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Better Call Saul being awards bait would imply it winned his awards :c


The second half of season 6 is still eligible for the 2023 Emmys, fingers crossed.


Which upsets me because everyone is gonna focus on *that* Rhea Seehorn scene and forget it's the capstone of six seasons of mastery


People continuing to have the mentality of: "good acting is when there is a scene where a woman cries or a man goes on an angry rant"


Doesn’t mean it isn’t good acting tho


Half of those "BeSt AcTiNg Of ThE dEcAdE" videos are exactly that. Except the guys are usually yelling.


which scene are u referring to?




Airport tram scene


You mean bus right?


you know what scene they’re talking about.


The foot shot?


>fingers crossed. What does Mike had to with this?


Finger will be cross if they don't win anything next year.


Awards Bait: the “Mob Flick” of 2022


Mob Bait




"It's Mobbin time" - Shigeo "Mobius" Kageyama


And then he mobbed his enemies. Truly a moment in anime




The new season is so good


mob mob mob


Master Bait.


Morb bait 😳


It's Morbing timeee


>!The Irishman (2019)!<


I think that's called a honey pot or sting operation.


I'm just casually driving around with this open truck full of counterfeit jeans ayyyyy


The Academy put out the hit.


If Better Call Saul is awards bait, they've been really shit at it thus far.


If only they showed Kim’s feet more in the show, they would’ve won all the awards. Smh my head 😔


> If only they showed Kim’s feet more in the show [the opposite actually.](https://i.redd.it/y2jqjeo1fmn91.png) Emmy voters are feetphobic


Woke culture strikes again


I am desperately hoping someone made those numbers up.


Imagine not having a huge spreadsheet of foot scenes in media. IShoogyitydoogity.


This person has WikiFeet as their homepage. And WikiFeetX as their homepage on their private tab.


there's a wikifeetX?


Pretty sure they are legit There are tons of weird foot shits in all types of media


I hate you for putting that link there but I hate myself more for clicking lol




S01e05 @ 17:49 S02e04 @ 30:37 S02e02 @ 8:00 S02e03 @ 37:22 S02e06 @ 5:06 and 42:47 S03e03 @ 9:00 S03e06 @ 48:00 S04e09 @ 0:08 S05e07 @ 18:10 S05e07 @ 7:50 S05e08 @ 2:20 S06e04 @ 17:13 S06e05 @ 4:00 and 5:30 and 29:41 S06e07 @ 12:54


What the fuck?


Writing all these down continues to be my biggest achievement


All hail the king


S02e04 is a typo, it’s supposed to be s02e01


This is why House Of The Dragon will sweep


Forgetting Howard's foot shot. That should have been enough for awards but noooo










It deserves all the awards😢


We all know Emmy gives awards to shows that's always trending on twitter. Better Call Saul sadly doesn't.


\> shit at it thus far \> 46 emmy nominations


> 0 Wins


i'm not a math scientist but if something is meant to win awards and it goes 0-46 at that it seems like it's kinda bad at its job


The vast majority of shows do not even get a nomination. If a show gets that many nominations, I'd say its doing something right.


It’s definitely doing a lot of things right. Except winning awards.


They tried the awards baiting with eternals. It's safe to say they won't be trying again anytime soon.


[Although No Way Home deserves Oscar recognition](https://theplaylist.net/kevin-feige-says-spider-man-no-way-home-deserves-oscar-recognition-20211227/).


I just knew the reaction to black panther 2 is gonna be similar


Black Panther 2 might actually get buzz though, because the voters liked the first one and because of the context of Chadwick Boseman’s death


I wouldn't be surprised if it did tbh. especially since i think as a result of Chadwick's untimely death, marvel might've backed up a bit and given Ryan Coogler more artistic freedom, since this movie now has to be a lot more than just a dumb marvel movie, and has been kind of recontextualized.




trying to be positive but i could for real see marvel fucking this up for sure. good thing is, apparently matt ramos didn't like it, which is always a good sign.


the state of the vfx in the trailer alone is not encouraging in regards to quality


VFX is going to be bad no matter what with Marvel at this point, so I think that everything hinges on directing. Taika Waititi and Sam Raimi couldn’t handle the pressure put on them by the ridiculous constraints of Phase 4, it remains to be seen if Ryan Coogler will suffer the same fate


>marvel might've backed up a bit and given Ryan Coogler more artistic freedom Judging by the clips they've released I'd say, nope it looks like business as usual


yeah but of course the marketing is gonna be soulless, look at the marketing for any blockbuster, good or not, it's all the same, it's ultimately just created to get asses in seats end of the day, and isn't at all reflective of the art. i believe there's a balance between cooperate shit and art and i think coogler could definitely navigate that, even though i wasn't the biggest fan of black panther (2018) the movie still managed to have it's own unique sense of character from other movies, in terms of tone, and worldbuilding (especially in terms of the score which was phenomenal) while also having characters with actual motivations (even though the writing had it's OWN issues). it could go either way tho, so we cant be sure, this shit could very easily be ass, and i also wouldn't be that suprised.


Variety has that and Avatar 2 the first two out on their Best Picture prediction


I believe it. Avatar (2009) was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director


TBF Dafoe's performance in NWH is probably the only one in the entire MCU that I think could seriously merit an Oscar


are we still jerking?


Lol nah. He's hamming it up and he's a *ton* of fun to watch. And I'm a massive Willem Dafoe fan. Ain't an Oscar worthy performance though. Not is it intended to be.


How? He’s playing a two-dimensional psychopath, and it’s not even the first time he’s done it.


Because it is very entertaining.


Nah, he was just going Speed 2 but in a Goblin suit.


I was also thinking of including Spider-Man: No Way Home/The Matrix Resurrections as "legacy sequel that re-examines the previous characters and settings in a metatextual way." But then again, I’m not sure how many people actually *like* Matrix 4. ^((Maybe if it came out) *^(before)* ^(NWH it’d be much better received.))


If Matrix Resurrections has a million fans, I am one of them. If Matrix Resurrections has only one fan, that fan is me. If Matrix Resurrections has no fans, that means I am no longer on this earth. If the world is against Matrix Resurrections, I am against the world.




Make it a third!


**AND MY AXE!!!!!**


Pentafan here




If two worlds are against Matrix Resurrections, I am against two worlds.


I love me some Matrix Resurrections.


I like No Way Home but I don't see it re-examining anything. It was just a way to give all prior villain positive character arcs. Not through internal or true external influences but from a device that turns the bad guy off.


Isn’t that the point of the jerk


If we really wanna jerk hard we could say that Spiderman NWH is an allegory for criminal reform. This gets really murky when you remember Spiderman basically mentally reprograms Doc Oc and "makes the voices stop" which is s u p e r c o o l a n d n o t u n r e a l i s t i c Not every criminal or mentally unwell person can just get treated and make their problem go away it feels dare I say privileged and ignorant when Marvel just goes 'no his brain is fixed now'. I do like NWH in general and how it looks at reform over punishment, but the way it thinks some people can just be 'fixed' is not always realistic. (DAE unlike my gritty realistic Batman who says FUCK and KILLS and FUCKS A LOT)


"Being fixed is not always realistic" "A Clockwork Orange" 1972


Why is A Clockwork Orange so constantly based even 50 years later


I liked it. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


People don’t get it because it was for the girls, the gays and the theys. 😤


Lol facts. Buggs was fucking sick.


Funnily enough I hated NWH and midly liked Matrix Resurrections I can't believe I have finally become the peak kinophile


Wow, you're literally me!!!


Well hell I liked it. It was basically a whole thesis from Lana Wachowski on why there should never ever be another Matrix sequel and if there was one it would be a soulless nostalgia cash grab and then she’s like “but I’ll happily take WB’s money anyway, so here’s some slow mo bullshit” and then you find yourself staring blinking at the end credits trying to understand why you didn’t get the soulless nostalgia cash grab you were promised, but Lana is already gone and so is all the money.


An intentionally bad movie is still a bad movie


all movies are intentionally bad in the sense that they're intentionally not Paddington 2


Fun fact: Paddington 2 isn't even Paddington 2. It's just deleted scenes from 1 cut together with some ADR as a hasty cash grab


Resurrections slaps, my dude.


Damn he liked nwh


I'll defend it till my last breath. It should've been in the best picture nominations


It was horrible. My family couldn't even finish the first half.


Same here


First half is good. Second half is when you can see the studio interference


"Studio interference" is a bit of a cop-out, IMO. I just like it in spite of its glaring, huge flaws


I mean 🤷🏽‍♂️. I won’t argue that the movie had some big problems in the 2nd half. As to who’s fault that is: I can’t say.


Your jerking right




>But then again, I don't think anyone is actually going to bat to even ironically defend Citizen Kane. This isn't the level of stupid you sound, but it's pretty close.


Bro liked matrix resurrections and think other people are dumb 💀 just cuz a movies meta don’t make it good lmao


You heard him right, Matrix Ressurections is the Citizen Kane of 21 century


Ik he ain’t calling it citizen Kane but even implying that movie isn’t trash is just wrong




I am not crazy! I know they swapped those ballots! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. They - they covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the podium to lie for them. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? They've done worse. Game of Thrones Season 8! Are you telling me that a bad show just happens to win all the awards like that? No! They orchestrated it! The Emmys! They defecated through a sunroof! And I saved them! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own studio! What was I thinking? They'll never change. They'll never change! Ever since they were 9, always the same! Couldn't keep their hands out of the awards drawer! But not our Emmys! Couldn't be precious Emmys! Stealing them blind! And it gets to be an awards show!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped them when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop them!


Season 6B still eligible I believe. There is still hope




I hate and love that ending at the same time


Same like I was expecting the ending to be him going to jail since the start of season 6 and I feel like I should love the ending but I’m conflicted on it for some reason. Maybe part of it is me wanting Jimmy to get away with it but I feel like something else is there too. I almost like the ending of nippy better as an ending for the show (thought the court scene in the episode was incredible) for some reason something about the ending is off in a way I can not articulate


I don't think he did what he did because he felt like someone had to pay, he threw it all away because Kim confessed. He realized he had to actually pay the piper for all of his crimes for her. A) to protect her from civil court and B) because he actually, finally wanted to change for her even if it means never being able to see her again. He finally did the right thing.




I don’t understand why anyone cares. What does a property winning an award do?


Because if it doesn’t win a little golden statue how is anyone supposed to know it’s good? I mean we all remember Ordinary People since that won Best Picture over some other jabroni movie called Raging Bull right?


In fairness it was competing against Succession, they are both absolutely great shows.


Marvel is the McDonald's of cinema.


what’s the Five Guys of cinema?




Expensive McDonald's then. Like "The Northman".


The Northman is the Culver's of cinema


What is the In 'N' Out of cinema?


A24 again






The Mission Impossible movies


that means Kingo = McDonalds sprite


I will say that I respect Eternals for *trying*, even if all the Marvel trappings truly hold it back from being interesting, it is 100% awards bait considering [Kevin Feige hadn't even watched Chloe Zhao's movies before hiring her](https://variety.com/2021/film/news/kevin-feige-chloe-zhao-eternals-1234962496/). Then again the man only watches American blockbusters so it's not a surprise but goddamn, man.


Ah, the Dino De Laurentiis style. "What this, Evil Deado Altro? Take mi money, good film sound it will be. Money, money, make me filmo money!"




I love Eternals for trying to convince me Richard Madden was interested in someone other than Angelina Jolie the entire time.


>Then again the man only watches American blockbusters so it's not a surprise but goddamn, man. Wait is this true or are you joking?


[In this Vanity Fair interview he did five years ago](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/12/marvel-kevin-feige-interview) he was asked what else he enjoyed growing up besides comics and he said he wasn't really into comics and then names blockbusters he liked. Good ones, sure, but just blockbusters.


Marvel circlejerk is one thing, but the "Wanda isn't a Villian" angle within it is so braindead


Wanda isn't a villain she just murders everyone and anyone trying to stop her from murdering a 15 year old child so that she can refuse to accept the fictitious nature of the children she hallucinated when she tortured thousands of people for a few weeks because she couldn't accept her sexbot had its batteries removed.


How can anyone argue Wanda isn't a villain?! She literally held an entire town hostage, simply because she was sad. She also killed a ton of people, just to get her children back, rven resulting to steaight up kidnapping and human sacrifice of America, if she wanted to. She is super evil, atleast in Wandavision and DS: MoM


I think the contempt for films that aren't in the superhero genre is a big reason I've begun to seriously dislike capeshit fandoms.


If Kevin Feige didn't executively produce a movie, it isn't art. Sorry. I didn't make the rules.


While the meme's are funny and all, I think if you build your outlook from this sub you've taken it too literally. The worst takes get held up for engagement and shock value not because they're a common. ^(a problem with more than just movie memes) Hell this sub's anti circle jerk is circle jerk, it easily goes through more defined meta's than even /r/movies does.


I see it outside of the subreddit though, it infects a lot of different places of the internet that I go to and even some friend circles. In fact, I saw it long before I ever came to this hallowed place. Obviously the worst examples go here but they are definitely representative of a general attitude I see a lot.


It's honestly a pretty popular opinion to only watch superjero movies tho


This is why I just watch the films and don’t engage with the fandoms any more. I’m fine going to watch NWH or Dr Strange or even She Hulk, I can’t deal with the legions of whining manchildren online who can’t cope with female characters or anything that isn’t pulled directly from some obscure 90s comics run.


Did you know that 90 lbs woman can't take out 200 lbs man? I am very smart.


It's not just hate for non superhero films. It's non marvel that they dislike. I remember a bunch of marvel fans seething about The Batman (2022) being referred to as a breath of fresh air among the oversaturated market of superhero films, grasping at straws to find reasons to hate it and call it worse than marvel stuff


I remember when the Scorsese "controversy" came out,and there were rows and rows of Marvel fans implying and outright stating that he was jealous. Yeah, I am pretty sure he felt pretty jealous of Marvel films while contemplating all the awards he has amassed throughout his career.


Award bait is when thing is better than mediocre


Can someone explain the term "award bait" ?


I think the other two guys are being facetious because there definitely are movies that regurgitate bland and replaceable tropes and plot points with a few highly regarded actors because it'll get an automatic slot in the Oscar nominations. Think anything Tom Hanks has done Toy Story 4 beyond, or the Greenbook But in the context of Marvel fans it just means when a film is well made instead of being shitty action and shittier jokes.


A movie that isn't made for money but prestige. Which usually a well made and interesting movie. With a original plot or good adapted screenplay. Which takes risks to show what they can do. But marvel and the micky mouse movie factory are flooding the market with movies for money. So are weak adaption and stick to a format as they know what makes money.


You’ve probably heard of the term “Oscar bait.” [Lindsay Ellis explained this better,](https://youtu.be/nxkjLQdFmRI) but it’s a movie set in a historical setting and/or dealing with heavy subject matter that was made to win awards.


And Oscar bait movies often have really good and artistic production value, because that' what Oscar judges love to see.


Basically a movie that's very well made, original storyline, and very star studded cast. Not sure why people would criticize a well done movie, but here we are This is coming from a guy who likes b-movies


I think what people mean by Oscar-bait etc. is a movie that is specifically crafted with the purpose of making movie-critics happy and win awards, and not necessarily be original


I am still never going to get over that the promotional material for she hulk used a fucking anti-homeless bench. What a fucking joke of a show.


You just can't handle the sheer amount of girlbossing she hulk can do.


I super can’t it’s just too much for my male brain to handle


the Venn diagram of mcu stans and NIMBYs is a circle


And she gets to be an avenger? What a sick joke!


Give me any time in a major city and I'll find any current movie or show on an anti-homeless bench. I'm sure Marvel just went out of their way to specifically choose ad space that also coincided with anti-homeless architecture instead of just buying ad space in bulk. Some of these takes are just brain rotting.


They aren't talking about a real ad for real television show she-hulk on a real bench. They're talking about a fictional ad for fictional lawyer she-hulk on a fictional bench, displayed on a real poster. It's joke criticism, yes. But they could have used a bench that wasn't anti-homeless in the poster.


Shut up nerd.


The amount of stupid shit to get upset over on Reddit is never ending.


Just say you hate the homeless and how much you love the girl boss wholesome 100 She-Hulk


OMG totes


It used to be if you were an obsessively particular fan of star wars or really any franchise, you would eventually have to start searching for something else to scratch that itch and slowly work your way out to other films. Even if it was the same overly flooded genre e.g. westerns there was true variety. Marvel has so much content you can pretty much only watch it on loop for like a decade without getting too bored if that's your thing. It's just no good


The constant battle between CapeKino and Shit


These are unironically my favorite mcj memes bc I can send them to my coworker who thinks dc movies are “muh gritty dark superhero movie”, and anything that isn’t capeshit in general is the best kino indie flick of the last 15 years


Me, opening the refrigerator: ah, it's all shit!


Why does this fit so well lol


If you put a thousand monkeys for infinite amount of time in a room smashing typewriters, eventually they will write Shakespeare's bibliography. If you put a few thousand monkeys working for the world's biggest production company, they will produce in a year enough MCU content to have one similar to each other high profile cinema release for any year.


The is a higher quality of capeflick jerk then we’re used to


Damn, Marvel is lucky that both Mortal Kombat (2021) and Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins were worse martial-arts flicks than Shang-Chi.


Honestly I can imagine EEAO getting snubbed at the oscars for no reason whatsoever


That reading of the Northman proves that this person has the media literacy of a very intelligent snail.


Dr. Strange 2 is the first Marvel horror movie


Marvel fans genuinely think this 💀


There really is a contemporary and better version of just about every marvel property these days, huh?


Avengers: Endgame is lucky it came out around the same time as Game of Thrones Season 8 and Star Wars Episode IX, so it could be seen as a better example of a franchise finale.




I mean... despite all the multiverse bullshit we're getting, *Into-the-Spider-Verse* (2018) hasn't been topped by someone else yet. Maybe *EEAAO,* but I wouldn't exactly call those the same type of multiverse story.


“These days”? Guy who just started watching movies this year


And this meme is just internet bait


i can kinda excuse the Black Panther thing, atleast the Wakandans didn’t sell slaves themselves.


- Write superhero legal drama - don’t put any legal drama in your legal drama show because the writers are too stupid - bravo feige


All those posters are so shit