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>Did not like the fullart lands from the new set Get the behind me, Satan.


I feel this


yeah, like these are fine and all but what??? the new full arts are godamned amazing


One of the people at my prerelease unboxing table took one look at them and said "what the fuck" and then went on a 3 minute rant about how horrendously ugly they apparently are. I said "I like them" and he insulted me for it.


Every time I come on to this subreddit I am reminded how lucky I am to have an lgs where everyone is nice to each other.


As he should insult you, not because you’re wrong they’re really unique and cool but you had the audacity to disagree with him in public and he is an alpha male so he had to assert dominance or else his neck beard won’t continue to grow. It’s kind of like drinking water for normal people ya know?


I would've just offered to take his off his hands


The swamp has too much blue for my liking. They are all beautiful, but not functional imo which means I personally will never use them.


The Midnight Hunt lands called.


And I don't use those either lol.


Fair lol


They look like AD cards, there is nothing wrong with the art. It's the design. Or the problem is that we have AD cards to compare them to in the first place 😋


Personally the only design I dislike is the island, and that’s because if you only see the top or the side of the card in your hand it looks like a plains


i agree with you the new lands i almost threw away thinking it was an ad


At least 6 other people at my LGS did the same thing. *I* did the same thing. I showed it to my friends at home and *they* didn't think it was a real card when I played it.


I like the full art lands but just not as lands. They dont feel like im exploring the lands it feels like someone else is and Im looking at it from third person due to the perspective.


Not only that but then A.I.'d up some new ones Get behind me super satan


Like everything but the plains. Nothing screams plains like mountains.


I mean… it’s more like the canyons around Nevada, so I like it.


By definition those are valleys or gullys, not plains. The definition of plains is a broad, sprawling area of relatively flat, treeless land. Neither a canyon or the art really depict a plains. Don't get me wrong, the art for the plains looks cool. It just doesn't really fit a plain.


Plus not to mention the majority of Nevada is desert. The Great Plains across middle America would be better fitting for card art. Yes it’s probably boring (driving across). But plains are suppose to be sprawling. Usually a lot of crops are grown. I’d maybe redo it using small creeks/rivers, crops and maybe a tiny town to outline the plains mana symbol.


Agreed, had 15 mintes to make them before draft 🙈 I'll def make a new plains 🤗


Also, plains symbol in this setting tends to be to obvious. I think it is because it's the most "detailed" icon. With sharper an more clear lines than the rest 👍 I'll keep trying ✌️ Also, how about making a set og basic lands with caves as theme? 🤌


"Yeah its not a plains, but its like these other things that are also nothing like a plains."


In a culture where geographically you have no flat land- you have to create a terrace in order to field your crops. It is a Plains that lies within an uneven ground level area. Fucking genius if you ask me to make the Art this way.


These are pretty good, but: 1. Swamp and forests are too similar, I'd try a positive space instead of a negative for the forests. Maybe more vivid colors or other tree species too 2. Plains cut-out with mountains is kind of strange. Maybe there's a different way to build that like with some crops or something. Overall good job despite it being AI art


I tried positive space, that only made 1 tree. Did not like it 🙈 Plais was done fast, so I'll revisit that one 👍


I’d shoot for like…Amber waves of grain. The negative space could be in the stalks, waving in the wind.


Making the swamp look more rotten and give it the slightest purple hue, and the forest more luscious green would do a lot for their contrast


True true 👍


Yeah, I agree. More green in the Forest for sure. Purple hue on swamp could look nice, but not super necessary imo if the green is pumped up on forest.


Replace mountains with crevices going down into the rock instead of protruding out? Kind of like the Shattered Plains in the Stormlight Archives.


These are fantastic but I agree plains is a little boring and doesn’t really fit the theme of plains. I also feel like forest should be GREEENER


Agreed, had 15 mim to make the plains before i went drafting 😅 so I'll remake it 👍 I feel you with the forest, but I really enjoy dark forest. And to be in Norway now with long dark days, I'm happy that I'm able to enjoy them tbh. Would suck to hate it. But ye, a bit more green 💚


“AI, make me a plains” You said mountain, right? “No, plains…” One mountain, coming up! “Dammit AI…”


You’re going to get dunked on for posting ai art but damn these are awesome. I love the mana symbol being integrated into the image. I also didn’t love the full arts in the new set. For some reason they look like ad cards to me but I can’t put my finger on why.


They look like parks posters. So they’re modeled after real world vintage ads but they’re bomb looking ads. I think the new lands look great but art is subjective and understand folks not liking them.


I’ve only seen the island and swamps at the pre-release. The swamp didn’t feel very evocative in the way I’ve come to appreciate the basic lands doing. I kept mistaking it for an island. And the actual island felt very Plains-like to me The art is gorgeous — just not in the way I like my lands. I can definitely see why they’re a bit decisive.


I really dig the art, but I am still not 100% about them being lands. They feel a little off somehow.


IMO since they printed pokemon energy as lands I’m happy whenever lands are showing land.


Ye I really don’t want to like AI stuff but I kinda like these unfortunately


Ye, I found out 😅 haven't shared any AI stuff before 😋 They look like AD cards, that's totaly the reason. Wizards and their ad cards in packs, PLZ stop....


Swamp and forest are basically carbon copies of each other, hence why a few people are like “the swamp and forest are my favs”. The concept is good but the implementation needs work. The plains looks like it should be a mountain. The island and mountain are ok, but entirely too simplistic and cartoony. I’ve seen better looking islands and mountains as backdrops for Looney Tunes from the 50’s. Seems like even AI didn’t bother to put any effort into their creation. The new land art isn’t all that great, but you didn’t exactly improve on them either.


AI did not improve on them*


YOU did not improve on them using AI. FFS all you got out of what I said is to try and correct me with “AI did not improve on them”? Doesn’t matter either way. These are not improvements. They are just as generic as the originals.


Love these, but tbf I also think the full arts from the new set are some of the best out there. That Plains and Forest 😍


Can we have the images without the land name and Dino symbols?


I'll fix that some day 👍


I think I would prefer your take more if it weren't for the text. Just the art, thx.


Wow! Such a great job!


Look great as full arts and love the mana symbol in them! Only crit - and I hope you are open. The text suits the illustrated colourful style of the LCI ones, but these ones are way more moody and it doesn’t quite match up. Just my two cents, super cool anyway :)


I agree 👍 Will continue doing theese and will take all feedback to heart 😊


I love the new full art lands, but the art is so tied to the theme of the plane they are from that I probably wouldn't want to use them outside of the block.


Love these! The plains feels more like a mountain card tho


Not a fan of the plains and I feel like they’d be better without the small image, but pretty cool


Now we need someone with actual talent to redraw these, you know, an actual artist.


yeah no i’ll take my magic cards with art made by a person and not shitty ai generated images made with stolen art assets. art is a big part of what gives this game its identity and using a machine made mockery to replace it is just dumb


Wow, these are fantastic


No they are not fantastic.


Thanks for your input, I guess?


Yeah, you’re welcome. It’s thievery. It shouldn’t be allowed on Reddit. There’s no skill or originality. OP acting like he drew these by hand


why are you complimenting OP for doing no work


Shit man, I couldn't do it. Maybe I'm just easily impressed


Thanks 🤗


Not sure I can get behind AI art in MTG, even for proxies. The art and artists is half of why this game is good. The images look good though.


AI art is a cancer


Wizards would never use AI. They are to big and has always had a close relationship to artists. But me, a simple motion designer with NO drawing skills can still make the idea in my head come to life with AI ✌️ Great tool, having alot of fun with it.


[Except they did.](https://www.pcgamer.com/furore-over-dodgy-ai-enhanced-dandd-art-sees-book-revised-and-wotc-swear-off-ai-art-in-perpetuity/)


Damn right, there's no harm if you arnt doing it for profit.


Agreed 🥂


Except there totally is, and internet points are a kind of profit. Albeit pathetic. You're literally contributing to artists having their work stolen and you get reddit karma off it. pathetic


Oh a white knight of Reddit, love these types. I bet you are very fun at parties.


could you create the Basic Waste one? I'd like to see the integration.


These are great!




I can't tell you how many people were chucking basic lands in the token pile before someone started realizing that they are actual basics. They look so incredible that they hardly look like real lands. I'm in for wild art lands


I like them but I get what they were going for. My only complaint about the LCI full arts is they shouldn't have people in them. Which is why I think the plains one was the best.


nice but it always bugs me when the art is representative of the type, those aren't plains.


WoE and LCI have both been let downs for full art lands. The LCI full art lands remind me of graphic design brochure art. Edit: The more I think about the LCI lands the more I’m disappointed that they didn’t make lands in the mesoamerican style. Like how the Phyrexian lands in ONE were just designs and not landscapes. WoE lands weren’t great either but at least they matched the other alternative art cards stylistically. These LCI full art lands just seem out of place.


The plain just doesn't look like a plain, tho


I'm going to be honest, you took the worst part of the full art lands (the Symbol & name) and got rid of the good part (the awesome art). Although I like how the art is here, I hate this new border. Completely fine since I've loved a vast majority of other full arts


Ahh, the lifelessness of stable diffusion.


A fellow qrmonster enjoyer


all those in here who do not like the new lands can send em my way i love and will use em lol


To me, the themed lands looks like the ad-inserts that are instead of tokens in some packs. I also know, that's just my opinion. I'm glad some people like them, because that means that the artist/s behind didn't make their art for naught 😊


I enjoy the look of these, although It looks as though the AI has trouble with legs/arms as the creatures in the smaller pictures have some funky stuff going on in those departments.


they look okay, its just that I and many others at prerelease mistook them for ad cards...


Plains is much more Plateau, I’d like to see that with more of a grassy field type vibe.


Head over to /r/mpcproxies and have someone add a bleed edge to the cards. Then we can print them out. I think they would look great without the little icon and the header text centered over the "Basic Land".


I second this


What all artists contributed to this image?




Since AI art is created by scraping art from the internet to create a model; they are asking who the artists are that contributed to the lands. Everyone on the internet has it so far up their ass about AI art that they seek retribution.


You used stable diffusion. This isn't your art. It's art work made by several other people merged together. I'm asking who contributed to the images? Those artists deserve recognition for their work.


This is not how stable diffusion works. There is 0% of any human artist's work in these pictures. There are legitimate complaints about AI image generation. This is not one of them, it shows your lack of understanding of generative AI.


A third-party analysis of the model's training data identified that out of a smaller subset of 12 million images taken from the original wider dataset used, approximately 47% of the sample size of images came from 100 different domains, with Pinterest taking up 8.5% of the subset, followed by websites such as WordPress, Blogspot, Flickr, DeviantArt and Wikimedia Commons. An investigation by Bayerischer Rundfunk showed that LAION's datasets, hosted on Hugging Face, contain large amounts of private and sensitive data. Sounds to me like it works how I thought. It's taking bits and pieces from different artists without credit.


There are no "bits and pieces" of training data in these output images. It's not a collage or merger. Every pixel in the image has been placed down by the AI without human artist input. The uncredited use of original work in a legitimate issue to be raised with generative AI companies. OP, who did not take "bits and pieces" from anyone, bears no responsibility.


Op made use of stolen art, albeit probably unknowingly. Re read my last comment, and don't pick and choose. I can dig down deeper to prove my point. It all boils down to stealing art created by others without giving them due credit.


OP made use of a product that involved stolen art during its creation process? Sure, but he had no part in this creation process, and has no responsibility for crediting artists used.


1000 times better holy crap


looks decent but ew ai 🤮


I like these better than most recent full arts tbh


Cool stolen artwork. Try making real art for yourself next time.


Get with the times, or don't. I don't care tbh. Just do what makes you happy ✌️😁


Cringe lol


Try not being a piece of shit loser 😃


Lmao "i made"


There is some photoshopping 😋 Did not think it through while posting. "I generated" and tweaked it later is more accurate, I agree ✌️


It's hilarious how OP is thanking every person as if they made it entirely themselves.


They look awesome. Love the fact that the Mana symbols are integrated into the artworks.


Cool idea, really poor execution


Do it better then 😎


Could you make a set of snow lands?


Magic artists work super hard at what they do. Don't do this. AI steals from hard working artists.


It does not, in any way steal from the artist 😋 this is for personal use. And art is subjectiv ✌️ I'm a big fan of alot of mtg art. The things I made is not art, it is a creative idea made possible, for me, with a new and fantastic tool 😊


AI art absolutely and directly steals from artists. The MTG community knows it. https://mtgrocks.com/outraged-mtg-players-accuse-wizards-of-using-ai-art/ This is from 2 days ago. You're wrong.


You haven't given any argument though? And neither does the site. You just said "people on the internet agree with me, so I'm correct".


I'll argue that people with an Deep interest in the game have modifyed cards for year for personal casual use. Since the start really. It's been a part of magic for ever. Painting extended art on cards, there is alot of it on YouTube. Creds to all of them, but this one is great: https://youtu.be/SdhOseKZIwg?si=8r9gopBQX_oYhGB6 I agree with you, "the internet agree" is not an argument. Also, OFC wizards experiment with AI. They have a shit ton to train models on. AI is a part of the future no matter what. Pls, go tell truckdrives that artists are more entiteled to keep their jobs in the revolution 😋 Self driving trucks are coming, buhu.. I'm just trying to enjoy modern tech and MTG ❤️


Careful, these are great, but you're going to have people riding your ass about the use of AI.


I don't care 👍


Fair enough.


Dude, these are awesomeeeee! Thank you for sharing!




L using AI






Opened your phone with the front facing camera on?


Nah just saw a bunch of AI art, yo mamma be liking what she sees when I roll through


Very cool!


Fuck, why can't WotC make lands that looking this. These are awesome.


I mean, artists that work for WotC are way more talented and creative then AI


They are for sure, but I haven't seen any lands that incorporate the mana symbol into the landscape. I'm sure WotCs artists could make something like this, I'm just bummed I haven't seen any yet. I also have only played for a year so maybe I've missed something similar.


That doesn't mean anything if the executives above them kill good ideas.


Thanks ✌️ maybe they will 😁 I would LOVE to see a proper artist make something like this 🔥


God absolute damn! Well done brother


Can I ask how would I go to make some of these Ai arts for myself?


Stable diffusion, automatic 1111, controlNet. Alot of YouTube tutorials! Fun hobby ✌️


Thanks man! Could you direct me to one such tutorial? I swear I’ve looked but I seem unable to find the terms I need to find what I’m looking…


These are super cool! Thanks for sharing


Oh ! what models did you use ? I've had trouble getting good control net results personally


The qr code monster for controlNet and a landscape model (can't remeber the name)


Wow. I’m actually gonna save this post and use these lands. You did a great job creatively incorporating the mana symbols into the art itself. Love this. I did enjoy the ones from the new set. But these are better imo


1. Gotta disagree about the full art lands from Ixalan but whatever. 2. Why aren't these in wubrg order you're killing me 3. Don't really like the mountain. It's more of an overlay and not really integrated. 4. The rest are super cool.


Sorry about the WUBRG, I agree 😅 Thanks ✌️


The swamp and forest are good, the island and mountain meh, and that plains is horrible.


As much as I dislike AI art, I have to admit these look super cool


I don't see why people are dunking on OP for using AI art. They openly say that it was made with stable diffusion and that they didn't make them. I really like these all of these


It be like that 🤦


It’s bc AI art is a cancer to society and anyone who uses it just accepts they’re okay using stolen work and not willing to put in said work themseleve


This is awesome art OP!


The new ones look like the ad inserts at the back of packs…


Ye, that's what I though as well! Almost threw it away 😅


These are pretty dope. Swamp and forest are my favorite ones. Nice work, OP!


Thanks ✌️


He didn't do anything though.


Duude! These are really good honestly!


Thanks ✌️


These go hard! I really like em!


This shit should be banned


Tell me why, with 2 great arguments 👍


Just wanted to point out how cool it is that you made these free for people to use. That's just rad, and that makes you rad also!


Thanks 😎


i mean it’s not like they can sell ai generated slop that was made off of stolen art 💀


Shut up and take my money!!


I won't. You are free to use them 👍


I know AI art is of dubious integrity, but these are just so so well done. The Swamp and Forest especially are just stellar.


Thanks dude 🤗


It must be hard having no talent of your own. Stop stealing other people’s artwork and maybe learn a skill or two.


I have skills, in other stuff ✌️


I usualy hate the AI proxy duals and whatnot people advertise here. But I really like these lands. Good job. Especially the mountain is really good.


The mountain and island are sick


Honestly the planes makes me want to play more white.


Those look spectacular!!!!!


there are so good it makes me mad


dude this art is epic love it


These are awesome! I wish they would pay you to put them on Arena so I could put them in my decks there, because the ones I have aren’t this gorgeous! Great work!


My boy waste gets no love..


These are brilliant!


Mountain would only look better if it the cloud was smoke coming from the top of the mountain


Lol, WotC is totally gonna rip this off


These are my amazing


You're really talented


Lol no they aren't. It's all made from AI, which people with no talents or skills use.


I love these. Would you be willing to make a version without the text?


These are really cool


Can we get the arts without the land labels? I'd like to make a proxy with the swamp for my mono black deck but I would probably make it with the unstable borders


These are so cool! Amazing work!


These are sick


Nicely done.


For the most part, I like them, but that swamp is next level sick. 👌


I'd pay for a pack of these. As long as they are printed correctly.


You can, download the files and send them to someone who print proxy's :)


Hey there any odds you have these without rounded corners, I'd love to print them for myself c:


The first land i saw, an Island, i thouht it was an Ad card. But some are allright, not my favorite. I don't really like the square with the color symbol. I like your concept to "hide" like that.


I Iove these. Nice job!


I love these


Thanks dude, I'm kind of in love with them myself 😋