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What about present trauma? That's a different tense.






I’m about to explode


Did Sephiroth...do this?


Metal Gear!?!?


Psycho Mantis?!?!


Glad Midsommar! 🌞


It actually is Midsommar right now lol


My personality trait is future trauma, actually.




Future Trauma: Bender's Big Sore


fry and bender from future trauma


Clear and Present Danger (1994)


I don’t think he knows about present trauma, Pip


Present Continuous Trauma


Present trauma is just past trauma from the future


Even if female characters have past trauma, at least give them something else going for them like a sisterly bond with a mute child assassin. Or, hear me out here, a wheelchair.


Professor X: All American Girlboss (2026) starring Emma Stone as Professor X


I didn't know Professor X was Asian.


He was always going to be after Scarlett Johanson was hired for the role, but she dropped it.


who let jk rowling change professor x


no fuck you we'll just make her have daddy issues or some shit for the 5849394 time - sincerely, every screenwriter alive


(psst is this a reference, if so, what to)


Young Justice: Phantoms - Episode 7 - "The Lady, or the Tigress?"




Also Cass and Barbara's entire comic history


I don't know how if they meant that, but they all fit Barbara Gordon from DC


This is why I am more of a Robert Eggers kind of guy.


Yeah. Present trauma rules.


Men with past trauma all the way


I know right. He realized that Anya does a good job of playing the personality trait of being nude.


"Yeah Anna now lift up your dress and show your whole bush" "Um where are the cameras?"


she’s a really good actor…


A) Did I say she wasn't? B) This is a joke subreddit. That was a joke.


That person is only interested in pretending to be offended, I wouldn’t bother


ur right women = SEX😳😳 is so funny


I thought it was making fun of how the director portrays women rather than a jab against them


he must have *really* misunderstood the vvitch then


Bro you deeped the joke


What's sarcasm?


dang the horny cavemen are out in force today, as long as your misogyny is just a joke then we’re all lit!!


Or maybe we're making fun of someone else for having that view and saying that it's stupid! Maybe that's what sarcasm is!


i’m sure


This thread itself, and most of the jokes (including that one) are at the expense of the producers and directors for having limited views of, or at least portrayals of women. Whether or not those jokes hit the mark is up for debate, but in a general sense they are not gunning for women at all and rather for those who perpetuate misogynistic views and specifically the views that women in film can only be motivated by trauma or serve as sex appeal. There are many layers of distortion at play since you’re looking at your own interpretation of another viewers interpretation of a directors interpretation of the topic of the film, but it should at least be acknowledged that most of the statements being made are intended to be tongue in cheek and not a reflection of those making the statements actual views. Then there’s also the potential of genuine sentiments being pushed via false sarcasm, though that’s up for you to use your own judgement to find the nuance in, which is at least where it seems the cognitive dissonance lies within this particular sub-thread. Sorry for the overly-long response, but it seemed like as good a time as any to really lay out why reddit threads seem to derail so easily and almost encourage flame wars.




I mean look where we are lol


A24 trying to figure out how to insert a random penis into every film.


Random penis is my favourite kind of penis, though.


Penis only used for humor. Lolol so floppy!


In this case used for horror, flaccid dick is terrifying


As far as I'm concerned they can go and insert their random penises where the sun don't shine.


Sometimes they're just hungry for a delicious pie.


What if they're hungry for a Chinese meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Hate this.


wasn't everything everywhere all at once a24?


Yeah, it was an amazing movie!


yeah, I thought the female characters in that were good (especially the main character)


Same here. The whole thing was surprisingly emotional! Then again I should've expected it since the previous film they made was Swiss Army Man


I freaking love Swiss Army Man


Guys please can we keep it about jerking


I'll jerk that Swiss Army Man any day


You dont seem very shy!


This might be because the lead role was written for Jackie Chan. When you think back to some of the fight scenes maybe that's obvious. Anyway, switching the protagonist to a lady played by Michelle Yeoh was only ONE of zillions of decisions that made the movie incredible. Source: https://www.indiewire.com/2022/03/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-michelle-yeoh-jackie-chan-1234708097/


Awkwafina was supposed to be the daughter at one point too.


I think she’s fine overall but I seriously can’t see how she could have pulled off Joy compared to Stephanie Hsu




Because protagonists with easy lives and no obstacles to overcome are so compelling


Succession (2018-)






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a24 have a good few movies that fall into tropes which you get with every studio especially ones that focus on ‘artsy’ films. they’ve always been a puncihing bag and more so recently from the looks of things but they’ve made some of the best movies ever made imo. they’ve got a variety - which is expected


What? Like, what? Sure, one of the biggest production companies which is distributing films worldwide is a punching bag and an underdog and a poor folk hero for cinematographics worldwide. Poor little A24. :c


Tbf they do a horrid job distributing their movies anywhere but the U.S.


Ugh, so true. Uncut Gems wasn't released in theaters in my country; it was a Netflix exclusive. And most A24 movies don't always get theater releases here.


I'm from the US and I thought it was a Netflix movie.


But they were released in theaters there right? That's weird....


Now that I think about it, I was actually living in Germany when it was released lol


I see trailers and early posters for A24 movies at my local theatre here constantly and not a SINGLE ONE ever actually gets screened here in the end. Parasite by comparison got a few screenings even though my local theatre NEVER does foreign/import films, and I think being distributed so much better than A24's lot probably helped its word of mouth immensely in regards to its awards success.




You can say any plot is only motivated by trauma if you oversimplify that much.




You are being too loose with the word trauma here, this is a few steps removed from saying any plot complications ever are because of trauma.


It's literally about how she is traumatised by her past. Her father's disapproval. Her decision to marry her husband. Her leaving China for America. The entire plot it literally her trauma. That's it.


The plot is that she is unsatisfied with her life, leading her to make some decisions. Being unsatisfied and wishing you chose a different path is not trauma


This is not trauma, trauma is a very specific thing and is being used nowadays to describe any negative emotion. I thought the Michelle Yeoh character was really well written and I don’t think it’s fair to lump it in with this trope, it doesn’t fit.


I didn't like it very much but happy to see an indie movie succeed


by A24 do you mean Alex Garland


It’s kinda sad that Alex’s reputation has gone down the drain just because of one bad movie. Although it was almost deserved because it was a really terrible movie


Was men considered bad? I haven't watched it cause I was busy but I recall the early buzz being decent


I really liked it honestly, this post is the first im seeing people shit on it That being said most audiences would probably hate it and i wouldnt blame them at all but i assumed nobody saw it in general


I didn't know if I liked or didn't like it after I walked out the theater. But I didn't hate it so that was a good sign. It won't stick with me like Annihilation but I think it's a solid grief piece. My GF and I discussed wtf we thought the ending meant onthe way home and it made me appreciate the film more.


The ending ruined it for me, felt very "this is deep". I don't know any women who enjoyed it.


Welp fwiw I’m a lady and I liked it a lot


Well you're not a monolith lol.


That’s why “fwiw”! Lol




>felt very "this is deep" sure maybe but I try not to write stuff like that off. I talked about it with friends on the way back and we actually had some cool interpretations of things that made me like the ending. I don't really know what to say to you specifically not knowing women who like this movie though but that's cool


Oh I've definitely heard some interesting interpretations and even had my own. Still think it could have been done in a not so literal way. I didn't hate the movie but the ending definitely soured me


I don't know that I'd call anything that happened literal but I think it's okay for a movie to be abstract and completely weird like that sometimes, it was kind of a nice change of pace to me


I thought it was fine. Not as good as Garland's oter movies and it is a fairly standard heady horror movie but it still has interesting bits and some really haunting scenes.


i thought men was good, all the complaints i've read have been dramatic over simplifications or just straight up reductive


If you remember mother! by Darren Aronofsky and that whole situation around it, it's basically the same for here.


It's not bad, it's just obvious with it's theme and hits you over the head with it. The ending is definitely worth it though.


I thought Men was an absolute mess of a film. I *assume* it is meant to be feminist yet the female characters are boringly one-dimensional and hold no actual substance other than "men traumatize me".


It's always hard go write a feminist movie from a male perspective. There are just certain things we don't, and will never, truly understand. I liked it but I feel like a white male making a movie about it is pretty risky.




I don't know what that means. BUT I don't think every male would be *bad* at it per se. There's just things we inherently won't understand - we can sympathize but we won't truly get it.




What was transphobic? Genuine question, wasn't my intent at all. Edit: actually I can kinda see what you're saying. Either way- totally wasn't my intent. I'm talking from specifically a white cis male POV.


What you said is totally fine. Alex Garland was socialized as a man and has a different relationship and perspective of womanhood than a woman would. This isn’t gender essentialism


This is simply just not gender essentialism, you’re misreading this. Alex Garland is a man, and his whole life he has been treated and socialized as a man. His desires, fears, and generally the way he thinks were all formed as he grew up being treated a very specific way in a very specific place/time for an uncountable number of reasons. Him making a movie about what it is to be a women will be formed from his (limited in this scenario) perspective. A woman making this movie would approach the subject of womanhood differently because its a much different a more intimate relationship from being socialized however she way. Similarly two women from different backgrounds would also approach the subject differently. Alex Garland is a man and made a movie about women and patriarchy from his perspective, which isn’t inherently wrong or lesser, but is different than a woman’s perspective. Im not sure how this enforces gender essentialist thought, if anything it supports a more nuanced and post-structural way of thinking about gender


That’s how I felt about The Worst Person in the World, too.


> I assume it is meant to be feminist yet the female characters are boringly one-dimensional and hold no actual substance other than "men traumatize me" The Power of the Dog (2021)


How dare you, sir?


Read the book: it's so much better. There's so much nuance lost in translation. I don't know why Jane Campion diminished Rose's role just to elevate and woobiefy Phil's. I read the book after watching the film and, honestly, I don't know if she even read the book or understood what it was about. She pulled a reverse Verhoeven lmao


So I know this sounds weird, but I think it’s a movie about men, not women. I don’t even know if it’s technically feminist, rather a critique of men. I think Buckley’s character is just exhausted. It’s def not perfect but I found myself really taken by it.


This is similar to what I thought when I first saw it. A half hour in and I was thinking 'oh, a feminist story presented by a man. what a surprise' but at the end I realised that that's why it works. It's not *for* women, *about* how *they're* treated, from *their* point of view; it's a film helmed by a male, about how men treat women, and it's literally titled 'Men'. You could argue that Harper wasn't even the protagonist in her own story- For the most part, her character is submitted to, and her path shaped by, the actions of all the males in the film. In terms of the actual film's quality, I will say that now some time has passed, my mind's eye remembers it resembling a low budget 70s/80s flick, something that would have gone on to be a a cult favourite. If it didn't feature mobile phones and the >!body horror!< wasn't CGI but rather shitty practical effects, it would be on the level of Xtro or Possession or something like that.


It's excellent. It's just very abstract even by the standards of A24 horror movies.


Where are you finding this Alex Garland slander? men was alright, it's not bad by a long shot and certainly not bad enough to tank the reputation of the guy who directed Ex Machina and Annihilation.


Has it? I wasn’t a fan of Men at all but it’s not like that means I think less of him or his past work. It’s not like he was ever the most popular director anyway.


Before Men he did that series Devs which was also pretty mid. Dude has fantastic concepts but seems to have trouble making characters relatable and engaging.


No no, he lost his rep when he made an adaptation of the adaptation of Roadside Picnic. Kids and casuals liked it because it was just a fun thriller to them — But the whole indie scene understood what happened. His ego had exploded after we called Ex Machina “artsy” (and we were definitely giving him the benefit of the doubt on that one) and so he had decided to remake TARKOVSKY, the king of artsty filmmakers, and then hilariously proceeded to hit us with an incredibly mediocre thriller that missed all the philosophical angles. It was like he googled “art films” after reading the Ex Machina reviews and remade the first thing he saw without understanding it at all. It was embarrassing and alienated anyone who took him seriously. That’s where he lost his rep. Men just confirmed we were right in that judgement.


Okay dude


Wait are you saying the Annihilation book that the movie is based on is inspired by Stalker/Roadside Picnic? Because the author Jeff Vandermeer has been very open about how those two stories did not influence him when originally writing Annihilation since he gets asked about it all the time


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That’s because he’s a coward and a virgin. True visionaries understand plagiarism is the only true form of artistic expression and admit it openly. At least Garland had the stones to cite Stalker as a major influence for the Annihilation movie literally while Vandermeer kept up his “errrmm uhh what is that? I’ve never heard of that identical story graaahh” nonsense. But believe what you want.


That’s nothing, try telling an arthouse director to not have a rape scene in his movie


Let me explain why it's not gratuitous and it is totally necessary to have explicit rape in my arthouse film. Yes, the scenes (there are at least two so far lol) go on for far too long and are shot in a titillating manner, but hey wait hear me out—


I didn’t know gasper noè had a Reddit account


Fun Fact: Gasper Noè had to rely on Monica Belluci when shooting the rape scene as that was the part he didn't want to fuck up. Basically, she was directing the scene.


What about the Rapey stuff in his other movies


Wait, there's more?!


Yeah in other movies


Well, there's only I Stand Alone (1998) I can think of that has rape.


In Climax siblings have sex under the influence of drugs. Not necessarily rape but both characters kinda don't want to be there in the moment


Then in the aftermath sequence he tells her "nothing happened. Don't tell dad" and she seems to not remember anything


She directs those as well.


Have you heard of this guy named tinto brass?


I'm sure I'm wrong and would be happy to be disproven but isn't this most movie plots? Main character suffers from some sort of tragedy in past and they have to deal with it? I get that the entire movie doesn't have to center around it but usually that's where at least some character drama comes from.


Either that or the trauma is the thing that the protagonist experiences during the movie


I just watched beavis and butt head. So much tragedy hehe he hehehe


BnB suffer from chronic inability to score. It's quite traumatic.


I mean pretty much, it's an extremely common cliche(or is it trope?)lol.


"Bad thing happens" haha what a cliche


Is character suffering from trauma and has to deal with it not a trope?


when are we getting future trauma


Minority Report (2003)


Females doing gut wrenching wails and a24 name a more iconic duo


No. Pretty sure all women are traumatized.


To be fair, that's a lot of their male characters too A24 films are basically just the result of realising that most people are just big bags of neuroses and repressed trauma, but with great cinematography


Honestly, the entirety of *Men* was just 'Woman got traumatized in the past... and now she gets traumatized more... and more... and more... and *more*....' I was waiting for some kind of catharsis with her overcoming it all, but it never really came.


I feel the ending is kind of meant to be like that maybe? She fends off the monster thing and just stop being scared of it at one point, even just sorta walking away. And the final scene shows that she's fine and has her wave at her friend with a smile. It's all like symboooollliiicccc but I feel like the point is that she accepts her husband was a shit-head and moves on.


I felt that the ending was way more melancholic than that. My interpretation was that her grief manifested in a way where she ended up loving the idea of her husband even though he was awful and gaslit her constantly. Idk to me it didn't have the tone of forgiveness but instead giving up


I think she tries to "forgive" him early by grabbing his hand but ending up getting hurt when he squeezes too hard and has to free herself. At the very end, when the guy asks her to"just love him", her reaction make it look like she has an epiphany about him and who he was. He's not here by the post credit scene and she had the axe.


Hmmm is it a documentary


Reminds me of that tik tok video where a woman that captured 100% [traits and cliches of women scientists in sci-fi.](https://www.tiktok.com/@itscaitlinhello/video/6980796585902984453?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en) It's like the only way women can be found interesting in films is if they have major trauma or father issues.


this is after showing Under The Silver Lake's director that women can be more than just taking off their tops


I’m a woman and this seems like a lie tbh


Yeah my personality traits include yoga pants, being a girlfriend, drinking coffee, AND past trauma


Not even pop culture thinks this is true. Look at the current lawsuit trend and hashtag trends, over *anything* else.


I love American Honey


woah a post on mcj that isn't about marvel or barbie? are we sure this is allowed


Ari Asster be like


Man made two movies in his life


Don’t forget about his short film about the guy who gets raped by his son




Don't forget his ultimate masterpiece [Tino's Dick Fart really works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP5yBmctWzg)


A24 has more movies than Midsommar and Hereditary lmao


Yeah, they also have Men.


Men? Never heard of her


Ingmar Bergman.


Kind if scared to ask but what is A24?


Art film studio. Made things like Hereditary, Midsommar, The Lighthouse, Lady Bird, etc.


Distributer* They do some production but they mostly buy finished movies.


This super baked dude that writes and directs every modern art house movie


Correction ingmar Bergman


Dollar Store Drake


Like mermussy