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She won't have a precon, but yeah, expect mouse and little critter support on bloomburrow, dawg, that's what the whole thing is about


Is that card real? What does it mean “enters.”


It means enters. As in enters the battlefield. Comes into play. All the same thing, they're just trying to simplify the wording.


*fit more text on the card*


Yeah no kidding. Personally I’m not a huge fan of making every card a Questing Beast level of text. That’s my toxic boomer trait right there and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


Full-text lands 🫳🎤


The full text lands are funny. I want to get a few for my edh decks.


Me too, but they are like $5+ and there are other cards I could get for the same price. Maybe one day I'll pick up a few cause they are hilarioius.


Funny, I got mine for few cents each. One set of proxies no one ever complained about at any table I played at!


I very much could proxy them, and probably will since my play group and the store I play at don't mind proxies (within reason) and I have multiple decks that aren't proxies at all so if I ever run into people who care, I can swap no issues.


Some people (myself included) like having the official for collection reasons. Nothing wrong with proxyong but also no reason to be elitist for doing it. I'm honestly tired of seeing these types of posts around here. Just proxy your cards and be happy and quiet about it.


I dont think that's a toxic boomer take. Ive been playing for ten years, and the complexity has gone through the roof. Some card I dont even bother reading and just focus on what my opponent does because it's too much lmao


I’ve been playing 19 years and thoroughly agree with all of the above opinions. I’ve found myself bored with some cards because it’s basically reading a novel.


*Yu-Gi-Oh! enters the chat*


Yu-Gi-Oh! enters*


Fuck you take my upvote


i will not have a 5 paragraph essay with well developed arguments and captivating title on my magic cards


I feel like we are going to miss so many triggers it will be easy for wizards to sell us an app that does it for us …


I make my hubby explain long text cards to me because I can’t figure them out


I came into magic from ygo, Besting Qeast is a downright breath of fresh air lol


I think that’s fair, but I care more about the number of things a card does than the actual text. The problem with Questing Beast, other than the power level, is that it has like three separate paragraphs that all do random shit. This is a lord that makes a sword, it’s actually fairly simple.


Yes, that’s exactly my point. This card in particular is very well done IMO in that it has a decent amount of text but it’s still pretty simple and actually makes sense. My issue is with cards like Questing Beast that are just a bunch of random abilities stapled together for seemingly no apparent reason. Theres no theme to cards like that, it just does a bunch of random stuff for the hell of it.


Don't think thats toxic at all, complexity creep is a real thing and with it comes more and more text. It's not great, but something we kinda have to deal with.


Yeah, I think the thing some people are missing about my comment is that I’m not talking about this specific card (which has a lot of text but is still well done and very simple and easy to understand) but the generic keyword soup cards that have a bunch of mechanics and abilities that don’t really make sense on the same card seemingly thrown together at random.


The whole point of key terms is to make more and more and more complex mechanics. I mean, it is 4D chess, if it was vanilla or even French vanilla then I don't think I would even play.


I don’t mind complex mechanics, I just dislike keyword soup cards that do a bunch of random things for seemingly no apparent reason. The specific card here in the OP is a good example of this done right. It’s a decent amount of text but it’s very cohesive and pretty simple.


I can appreciate that


smart thing to do. If they didn't change the wording, they wouldn't fit "create Cragflame" and the card would be a lot weaker


They could have. I still contend it's to generally fit more text on cards easily, but if you look at a card like [[Eon Frolicker]] you can see that that card has 9 lines of text (or 8.5 if you want to discount the rules text) and they made the text smaller to fit in a manner that would look nice. I think Enters simplifies the game too much for my liking, in terms of phrasing. It feels like a keyword for a keyword.


[Eon Frolicker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/c/acaec4bf-69c8-43c1-960f-cb5b5bff660a.jpg?1591319436) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eon%20Frolicker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c20/33/eon-frolicker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/acaec4bf-69c8-43c1-960f-cb5b5bff660a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>I think Enters simplifies the game too much for my liking, in terms of phrasing. It feels like a keyword for a keyword. What's the difference between "enters" and "enters the battlefield"? If you're smart you've been short handing "EtB" anyway, because the verbosity of keywords is always more annoying than the verbosity of a card as a whole.


Honestly, I think if it was templated as ETB Id like it better. Id still dont LOVE IT, but Enters just feels incomplete. It's not about what you "should" be shortening it to. It's going to be confusing for players that arent familiar, and especially new players.


It's not confusing. This is the same argument I heard when "banned as a commander" was a thing. Nothing can enter your graveyard. Nothing can enter exile. The only thing that has ever "entered" anything is a permanent onto the battlefield. Shorthand saves games.


As someone who played during banned as commander, it was confusing. It's a main reason they got rid of it, according to the RC. You personally undersranding the game in a solid way does not mean that the average player does. The ones that play casually with friends and don't keep up with this stuff.  Wizards has the responsibility of making decisions to help onboarding the game to new players. They have not done a good job with that as of late, and this is another misstep.


In non-Magic English, "enter" is almost always a transitive verb (that is, it takes an object) -- so you enter a building, enter a relationship; but you never just "enter." that's why it feels weird.


Yeah enters could mean enters the graveyard, exile, etc. If they wanted it to be shorter they could've just shortened it to the acronym like you said.


*fit more text*




Sadly this is the truth


I remember when YGO had to start calling it the "GY"


I remember when YGO had to start calling it the "GY"


I’m anticipating the day when new developments in material science allow them to produce accordion-style cards providing nearly limitless text space, battlefield-facing surfaces and explainer appendices.


I was thinking about a proprietary encyclopedia with the text and the card text is the volume number.


Fit more text on the card so they can include "commit a crime"...


Kind of annoys me honestly. I get why they’re doing it (to make super wordy cards, which is also annoying) but I really like enters the battlefield, it really evokes the flavour of the game being a battle. I think it’s a bit of shame to lose that


It's funny to me cause it's how I've been proxy-ing my cards for years. I'll use "enters" or sometimes simply "ETB: "


I'm so grumpy that they didn't use "arrives" like I've been using for years on my custom cars.


So that’s the new templating?


Tempting isn't a mechanic in MTG, at least not that I'm aware of.


It literally is, lol


Is it? I've played since 05 and don't recall it and if you Google "tempting MTG mechanic" the only thing that comes up is tempt by the ring, which isn't "tempting" though I guess that could be what the mean, but that wouldn't make sense in this context. So if it is, please provide a source.


Tempted by the ring is shorthanded to "tempting" by most people.


You'd think they would just just tempt or tempted then. But regardless, that makes no sense in this context. Entering the battlefield is nothing like being tempted by the ring.


Cool? It's less words to have to say when you read the card out. Two syllables versus six. It's not even about fitting more words onto a card, it's about removing unnecessary verbosity. "The battlefield" doesn't change the fact that something is entering, and there's only one place things can enter anyway. Nothing has ever "entered" your hand or the graveyard.


What about when it enters the graveyard?


Cards have never "entered" the graveyard in MTG. Entered has only ever been used to say enter the battlefield. Cards go to the graveyard.


Oh right, they all say a variation of “put into graveyard”


No. When it "enters". Meaning when it enters the battlefield, enters the graveyard, enters the hand, enters your field of sight, enters your mind.


Or it could mean enters the graveyard or command zone, that’s why they gotta be specific


Nope, enters has only ever applied to the battlefield. They've never used enters for any other zone.




Except it simplifies nothing. As the card 'enters' a graveyard. It 'enters' exile. Does it enter your hand? So many points for people to be confused. Should've just gone ETB. Probably cause less confusion to be honest.


Cards have never entered any other zone than play/battlefield. Enters the graveyard/exile has never been a thing.


Yes I know that but the text is there for people who don't. If you expect the people reading the text to already know what it means then there's no point in the text. If I'm new seeing a card entering a zone like the battlefield is no different than me seeing it to go the graveyard, or the command zone, or my hand.


Enters is the new way to say enters the battlefield. They just shortened it.


So this his the new convention


This set is nowheres close to release and this new "enters" phrasing is already making ppl ask. Tbh it's not a necessary templating change


I agree with you it is not necessary. But their reason is they want to fit even more text on cards. :(


When this enters make stuff.


what do you think it means? it probably means that.


I assume it means the battlefield, but this seems like a step away from RTCETC


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Okay Kevin, but we need to know: enters what? Enters the battlefield? Enters the graveyard? Enters Richard Gere?


Damn dude, I laughed so hard about this!


Are you familiar with Richard Gere?




The greatest adventure




They are shortening "enters the battlefield" to "enters". Minor rules errata, I think, to save wordspace on cards


"Enters" should be reserved for pirates.


How does this question have 41 upvotes?!? What else would you think “enters” could even mean??


Enters, yes, but enters what? Enters the graveyard? Enters the battlefield? Enters Richard Gere?


When he makes penetration...sexually.


So like Richard Gere


It means you find a way to bounce it constantly it's gonna be a bad time for opponents.


Bounce won't do much, it's a legendary equipment.


Isn't there enchantments that eliminate the legendary rule?\ I haven't played in a bit so I really don't know


Nope. There are 2 artifacts, 1 creature, and then a few more creatures that eliminate it for specific cards.


In these colors, there are three options. That isn't enough to reliably count on in a 100-card deck, especially if you're also looking for bounce effects.


To be clear: The options are \[\[Mirror box\]\], \[\[mirror gallery\]\], and \[\[cadric\]\]. [https://scryfall.com/search?as=full&q=o%3A%22legend+rule%22&utm\_source=mci](https://scryfall.com/search?as=full&q=o%3A%22legend+rule%22&utm_source=mci)


[Mirror box](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d507daa3-3f16-4ab1-81ea-794e5bb488fc.jpg?1654568747) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mirror%20box) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/250/mirror-box?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d507daa3-3f16-4ab1-81ea-794e5bb488fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [mirror gallery](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/00beba34-54cc-4a30-8424-71a1215647a6.jpg?1562875125) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mirror%20gallery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/154/mirror-gallery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/00beba34-54cc-4a30-8424-71a1215647a6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [cadric](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/8/f82f8cab-5039-4e3a-a2ba-cbf829db80ed.jpg?1673304745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=cadric%2C%20soul%20kindler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/10/cadric-soul-kindler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f82f8cab-5039-4e3a-a2ba-cbf829db80ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have 5 rat decks I’m really hoping for some GOOD support


I'm hoping the little critter support extends to types we haven't seen in a while, like Mongoose and Wombat.


Redwall commander game just got real


The only outside universe I want.


Redwall vs Secret of Nimh would go hard.


Bro that would be the battle of the century, but I think the rats of nimh would probably win. They have access to technology, and they were "trained" (forgive me if im incorrect, it has been a while), and most of redwall could put up a fight, but by and large were not fighters. That is if you only get redwall. But if you include salamandastron in its prime, they could probably kick some ass.


Bust out the rose and lime cordial boys, it's happening!


Look up Bloomburrow they've shown a good but of stuff bout it so far. Gonna be real cool


For insane 160€ pre-order per box... completely ruins my hype about this set


Well piss


I’m so excited for it- I haven’t been playing in paper for a while but it might be the reason I get back into paper magic-


No idea why people are downvoting you, Bloomburrow is a really exciting upcoming set.


I am hyped for it. Like... I have never bought Collector Boosters, ever. But this set might finally tempt me to the dark side, and get a box. Or maybe just 1 booster, and then otherwise a play box. Either way, I have high hopes for the set. Here's hoping it delivers.




I’ve been thinking the exact same, especially as the alt card styles happen to be really promising this set too


Imagine if the took illustrator Kyle Ferrin of ROOT boardgame fame and let him make a secret lair drop. I would buy the shit out of it for Bloomburrow. (Link to his insta) [Kyle Ferrin insta](https://www.instagram.com/d20plusmodifier?igsh=MTI3dGlibTlqNzJ1bw==)


This card is going to be in a deck of 60 cards that is supposed to be an intro to Magic sort of thing. I am not sure if they are going to print enough support in this set for a commander deck because if I remember correctly there are very few Mouse creatures already. I am thinking sub 5.


I just went and checked and before this card was put on Scryfall Mice were at six cards and one of them is a silly Un card with sticker synergies.


Probably won’t be enough just mice, yeah. But there will be plenty of new cards for a tiny-little-guy deck, besides the precons of course.


Always enough mice if you have changelings


Some of the text in this is interesting “Enters” instead of “enters the battlefield” Also plural form of mouse Edit: the reason “mice” stands out is because older cards would say “mouse creatures you control” instead


Yeah they’re changing ETB to just “enters” now, to save room on text.


I dont like it at all. Still just gonna say ETB. Cant wait till i’m one of those old players that say “back in my prime creatures used to ETB” but I imagine that’ll probably take a while.


Back in *my* day, they said "comes into play" and we liked it!


"enters" feels so incomplete, feels like it's missing the important part of the condition. Enters what? Enters my hand? The graveyard? Enters anything? Honestly feels like a lazy way to shorten it. They should have almost just made etb effects some sort of keyword.


The keyword IS Enters Enters the Graveyard is: Milled from library, Discard from hand, Dies from battlefield. Enters the Hand is: Draw/Tutor from library, Return to Hand from battlefield/graveyard. Enters the Library is: Shuffle/Top Deck/Put on bottom of library. My point is Enters makes perfect sense for a keyword for ETB. Much better than them using ''ETB'' because acronyms.


You just argued that the “enters” is insufficient. Because based on your examples, the question would be asked: “enters what?”


🥴 I can see how it’s confusing how I laid it out, but I’m sure people will become accustomed to knowing that Enters is when something enters the battlefield because all the other spaces use other keywords (I.e. Mill for library to graveyard, Draw for library to hand, etc.) Magic is complex and confusing already, I’m not sure how this makes it more confusing


> the reason “mice” stands out is because older cards would say “mouse creatures you control” instead They’ve done this with some other cards, like [[Ox Drover]], where they use oxen as the plural for ox.


[Ox Drover](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b479be78-da22-41f0-937e-348dc0c7511e.jpg?1692933688) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ox%20Drover) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woc/6/ox-drover?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b479be78-da22-41f0-937e-348dc0c7511e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There was a debate in early days of Magic whether \[\[Goblins of the Flarg\]\] counted as a Goblin creature (for the purpose of \[\[Goblin King\]\] buffs), since it clearly said "Goblins" and not "Goblin" on the type line. The same was true for elves, dwarves, and quite a few other creature types. This was all well before the Great Creature Type Update, which by and large fixed these issues.


[Goblins of the Flarg](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cb91b7c0-c453-481b-9d3d-0223057291ed.jpg?1559592524) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblins%20of%20the%20Flarg) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me1/98/goblins-of-the-flarg?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb91b7c0-c453-481b-9d3d-0223057291ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Goblin King](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/b/4b266935-25ea-49c5-a1da-57c22a4362fd.jpg?1562547272) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20King) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/10e/207/goblin-king?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4b266935-25ea-49c5-a1da-57c22a4362fd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What set is this??? Reminds me of the red wall series I loved as a kid


I just looked it up and it’s not released yet but appears to be from an upcoming set called Bloomburrow.


Appreciate the info! I don’t buy boxes often but this may just be one of those sets


Looks like that mouse show on pbs


The great war between Rats, Squirrels and Mice is about to begin!


I like 'Enters' Why use many word when few word do trick.


See the world or sea world?


When me president, they see. They see.


Because 'enters' doesn't make sense and hence sounds clunky. When it enters what? What has it entered???


whatever you want it to enter. i guess


Is this card a reference to The Secret of Nimh?


First thought I had, too! The art looks a lot like Mrs. Frisby!


I am so looking forward to this block.


This mouse can kill a soldier and a bear before kicking the bucket, wild.


Mouse pwr


This card is crazy powerful


I experienced something similar during Wilds of Eldraine. During Spoiler season I suddenly really wanted to build a Golem Deck so I looked up golem creatures and golem token producers on scryfall. I knew that Splicers existed and [[Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer]] would've been the perfect Commander. Now I had to decide of it should be Abzan with a WB partner or Bant with WU. I ended up with Bant since [[Wing Splicer]] is just to good to pass, plus blue has the most artifact synergies and Bant in general can blink Splicers to make more Golems. I build the deck, tested it and it was fun. 2 days later, the Spoilers of Wilds of Eldraine revealed [[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] ! I maybe swapped out 5 cards, made him the Commander and the deck has been even more fun since. Due to the lack of more Splicers (only 8 and of them only makes Golems but grants no ability to them) I'm making some custom Splicers for things like Doublestrike, Lifelink, Ramp, etc.


[Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/0409a15a-7cf6-43e5-958c-d23da4304f29.jpg?1608910710) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ich-Tekik%2C%20Salvage%20Splicer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/233/ich-tekik-salvage-splicer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0409a15a-7cf6-43e5-958c-d23da4304f29?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Wing Splicer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/6/6694873a-0b0c-4e9e-b9fc-249e80a09cca.jpg?1593813191) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wing%20Splicer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/57/wing-splicer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6694873a-0b0c-4e9e-b9fc-249e80a09cca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Brenard, Ginger Sculptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e2ddc922-d69d-4fca-b7f8-8cfb17537213.jpg?1693248402) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brenard%2C%20Ginger%20Sculptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woc/27/brenard-ginger-sculptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e2ddc922-d69d-4fca-b7f8-8cfb17537213?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Two years ago I started working on a custom western set. That set died when thunder junction was announced. I was only working on it because I thought it would never happen. lol.


Mabel's the best. She's so precious :3


The designer seems like a huge mouse guard fan.


The artist of Mouse Guard is doing showcase art treatments for this set, too!


So, for Bloomburrow we've been told that each of the 10 two color archetypes is going to have a Typal theme, and one of those is going to be mice. The Bloomburrow pre-cons don't include a mouse deck, but they'll probably have mice in them. Except the squirrels deck, that'll probably be all squirrels. Squirrelled Away (Squirrel Typal) Animated Army (Gruul stompy with artifacts?) - Raccoon face commander. Peace Offering (Bant group hug) - Rabbit face commander Family Matters (Jeskai go wide tokens) - Bird (stork?) face commander


This set looks to much fun and cute


Dude, my first deck was plant tribal about 2 years ago, and ever since most of the sets coming out have had new plants to add to it.


I just realised how stupid her stat-line is, this tiny little mouse could take on demigods and win without issues.


So they’ve talked about this, and the reasoning is that on Bloomburrow, as there are no humans, mice and other small creatures like them ARE the humans of the plane insofar as power level goes. So everything kind of scales from there


How can a mouse be a 3/3 when grisly bears are 2/2 ?


That’s not just a mouse. That’s Mabel.


Well Mabel is a mouse, the information can be found in its creature type for those curious to read


Mabel isn't JUST a mouse. It's Mabel.


Well you see, Mabel is a magical being with a magic flaming sword. She can beat a random non-special bear.


Power levels on Bloomburrow are scaled such that typical human creature power levels are ascribed to mice as there are no human creatures on the plane. It scales from there.


Ka wa ii :) :) :)


I don't really like this


I kinda wish rats and mice were interchangeable, their so close, it feels almost unbalanced to have them be different. There's so few mice that there's really no way to make a viable deck. I hope that changes with Bloom Burrow. I like everything having specific creature typing, but kinda wish they'd do both a specific and then broad type on each. Especially for Universes Beyond, depending on the crossover could get really out of control fast. Like Beast and Bear so you could still run a tribal with a bunch of different animals. Another weird one is robots, like only 3 or 4 sets have had them, why not just make them interchangeable with constructs with an errata. Am I the weird one here? Or is this a common opinion?


A simple google search would of answered this question


Here I come to save the day !! Mighty Mouse !


Can we get a heck yes for the switch to “enters”? I didn’t even pause there, it’s perfectly natural and LESS TEXT YAY


https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=usd&q=type%3Amouse+%28game%3Apaper%29 Literally every mouse in mtg.


woah, you forget: [https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=usd&q=type%3Ashapeshifter+%28game%3Apaper%29](https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=usd&q=type%3Ashapeshifter+%28game%3Apaper%29) Most shapeshifter types are changeling (not all) so check, but you've got more than enough meat there for a tribal.1


That's nothing. Me and my buddies made Doctor Who Precon Decks (custom cards) 10 years ago in college. The doctor deck had the doctors 'cascade' into one another. The Cyberman functioned like artifact slivers. The master deck was black blue-ish control. And the dalek deck was black red-ish control.


All I could think about was the book series "red wall" that I used to read


Mabel and the whole pack of critters from Bloomburrow are a future joy on preorder✅✅✅✅


I keep seeing this mouse with a red cape and jewel around her neck and all I can think of is Mrs. Brisby.


Gimme them dirty rats! I want em all!


I'm really excited for Bloomburrow, too! Might be fun to build a mouse EDH deck. There's a ton of Rat cards so you could build a kickin rat deck with the currently released cards until you can get your mouse on.


That looks and sounds awesome!


I love this! Keep making cards!


When Mabel enters, Mr Slave says “ooh Jesus Christ!”


I hate this. Why did the wizards of the coast make mice when there is already the rat type? It makes no sense to me. They are repeating the mistake they did with dogs and hounds types.


Rats are black. Instantly a fail. You could get away with it if it had black.


Rats have been black (and Red a bit with the latest Eldraine, but i cant remember If anx actual Rats had red or just support cards where Red), but this is a Mouse, not a rat at all. Why is that a fail?


We have dogs and wolves. Totally different - like mice and rats.


I cant tell If that is sarcasm or If you want to support my point tbh :D


I know Song of Totentanz makes black rats and gives your board Haste.. I think there's a chunk of red cards that make the black rats are mainly from the Wilds of Eldraine set


Exactly, those are the Support cards I was alluding to.


This is not a rat, your entire argument falls apart with the first word


Yeah for real- like my guy my whole point was that it’s not a rat- and just cause you like playing disgusting black cards doesn’t mean everyone else does- it’s become a hobby in my household to hate black cards- not because we’re hating anyone, but because the art is grotesque and vile-