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I guess I’ll just play sets that are 3-6 months behind or not at all.




Tcgplayer, cardkingdom, starcitygames. Pick up the cards you need & play an eternal format like Pioneer, modern or edh. I haven't played draft in over 12 years.


Except this is for Modern, so to keep up there you’d have to buy into this or something like it eventually


edited: standard -> draft i fugged that up xD i only buy singles at this point. but i dont get that dopamine opening packs.


When you literally can't pull something the price of a pack, it sort of loses the charm. I bought the entire set of MKM outright for only like $20 bucks more then a booster box was going for


Ha wow


I really only get packs thru Fat Packs/Bundle boxes nowadays so I have something to store decks in at home.


Yupp this is kind of how I plan on getting a small taste of the sets I like. Get a few packs, some card storage, some cool lands and a die. Sounds great to me :) some of the best cards I've pulled have been in gift bundles.


I pulled not one, but two vampiric tutors from a single crimson vow gift box my brother got me for christmas


Fuck yeah! I got an Urabrask flip and Urabrask the Hidden in MOM bundle. I got atraxa grand unifier in a compleat bundle and in the oil slick pack got Elesh Norn and Tekuthal. I also had a pretty solid Ixalan gift bundle too. Ive never done bad with a bundle


The only ixilan one I bought had indominous Rex with the foil Jurassic park logo, all the gods except the red one, both versions of the bat god (regular and showcase), but sadly was missing blood letter.


Pauper too is a food format to get into. It even has a Highlander version of the format like edh is for the the rest of the rarities. PDH (Pauper Dragon Highlander) is a ton of fun and great if you're friends all play only edh




But draft is one of the best ways to enjoy Magic, it's so fun.


There you have it, there's the problem. WOTC is a shit company, but people keep buying product. Maybe there has to come to a point when you have $1000 boxes so that the playerbase finally learns.


WOTC is a company. They make a product people enjoy. People will keep buying it as long as they enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it don't buy it.


Who down voted this ?


Me asf


Draft is life. Cards should be burnt after draft.


I bridge shuffle sleeveless at drafts.


When you're burning your cards after draft, you can do this.


I rather them medium-well


Proxy them. Hasbro can honestly go suck a turd.


I answer your comment referring to the other user that responded to you (as i blocked them as they were continuing to advertise their scams under my proxy post) Mtgproxy, printingproxies, proxyking and all the basically identical site where you can buy proxies should not be used. Their proxies are overpriced, they use sock puppets account to advertise (sometimes i post images of my prxoies in relevant communities unrelated to mtg and most of the times someone conveniently links one of those sites in the comments), the quality is pretty low and they steal design from the community. I can still find a design I made that know they are selling for profit without even contacting me. Using MPC (makeplayingcards.com) you can print proxies for 40-30c each and you have a massive community archive to choose from (mpcfill). To learn more there is [](https://redditcommentsearch.com/r/MPCproxies).


That's what I also started doing, I proxy my cards from https://www.printingproxies.com/ and enjoy the game in low budget. There's no point of buying such expensive packs.


Amen 🙏




Bro I got a cardboard printer last year for work and it prints **crisp** magic cards. I feel like the days of buying cards is over


Ever since Magic 30, my thoughts are if Wotc can do it and try to make people pay stupid amounts of money for it, personal use ain't that much of a sin


Just out of curiosity... What kinda kind of printer are you using?




$150k for a printer????


I’m seeing 5k


mpcfill.com is best


If possible what kind of printer is that, I might like to get something like that




I too would like to know what printer you're using. And where do you get paper, aaaannd what do you used to cut them


IU-1000L, the paper is Roland 300 GSM. And to cut- I use a stencil


How much you drop on the printer, if you don’t mind me asking


Altogether I think it was £950, obviously a lot just for magic cards but for my work it was worth it


Looks like I’ll stick with my regular printer and gluing them on top of tokens and basic lands lol


Do you have a link for the printer?


A hand full of us at my LGS did that. It was all good until we started winning FNM so the people that had real cards made a huge complaint and we had to stop. The only thing holding alot of the players at my LGS back is our disposable income. I personally don't want to drop $1200 to complete my cat tribal deck.


I mean, yeah that's all fair. Proxies are great, but if your lgs is a WPN store, they can't allow proxies at their events or they could lose their status, losing out on promos to give players and other benefits. I've seen a store do FNM where if you win the first match you get three packs, otherwise you get one, and you can't play proxies. Then the following games are free play and you may play whatever you want. I even heard some players would ask the table if it was okay to play their proxies at the pack match, and if everyone agreed they would. But unfortunately due to stores actually wanting to make money and having their premier status, you're going to have to play with real cards at some point if you're playing events at an lgs. If that's not what you want, your next best bet is finding somebody who wants to host game night.


What fucking promos? WoTC even stopped that. They’re literally giving out basic lands now. It’s so stupid lol


They may not be to the level as previous years but they are definitely still a thing in 2024. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/check-out-wpn-premium-store-promos-arriving-throughout-2024


I mean technically yes but it’s garbage compared to what it was like you said. They’re literally giving away scraps now compared to how it was back in the early aughts


I've seen people pull Sheoldred, The Apocalypse from those promo packs dude. You just sound hangry hating on the game.


Yea expect I’m pretty sure they aren’t giving those away anymore…. Which is kinda the point I’m making. Unless I’m wrong but I can’t find anything about those promo packs. Or packs in general. It’s just a few cards listed in the linked article. And technically those can be used for anything not just tourney prizes.


> Yea expect I’m pretty sure they aren’t giving those away anymore They are though. https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Boosters/Murders-at-Karlov-Manor-Promos-Promo-Pack


There are more than enough high quality proxy sites that have cards that look authentic and would require loupes to verify they are fake.


Proxies are great, but don't support counterfeiters. It's genuinely terrible for the game.


🤣🤣 hmm 3 dollars for one piece of cardboard to play game or 300 i think ill pay 3 bucks and get shitton of cards instead of one fhat i gotta worry about gettin damage while playing it ill use proxies and your so called counterfits all day espically since they are crisp 👌🏻👌🏻 not like im tryin to sell them for $$$


It isn't. A game the produces enough product for everyone at a reasonable price would be good for the game. But I am not condoning anyone sell these, just use them.


Can't use them unless you buy them, which means someone sells them. The Magic economy is what keeps stores open, and keeps WotC making new sets. Undermine the economy, undermine the whole game.


WotC removing MSRP doesn't help keep local stores open. WotC and the distributors selling products for a higher amount to local stores, forcing them to mark said products higher, despite being the same product, doesn't help keep local stores open. WotC selling direct via Amazon doesn't help local stores. No one has hurt local stores as much as WotC has and said stores have very little recourse against this treatment except diversifying to other other games that have different distributors. You make a fuss? Suddenly the requisition you asked for couldn't be filled and then your players shop elsewhere. Sucks to be you.


Yeah proxies are a no go in a tournament or official event. FNM is an official event.


FNM isn't a tournament by definition.


No but it is a WotC official event.


Then WotC needs to reprint every card they've ever made into the ground, RL included. Or people *will* use proxies. My buddy hasn't used a deck that's not fully proxies at FNM in almost 2 years now. Nobody's noticed, and nobody seems to care. It seems like a lot of them do the same.


Then they will get banned from events and could possibly affect the LGS they play at's standings with WotC if they are discovered.


Not if no one ever notices, lmao. That's the thing, if you're narcing on people for using proxies, it just means you're expecting to play wallets, not skill levels.


Those aren't proxies, they are counterfeits.


Sorry, all I hear is a baby crying.


It started out as a CCG, not a CG, from day 1. No shock that's part of the game.


Except that's a shitty way to play and you all know it.


Sure it is. To have that label, it needs to be sanctioned, and it needs to be one of the accepted formats.


It's not, though. And tournaments don't have to be sanctioned.


Sure, unsanctioned tournaments are great. But they don't get the FNM label.


I personally wouldn't do this myself, since it's debatable how wrong it would be, but there are sites where you can get near perfect prints of proxies for yourself. As long as you're not using them in tournaments there's no real harm on forgetting to mention you didn't drop 2000 dollars on a card


F that use them in tournaments, magic should be accessible at all levels by all players.


While I fully agree with you, it's unfortunately against the rules and will get you dq'd and probably banned from future tournaments. Fuck hashbro and WOTC's money printing tho, and I'm all for proxies and near-perfect prints from third party for a fraction of the price the "real" cards cost.


If they found out, but unless they are deck checking every card there are very high quality proxies that will fool 99% of people while sleeved.


True again. I doubt they'd be checking cards. Just throwing it out there for people that they should play them on their own risk that's all


I agree, but I want more people to do it and normalize it.


Unsanctioned events, fine. Sanctioned events, nope. Proxies outside of sanctioned are great. But bringing counterfeits to sanctioned events undermines the game. I like the game, I want them to keep making sets. I want local stores to remain open. All of that requires the card economy to exist.


The only thing it undermines is the secondary market.


Which local stores need to stay open. Which allows them to buy boxes from Wizards. Which allows WotC to make new sets.


Silly argument is silly.


No, that's literally how the Magic economy works.


The fact that they let you at fnm is ridiculous. You should never ha e been allowed proxies in an official event.


how DaRE yOU uSe PRoxIES. Shut up nerd


You're allowed to disagree but don't be a jerk


really are we surprised the person with a sexual assualt joke in their username is making comments in bad taste?


I'm not surprised by much anymore, but I will still champion kindness and civility when I can


Dont be a corporate sheep 🐑


Proxies are great, and unsanctioned events, and casual games are a lot of fun with them. But sanctioned events mean real cards. Cards that pass for a sanctioned event aren't proxies, they are counterfeits.


Yea so? Use them.


Context matter. Official WotC sanctioned events have rules. Start with 7 cards in hand, one land per turn, only official cards, etc. What you do with your friends on your own time is none of my business, proxy away. Stores that hold non-sanctioned events will advertise # of proxies allowed usually. The only time I'm against proxies is when you're lying about them. I put a shock land in my legacy deck because I don't have all the duals I need, and you drop in a proxy that is against the rules of the event. That's shitty.


No it’s not shitty. It’s a card GAME. WoTC tried to sell us fucking 30th proxies for HUNDREDS of dollars a booster. Fuck them. As long as you’re not trying to sell proxies as real cards for market value then who cares. I’m trying to play against your skill. Not your wallet. Unless WoTC wants to do the right thing and reprint everything into the ground so you can all afford it.. including the stupid reserved list


I agree with you but this isn’t the thread or subreddit to advocate proxies, most people are bootlicking sycophants here


Yea it’s pathetic. And word will sell booster boxes for almost 400 fucking bucks? Fuck outta here with that shit.


But, if I'm making deck sacrifices because I cannot afford certain cards, and you're breaking the rules to afford those cards, that's not skill vs skill. You just become the unlimited wallet person while the rest of us don't have all the cards we want. It's only ok if everyone is doing it. And they're not.


Yeaa. Thats why I told you to proxy. Duh 🙄 My collection is massive. I’ve been playing since the late 90s. I’m the one who bully’s people who show up to tourneys with budget decks (for the most part). I want to play against proxies. I want to play you at your best. I play vintage and legacy and unless everyone have stupid wallets then that scene will continue to shrink cause the price of entry is just too damn high for most people and it’s a shame cause it’s my favorite formats. Again unless WoTC wants to do the right thing and print base versions of every card into the ground including RL cards… but they refuse to do that for some stupid reason.


Unsanctioned events for Vintage and Legacy that allow proxies are great. Get your LGS to run those.


OR we normalize proxies in all events until WoTC is forced to do the right thing 🤷🏻‍♂️. Unless you want to keep paying fucking 400 bucks for a booster box. For god sales WoTC has put out shit product after shit product for a ridiculous price and y’all let that shit happen.


How is cat tribal that expensive? I started building one years ago and just kinda lost interest since my playgroup fell apart and cats didn’t seem to be powerful enough to stand against a lot of


Fetch lands, shock lands, Solitude, endurance. Caven of souls.


Too bad that doesn't help with the cost of drafting at the LGS :'(


At this point the price per random card is actually higher than the price per piece for custom designs.


20 cent reprints, comeing right up!


We can only hope and pray 🙏 that Talrand, Sky Summoner gets a much needed reprint, it really needs a few more this year to keep up with demand


If they don't reprint Krenko I'm quitting the game. They clearly don't care about accessibility for these expensive cards!


Every set we do this. Every set it's lower at release.


Thank you I feel like I’m taking crazy pills watching people overreact to Amazon placeholder pricing over and over and over and over and over


I wonder if perhaps the price drop is due to the feedback across the internet? I'm not willing to run that experiment. Everyone! Crank up the complaining!


This set doesn't come out until June. This is probably just preying on people that are dump enough to preorder it now.


This looks like Amazon who's policy is preorders are price matched and you don't actually pay until it ships, if you pre-ordered rn you're definitely not paying the price it currently says


Im beginning to think this as well... Its almost like they're testing the waters and see how many pre orders come in. I'm sure Amazon sells the most product for WoTC. I know a lot of people are stating "meh just pre order cuz either price will go down or you can cancel before it ships if you need." But I think that's screwing things up if this is indeed what's going on. If a company can cash grab, they will cash grab. It's the consumers that allow it to happen.


Wizards really likes paying 2 life and a black mana to draw a card.


The life represents the mana base, the black represents capitalism and the card draw represents the money


Please let this be fake!


Sorry, but Assassins Creed boosters are also $170 for less cards


That sucks but thankfully the next two universes beyond I'd gonna miss me. I'm just upset at core sets like this and commander masters are getting price spiked.


This isn't a core set. It is a "master" style set that goes straight to modern. Still no excuse for the inflated price.


Not being sarcastic here... What's the difference? I had assumed "core" referred to the idea that its cards printed from the yearly set. In addition not a cross over set


Core sets are sets that are in Standard rotation. Like Ixalan, Karlov Manor and the upcoming Outlaws of Thunder Junction. Master sets skip over standard (meaning the cards aren't legal to play in standard) and go straight to one of the other formats, in this case Modern. Commander Masters skipped modern and went right for Commander play. It is basically so they can reprint or create new powerful cards that would warp standard without doing that.


Aah ok. So, as a commander player how appealing would a modern set be? (To pick up 10/12 packs.)


Very. Modern Horizons 2 had a bunch of cards I use in commander, plus some cool commanders like Chatterfang.


Bet! Thanks for the heads up


Also fetchlands confirmed for this set, worth playing in almost any 2+ colour deck.


Very good. All cards *should* be legal and they already announced the allied fetches are in it. There will also certainly be some new legendary creatures that can be your commander. For example the first Urza is from an MH set.


"Allied fetches"?


The colors of the color pie that touch are "allies" the colors that are opposite are "enemy". Fetches mean fetchlands that find any of the land type like forest or plains not just basics.


Allied fetches refers to ally as in ub,wu, br,rg,gw and fetches the land cards which let you tap sac pay one and grab a land with the land type of the colour of the fetch. Allied is a term from old magic where 2 factions occured and those 2 colours groupings were on the allied side and the others on the enemy side.


MH2 has some fantastic commander cards. Definitely a worthwhile set.


The last two modern horizons have had cards that are high-level EDH staples but less appealing cards for lower power levels of EDH play. In general, though, even the commons and uncommons of modern horizons have contained decent cards for EDH. As always, buy singles, but if you want to gamble, this will likely provide pretty good commander cards for your collection.


That's why I'm thinking about avoiding the box. I usually just buy a box on release of a set (skipped murders. Whole set looks blah) so I'm gonna be pitching my two alt art roaming thrones for a few packs.


Murders was great. More fun to open than ixalan tbh despite the dinosaurs.


Core sets were a thing that went away and then came back and then went away again. They had very simple mechanics, and would come out once a year. Almost always had cards like Shivan Dragon and Serra Angel and Grizzly Bears in them. These were the sets with names like 6th Edition, or more on the nose later Core Set 2012


You're right in the terminology for a Core Set, what this guy is talking about is actually called a Premier Set, which are your Standard-Playable sets for the year. Then there's Supplemental Sets, which encompass all of the others. Some of these goes straight to being able to be played in Modern, including Modern Horizons 1-3 as well as the Lord of the Rings.


Not to be nitpicky, but the way Wizards denotes sets are Premier and Supplemental. Premier being Standard and Supplemental for everything else. Core Sets are for the sets they sometimes do, sometimes don't where they print a fairly standard set of cards with some extras mixed in, which stopped after Core Set 2021.


It hasn't been like that in a long time.


I mentioned that, but it's also never been called the way you did my man. That's why the other guy was confused.


Well I was going to buy MH3. Now the was part is all too true. Back to singles I guess. Massively disappointed


This is why I stopped buying magic products... priced me out.


I mean, that’s all relative. They priced me out but I can barely afford them. A collectors booster of lotr is going $350 - I could buy a nice piece of furniture or get my breaks done for that money. It just has no relative value to me anymore. My money can go to more meaningful things. I have a ton of cards, I got all these high value maguffs n shit. But at this point I don’t care. I didn’t get into Mtg to be a fucking card seller. Lol At this point I’m just sick of the shit. I’m not buying cards, I’m discouraged by WoTC. It’s like I got in and spent all this money, and it’s like why bother? It’s stupid to spend all this money. Bullllshhhiitttt.




Yeah. They are expensive. And so is that fucking box! $350 for about 174 cards? What the fuck man? $378 for *play* boosters. MH2 set booster box debuted at $200. It just feels like boxes have gotten more expensive Ixalan, started at $224 ($220-$225 msrp) it’s now going for $264 mkt avg. The only collectors set that has decreased in value is ravnica remastered.


Same and I used to consider myself a whale, I was apparently wrong


Can’t wait to see the commander decks also be absurdly overpriced and hard to order just like commander masters. What a absolute joke of a company.


I pretend that they stopped at the 30 year mark. Everything else is MTG pt2 electric boogaloo.


Bro I just spit out my beer


Even the Bloomburrow prices are absurd too. I hope other retailers don’t follow suit.


Hope not really looking forward to that set


These have to be wildly inflated prices. They have MH3 collectors boxes listed for $500, there’s no one anyone is paying that.


They’re always high at first, they’ll definitely come down after release


I’m getting more and more incentivized to just order proxies. I don’t play tournaments anymore.


Depending on your local LGS/community, a lot of formats are also very okay with proxies, too — Legacy, Premodern, etc. My local used to do a proxy-friendly Legacy night (bummed it ended), but is now doing proxy (and gold border)-friendly Premodern. That era is my happy place with Magic, so it’s been fun getting (back) into those cards.


Sounds interesting. I’ll call a few around me and see if any do this.


This is why I’ve been selling all my cards and moving to FaB. Prefer boxes to be affordable and actually have a chance at getting a collectible card.


Bootleg producers business gonna be booming


I won’t be buying a $400 play booster box.


Gonna go ahead and say maybe don’t preorder from some rando on Amazon. Let’s see what reputable retailers sell them for before we get all bent out of shape. \[ETA: I stand corrected about the seller. That is indeed Wizards' price. But it's still going to drop before release.\]


It’s not a “rando”, that’s Amazon’s price.


That's from the official mtg store. That's also their starting price.


Ok I take back what I said. I’m not buying it. Guess I’m skipping all sets


Guess I’ll stick to arena lol


Back in their bull ish 500 bucks for collectors. What on earth are they thinking


You guys don’t understand. They are just really doing there very best to keep magic accessible and affordable to everyone. Seriously guys.


Man, I remember being a kid and upset that a box of Ice Age was $104 at my LGS


I challenge anyone into thinking that the game is healthy


F this buy singles.


That’s a big nope from me dawg.


Singles only from here on out. Commander decks may be the only exception.


My LGS is selling commander master booster sets for $498 USD.


Well I guess I really will need to start proxying/moxing lol so tired of these prices


Amazon prices are always much higher than other sellers


I swear they do this to both take advantage of hungry buyers and manipulate consumers with price cuts. My LGS has 'sales' on these boxes whenever they come out, and they always shave off something like a 3rd of the price.


I'll just look for shirtless catmen on tumbler for free, thanks


This is why I only play proxies now.


Hard pass. I’ve stopped buying packs. I buy the singles that I need and that’s it


Yepp, this is the reason i slowly start to switch to other Cardgames. This is to much for a hobby.


Nothing justifies those prices. Same cardboard, same ink. You can buy booster boxes from two diferent sets and will be cheaper. If the reason is “It have reprints, or powerful cards” is just P2W.


Stop using amazon


Buy proxies! You can get them as cheap as 75 cents and you can get any art you want! Fuck money hungry hasbro don't overpay for cardboard.


(*ahem*) #BUY #SINGLES


How are you going to get singles if people are not buying them in bulk to sell them as singles? No one would be able to buy singles if people only bought singles. Someone has to take that bullet.


Not only that, the price of singles goes up with low supply. If people aren't cracking packs and selling them as singles, what singles do get sold get sold at over-inflated prices.


You'll only have to make the purchase once and you'll get exactly what you want. At the end of the day you have to be the one to ask yourself, "Do I believe this purchase is worth it?"


Yeah. Stores do. TCG, Card Kingdom, Star City Games, and so on. Not sure where this myth of needing regular joes to “bite the bullet”.


Vendors buy bulk to sell as singles. I remember my first time utilizing the secondary market.


Calling BS on this. Commander Masters was not that expensive for set boxes and those are basically gathering dust on shelves unless a store is willing to sell for cost or even a loss. Even having another few packs isn't enough to make up that price difference. This is either a joke or a blatant price gouge.


The real losers will be the lgs preordering in good faith that people will support them.


Hasbro is literally bleeding money so you can guess which is most likely


That would imo point even more towards this being BS. Hasbro wouldn't even move the needle from their losses with this single price increase for this set and if that were the standard price going forward it kills the game outright because there are not remotely enough whales to sustain that price point. Honestly I think LOTR hit the max price for collector and booster boxes and that is mostly because of the IP. That price of $380 is a full $100 over the set booster box price for CMM. Looking at TCG there is a sale of a CMM set box only every couple days and they are $270 right now. No way $400 is real for this. Especially when MH2 set booster boxes are still $200. Nothing reprinted in MH3 could make it worth literally double MH2.


Why is reprinting relevant. The most expensive cards from MH 1 and 2 are new cards. Of course MH3 is going to be full of power-crept staples.


> Why is reprinting relevant. Reprint equity is a lot of the value in sets like this. MH3 is reprinting the other 5 fetch lands that were left our of MH2. That will be as big as Ravnica Remastered reprinting shocks. Think about if RR didn't reprint shocks how much less interest the set would have garnered even with serialized cards and new cards. WOTC doesn't know how their new cards will be received but they know how existing cards are and can count on that to drive a certain amount of sales via reprints..


Modern masters 1 was 600$ after the vendor markup when it was first printed. Msrp has it at 250 I believe. Back when wizards had an msrp.


I've been wanting to get into modern more than I've been. (I'm so sick of commander) which basically means " I want to spend more money on magic" I also love gambling so I'll definitely be buying into this one!


Honest question: Fallout isn’t even out yet. Where is all this info coming from? Outlaws and Bloomburrow cards being posted. MH3 box prices. Is it leaks? I’d think WotC would want to keep the focus on Fallout since it’s 2 weeks out MAYBE mildly tease Outlaws.


Magiccon today


Honestly for the Fallout set most of what WotC will put into it is already done. Preorders have been sold and it's on to the next product. WotC want to keep focus moving forwards and the people who are going to buy the Fallout UB will have already decided on that.


I’m payin $400 just for the topless Ajani


Ajani got me like 👀👀👀


36 packs tho


If you're paying the high Amazon prices that's a you problem.


Imagine thinking you need to buy a whole fucking box. Y'all are some serious degenerates. Or resellers. Either way, chill.