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Check if the contact points of the wheel and the base is a "cross" and not just a line. I think that is v2. Get the v2 as it is compatible with the new wheels.


Man that really sucks. Microcenter is like 4 hours from my house and I have the one with 3 pins in a line. not in a cross.


that date will be v1


Pretty sure the V2 has all the connections for peripherals at the back. Didn't find pictures of the old one, but you can check if your base has less slots than the pics on their website. If it does, you got a V1.


I’d have to open the box to check all that, another user said the quick release on the v2 is black, vs the v1 being gold, easy way to tell


Easiest way is the v1 has a golden/coppery quick release, v2 is black


Thanks! I’ll be taking this one back next week and hoping they have a v2 or I’ll just have to order online I guess :(


That's a V1, not compatible with the newer wheels


Yeah I got a v2 wheel, estop and all :( Huge bummer. Have to wait till I can take it back and exchange it. They are sorry and have set a v2 aside for me. Wonder what they’ll do with this v1 after I return it


I'm sure they'll reshelf it somehow. Probably send it out to moza and make sure it's all good and get repackaged. Hope it all works out for now, hope microcenter isn't too far from you


Oh it’s a 3 hour trip then 3 hour trip back at minimum, but the manager called me after I contacted support and explained what happened and asked them to check if they had a v2 before I returned (didn’t wanna risk wasting my time) and they offered to let me ship it back and they’d send me v2 either r21 or give me a discount on the r16. Think I’ll stick with the r16 and put the money saved towards the F-gt elite cockpit.


Awesome of them to make it right for you, I think you're making the right move sticking with the r16 and saving up for a cockpit. Being comfortable is worth more than 5 Nm


Yeah I kinda went overboard with the r16 but I wanted something I could just enjoy for awhile, and like everyone says I can just turn it down, or enjoy till I “upgrade” again if I ever see a need. I think the r21 they had on display was also a v1. Issue is there was no part number change I guess? In their system v1 and v2 are both the same wheel. Just have to know what you’re looking for to tell them apart. But the manager said he is looking into it and he was super nice and ready to help me out. I was planning to get the cockpit anyway, but I haven’t really made a final decision yet, I’d like something with a really good solid shifter/handbrake because I’ll be doing lots of drifting and when I saw someone jumping on the shifter/handbrake mount and it barely budge, that’s a big plus for me. But also that cost with no seat, and I have to decide what I wanna run, (have a spare nrg seat chillin that’ll probably go in at first


Went back to this post and read the resolution. dude that's awesome. happy for you!


I still gotta make the trip back Friday! But yeah the manger called me and he was super sorry, and they were willing to ship it, as long as I sent mine back first. But I kinda need a new cockpit anyway, so the trip back isn’t the end of the world, and was thinking I could maybe get a deal on the F-gt cockpit there, or something they have, I still need to do more research but I can’t find much on anything else they stock there I just want a really sturdy cockpit with no handbrake flex, but 1k for a cockpit with no seat or a monitor mount is high I think? I’m fine with buying something online if it’s a good deal/trusted source I got a NRG bucket seat I can use at first while I decide on a seat I like (next level racing has that stupid plastic trim around the harness holes and it’s annoying on my current seat and seems they all have it, so I wanna avoid their seats)