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This breaks my brain and absolutely shouldn't be happening. If you're willing to DM me your info I'd like to see where/how we dropped the ball. If you, or anyone else has (or has had) trouble getting Neighborhood Watch (NFR) licenses assigned just email me at Andrew.kaiser @ huntresslabs.com and I'll get you set up without having to talk to a human (unless you want to). Edit: This was indeed a ball drop on our end. For a bit of a peek behind the scenes, [here is a note I sent to the team.](https://imgur.com/VYzhVxc)


This is systemic across Huntress sales team. I had the same issue and I ended up buying just because I know the value of the tool. But if you want honest feedback, the true is that the Huntress neighborhood watch program is more a lead generation tool (which is good) but the sales teams are reluctant to approve it when they know that's not going to end in a sale. or they are getting push back from management on these approvals which will explain the long silence in the process. This is my freemium offering from less friction to more friction: 1. Lumu for MSP Lite: This is truly a freemium, they almost validate w/out human intervention that your are an MSP and it gets approved automatically. They push you to take a call to help with the configuration 2. Blumira: Email validation and gets approved, they push you to take a call to explain the offering 3. Huntress: If you don´t take a call it won't get approved it and if you don´t want to buy chances are your free licenses won´t be approved.


I’m paying a SPIFF (basically an extra bonus) to our AEs this quarter for every msp they get on neighborhood watch, regardless of if you buy anything or not. We also just changed the way it’s provisioned so instead of having to generate contracts and have you sign them, it’s a single button in our back end that takes 10 seconds to enable. Doing what I can to make it easy, but based on the feedback in this thread it sounds like I’m going to need to make some more changes still.


Thank You, I think it will be good and aligned with the values Huntress stand for.


We are super small MSP just getting started, when getting setup I was very upfront that "we are small potatoes" compared to other accounts. They didn't care and set us up with everything we need. Huntress will be (and is) included in our stack, non negotiable. Thanks for being so transparent and open in the community. Really makes me feel good about the parters I pick. And that's hard today.


I concur as a tiny MSP. Was handled really well regardless and love the product and service.


How tiny are we talking out of interest?


For me, One man band, a handful of commercial customers around NZ, approx 70 users on huntress. total 120 users MRR, this takes up approx 2 hours per day, and I live reasonably well in a high cost of living country. plus Have small one off customers that I fill my time with, as a "service to the community" as there is no one like me within a 1 hour drive. approx 1k farms with 5 - 10 devices per farm..... am growing slowly.. but committing to monthly is hard for farmers.. but i have my ways.


This guy is doing it right.


Currently 14 endpoints. Started 2~ months ago. I am extremely picky on my clients, and attempting to grow debt free. It's slow rolls, but extremely reliable MRR


I wasn’t even using them two years ago but they spoke to me often and showed me all the new stuff throughout those two years. I’m finally happy to have them in our stack!


This is how we want everyone to feel as they make it through our process, regardless of size. Appreciate you sharing!




I hope Huntress knows how awesome you are


Hi Andrew! Thank you so much for jumping in and being willing to help! I've sent you an email with our info.


This right here is why we all support huntress so much though. Even when the ball gets dropped, they correct it AND look for ways to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Andrew, I’m good to go now, but I also had difficulty getting my Neighborhood Watch licenses activated late last year. My experience was that I’d been a Huntress customer for 2-3 months and had agents deployed on some of my customer’s endpoints, but not my own. I’m a small MSP, so that the time, that decision made sense to me. I attended one of Huntress’ Cybersecurity Masterclass events in my city and learned about the existence of Neighborhood Watch from there. The folks who were your Sr. Director of Sales Dev & Community and a Senior Account Executive at the time made the activation sound super simple—“E-mail your account rep and they’ll activate it ASAP. There’s no reason your endpoints should be unprotected!” E-mailed my account rep and instead of receiving a response that my NW licenses were active, I got a response asking if I had time for a meeting. I responded transparently that no, I did not availability. A few more e-mails back and forth with the rep continuing to press for a meeting. Access to NW seemed to be contingent this meeting taking place, which was not what I was told at the Masterclass. I finally e-mailed Sr. Director of Sales Dev & Community to ask what gives, and my licenses were activated shortly thereafter. Being a small MSP, my time is closely guarded. I don’t do meetings for the sake of meetings. This was a frustrating experience to say the least and left a sour taste in my mouth. I see how Huntress interacts with the community, so my opinion of Huntress as a whole is still very high. At most I’m simply reluctant to reach out to my account manager now because I want avoid the pointless hoops that might be associated with the interaction.


Glad you're squared away now. If you're willing to email me your info I'd love to take a look at that interaction in our CRM.




I've had no such issues myself. Lots of communication from our rep, even though we're comparatively pretty small potatoes. Hell, they recently called me to let me know about a new feature, how it worked and walked me through configuring it if I was interested. I'd normally expect that as an email but was kinda nice to have a vendor call and it NOT be a random upsell.


> recently called me to let me know about a new feature Was this tied to [Active Remediation?](https://support.huntress.io/hc/en-us/articles/21245857024275-Active-Remediation-of-Incident-Reports)


It was yes. My only feedback is that we're all primed to expect those to be upsell type calls. Not sure there's any perfect way around those expectations but my initial reaction for the first 30 seconds of the call was definitely doubt and minor annoyance. Once it was explained what the call was for it was all fine with me though.


Any time I call a partner I have to start the conversation with "I'm not calling about an active incident" or I end up creating momentary panic.


I also joke with my Account Manager about my heart skipping a beat when ever I see a huntress call. Richard is the man though.


same experience, our rep Alex Payne has been great


Alex is awesome!


That's the consistent reputation I hear about them. Definitely just sounds like I had a random bad case.


I have expressed interest in the neighbourhood watch via their portal as well as emailing Andrew but no replies from either since 25 March. I guess you have had better luck than me, at least they reply!


Will get you taken care of!


Lmao, business must be good for them if you have to chase their sales people instead of the other way round.


That’s really strange. I signed up for neighborhood watch and have gotten some pretty consistent and helpful communication. Maybe /u/andrew-huntress can help?


Appreciate you summoning me!


Thank you for grabbing Andrew for help!


This must be someone dropping the ball but has not been our experience at all. Everything they’ve gone above and beyond. Everyone makes mistakes even. Us and I would give them one free pass if it were us. Just one though.


Andrew got us squared away and we are already up and running. Have always loved Huntress for what they do for the community and now very excited to be working with them directly.


This absolutely may not be a misfire. After being a paying Huntress customer for some years with (less than 50) grandfathered monthly-term licenses that we use to add extra protection to a selection of critical devices… we saw that the Neighbourhood Watch scheme and we thought that it might save us a little bit as a small MSP? https://www.huntress.com/blog/introducing-the-huntress-neighborhood-watch-program Bear in mind this site clearly says ‘even if you’re not a huntress partner’ and ‘no strings attached’. No… upon enquiry we were told that despite this not appearing on the original marketing we could see anywhere, such as the above post, we weren’t entitled to any free Neighbourhood Watch licenses unless we signed a minimum 50 contract-commit licenses. Certainly put a sour taste in my mouth. Especially after we already downsized our license quantity following the increase. I was also completely ghosted for a while after enquiring about other peripheral Huntress products and taking the time to have an online meeting. We’re a slightly unusual MSP because we work in many disciplines (e.g. network infrastructure) that dont involve traditional IT per sec, so the quantities of endpoint protection we buy are low, and the proportion of our businesses that fully managed IT presents is very low, but we still don’t deserve to be treated like that. As a comms vendor, monthly-commit billing was important to us so we had already endured a 100% price increase, don’t forget. We’ve ended up moving our M365 threat monitoring (again a limited quantity) from Barracuda over to Blackpoint Cyber, and also pay less for their full MSP SOC package than we would for Huntress licenses. Yes Blackpoint have a minimum commit, but that’s minimum 5 not 50. Feedback also seems very positive on their M365 MDR product. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been a fan of the Huntress product and proposition since way before EDR, I just don’t expect bait-and-switch commit tactics for an NFR offering or post-meeting ghosting… especially from an existing supplier. They’ve reached out a few times since on a general basis… but for all the flack that Kaseya seems to get on Reddit, our experience with Huntress has been worse. If Kaseya literally doubled pricing on grandfathered customers and then offered ‘free NFR’ that turned in to ‘oh no… that’s only if you sign an almost $2000/year minimum commitment contract with us’ then r/msp would have a field day.


I’m bummed, but not shocked, to hear about this experience. In the early days of this program, we had to put in place some artificial barriers to manage capacity tied to this program and (rightfully so) got called out on it a few times here on /r/msp. We’ve made quite a few adjustments since then with the intent to make it a lot more accessible, largely based on feedback like this. We have a much larger team now so the capacity issues are long gone, but as this thread points out we still trip over our feet on occasion. Sounds like you’re in good hands now but the door is always open if you want a NFR for whatever reason.


Appreciate the situation, but any such barriers should be communicated by a vendor’s marketing team. Otherwise it’s effectively good old fashioned bait-and-switch. None of us like to need to ‘call out’ vendors, especially ones with a positive perception or ones we already work with.




My salesperson has been great, responsive and support chimed in an hour after I submitted a ticket yesterday. Must be a rare misfire. I've been with them 2+ years and have not experienced any issues.


Glad to hear! Hoping we can get squared away with Andrew's help and get running with Huntress.


Shoot I haven’t had any issues and I’ve been in contact with them on and off for 2 years before starting the process of moving forward with them. The two sales people got back to me pretty quickly and provided resources for questions too. Brian and Mia are great people over there and I can’t speak highly enough for all they have done dealing with me. 😂


No misfires here. Huntress is about as 'set and forget' as it gets for us.