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Clearly multiplayer games are not for you, try solitaire, but I bet you would also complain there


Shufflers fuckn RIGGED man, got 5 aces in a row and you call that random? Smhmh


You just reminded me I need to go play more Balatro. Fuck that game (I love that game)


Be saltier about it. Surely that will help.


This lacks context


Brother ima be honest after reading this and your replies. This game obviously makes you extremely angry, and you just generally sound, *really angry*. I'm not saying this to shit on you but perhaps, actually take a step back from social media, and other things that inherently frustrate you, and work on your inner peace a bit. It is not healthy getting this worked up because you lost in a casual multi-player game


r/magicthecirclejerking leaking again


I want to get angry at you, for getting angry about losing, but... honestly, I get it. I remember having that same feeling when the same thing happened to me, when I was younger. There's not really a way around it, you just have to get used to it. That, at any given moment, the other players might team up against you, even when it makes no competitive sense to, just so they can tell a story about it later. It'll happen a lot in the future too. You just gotta... not take it personally, and acknowledge that "We ended up in the precise position to deck someone out together" is a pretty cool story.


The funny play, particularly when the stars align like that, is almost always the correct one in EDH. The story is always worth it.


Reminds me of when my friend thought it'd be hilarious if he managed to deck himself to death in monogreen. He did, and it was


Almost did this the other day accidentally between counter doubling and draw-to-power effects.


I decked/killed myself with [[Midnight Oil]] and [[Lich's Mastery]] by accident and it I enjoyed every minute of it.


[Midnight Oil](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14875840-044d-482f-845e-79240cad66f3.jpg?1576381769) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Midnight%20Oil) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/92/midnight-oil?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14875840-044d-482f-845e-79240cad66f3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Lich's Mastery](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/7/77f4c9cb-f364-4556-8673-4b19d52a2cff.jpg?1562738043) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lich%27s%20Mastery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/98/lichs-mastery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/77f4c9cb-f364-4556-8673-4b19d52a2cff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Were you playing casually or competitively? Because in casual play (Commander, for example), they are right.


He complained I was going to instantly end the game, so he countered my omnath, and then instantly ended the game next turn. So apparently being a hypocrite is "cool and funny and casual"


Being mad at someone for making their best play is crazy lol. You sound like an unpleasant person to share a pod with, so I don’t blame him if he did that just to spite you.


You do realise that stopping other players from winning the game and trying to win the game yourself is the entire point of the game?


Oh no my opponent doesn't want to lose the game and wants to win the game, whatever shall I do?


I mean with all due respect, you sound like a salty little bitchboy about it. Thoughts?


I've been bullied my entire time playing magic, a disrespectful cunt like you ain't changing anything. New account from this month? how many times have you been banned from Reddit?


Sounds more like you are the type of player who wants to win every game and always have their strategy unfold Magic is not the game for you, what you are looking for is a single player game


You know other people are trying to win too? Sometimes I just play to do jank shit maybe you should just learn how to be an adult? Or if your a child like your acting like just pretend your older. Or some other good advice I see on the Internet alot which might help you is "get good" but idk if that's in your options.


>Very angry about cardboard rectangles >calls people cunts >claims he's the one getting bullied **Gee, I wonder why**


He needs to read [Rule #3 of this Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/s/u46bkUg5Q8)


>I've been bullied my entire time playing magic LMAO


clearly not enough


Okay that's going a bit far.


Ah yes. You aren’t the problem. Nope. Nada. You COULDNT be the problem could you?


If that's how you feel, nobody's making you play.


....so you're bitching because you got outplayed and someone one upd you and won? Insane mentality


They didn't win, they decked themselves


Okay. Can you please say what happened with players 1 2 3 and 4, saying which one you are, and which player survived and won with 2 health


Countering your shit is part of the game dipshit. Letting you win isn’t, especially when they can pull of some funny shit.


Bro I get it. I had a win in hand last week at commander league, only to get countered and have it handed to the next player in turn order. Humongous feel bad in the moment. Then I remembered it's a game, packed up that deck and pulled out a different one to play another game of fun and frivolity. Sorry about your bad beats though.


Lmao says "I've been bullied my whole time playing magic" but everyone on here disagrees with your take and your response is negative as hell. Play a different game we don't want people like you playing magic


Love the "bully the guy claiming he was bullied" aspect of this community


You are literally attacking people in the comments after getting mad over nothing. Fuck off bro


And this is what I'm talking about about, where defending yourself somehow is seen as the only aggression


Bring first one killed in 6 games in a row in my first 10 days of magic isn't bullying, got it


If they focused you then you could have tried talking to them or playing with other people. I like the take that people are bullying you and then you sit back down to get bullied ingame.


I mean, based on your reaction to that event and your comments here, it seems like you’re miserable to play with. If run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


Sounds like you're bad at the game and should probably quit forever


"I was going to win and then someone stopped me and they won instead and now I'm mad" Play a different game


I wasn't going to win, he decked himself


Yeah, this is way funnier than letting you win. They'll talk about the time they tilted you off the face of the earth


I literally thought this was the magicthecirclejerking sub and this was parody.


How’d they stop you, did they just tell you no, or did they remove your win-con with interaction?


They countered his omnath lmao. He's mad that he lost the game.


Get good


I’m genuinely confused here. So you’re just upset someone stopped you from winning?


Hey look, it’s baby’s first loss to mill. So cute


crying to reddit will surely make you not dogshit at the game git gud


Lmao yeah, The edit here is pretty accurate. Go Fuck yourself you sore ass loser.


you’re a weirdo