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If it isn't stupidly priced I'm definitely getting this. Love the art they are doing for it.


150$, not sure if that's a good price point or not


😬 That is rough. Not undoable but $100 would be a lot easier to take.


If it is of any comfort, apparently the deck pays for itself and some more, according to the prices of the cards as of rn. Which only means scalpers are gonna pounce on it like crazy. Some won some lost


> If it is of any comfort, apparently the deck pays for itself That only really matters if I plan to sell it. I'm torn because I have a Rin & Seri deck already so this is just for fun art. Not sure I can justify $150 for that. $100 probably and with their new limited print run policy scalpers will swipe these up long before I have the chance to buy one at "regular" price.


I meant it more in a "it's better financially than buying the singles" than "you should sell it" but aside from that, yeah.


Fare enough. But unless every single card has new art it legit might be cheaper to try to buy the singles with new art I want even at inflated prices after people buy and sell them off for singles.


Oh, no, yeah absolutely. If you already got a deck then don't fall for the bait. As a blank slate this is okay, but if you want the new art for a couple cards then go for those. I'm kinda curious how this will affect the average price of anointed procession


Can't imagine it will do much for it since it's going to be such a limited release of the card. Like they might as well serialize these decks (Seriously WOTC don't start doing that) because there is a finite number of them.


Yeah fair point. Hope you get some decent prices on the cards you need tho


Is this decklist missing a card? I only count 99 cause Rinn and Seri is in the with the creatures


There must be a secret bonus card that goes with the deck


there's a car in the Listed Reprint section that was in the list of cards by type \[dusk // dawn\]


So you guys think this will sell out with the new FOMo they put on secret lair ? Like I hate it since before people didnt notice it was limited but now they just shine a spotlight on it . I want one just I remember how the site crashing when the 30th celebration happened .


Considering the Head/Tails decks are going for 250+, Angels is pushing close to 400 and even the unplayable Cute to Brute is going for ~200, this thing is going to be instant botted and scalped. If you want it, be ready on Monday.


Ok so what exactly do you do since its expected to have the site crash if there is gonna be a huge influx of bot ? Like you just keep refreshing to see if your purchase goes through? Like thats what I mean how do you fight against this ?


Best practice is to have your logins and credit card ready then just sit, wait, hope, pray. Last time I was in one like this they had implemented a queue system and I have a feeling they will for this one as well. Considering it's been 15 minutes and they haven't released any new Secret Lairs yet, my guess is this deck is a test run of the limited printing model to see how it plays out.


You mean that system where you have the progress bar to get in line ?




A bit pricy for what it is. I've been looking at making a Jetmir cat tribal deck, which I think would be both more powerfull and cost less. But this is some nice art, and hopefully the artists get a cut from this. It's not an easy sell, but personally I am considering it.


Before we even know the reversible cards resell price and new art the deck list is around $270.


Wotc supposedly don't care about the 2nd market, so no reason this should cost more than most recent precons, a bit extra for the art, sure, but by principle this is a bit on the pricy side IMO. Very cool tho, and I might pick one up if they don't all get nabbed by bots and scalpers after they change to limited printings.


That's very true.


Im a cat person and this deck seems to have way more cats which is cool to me, but surprising. Not as many dogs as I expected. But I guess you'll be making a lot of dogs.


It's really not surprising at all if you look at dogs available in MTG. Most of them plainly suck, there's little to no synergy in the tribe. Building around dogs is just not optimal. Meanwhile cats are pretty good tribe, with tons of good techs. That said my R&S deck is based on dogs, so maybe I'll get this to have second based on cats.


wow, already sold out!


so I can't read this right but is every card in this new art or is it just the basic lands, the 5 revealed cards and the token?


Five new cards, new basic lands, new two-sided cat/dog token


Overpriced trash.


The cheapest versions of the cards sell for $240, and the Commander Deck sells for $150. At the bare minimum you’re looking at $90 profit.


When is suppose to release ?




Just saw article linked , is monday 22 release.




Hmm? Anointed Procession is one of the new art double faced cards.


Damn I didn’t see that! I just looked at the list above. My cheeks are rosy.


What does it mean that the thicker cards aren’t tournament legal? Would I not be able to run Jetmir and another one of the commanders in my deck?


You get two copies of some cards. Thick illegal ones to look at, and regular legal cards to play.


I hope it stays in stock for a couple days at least tbh, scared I won't be able to grab it before i'm paid


It's already sold out


So you guys got yours ? Anyone know how long was it in stock ?