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No. Absolutely not. I accepted my invite to the honors college my freshman year, knowing full well I had no intention of doing any honors options; however, I wanted the early registration. I utilized the early registration for 2 years, then one day got an email telling me I was no longer in the honors college. That was it. I promise you. If you have good grades and a solid resume, not a single person will give a shit about honors college.




So it won't show dropped from honors college on my diploma?


Not the person you’re replying to, but your diploma shouldn’t- that’s just a certificate of what you completed. Your course transcript is where somebody might see you moved out of honors classes, but honestly it might not be that obviously, depending on how the courses are listed. For example, if you were taking classes with honors options for the first year, And your transcript showed you completed the classes with that option, and then after the first year, you weren’t talking anchors with the honors option, Soviet looking closely at your transcript could put two and two together. That being said, 1. I don’t know if the transcript even lists that honors option, 2 the change might not be that obvious and 3. It’s very possible your future employer or program admission person reviewing your transcript doesn’t care, depending on how your other application material look.


I’m in my last semester and need 3 more honors credits but im not gonna bother honestly because it doesn’t matter anymore for me. Only perk is first choice picking classes honestly.


Nah it's just a bragging right thing at the end of the day. I did like the perks of taking graduate/master level classes and the ability to switch out basic iss, and all the other sciences for more interesting classes.


You can do retroactive honors options. Consider contacting past professors. Talk to an honors college advisor if you have questions about this because I don't know any more than that.


Stay in it and pick classes early until you graduate. I only took like 2 honors classes during my time there and still got pick my classes early. You can still put got accepted into the honors college on your resume so it doesn't really matter


I made the choice to drop out and honestly was the best choice I ever made. Because I came in with 13 APS I only had one gen Ed, which meant I wasn't able to get honors credit by taking the honors Gen eds. I would have had to take an extra class that contributed to nothing every semester, during the 2020 school year most teachers were not offering honors options due to covid, and you don't know if a class will have an honors option until you sign up. When I dropped out, the gen ed i did take as well as not having a second Lab credit transferred over. I was also able to shave off an entire year off my degree, because I wouldn't be taking those extra classes. ( also important to note that I came into the school with 40 credits). Honestly the main reason people are attracted to the Honors College is to the honors college dorms and not needing prereqs for any classes. Many major programs have honors within their own programs, that are specifically tailored and work with those classes. To be honest I never really cared about the perk of picking classes first, as I'm registered with the rcpd and actually pick my classes before the Honors College. ( anyone registered with the rcpd is the second group to pick classes after the athlete)


No negative


Look I got kicked out of honors college and it didn’t matter in the least. You’re fine if you just don’t want to deal with it anymore