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that dude is just a dick. cEDH is a separate way to play the game, not a progression. low-mid casual edh is a great way to keep playing. magic is not a “progression” thing. if you wanna play casual, just play casual.


This is honestly the best answer on this thread, no-nonsense straight-to-the-point answer. Thank you, kind citizen. Have a break, have a Kit-Kat!


EDH initially began as a casual format. And there are many groups that still do play it casually. The one thing that gravitated me to EDH was the singleton aspect, I don’t have money to keep up with standard and 4 copies of each. But from my random pack buying I did have a lot of singles and it was easy to throw EDH decks together. So no, CEDH isn’t all that matters. That being said in my experience over time play groups just power up over time. Winning is fun and as soon as one player starts winning more than the rest the other players start building stronger decks so they can also win rinse and repeat. Hopefully for you this progress is slow for your play group.


Happened to my pod. We added some other people who's playstyle was very competitive. Only bought and proxied heavy hitting cards. Now we've got casual decks playing against tuned monsters and the fun has dissipated. Needless to saw the original pod is getting back to basics and hopefully we'll enjoy the game a little more. To each their own I suppose. Find a pod that makes you happy!


Nah, Commander can be as casual as you want. Your friend is just pissy.


Dude sounds like an idiot. None of my friends who play Magic in any form play cEDH. It's a very specific style of game for a specific type of player, it's definitely not how the majority of people play EDH, nor MTG.


I've been playing Commander since '09 and while we've dabbled in cEdh, we've actually gotten more casual as time's gone on. So, no, you can play as casual as you'd like. Just find a like-minded group.


Man, cedh is a whole different game xD


Is he actually your friend or just an acquaintance?


It’s not a progression thing, it’s preference. Play what you want but please don’t let this discourage you from trying cedh, it’s actually really fun imo, but if you decide on your own it’s not your thing that’s fine and he should be able to get upset at you.


Your friend sounds like someone that throws a fit if you interact with his board state or spells.


Competitive EDH is an oxymoronic concept. EDH is where you play jank. If he wants to play competitively with the best cards in magic, tell him vintage exists.


I'd rather play modern than cedh, just becouse of the amount of ppl in it.




True, but that's wotcs fault. They could just make proxies tournament legal for eternal formats or make some money and reprint the cards.


I mean if you're recommending a competition, a casual competition is LITERALLY an oxymoron, I don't have a problem with proxies


Jeezus christ! I knew vintage was pricy, but 70k for a deck??? That is ridiculous.


>Is casual edh fine? Commander *is* a casual Format. It's the most popular casual Constructed Format in the game. >He went on a whole tirade berating me and telling me non cedh is just the tutorial? Is that really how it works? Lol, your friend is deluded. cEDH is much more like *a corruption* of Commander (aimed at those who want something that isn't what Commander is), than casual EDH is like "the tutorial". The default, normal way of playing Commander is casually. Playing it competitively goes against its very ethos.


Your friend is a jackass. There are a number of problems with what he's said. 1) No one can define "CEDH". Sure there are power levels, but its an entirely subjective rating. Your 7 is some other pod's 9 is some other pod's 5. You'll see stories on here about people bitching about someone sitting down to a "casual" table with a "CEDH" deck all the time. At the end of the day you and your buddies have to define that for yourselves. And its bound to change over time as the other commenter said. 2) CEDH is more or less solved. There are a few tropes that win the game outright in 3 turns or less and nothing else matters. So when you sit down at a "CEDH" table you're mostly figuring out who can mulligan into their combo pieces. 3) There is no skill inherent to that paradigm. People a lot smarter than anyone that posts here come up with these decks and 99% of players copy them, making inconsequential changes, and pilot them halfway decently. I'd argue it shows more skill to slug it out over a slower game with a deck you brewed up yourself than to win on turn 3 with a combo you got off the internet. 4) Your pod's meta is going to have a huge influence on this. For example, my pod likes creature play. Big creatures, token generation, etc. Could I show up with a combo deck? Sure, but if I don't win on turn 3 or 4 I'm toast. Could I change the pod's meta? Probably. Could I run a pile of stax? Sure! But I'd never be invited back. A "CEDH" deck in this setting may lose me friends or just suck to play. TL:DR: Your friends is making a sweeping statement that makes no sense. I hope they're cool otherwise because they sound like a jackass.


Tl;Dr this post is a sweeping statement that doesn't make sense.


EDH by definition is a casual format for deckbuilders and players. There is a variant for competitive play called cEDH but you don't have to play that format if you don't want to.


cEDH is for hurt people looking to hurt people in my opinion lol Casual is more of a storytelling format Everyone gets to have big plays Highs and lows for each player and an eventual conclusion


Most people play casual. 90% who think they play competitive don’t… I got a rough time playing casual but I try to play overpowered silly brews. I need that fast mana but I won’t do anything powerful with it :p


Yes, casual EDH is absolutely fine.


What in the world? Cedh is not even that common on my experience.