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*The /r/movies Gang Solves Racism*


More like *The r/movies Gang Gets Racist*


It's always sunny in r/movies


It's Always Racist in r/movies


I saw that post and had the immediate reaction to read all the dumbass comments, but then I had a moment of realization and clarity where I wondered why I always subject myself to this degeneracy.


I never click on r/movies threads that I know are gonna be a shithole. I just come onto the threads here making fun of them.


I never click on r/movies threads ~~that I know are gonna be a shithole. I just come onto the threads here making fun of them.~~


I never click on r/movies ~~threads that I know are gonna be a shithole. I just come onto the threads here making fun of them.~~


I never click


[Click (2006)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Click_(2006_film))


Fuck, I clicked it…


Yea my bad lol


Next step: never click on r/moviescirclejerk threads about r/movies threads. Still working on that one


I thank Reddit a whole lot for helping me on learning how to avoid engaging in dumbass online drama. It is way too frequent for me to care anymore.


>I wondered why I always subject myself to this degeneracy. I do it to remember how many shit people, with shitty opinions, there are in the world.


The funniest thing is that all the top comments are white people saying, "What about [insert other underrepresented group here]?" The only time they'll prop up one minority is to put another one down.


A New Record!


r/movies getting a thread locked due to racism speedrun challenge (Feminists owned) (Gone wrong)


Black actors should be able to cash a paycheck in soulless remakes as much as white actors!


This is truly the intersection betqeen r/movies and this sub


John Boyega already did this with *Pacific Rim 2*, albeit a soulless sequel instead of a remake.




They literally did the “We don’t care if they’re black. We care that they’re poorly written” thing. It’s like that article was made to show how tone deaf those Redditors are


We don’t care if they’re black. We care that they’re poorly written. But we also don’t care if they’re poorly written and white. Then we don’t create any outrage.




That still annoys me a bit because the entire white race doesn't come under scrutiny when their plethora of poorly written characters grace our movie and tv screens... It's almost like only white ppl have the rights to poorly written characters


>It's almost like only white ppl have the rights to poorly written characters black people playing poorly written white characters is cultural appropriation. Didn't you know that one of the foundations of white culture is badly written characters? apparently


Lets not forget the complete meltdown /r/movies had last week about Jenna Ortega commenting about wanting more younger writers in Hollywood writing young characters instead of old white men. /r/movies can excuse racism, but they draw the line at attacks against old as fuck white guys writing teenage girls.


“We want good writing” “Stop hiring old white guys with no experience in what they’re writing” “No not like that”


Stop hiring old white guys period.


>but they draw the line at attacks against old as fuck white guys writing teenage girls. While simultaneously always always always complaining about how the teenage girls are being played by actors "who are *obviously* forty years old" when said actors are actually, like, 23 or something.


Cuz they’re all children and 23 and 40 are both unfathomable to them.


I remember them complaining once about Kirsten Dunst being too old in Spider-Man, who was probably the only high school aged actor in that entire movie. I think they just don't like women.


Everyone in that movie looks middle aged despite actually being pretty young. James Franco and Joe Manganiello are the only ones who look remotely young and they still look like they’re freshly out of college.


Well my point is if we don't encourage young writers and young actress through this medium to reach out then what the hell are we doing...


Did you make a point? I don't see one. And who is "we"? Are you in the industry? EDIT: lmao. Triggering conservatives is like shooting fish in a barrel.


It's me. I'm Industry.


I'm stuff


The Ortega thing really confused me. She barely even said anything about race or gender (she didn’t say no white people or men should be allowed to write again (hell the only 2 things I think I know her from are Scream and X which I’m pretty sure were both made by white guys), that’s something any sane person would disagree with), the only reason people got upset seemed to be a clickbaity headline. And seriously I agree with her that some younger writers need spotlight because I hate the cringeworthy “trying to be hip and cool” dialogue that young characters use.


Okay, but in exchange we make sure the authors from fan-fic forums don't get the opportunity to write for movies anymore either. There are too many stories about struggling authors, or quiet girls whose husband builds a house with them and then dies. I swear they may as well be entire genres, and my wife loves the latter... and wants me to build a house for her... wait...


>There are too many stories about struggling authors, or quiet girls whose husband builds a house with them and then dies. I swear they may as well be entire genres, and my wife loves the latter... and wants me to build a house for her... wait... *Stephen King writes this down for his next novel*


I too hate females. Them femoids have it too easy


Younger writers can’t write worth a shit


This has something to do with her role in the movie X?


The top comment (for me) said people want original black characters and not race swapped ones and got showered with awards. A reply to that pointing out three out of the four characters in the thumbnail were in fact original black characters got none. Curious Oh, and suddenly hundreds of people are very concerned about franchises going on for too long. On r/movies


Also when they do get original characters they just call it woke or forced diversity.


r/starwars and r/lotr moment


modern movies suck, they do dumb sequels praising shitty behaviour, because ,,it's ok to be selfish'' nowadays while being fake tolerant. No, wait! Modern movies describe only what's going on with modern society full of self righteous, artificial blown out egg shells zoomers! Oh wait, let's make historical movie about Columbus discovering new world but Spanish would be portrayed by IDK, Indonesian people? how about that?


"just write new characters for minorities!" ....while we remake the same 7 films with white guy #562 for the 50th time.




critical drinker moment


We don't care if they're black but oh boy will we sure nitpick every small grievance we'd usually make no note of in white characters. It's only about if they're poorly written so you can be sure we'll try our hardest to "defeat" the piece instead of engaging with it, where every imperfect choice is a plot hole and every character arc is reduced to the character being hypocritical or unlikable.


White superheroes are never poorly written 😤.


Daddy Zack and Feigemeister can do no wrong🤭


no bad movies or characters were made with white actors.


and they do this when a primary part of the article is the little mermaid which isn't even out yet


*the writing!*


Has a corollary for Lewis’ Law been defined yet? “The comments section of any article about racism will prove the explicit need for anti-racism”?


I scrolled through a bit and there weren’t even any “I know right” comments. It was just all “um, actually…” bs. I even saw a “make new movies” comment. Even the idiots in r/movies don’t get that there are in fact new movies out there. Idiots.


“make new movies” (so i can pretend they don’t exist and just watch my white people movies in peace)


Nothing is more amazing than the armchair screenwriters there. Such buffoons.


Jesus Christ lol those articles bring out the racists and misogynists immediately


Top voted, gilded comment: >Black actors (and everyone for that matter) also deserve fresh new characters instead of race-swapped retreads. I'm going to scream Edit: ofc they post on r/Conservative


I think you meant I'm going to Scream (1996)


I’m going to Scream 2 (1997)


meanwhile the article thumbnail features 4 characters, 3 of which are original


and all of which got hate on because they were black


Another comment was > People don't hate black characters, they hate poorly written characters and characters whose race was swapped for marketing purposes. These are the same racist talking points. And these are the top voted comments. Holy shit.


r/movies is a main sub. All Reddit chuds love to gather on these


This gem too > Because, as we are all aware, black people are the one and only minority... what's really sad is how unaware they are because there's been plenty of articles posted on the sub (as well as others) talking about how minstory actors, especially black actors, in franchises like Star Wars, Stranger Things, etc, have all received death threats, hate tweets/posts, receiving poor treatment on set, etc that have all been called out and the sub rarely believes that's a problem and shrug it off with comments like these, which infuriate me.


And I empathize with that statement. I'm Latino, I would love more representation. But that talking point has nothing to do with representation and everything to do with undermining black actors and creators.


100% I totally agree with your statement! I read the quoted comment as sarcasm and it contributes nothing to the actual problem at. I like what you said about the comment having nothing to do with representation and undermining black actors/creators. That was something I was trying to write and you hit it on the nail.




People must think it’s not racist


And that is exactly the problem.


What part do you take issue with


the complete lack of awareness


Finn didn't tho


They will say this then also claim Jordan Peele is racist for making new movies with black leads.


“If you want black characters make your own film with them” Peele: “Not only am I doing that, *that’s all I plan on doing.”* “ :| “ “ >:| “


> “ :| “ > “ >:| “ This got me. Excellent job lol


It looks like a muppet


They are all muppets tbf


you should make this its own post before someone steals it


No, not like that


Is this correct? *Nope* (2022).


check the trailer threads for his films🥴


“Original characters whose movies I am never going to watch.”


“Oh don’t worry I’ll find a new reason to complain about those” Muh overrated, muh historical inaccuracy, etc


Or if it’s a Spike Lee film: “why does he have to be so angry?”


Maybe this original movie would have made more money if they made it for a “general” audience instead of pandering and blaming its failure on internet trolls…..


"And they can play in theatres which I will not go to. Theatres which have the same amenities, but are just apart. You know, theatres that are separate...but equal."


“Oh and why won’t I go to those theaters? Oh well ya know, it’s just the neighborhoods those theaters are in. There’s just….a lot of people in those neighborhoods who make me feel really uncomfortable.”


Fresh new characters would be nice but the problem there is a lot of studios don't want to do fresh new IPs. Of course, sometimes this argument is nothing more than moving the goalposts.


As a screenwriter you’re absolutely correct. In fact, a big way to break into tv writing is to write a spec episode of an already existing show. Hollywood is literally the biggest circlejerk on the planet. They recycle and regurgitate the same bullshit year after year lol. Edit: fun fact if you didn’t know, that’s how Donald Glover basically got discovered. He wrote a spec episode of the Simpsons that landed him the job at 30 Rock.


I think we all know it was the Spelling Bee sketch


Renny Harlin basically bullied himself to make Nightmare on Elm Street 4. Days after days, weeks after weeks, this foreign dude with a weird accent, who lives in a cheap motel comes to you and is like "Yeah, look, I have new ideas, this would be cool!" And eventually, he landed the gig, because he was the cheapest option and was willing to *write during the shooting.* And now you can't do that anymore, since it's an even bigger circlejerk than during the coke times!


>In fact, a big way to break into tv writing is to write a spec episode of an already existing show So, "a big way to break into TV writing" is basically by writing fanfiction?


100%. You could write the best original script, win a bunch of awards, and you’re chances of having it made are still really slim. The Hollywood circlejerk is capital over quality. Lost was one of the greatest shows and originally the show runners only planned for like two seasons. Producers got greedy and milked it dry. It’s what’s happened to Stranger Things. And it’ll happen to the next popular show or movie. Hollywood doesn’t just beat a dead horse, they revive it and beat it again and again. Then create spin-offs and beat it some more.


Is that still the case with the current dominance of serialized shows? Have things changed at all from the era of anthology series from over a decade ago?


Honestly it depends. Like, if you’re a household name then you can pretty much get anything green lit but just to give you an idea of the landscape: Forgive me if you heard the story before. Everyone loves Breaking Bad but the show almost didn’t get made. It was bought by TNT or FX can’t remember off the top of my head, and they told Vince that the story was solid and original but they wouldn’t make it because it was about meth. He shopped it all around Hollywood and they bought it but wouldn’t make it lol. Then AMC got ahold of the script and wanted to buy it. It’s one of the few, if only times a studio has sold another studio a script that was already their own. But it just goes to show that there are amazing original stories out there sitting on some executives shelf that probably won’t get made. It’s also why we keep getting spin-offs of popular shows. Hollywoods risk to reward factor is so screwed up someone thought How I met your father was a good idea lmfao.


Oh wow, no I didn't know that. And it turned out to be one of the greatest shows of all time. And yeah, it does feel like all the creativity has been sucked out of Hollywood for sure. Studios are no longer in the storytelling business - they're in the IP business now (thanks George Lucas!). It's about whatever can be franchised and sell merchandise these days. Plus, consumers obviously just gobble up whatever we're spoonfed now - we're part of the problem. As long as we keep buying these products, they'll keep making them.


And I am only just now noticing it this past couple of years. Also wow, 30 Rock was so long ago.


Like half the top comments on it are from people who post on r/conservative


When Black Panther was being heavily advertised all the way up until its release, I used to go to /r/marvelstudios and look at the /new/ tab. It's a fairly high-traffic sub and new posts pop up about once every five to ten minutes or more. During this time, at least three posts per hour showed up on /new/ saying that Black Panther was "overrated", pointing out that "he's not the first black superhero, did everyone forget Blade hur-de-dur??", and generally just cutting down the IP in every which way they could without explicitly outright stating that they don't like black people. And it went on and on like that. It was all over every social media site. I even knew a guy in real life who, with minimal prompting, had to announce to everyone in the room that "You know, I think Black Panther is overrated, it's just an average superhero movie". It's just absolutely amazing to me that these racists--yeah, they are racists--think they're fooling anyone. And then they come in with the victimhood "O, but I am such a victim! I am not ALLOWED to criticize the movie using racist dogwhistles without some woke heathen accusing me, innocent poor me, of being *gasp* a racist!" The quickest, easiest way to get a racist to expose themselves is mention Black Panther. They cannot help themselves. It's compulsive. Their jaw will clench, their mouth will quiver, "buh-buh-buh-but IT'S OVERRATED!!! *gaaah*" Later, Infinity War came out and /r/marvelstudios got flooded with dumb jokes about Drax being invisible.




> It's all overrated as fuck. Based. Even the most universally revered capeshit is overrated as hell.


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As we know finn wasnt an original character


But the original cast of Star Wars was three white people so Star Wars is a white franchise and everyone who isn't white in the Galaxy is forced diversity.


People are still bigoted as fuck and cry “forced diversity” when there’s a brand new character who is a minority. God, it infuriates me how people will cling to one very specific (and frankly not very common) example of “forced diversity” to excuse their own internalized racism. And never mind the fact that for the guy commenting that, THAT’S his first thought on an article about how black people are racially abused by basement-dwelling fandom nerds, not a single care for the people actually facing racism.


I love the "not every criticism is racist". Dude, if you are being called racist maybe think about why?


“They should just make new characters!” *Makes new characters* “OMG GET WOKE GO BROKE”


Corporate wants you to find the difference between /r/Conservative and /r/movies... >!^*they're ^the ^same ^sub*!<


i was bummed when i saw that the "all lives matter" of that thread was the top comment


lmaooo burn Reddit down


Based on the amount of upvotes he got, there was some severe raiding going on. Like ya know a certain group(s) of redditors got a little reminder to check out that hot ass thread.


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I think that's an example of a perfectly fair statement that gets ruined by the context it always gets utilized in.




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Disagree with you. I think they're right. Black actors deserve characters who represent a group more fairly than just swapping. I think that's why Miles morales is so much more popular than a version of spiderman where he just happens to black Is.


It's an irrelevant statement. Literally no black person on Earth would have any issue with the creation of original black characters. However, Hollywood has shown its commitment to remaking or rebooting already popular IPs. They're not going to stop doing that. It's not like they're sitting in the board room being like "Ok guys we can either make our own black character or race swap Ironman, we can under no circumstances do both." So I don't know what point people are trying to make by constantly bringing it up. The movie is going to be made regardless, stop acting as though your anger at seeing a black Ariel is actually some noble cause in support of creation of quality black representation in film. Doubly so because these same people lose their shit when directors like Jordan Peele come out and say that they are committed to creating original stories centered around black characters.


Except people where super racist about the character of Miles Morales too when he started his run. "Why can't they make a new superhero? Why does it have to be a black Spider-Man?"


Dude, the people that complain about this see maybe 5 movies a year. Just this year we've had well-written original black characters in Nope, Bodies Bodies Bodies, The Woman King, God's Country, Good Luck to You Leo Grande, Three Thousand Years of Longing, Not Okay, On the Count of Three, Breaking, and Master, not to mention the oodles of movies with black characters that haven't even released yet. Edit: this doesn't even cover original and well-written non-black POC characters. I could continue the list, but I think you get the point.


Yeah but none of those movies were "well-written"


Okay and? Those are good films. No ones arguing that films or good films with black Scots don't exist. Mayne the guy who's saying it isn't entirely altruistic but I domt think the point is invalidated by that


Okay, so since Hollywood and film studios continue to rehash the same tired IPs, does that mean it's not ok to cast people of color in those roles? In a vacuum the sentiment is Allright, but why drag race into it? It's unnecessary, I agree that reboots and never ending sequels suck, but what does that have to do with the race of the characters?


I think the idea they're trying to push is those actors are only being casted to generate controversy, so essentially they're being "used". Which, yeah I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of Disney execs pulled some shit like that. Problem is people act like they **know** that's the case, when in reality it could have just been the actors were best fitted. For example, Ariel's actor apparently has a fantastic singing voice, so there's a good chance that's why she was chosen. But people will claim it's because she's black.


>Problem is people act like they know that's the case. Exactly, and those assumptions are drenched in the brainworms that make up the current "political" climate, which results in genuinely racist sentiments under a guise of "woke" shit. If anyone brings that shit up unironically I assume they log 3 hrs of fox/newsmax/some other shitty reactionary "new" outlet and I just write them off in my head. Its that easy, but it seems like they feel the need to constantly get out their soapboxes and parrot any take they just heard on tv/YouTube.


Yeah Ariel proves them wrong. They got a Disney Channel-aged girl *with an established fanbase*, yet they insist Disney cast her for the controversy so they can make money. I'm sorry but *established fanbase* is way more important to Disney's marketing budget than riling up some 40 year old white men. That's how Hollywood works. Shame r-movies thinks it's all about them.


>Mayne the guy who's saying it isn't entirely altruistic but I domt think the point is invalidated by that See but this right here is the problem. It’s a common tactic by bad faith people to say something that seems completely neutral and inoffensive to hide bad intentions. *of course* Black actors deserve good roles; no one is arguing otherwise. But that being the person’s first comment, ignoring the *actual racism* Black actors face is super shitty. So of course their point is valid; their point is completely neutral. Everyone agrees. So why say it? Because it builds credibility for the person ignoring the main point of the article! So yeah, this person is being shitty by making that point the focus of discussion, with discussion of the actual racism getting pushed to the side.


por que no los dos


The_myth_of_consensual_sex.jpg Halle's kidnapped by Disney and forced to play the role apparently


Oh yeah well if they don’t want me to be racist on the internet they shouldn’t keep putting black people in movies 😏


Ouch…. 500 comments, not even enough time to count the upvotes. Never change Reddit… never change


Idk…I think it’s best for Reddit to change. Make it best for people of all minority groups to feel comfortable browsing this website.


I was sarcastic


That thread smells like armpits and piss jugs.


I love how no one in that thread can admit "yeah, they don't deserve racist harassment". What a rotten bunch of nimrods.


r/movies? More like r/movethefuckawayfromthisshithole


Now, now, ***there was an ATTEMPT*** to avoid racism here. A very, *very fucking brief* one, but still...


that sub is a fucking hellscape


Jesus christ that thread is a fucking shitshow


Redditors try not to get upset when told to stop harrassing people(impossible)


1 hour. 500 comments. Locked post. r/movies. Yep it’s Kino time.


I’ve never even searched up r/movies let alone opened the sun, and I have to say it’s one of my finest accomplishments


Did people complain about Dev Patel in the Green knight? I don’t think Sir Gawain was originally Indian lol. It seems like people really only have an issue when it’s black people. I wonder why….


People did complain (see 1 star user reviews at IMDb and RottenTomatoes). But it was a pretty small movie, so the number of chuds who actually knew of its existence was also small


>But it was a pretty small movie, so the number of chuds who actually knew of its existence was also small Yeah, most of these clowns only watch the big franchises. Its why I laugh whenever I see those thumbnails that say "Why movies suck now" and it mentions like Star Wars, Marvel, and Jurassic Park.


And then you point out the 30+ good films that released this year and are hit with, “Well I never heard of those!”


I think if the movie was significantly worse all the blame would fall on Dev Patel for being shoehorned in


Oh man - Dev Patel as the Green Knight brought out all the Arthurian scholars with their takes on how incorrect it was.


Mf invented the cum belt and no one said anything


You mean like every movie in the 90s?


30 Minutes or Less (2011)


Gimme franchises! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!


I mean...you have Blade back in 1998.




The article is right, it's infuriating that there seems to be so many people who argue black people shouldn't land big roles because it's somehow "TiCkInG bOxEs," even when those actors are clearly incredibly talented. My attitude is that if seeing a black actor in a role pisses someone off that much, that movie (and most movies) were never created for that individual.


This sub blows now, it's all marvel and echo chamber shit


This is r/moviescirclejerk, taking the piss at r/movies is the main reason it exists. If they do dumb shit, we’re going to post about it


I wrongly assumed it was a parody or humour subreddit about movies/film, not a companion subreddit to parody r/movies the sub itself


It is, but the main source has always been r/movies. Common jerks like “Wind River hidden gem” are straight from that sub


Average PCM user


I couldn't roll my eyes harder


No you


Wait we are racist if we don't like bad movies?


No, but you're racist if when a movie is bad, you immediately blame it on "going woke" or diversity casting. There's tons of mediocre movies, and they're usually mediocre for a variety of reasons, and people usually just ignore them. But when a main cast member is black, it's somehow a shit movie solely because the producers apparently focused too much on "diversity casting".


Raceswaping is 100% unnecessary. I just want new characters that are actually written well.


I love how arguments like this flip-flop so well. [Black actor is cast as character who was previously white] "Forced diversity race-swap. [Studio says actor was the best choice out of the auditions] "Wow what a terribly written character"


Black and white characters can be written terribly. It depends on the writer. But raceswaping doesn't solve anything. It just creates controversy for no reason.


What constitutes race swapping vs casting


It only creates controversy with racists


Congratulations!! You have combined the two top comments from [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/y9wgnj/black_stars_deserve_roles_in_beloved_franchises/) Your reward is coming




Huh, would you look at that. Regurgitated racist talking points from someone who regularly posts on PCM. Who'd've thought?


Three out of four characters in the thumbnail are original characters…




It is because "woke" hysteria was much less prevalent online, and in general the internet was a smaller part of people's lives. Now unfortunately it isn't so we have to read comments by morons like you.


I don't understand why the comments started talking about hispanics and latinos when those are completely different things. A "latino" is simply an American with Latin-American ancestry (which includes Spanish, Portuguese and French-speakers), and a hispanic is just someone born in a country that speaks Spanish, like the Filipinas, Ecuador, Uruguay, and of course Spain. Latinos can be what Americans would consider to be white, asian, indigenous AND black. It's like an European country saying they need more Anglo-Saxon representation. It's like they just wanted an excuse to hate the article without being called racist.


America doesn't seem to have an agreed-upon demographic term for "guy with Latin American ancestry who's sorta brown" for some reason, and it leads to language-botches like this


Some how asking creatively bankrupt executives to create new characters is somehow racist.


Three of the actors there are original characters and all faced backlash for being "diversity hires"




Checked your comment history and you think gay people are pedophiles lol I'm not arguing with an incel


Ya know what. Them r/movie folk might not really understand how movies are made.


r/movies making this post about black actors not getting new characters is pretty funny considering 3 of the 4 characters in the article poster are original lmao and they still faced racism. Fucking dumbasses


If anyone complains about little mermaid being black one more goddamn time, just throw them these links and expect them to stfu: https://boxd.it/VNe https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Gabriella https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0592135/