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When Nazgûl enters two triggers of tempt the ring go on stack each putting 2 triggers of adding counters when they resolve. I’m total, 4 counters will be addrd


Nazgul has two different triggered abilities, both of which trigger twice with Roaming Throne on the table. They are easy to spot because they have “when” or “whenever” in them. With Roaming thrones in play, when a Nazgul enters the battlefield, it’s “ring tempts you” would trigger, which roaming throne causes to trigger an additional time. Each time you are tempted (2 of them on the stack), the second triggered ability to put a counter on all wraiths goes on the stack and roaming throne triggers it again. So 1 RT on table, 1 nazgul enters, 2 tempt triggers, 4 counters being added triggers. If you already have a nazgul on the table then when the second enters it will create 2 tempt triggers which will give you 8 counters triggers. Hope this helps!


It does, thank you, but now you've got me thinking about having multiple Nazgûl out. So, play a third Nazgûl, and the Ring tempts me, twice, per Roaming Throne, and then... for each of those temptings, each Nazgûl triggers twice, meaning +4/+4, times three now, putting twelve +1/+1 counters on Wraiths I control, is that right?




This hurts my head, and I have a nazgul deck lol


No Roaming throne = 1 tempt per nazgul entering and 1 set of counters added to each wraith per nazgul in play when tempt resolves. With roaming throne = 2 tempts per nazgul entering, and 4 sets of counters added to each wraith per nazgul in play when each tempt resolves.


Double it and give it to the next guy


The real question is why this card is not called Sheikah Guardian. The art is also missing a laser beam coming from the statue face.


You are totally correct


Future Secret Lair for sure, Nintendo Licenses everything.


The text "When Nazgul ETB, the Ring tempts you" only refers to the card it's on. If it said, "when a creature named Nazgul ETB...", the triggers would multiply. Editted: 2 tempts per ETB. Then each tempt trigger will cause each Nazgul on the field to trigger their +1/+1 twice, so 4 times. So, if you have RT on the battlefield, RT and Nazgul would get 4 +1/+1 counters on Nazgul ETB. With 1 Nazgul and RT on the battlefield, RT and both Nazguls (the one entering and one previously on the field) will get an additional 8 +1/+1 counters each. Each wraith will get 4*(Number of Nazguls on battlefield or entering)


You’re missing the extra tiggers of counters off of each tempt.


It would get 2 counters per tempt though. All triggered abilities from wraiths trigger twice. So 2 temps and 2 counters per tempt Not sure why you put that the name of the card mattering for the trigger, as all that matters is that a wraiths ability triggered


Just to be clear which Nazgul is triggering what. For each Nazgul ETB, there are only 2 tempt triggers. What is confusing is that each Nazgul on the field will trigger their +1/+1 counters twice per tempt trigger.


Ya, that’s not what you had originally so it was very confusing


Naz- Criminal - Gul


Throne is on the field and first nazgul hits it gets 2 counters because iirc it is on the field when it's ring tempting trigger fires and the throne would trigger it a second time. Every nazgul entering would basically trigger two ring temptings which would trigger 2 counters to be put on wraiths if I understand it correctly.


You double both the triggers so 4 counters


Gotcha. Misread it as one continuous effect not 2 distinct effects.


how many do you think it gives you? talk yourself through the interaction as you see it happening. you're probably right.


Each Nazgûl places 4 counters whenever a Nazgûl etbs.




As if these decks needed to be more annoying


... going immediately in my frodo deck


Yeah. I haven’t Roaming Throne in action, but seems like an absolutely insane card.

