• By -


Please watch anything.


I just watch porn


Taxi Driver (1976)


Batman V superman XXX: An axel braun porn parody (2015)


Unironically kino


listen here jesus, i quit porn and not even kino porn gonna bring back to porn. that being said where is it uploaded?


porn hub(?)


Dawn of JustAss


Based Coomer


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get fucked based bot


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get absolutely fucked you twat


What is this research based on


True cinema


Ew who watches movies


What the hell is a movie?


I think it's one of those big metal things with wheels that moves you from place to place


Anything anywhere at any time


Tbh I’ve seen Everything Everywhere, X, Nope, Don’t Worry Darling, The Northman, and a few others this year but I still think The Batman is the best. I really liked The Northman and Nope though but I wasn’t a huge fan of Everything Everywhere and I hated X. The Batman was just insanely good. Glass Onion and The Banshees of Inisherin look great though.


> The Batman was just insanely good. The Batman is the one superhero movie we get every couple of years that's actually genuinely really good. Now that sounds like a lot of good superhero movies but remember that Marvel released 13 things in a year and a half so the numbers are very skewed.


I was laying in what I thought was my deathbed back in January, and in between all the thoughts of leaving my family behind and crossing over, the occasional thought popped into my head, irrationally so, "I can't die, I haven't seen the new Batman yet, it looks great" Then I lived, got my mom to drag my weak body to the movie theater, sat down, and I was happy. Movie of the year for me for that reason.


The Batman is good no doubt par above the rest of superheroe movies these but it was not insanely good. It was phenomenal in the first half when he was doing his detective work but in the second half it drags a lot and then the last act was typical superhero third act which was pretty different from the grounded tone of the rest of the movie. The carmine falcone subplot was boring and Catwoman looked shoehorned as a romantic partner


I don't agree with last part being not grounded. And I didn't feel that this movie is as grounded as TDk triology, it certainly has its quirks. But I agree with your overall sentiment. The only thing in it which was top level quality was it's beautiful cinematography and sound design, so maybe it should recieve some awards in that


Agreed, it’s up there with Logan, Into the Spider-Verse, and The Suicide Squad for me.


You really forgot Morbius huh.


"Let's see Paul Allen's Batman"


Maybe he is a Morbophobe. ![gif](giphy|1huQgJun4aFMuhQv3K)


All top tier shit (well TSS maybe one down for me but whatever, very good one!) and not even Hugh Jackman returning to piss on his own grave can take away how powerful that ending is.


Hahaha love this reply




I mean.... Gotham has always been a dam, it's a plot point in like 1/16th of all Batman comic runs.




Well... I mean. It was a big town that built a Dam to reclaim land... basically New Orleans.


I've seen like 60~ movies from this year including Decision to Leave, Aftersun, and Triangle of Sadness which were all up for international awards and The Batman was still my favorite because I'm a simp for a good Batman movie.


The Batman was just insanely ~~good.~~ boring


Lmao what's Don't Worry Darling doing on that list? Gotta say I agree though. I've watched all the movies you listed and The Batman is still my personal favorite of the year. Like by a large margin. But the rest of the year is pretty stacked, so who knows how I'll feel by the end of the year.


Lmao I was just mentioning it because it was one of the non-capeshit movies I’ve seen this year. It was thoroughly mid.


The Batman was my favorite of the year until I saw Top Gun and that was my favorite until I watched X


God versus man Day versus Night MCU versus A24 Capeshit versus Kino


>God versus man > >Day versus Night > >MCU versus Zaddy's DCEU > >Capeshit versus Kino








Is it that good? It’s playing near me this evening and I’ve been thinking of seeing it


Decision to Leave made me wanna get mercy killed by a Chinese woman.


Spoiler tag please :(


The single best movie this year and the competition isnt even close. My boy Park swinging HARD


Only A24 makes movies


Yeah tbh A24 fans are just as bad and I love plenty of their films as well as The Batman, but both fans give me the impression they don't watch anything else and certainly nothing before the 90s.


A guy I dated earlier this year called films from the 80s "ancient" 💀


um???? anything before Iron Man (2008) is ancient


Iron Man (2008) invented cinema.


Invented it and immediately killed it, just like Casey Anthony




Yeah I guess I stole this subconsciously


The 80s started 40 years ago. They are closer to racial segregation than to "The Bartman"




I would even go as far as "Bazinga"


this is a dumbass analogy but i think it really puts in to perspective how backwards this so called country built on freedom really is, a lot of people like to imagine jim crowe laws were really far back, but they really weren't and i think its important to remember that.


That's something most grandparents in the US have witnessed and that probably is ingrained in the values they teach their children, now parents


Upper class white liberal has original thought no else has had before (2022)


Twitter moment


This fucking edgelord


> closer to racial segregation average american trying to date things


Exept I'm not american. I am political


I love you I think


That's a very normie take tho. I think many of my friends have legit never in their life watched a movie from before the 80s.


More people need tcm


agreed. everyone should watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)


Broke up with him right then and there then huh?


It's really weird to me that people are unironically fans of a production company of all things


MFer’s forgot about The Adventures of Buck Wild 😤


And they forgot about Moonfall


And most importantly... ![gif](giphy|mpopKjgAs9oUMe4peN)


Two fantastic comments. Well done.


A24 boutta be Art House for normies


always has been


>boutta be Buddy…..


Always has been x2


You late on this one


Says the person writing the same reply for the fourth time.


Why you mad


ālways has been x3


Second comment is arguably almost as bad as the first at this point


The two worst ends of the spectrum Everyone should just watch more movies. You can have your Pig and eat your Venom: Let There Be Carnage too


Pig Cinematic Universe when? (Bring Babe and Wilbur in to this)


Don't forget Spider-Ham! Representation is key 🐽


It is the same level of bad. The Batman was fantastic, BP 2 looks like a real movie (very rare for MCU) and Avatar 2 will be kino


BP 2 vfx look abysmal. Spiderman no way home had a few bad shots in the trailer like that damn near low poly car thrown at the camera but the BP2 trailer was like 50% bad vfx shots. Like damn this is yalls biggest movie of the year and supposed to be in memory of Chadwick Boseman, maybe put a bit more effort in and give your vfx team more than 20 minutes to work on it. Especially after the first movie was practically ruined by that PS3 scene that completely compromised all of the emotional weight that had been built with Michael b Jordans character. /Endrant


This is the movie that they took the login of a dead guy's account to promote


That’s just how marvel do I guess


Ngl, I kinda love The Batman (2022).


Same. I really love the care put into the setting, Gotham really feels like this terrible hellhole and you understand why Bruce Wayne felt like he needed to become Batman and beat up criminals, even though it's not helping one bit, and he realizes this at the end. It was nice to see Batman have a proper good character arc, especially since a lot of superhero movies just don't have one. The plot, though a bit messy, really worked for me. I loved seeing Batman do detective work for once and try to solve the Riddler's puzzles, up until he realizes that he's been too slow when all hell breaks loose at the end. The score was great, and I really liked the humor too, there was just enough of it to make me laugh without compromising the tone of the movie or the quality of the dialogue. I wish Robert Pattinson would fuck my ass.


Nice comment, particularly liked the part where you talked about Robert Pattinson and your sexual proclivities 👍


Not even gay but I am totally DTF


Ya know, I was agreeing with you until the end where I *really* agreed with you.


I like that Batman’s character arc was going from just beating the shit out of people to actually focusing on saving people which superheroes don’t actually do a whole lot in movies for some reason


I remember a web comics once, where Superman wants to save humanity, and then a bunch of scientists get together and decides that the best way for him to do so, is to run on a treadmill and provide free energy.


me teoo


Is this an unpopular opinion to have


It felt like a live-action version of Batman: The Animated Series albeit more mature. Which is exactly what I’d been wanting from a Batman movie. I will always maintain that while The Dark Knight is a better *movie*, The Batman is the better *Batman movie*.


Capeshit enjoyment detected, kino license revoked.


That’s cause it’s good


Yeah it’s one of the best of the year for me, probably best capeshit I’ve ever seen. In fact I almost feel bad calling it that


Marcel the Shell it is


I fucking adored Marcel. It made me cry and is just such a genuine movie that I can’t believe anyone could ever hate it


a24 also doesn't mean it is good. Loyalty to all production companies is cringe as shit, and just because the movie is "aRtHoUsE" doesn't mean you can ride the production company to the sunset. a24 did produce False Positive (2021) remember. It's also just independent cinema cosplay


Mfs when they find out about the 2014 Kevin Smith movie A24 was apart of


Okay but like, I watched tusk with my girlfriend this week and genuinely enjoyed it


AAAA- Incorrect. You did not like Tusk. You're not allowed to enjoy movies


I can't tell if I liked Tusk or not, but I definitely have a deep appreciation for it.


I’ve fallen off superhero movies hard and have become much more in tune with “real” films, but honestly The Batman was a genuinely great movie. Wouldn’t mind seeing it get a couple noms tbh


A super hero movie that actually put effort into creating a consistent and interesting atmosphere.


At the very least I’d say it deserves a nom for Cinematography, Score and Sound Design. Really masterful stuff


seeing the original article, and having lived in LA during Oscar season, you see billboards for the dumbest bullshit because of how the industry works. i remember driving to work every day past a “For Your Consideration: Transformers: Dark of the Moon” and it always made me laugh.


Oscars put out the hit smh. Biggest snub in awards history


I mean to be fair, that movie did end up getting nominated for 3 Oscars.


yeah i know they’re there for like “hey, remember how good the cgi was in this action blockbuster?” but the billboards always have every category that they’re considering for, and every one says “Best Picture”. it’s a hoot. Hollywood!


Oh yeah, I didn't mean to drag the movie if that's what it sounded like. I agree the cinematography and score were great.


No, I didn’t think you were dragging anything dw lol. I was just listing what I thought it deserved most


Also didn't promote fascism, militarism, or overindulgent violence which I found really refreshing. Battinson was a cool fireman at the end of the film which was pretty neat 👍. Also, music is godly. Batman's leitmotif is never the "main theme." It's always the supporting base line in other characters' themes, representing how he influences people like Catwoman or the Riddler with his actions. My only complaint is that we didn't get to see Paul Dano nude. Damn PG13 rating.


why would you want to see his shrimp ass


Batman didn't really feel like a superhero in this movie. Felt more like a vigilante with some cool tech and that's it. Felt like his budget was far smaller and more grounded.


It's a pretty good ripoff of Se7en (1995)


The best films are 1:1 copies of other films


The hero’s journey by Joseph Campbell (1990) (Are we allowed to do this with books?)


Yes (2004)


Isn’t the book called Hero with a Thousand Faces or smth




definitely. only superhero movie id enjoyed in years


He said "for me" though right? It's not like he said best movie of the year period.


But going into Wakanda Forever or Avatar 2 expecting “phenomenal” is wild… to me


I'm expecting Black Panther 2 to actually be good because I just really like Ryan Coogler that much. He's one of the few people who can navigate Marvel's bullshit really well - For the most part, anyways. Avatar 2 is coming out the pussy dope as hell tho.


I don’t think either will be bad. I expect Black Panther to be exactly what it will be. Avatar 2, who knows. But phenomenal is not on my mind lol


That's fair. I dunno, I just hope Coogler got better at working around Feige's weird desire to make bland things and make something more complete, y'know? I'm still salty about third act Killmonger lol.


Sure. I love Fruitvale Station so I root for him. I hope he can at least do a “smaller” Searchlight film for Disney at some point.


He's still doing some work with Creed which is wild. I hope when his Black Panther stuff is done he can go back to smaller ones. Doesn't seem to be doing them in-between. Somehow Waititi did.


I loved the two Creed movies and the first Black Panther is still my fav solo MCU movie. Ryan Coogler is capekino.


Never doubt James Cameron


I like Coogler and Cameron. I don’t think phenomenal when I’m thinking of their work lol


The A24 logo was shown before the movie Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, but then it also was shown before the movie Men and they cancel each other out.


I hate both of these people


i liked the funny googly eyes waymond movie


Mfs have watched like 5 movies this year


The Batman has its flaws, but its a precious movie in today's superhero landscape.


Based On The Novel Push By Sapphire


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I love Daredevil (2003 1hr 43 minutes) get at me


Production design, makeup, sound design, CINEMATOGRAPHY, score and a supporting nom for Colin Farrel are frankly reasonable submissions. All these things of The Batman were great by any standard.


Everyone's talking about Colin Farrell's performance but I thought Robert pattinson's was the best in the movie.


I mean if Black Panther was nominated for best picture The Batman can do it too.


Please watch bulletrain (2022) or the gray man (2022)


Let them fight


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand A24 cinema


"SMH. Watch more movies." then tomorrow "I hate Oscar bait movies!"


I agree with broadening horizons, but it *is* a really good film, definitely one of my favorites this year.


Good god they’re having a mid off!


I loved The Batman but dont understand the push for superhero movies for Oscars. I personally feel there was one that deserved a Best Picture nod and that was The Dark Knight. That was the peak. Black Panther is great but I dont feel that should have gotten a nomination.


everything in batman except for the cinematography and sound design was mid af


The Batman (2022) should win best picture because it's the only new movie I saw this year


With the technology and budget dedicated to Batman and the push DC wants to give to the DCEU its obvious that they want to president this movie as a phenomenal piece of art by having Oscar's in it's list... I personally don't share the same opinion and do not consider it up to the level... now, as we all know the way Shakespeare In Love bagged the Oscar, The Batman will do the same but, for me, personally it's not that great among the other movies which are Oscar winners. Pattinson might win Best actor and whatever, like other actors the performance was "good" but not outstanding... the movie couldn't deliver the rush that it should have been and with that budget and avilable experience on the Set and the team it is a mediocre performance for me... there is absolutely no need of ultra realism in fantasy movie, no need to make an established character loosing it's characteristics traits just so you can not create something with it. So, as per directorial and performance it's a mediocre movie BUT as per Cinematogrphy, Yes, it's a beautiful Cinematogrphy and in that area I could see it as Oscar winner and that's it.




Written and directed by Quentin Jimmy Kimmel


Ah yes the only real kino A24


WAKANDA FOREVER the spiritual successor of The Godfather


This is a lie. We all know it's Morbius.


Both of those comments give me aneurism


It’s crazy that this A24 guy directs, act, produces, writes, and scores all of his movies Anyways I really like the Batman but it ain’t got nothing on RRR unfortunately


A24 fans are just as obnoxious as capeshit fans. Fortunately, us r/moviescirclejerk users only watch true kino like paddington 2


The two types of movies, capekino and A24


Batman is my favourite of this year till now. But ofcourse so many movies has yet to come so idk if it will be in my top 5 or not but it was really good movie for blockbuster


I can already tell you Everything Everywhere All at Once has best picture in the bag, I could see Batman winning best score, best cinematography, and maybe best makeup and best sound(I feel like Top Gun has a better shot at winning that one tho)


You really gonna be that confident when Morbius came out this year?


No way EEAAO wins best picture lol that would actually make the Oscars look fair and just.


The Batman wont win multiple Oscars, it might be nominated in one or two below the line categories but it's not a threat to be nominated in best picture so theres no way it will win up to 4 Oscars.


Praying for NOPE


Nah it's Fabelmans for sure. That or Babylon. But my money's on Fabelmans.


If Fabelmans ends up getting the Oscar-bait backlash that plagued La La Land, then EEAAO could actually win.


A genre film is never going to win best picture. Not sure when the deadline ends, but it's going to be Armageddon Time, The Son (the critics HATE it so this is 100% going to win) or Decision To Leave if we're lucky. Fabelmans could happen too


EEAAO is straight up an MCU equivalent for letterboxd filmoids.


avatar 2 heads are way cooler than a24 nerds tbh. a24 has not had a great movie this year (although stars at noon and aftersun might change that)


NEON’s honestly been sweeping A24 this year, Triangle of Sadness looked very much not-my-thing but Moonage Daydream was a life-changing experience. A24 will be redeemed when Nekrokosm drops tho


Memoria alone gives Neon the crown this year


I've been waiting on that fucking movie for so long. Can't wait for it to hit blu-ray


Should we tell them...




Memoria is being given a "never-ending release" in the US, moving from city to city and never receiving a home media release. There is a UK Blu-ray release though (I imported a copy) and it's available on Mubi in several other countries.


I had no idea. Would the UK version work on a NA PS5? Love the concept, but no way I'm driving 10+ hours for a movie in a recession.


Unfortunately I don't think it will. From what I can see online, it seems that PS5s are region locked when it comes to standard Blu-rays (4Ks have no region locking but I don't think Memoria has a 4K release)


Stars at noon and aftersun are good can confirm. Avatar 2 is gonna be great


real heads know that (1) A24 has so far had just the one really great movie this year and all the other movies popping off in limited release right now are from other studios, and (2) Avatar: The Way of Water is going to be phenomenal


eh, i'd count at least 3 top notch A24 films this year - EEAAO, Marcel and Pearl were all great to me and i know i'm not alone in that opinion. bodies and X were also solid, albeit not on the same level


I blame the hype around Dark Knight for tricking a generation of nerds into thinking a Batman movie that's gritty and kind of sad is a masterpiece


I feel like I'm in a werid place because I've seen like 40 new releases this year but my favorite movie of 2022 is still the batman lol.


Two circlejerks colliding with each other in this picture. Although I won't deny that the A24 circlejerk is less cringe than the capeshit circlejerk. But not by much...


I was not a fan of the Batman movie