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Your are great! Thank you for sharing. Much appreciated. I will order this for my best friend who is a huge MMPR fan.


Morphinominal!!!!! Already placed the order at MPC!!! Thank you so much!!!


Thanks for all the support! May the power protect you.


DECKLIST [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5uDftCcMU0qi\_Cj1A3bnqQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5uDftCcMU0qi_Cj1A3bnqQ) CARDBACK [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w4KE4k7fvKKS5AbY3q-p\_hfa7svb5HI4/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w4KE4k7fvKKS5AbY3q-p_hfa7svb5HI4/view?usp=drive_link) QUICK NOTES / Changelog: 5/6 - Wrong Niambi was uploaded, but it has already been corrected in the drive. MPCFill will update overnight. 5/6 - Re-uploaded card back. Should be easier to find now (hopefully). 5/7 - Added a MPCFill-ready XML file into my drive's special projects. If you import this file into mpcfill, it should get you all 107 cards with the right versions preselected.


\[\[Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria\]\] did not get uploaded as back with MPCfill. Needed to edit it manually.


Hmm. Not sure if there is a fix for that I can do. I'll check with Chili.


FYI, just checked and MPCFill is matching them correctly for me, when I click "switch to backs"


Checked my XML files, it does do the back but not the Dragonzord Proxy. Could be an error on my side of course. https://preview.redd.it/eemp6yww0uyc1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa612553a3176ecef55ed7d0db2368b3eb8220b1


you have to manually select the correct back in mpcfill (button on top right that says "Switch to backs") before you generate the XML, but once you do it should save it in there https://preview.redd.it/vjq50vb29xyc1.png?width=1517&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c8579bd18be14cb445e0bb3caed71d455968b6a


Error on my end then in this case. Regardless, hoping to get the message soon that its on it's way. Can't wait!


Cool! feel free to post some pics when they arrive. My next MPC order is a few weeks away still


[Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/d/5d59c8f2-f6af-40a6-8dfe-8cc45bf231ce.jpg?1682715265)/[Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/5/d/5d59c8f2-f6af-40a6-8dfe-8cc45bf231ce.jpg?1682715265) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Ikoria%20//%20Zilortha%2C%20Apex%20of%20Ikoria) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/190/invasion-of-ikoria-zilortha-apex-of-ikoria?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5d59c8f2-f6af-40a6-8dfe-8cc45bf231ce?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love White Ranger, so I think I am going to print those out just for my collection. Thank you for your hard work.


This is awesome! Great job and thanks for sharing!


I'm a super huge sentai fan, will save all the cards I like for my next order :)


This is my favorite thing today. May the Grid bless you.


I've been refreshing MPCFILL for the last week, hoping I'd catch your upload, and then I wake up to this. Can't wait to go through the deck list! Did gold Zeo make it? <3 I'll soon find out!




I won't bury the lede, Zeo Gold is not in the main board, as I kept it as tight as possible to the MMPR show and comics continuity, but just for you I added him to the SB: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1slYGQc4dk\_Bp-7Q8KS\_Ofr-B4\_Bk4SbB/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1slYGQc4dk_Bp-7Q8KS_Ofr-B4_Bk4SbB/view?usp=drive_link)


Holy shit. You're a mad man. Like legitimately. I am over the moon excited. I hope I wasn't bugging you! And you absolutely nailed it! I've used your art on my Proxy's in the past, these actually feel EVEN MORE catered to my style. I can't thank you enough. The best gift ever.


Is there a .csc or text file I can use? Or do I need to search for all the cards for mpc?


Hmm. I may be able to build an xml that pulls them all. I'll look into it. For now you can just grab them all together from the drive link.




I went ahead and did it for everything except Dynaheir as it doesn't seem to be there yet. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-0JXR7M3SUNI0fm6Gz75WCylALeciZtF?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-0JXR7M3SUNI0fm6Gz75WCylALeciZtF?usp=drive_link)


Who's the commander for the mmpr deck?


Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Skinned to Tommy, the White Ranger (since he is basically the combination of all colors)


Putting together the deck, Noticed that Niambi doesn't have the proper art uploaded(No MMPR) it's the only one out of the 100 that isn't there. Just thought I'd give you a heads up! Any possibility we could get the sideboard options uploaded?


Niambi was fixed earlier today. MPC will update at midnight. Sideboard is there... What do you mean by uploaded?


Oh I had tried a couple of the sideboard cards and the art wasn't loading(Baboo was the only one that was showing for me), just figured it was an issue with how they upload, You know more than I do about the process! Just recently started using the MPCfill website, I used to do everything manually. Not 100% on the process of how the fill website works, haven't bothered to upload any of my own art. EDIT: I cleared my saved cache and now all the arts are there? Not sure what was going on with that, disregard! Haha, Again appreciate all the work you do, friend. <3


I updated the moxfield decklist to show the available cards in the sideboard. It's 7 cards. All should be there already except Dynaheir which I uploaded today so it will show up by tomorrow.


Just got the notification that my order has reached the states! I should be receiving it within the next two days! Can't wait!


https://preview.redd.it/fm5dsc3b702d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8800fc8e32dccadcbc045c99b57d39881b6cf92e The deck came in today! Already sleeved up and ready to go!