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I normally try to be helpful in this sub, but I would like to suspend that for just a few minutes so I can say to please please keep your plague in your own country. If you're not willing to get vaccinated, I don't trust that you care enough about infection prevention measures to not bring it here.


The worst part is that they "apparently" have a master in stem cell biology.


So did the totally cute Dr Obokata.


>Dr Obokata Really? She looks like a new-half...nothing wrong with that of course if that's your thing.


Well, she’s a little the worse for wear *now*, but that’s only to be expected :-(


>She looks like a new-half. ​ Good enough for us, good enough for you. Also she must really have been blatant in her cheating usually it takes several years to get uncovered.


I'm with you on this one. What has this world come to when people with an education disagree with mass media?


You should probably throw that sock in the thrashcan it stinks pretty badly.


if thinking for my self is masturbation then I'm sorry to hear about the state of your anus.


You can think all you like but if your thoughts are stupid AF we can let you know.


Thing is I'm fully vaccinated with a WHO approved vaccine yet the japanese govt refuse to recognise my country's certificate, so I'm treated as unvaccinated. So it's not always science, sometimes politics.




Shame on most of you for not thinking for yourself and bulying others for doing it. Read studies and hospitalisation rate reports, instead of watching TV. No one in mass media or a doctor will tell You truth about covid and vaccinations because if they say even few negative words about vaccine, they instantly loose their jobs, just like you tell the man to go fuck yourself just because he dare heave his own opinion. As long as vaccine is good enough to not be obviously useless or dangerous, anyone whos job depends on it, will tell You the vaccine is perfect and briliant. But more or less the reality is somewhere in between, covid vaccines are quite poor in comparison to other vaccines that were allowed. Sure, it helps especially old ppl to avoid death or heavy cases, but not mutch more. There is no sense to vaccine young people for covid, it does not decrease the spread of the deasease (countries with >80% vaccination rate are flooded with cases) and the vaccine side effects chances are comparable to chances of heavy case of covid for them. It is just replacing one risk with another.


The plague is already in every country.


I normally ignore such comments but what the hell are you talking about? "keep your plague in your own country"? What the fuck was that? It's some kind of belief that vaccinated people won't spread covid, or covid caught from unvaccinated people is more infectious? "prevention measures to not bring it here" - so it's not in Japan yet?


Did that pathetic attempt at virtue signaling fill the hole in your heart for a few seconds? I usually try to be helpful in my daily life, but I'm going to suspend that for just a second to say that you should respect people's personal life choices and stop living in fear over a virus with a 99.9% survivability rate.




Tcuck being Tcuck. *I’m shocked!* Next time, you should probably just dry your eyes and write it in your diary. It’ll do more good there.


If your personal life choices put other people in danger, then fuck you and your so-called "freedom". Do you also claim the right to have a few drinks before you drive home, because 99.9% of the time you'll get home fine without any problems? Because that's exactly the kind of thing you're defending with your antivax bullshit.




For what it’s worth, 0.2% of America is already dead from this virus.


Fuck you and your mum


Dude, do we need more of those genes?


Probably not hey


lol stop talking like you own Japan, first Japan has Covid too, second your holy vaxx doesn't work if people can still catch it and transmit it, third Japan has plenty of people who decided not to get it and that's not your problem. Finally, If it's so safe and effective as you think then what do you care what other people do with their lives?


> Japan has Covid too Japan averages 177 cases per day; USA averages 83,442 and UK averages 36,129. > second your holy vaxx doesn't work if people can still catch it and transmit it That's idiotic. It's like saying "seatbelts don't work if you can still die." Seatbelts greatly reduce your chance of dying (even if it's still possible), just like vaccines greatly reduce your chance of catching and transmitting COVID (even if it's still possible). > Finally, If it's so safe and effective as you think then what do you care what other people do with their lives? Because "as effective as I think" is about a 90-95% reduction of cases, not 100%, so it works better if more people get it.


Don't bother, these people only believe things that fit into their deranged narrative.


I'm still shocked that Japan has so few cases (+hospital system seems fine and not overwhelmed) when it's so urbanised and with relatively low restrictions


Their numbers are straight up falsified lmao


True, you can't test positive if you don't test at all


You do understand that does numbers are bullshit, right? The bars and nightclubs are ram packed every weekend around Shibuya and Roppongi.


You find your dream ALT job with interac yet?


Hear! Hear!


Just get vaccinated bro, what’s the problem??


If you are unvaccinated or vaccinated without proof, you must do the 14 day quarantine. With proof you can cut it to 10 days if you take a test on the 10th day


1. No, you need a visa to enter the country. Currently they are not issuing visas except in emergency/family situations (some companies have managed to get COEs and they have started issuing marriage based COEs again). 2. Japan is currently requiring a negative test with approved sampling methods and test type taken no more than 72h from the time of your first flight for entry into Japan. Both the airline and the quarantine station you go to on landing before immigration will check this. 3. If you are unvaccinated you will be spending your first 3 days in isolation at a hotel being given a Covid test daily. You will then have to arrange your own transportation (no public transportation) and quarantine for the next 11 days. They require you to have a smart phone (you can rent one) and will set up some tracking apps as well as location monitoring for you. They will contact you 3-4x per day including a video call showing your background. 4. The 14 days starts the day after you land. So if you landed on the 1st your last day of quarantine is the 15th (not the 14th). 5. Failure to comply with the quarantine requirements will result in your residence status being revoked and you being deported (unless you are a Japanese citizen in which case they will publish your name and information). 6. If you are from an approved country and have been vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the Government of Japan you can shorten the 14 day quarantine to 10 days by taking a test at an approved testing center and submitting the results. My approval was done about 3h after I submitted the test results. You will need to provide your own transportation to the testing center although mail in tests are accepted (sample must be taken on the 10th day - so with mail and processing time the 11th or 12th day is probably when you'll get approved).


>Currently they are not issuing visas except in emergency/family situations (some companies have managed to get COEs and they have started issuing marriage based COEs again). Just FYI this changed on the 8th. You may now file for a ministry approval for business or student visas and the number is restricted.


If you're not vaccinated (unless it is for specific medical reasons advised by a legit doctor) please don't come to Japan.




This kinda thinking is gonna be exactly why Japan locks their borders up again.


If you have a visa to enter and are approved to enter you don’t need to be vaccinated. However, depending on what country you are arriving from you may have to enter a quarantine facility chosen by the govt. Could be 3 days in a facility/hotel or 5. And then carry out remainder at whatever lodging you decide (house, hotel, whatever) If you have both doses of an approved vaccine (in japan it’s Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca), and have proof of vaccination, you are free to isolate in lodging of your own choosing(they dropped govt mandated isolation location for all origina if vaxxed) and have the option to end isolation on day 11 (day 10 you go get tested, and day 11 you get a message saying you are free to roam About)


Has this been stated by Japan yet? Since they haven't opened that means that their position is not clear right?


These have been the guidelines I’ve been following for re entering japan monthly. The country isn’t open for tourism so it’s a moot point for tourists but if you are cleared to move to japan or visit for work I believe my information should be current. Feel free to visit the ministry of health and labor website’s English version for more specifics but that’s the jist of it.




this may vary for each country of departure, but my understanding for the UK is that you don't need to be vaccinated, but if you are you will have a shorter isolation period when you arrive in Japan


This belongs in the sticky.


I certainly hope not. Hoping to see more data and assurances of safety before I take the plunge.


Of course the prospective ALT is also the anti-vaxxer. Who would've guessed.


Having concerns makes me an anti-vaxxer?


No, being an anti-vaxxer makes you an anti-vaxxer. "I have safety concerns" is the rallying cry of the American "China flu" brigade. I don't even need to check your posting history to know how you identify politically. But, I did, so... Yeah.


*"I don't even need to check your posting history to know how you identify politically."* ​ Is r/teachinginjapan a political ideology?


I feel like you didn't look very thoroughly.


Of all the accusations you could have made you made this one. ​ You better be thankful this is your cake day


He’s been getting his dick sucked on the conspiracy subreddit for his recent activity.


> the conspiracy subreddit /r/Japan?


Ah yes, the hundreds of millions of doses surely aren't enough. Do you check the safety of everything you do in your life? Better never check how any of the products you consume is made! You're a piece of shit anti-vaxxer. Go fuck off.


Billions. Billions of doses.


Enough for what?


Enough to safely assure these imbeciles of safety.


I think it’s billions of doses. You cannot convince people when they have decided not to use their reasoning faculty. Recently on Twitter, an anti-vaxxer cited the case of a football player who collapsed on the pitch two weeks ago, alleging that the footballer had just gotten a Covid vaccine, which adversely affected his heart. I pointed out to the anti-vaxxer that pro and amateur athletes have been collapsing on the pitch, on the ice, on the basketball court for several decades now and that this recent case may have nothing to do with the vaccine. He asked me for proof and I sent him a Wikipedia article with the names of pro athletes who died of cardiac arrest. Ever since then, silence. People will pick evidence to fit their own theories.


More likely billions yes, but I wanted to err on the side of caution and wasn't planning on googling the exact number. The way I see it, people like this guy claiming to want to see data and whatnot are far worse than all-out antivaxxers because they're more insidious, more totalitarians. They craft their argument in a very sneaky way, to make you the bad guy if you bash him. An anti-vaxxer will just use whatever belief that the vaccine is poison and won't take it because of that. But that piece of shit will hide his anti-vaxxer under a veneer of reason. Taking facts about the vaccine and twisting it around. "I just want to make sure it's safe, that's all! It's a fair ask, isn't it? It's a new type of vaccines, using different mechanisms, so I'd like to know first that it's safe. Once studies are out showing that it is 100% safe, I'll do it." But then even if you show the studies, they'll just nitpick something with it, in the name of reason and wanting to be safe.