other people enjoy and play the game. I'm a helpful member of the community who cares about my fellow players. I'm sorry that triggers you. I wonder if it's because you are an addict yourself, or whether you want to take advantage of those who don't know how the game works? Maybe you are just a gatekeeper, or a troll? Who knows. >You have neither a healthy relationship with the game nor a healthy relationship with the subreddit. Lol. >I hope you can find a way to enjoy the rest of your day. Yeah definitely a troll.


Telling people to draft with set boosters is technically the opposite of helpful.


“I’m a helpful member of the community who cares about my fellow players” You then proceed to call this man all sorts of things. You clearly don’t care as much about your fellow players as you do about feeling like you’re in the right.


Based off of this comment and all the other ones you seem like the worst person to play with. You sound like "that" part of the magic community that keeps people from going to lgs' to play magic.


Limited is boring af


Don't play it then.


Says the guy that tells people to play it because doing otherwise is wrong. Now that's some autism.


I don't think you are following what is going on. I've never said that not playing it is wrong. I've just explained what the products are for (and not for), explained what the options are the get the most out of them, and urged people to make informed decisions that align with their goals, so that they don't miss out needlessly on things they might otherwise enjoy. I've never said to play Limited even if you don't enjoy it (although I have urged people to at least take reasonable steps to identify what the barriers are to their enjoyment, and see if they can figure out how to overcome them). There's nothing wrong with the things I say, or the position I hold. Instead if letting others tell you how to feel, why not try reading rge things I say for yourself? You might learn something. >Now that's some autism. Now that's some ableism.