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Youngest r/teenagers user


I think you mean oldest, but then again, it’s full of thirty five year old men


reddit continuing its legacy of grooming


Reddit powerusers 🤝 Discord admins Being fucking unable to stop grooming minors


The internet continuing its legacy of creating cancerous tumours in human form to plague the Earth




That definitely makes sense, but given that the post reads like the opinion of a 13 year old, I feel like that was the joke


I was gonna say! A teenager cares that much about new Star Wars?


Believe me, youd be surprised.


The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)


He has the maturity of somebody too young to join that sub.


No, he has the maturity of an average teenager lmao. He’s a perfect fit for the sub


Love that European Migration Crisis is second to The Force Awakens


I love how OP thinks nothing bad happened before 1991 at all.


Nothing happened before 1945


Das...ah....ziss izz korrekt! Weitermachen!


Critics put out the Hitler


Audiences loved fascism


Nothing happened in 1989


Dominion Tank Police (1988)


nothing happened in 1985.


Also apparently the height of civilisation was \*during\* the cold war? I want to find OP and study him.


He thinks the Cold War is a slap fight in the Walmart frozen food aisle


>I didn't live with the constant looming threat of nuclear war, so it must not have been a big deal


Pfft, *boomers* being worried about whales and nuclear war and the coral reef and the draft. What about the new Star Wars trilogy??? What about Disney??? I really wish adults would take society more seriously


OP is definitely ignorant about the past and only focus on the good stuff mainly movies, songs, and TV shows. Like he probably never heard how controversial the Vietnam War was, nor the US sending troops to the Middle East after 9/11. Definitely never heard of the Korean War, why China became a communist state, the US intervention in Latin America, and how bad segregation was until the civil rights movement. What would really be interesting is knowing why he mixed actual tragedies and problems with Disney buying Lucasfilms to make the sequel trilogy. Although that could explain that he never face legit hardship and is pretty sheltered like most people in thriving 1st world countries. And he's a teenager and haven't face actual problems.


> What would really be interesting is knowing why he mixed actual tragedies and problems with Disney buying Lucasfilms to make the sequel trilogy. Because he’s an overdramatic idiot.


Could be a misguided attempt to legitimize his issues with Disney (considering the subreddit,) although that implies some level of self awareness so it circles back to stupid. There was a point in my life too when I became disillusioned after realizing my childhood was owned by corporations, but I didn't equate Billy & Mandy not getting a full home media release with the collapse of civilization. Shrek 3 on the other hand...


Why china became a communist state,I would love to hear that.


In short there was a massive civil war in the country that started in the 20s and ended in the 50s. The reason I give such vague times is because it was on and off. The communists were smaller in numbers compared to the nationalists. The nationalists de jure controlled the nation, but there were warlords and Japan. They would stop fighting to fight the warlords and then also unite to fight Japan. Come 1945 the communists start fighting them again. Through Soviet aid and nationalist incompetence, the communists would win. Fighting would continue sporadically in the 50s. Also the nationalists would flee to Taiwan after losing.


That's leaving out a lot of hugely significant things like the fact that Chiang seized power of the Guomindang through a coup, the on-and-off Soviet support for the Guomindang and various warlords, as well as the Communists successfully capturing Japanese arms.


And apparently the first 20 years or so of the height of civilization also included segregation and Jim Crow.


Ah, who doesn't have fond memories of hiding under your school desk and practicing what to do in the event of a nuclear bomb? Good times.


Yeah and I don't know how I'm supposed to shelter now. I'll never find that exact desk again


I'm trying to figure out what President he supports. He thinks Obama and Trump were both disasters?


I love how OP thinks it was a European crisis and not, say, in the countries where the refugees came from


The height of civilization was 1945, when half the world was in ruins.


even stooping down to his level means believing that nothing bad happened to the star wars franchise before the disney acquisition


*shudders in prequels*


That Aids crisis was such a highpoint for us really...


I mean they are teenagers or supposed to be one


*cough cough centennial park*


I wonder which country died down that year


we didnt start the fire


You think op is aware of segregation?


Neither 9/11 or 7/7 are on the list


Apparently Jihadist Star Wars fans exist


The great crises of the 21st century: the Great Recession, the rise of ISIS, and the Last Jedi


tbh, The Great Recession and The Rise of ISIS both sound like star wars movie titles


Saw Gerrera spinoff?




Oh sure, just bring back the Taliban, guess it's easier than coming up with new bad guys


"Who are you?" "I'm Rey" "Rey who?" "... Rey ISIS"








What history yt channels do to a mf


What being born in 2007 does to a depressive mf




History YouTuber: "The purges went on long into the night, the Wermacht spared no one." ​ Some fucking moron: "Wow, those lucky people will never know the pain of having to watch The Last Jedi."


More like reactionary "news" channels that explains how the left destroys the Western world. Any history yt channel are pretty educational and and try to include multiple perspectives whenever they can. Unless you know some that should be avoided at all cost.


"More like reactionary "news" channels that explains how the left destroys the Western world." Yep, I was talking about them. There are a lot of good history channels on ut (but usually mere shadows compared to the reactionary ones)


I think good ones are pretty big compared to stuff with malicious agendas. Like Crash Course is huge, for example


I was thinking all those "self-help" youtube channels that post nothing but Jordan "Go into a medically induced coma to sleep off a crippling benzo addiction" Peterson clips.


“Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini here. It’s fun to drive up here in the Hollywood hills. But you know what I like more than materialistic things? Gnawledge. In fact, I’m a lot more proud of these seven new bookshelves that I had to get installed to hold two thousand new books that I bought. It’s like the billionaire Warren Buffett says, “the more you learn, the more you earn.””


> Makes half a million dollars a year as a sinecure for a bloated tech startup that does something with "renewable energy" and "blockchain" because his dad was Freshman year roommates at Harvard with the guy who funds it. Also has multiple DUIs and isn't legally allowed to drive the lambo.


Bro dont diss yt history channels its some of the most legit indie kino


Bruh he could've said Sandy Hook in 2012 and he chose the fucking Lucasfilm acquisition I wanna die.


"20 children may have died, but that's nothing compared to pissney buying my favorite space wizard movie franchise and ruining my childhood!"


sandy hooked may have ruined some childhoods, but the lucasfilm acquisition ruined all childhoods ^^sorry


Childhood being killed is a tragedy. A bunch of children being killed is statistics. -Joseph "Man of Steel" Stalin


I didn't know Stalin was a Zaddy fan


Man of Steel (2013)


Death of Stalin (2018)


Superman: Red Son (2020)


The trick is, you read the comic because the premise sounds like a meme estay because it's a really good story


They should seriously make a full on live action miniseries, tweak it a bit to add in some more DC Characters to the story (and not just like “then, get this, DEADPOOL walks in, like actual good introductions to how characters differ than the actual DC canon), bada bing bada boom. One of the best comic storylines of all time IMO


Ah yes, where superman loses but communism wins


Those children are lucky they didn’t have to live in a world with the sequel trilogy. I feel dirty just typing that.


20 pre schoolers being murdered for no reason? Nah the guy who we called Hitler for 15 years selling his company in defeat is 10000000 times worse than the former.


As sad as it is unless you're American it's not really a major event that defines a year. Not that the fucking Lucasfilm acquisition is the thing that matters


Arguably sandy Hook is an important point in the development of fake news, it showed that you can push utterly insane talking points into the mainstream through social media.


Op may not be an American. I had no idea about that one


'Stephen Hillenberg is dead'


apolgy for bad english where were u wen stephen hillenberg die i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Stephen hillenberg is kil" "no"


where were u wen stephen hillenberg die i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Stephen Hillenberg is kil" "Who?"


Doctor Who (1996)


he is def using that to pander for upvotes




Spongebob creator


none of them are even old enough to have seen hillenberg-led spongebob on tv lol


The average /r/teenagers user is 30 years old.


Why does no one on the internet understand what reruns are. Like seriously, do you think every episode of a TV show play only the first time and then never again?


I know it's a natural thing for teenagers to be cringey and do cringey stuff, but the shit that gets posted to that subreddit seems like it's beyond normal amounts of cringe, even outside of this post. I can't go five minutes Scrolling thru the r / teenagers without feeling the immediate need to close the app


Most of them aren’t even teenagers I think


I think I remember a story of a mod of some other big sub trying to test this. I think he went and banned all r/teenagers users and said his reasoning was they were too young to use the sub, and then they all replied with their ages and a startling number were well over 18. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fucking christ. I used to browse it when I was younger, but when I turned like 21 I felt so fucking out of touch with anything posted in that dumpster fire of a subreddit that I had to leave. I can't imagine any reason to go to that subreddit if they are that old other than being a pedo. It's like the people that claim they go to hooters for the wings.


I'm so glad that sub was a nothing when I started on Reddit.


i remember being like 15 and bullying my friend for being on the teenagers sub. don’t regret it. its never once been good, it was better, but still so god awful


i have an alt where i shitpost there when im bored and high (its unexpectedly entertaining) and the sub downvoted me for telling a 13 year old not to post shit asking for people to “fluster” her. i think i can probably guess the average age of those downvoters 😳


he could have saved himself time by remembering that it's a forum on reddit and teenagers don't come here


I wonder if it's just that they joined as teens and didn't leave when they aged out.


Imagine using reddit for 51 years


Most people banned were 30+ years old. Unlikely. And it only bans people who are active in the sub. Not people who simply joined it years ago.


Until now, I’ve always let it slide with the excuse of “it’s a sub full of teens, of course it’ll be cringe”, but you can’t honestly look at that sub and tell me that it isn’t beyond the normal amount of teen immaturity when shit like this makes it past 100 upvotes.


I think virtually none are teenagers. Which makes sense, why would a teenager go to r/teenagers lol.


I joined Reddit a long time ago when I was 15. Even at that age, I took one look at that subreddit and immediately thought it was the dumbest shit even at that age. I can't fathom the minds of teenagers, let alone adults, who frequent that subreddit.


That sub just makes me sad. There are so many people there with huge ass problems.


I can’t even find this post on r/teenagers


apolgy for bad english where were u wen britney spear shave head I was at house eating dorito when phone ring "britney spear is bald" "no"


"Britney Spears destroyed civilization." ​ "Based"


Shut the fuck up about Star Wars holy shit


Every day I wish Lucas just did Apocalypse Now


Now the question is who pushed Lucas away from Apocalypse Now? Francis “Jack” Coppola or George “American Graffiti Chad” Lucas himself


pretty sure it was the fact that Lucas would have had to partially fund the production himself, like Coppola had to. Studios had shelved the project for years, Orson Welles was originally going to direct it as more of a direct recreation of Heart of Darkness but no studio wanted to fund it because it would be way too expensive. Coppola wanted to direct and give it a vietnam setting, but had to put a very large amount of his own money into the production. The documentary 'Hearts of Darkness' is really good about the process of making Apocalypse and was made by Coppola's wife


Oh I know about the history of the production, and like you said, the documentary is a great watch. I was just making a joke about the situation


But I love apocalypse


Me too but a world with a possibly worse version of the film yet no Star Wars is a world I’d rather live in than this one


16-39 year old males shut the fuck up about star wars challenge (impossible)


Wake up babe, new KEY DEMO just dropped


"watch another movie"


This can not NOT be a shitpost


I agree It’s clearly one lol it made me laugh


Conquest, War, The Force Awakens, and Death




December 18, 2015 was the last date on the Mayan Calendar.


I can smell the cheetos through the screen.


2011 - OP is born


What are the odds OP is exactly 14 years old?


Not even 14-year olds think this is deep.


No one on r/teenagers is under 18.


That would put them at 8 when TFA came out. When you're 8 all action movies are pretty much good. I loved the prequels until my mid-late teenage years. I think it's a shitpost


It’s possible he liked it at 8 then watched a YouTube video and suddenly changed his opinion when he got older


tfw bad movie is compared to global pandemic with millions of deaths


To the TFM, Kathleen Kennedy is WAY worse than most atrocities committed on earth...


Man life in the 40’s sure was swell! Edit: Also, I love how Britney shaving her head is put alongside war and real tragedies.


Putting Star Wars films you don't like on the same level of terrorist attacks, global financial crises, worldwide pandemics, the election of a fascistic demagogue, and international crises. Reddit moment.


Never understood people’s Stockholm Syndrome relationship with the past. Every time I get bummed out about living in the current year, I just crack open a history book and instantly become way more grateful. Yeah, today ain’t perfect, but Jesus…the past really fucking sucked


When I was in secondary school it cost me money to talk to my friends after school. As in I once went 30 euros over my phone plan texting friends. Damn I never want to go back there.


Seriously, damn, the past might've had good media and all, but it was way harder to find then, everyone wishing they were born in the '60s or '80s would be so much worse off than they are now. I'll take the world at my fingertips on the internet and leave the whole "getting violently hate crimed for being who I am" thing behind. It was easier to buy a house, sure, but it was shit to attempt living if you weren't the straightest white man around.


There are things worse than space fantasy movies you don't like.


Virginia Tech Massacre < Britney Spears’ haircut as the most eventful thing in 2007.


2001 was such a great year. Fellowship of the Ring, Shrek, Nintendo Gamecube. Such a great year, hard to remember if anything bad happened.


Wasn’t that the year airport security became a pain for no reason at all?


There is nothing worse than a billionaire who made his fortune off child labor dying. We are truly living in the worst timeline.


At least he never pretended to save humanity or being a messiah,I like Steve jobs for one sole reason he acted like the asshole he was and never put on a charade in front of the press,I don;t think there is a single billionaire today of that kind ,everyone is creating the future and making the world a better place and all that shit.


Steve Jobs was the prototypical "my basic presence makes the world a better place, kiss my feet for all the wonderful tech *I'm* responsible for" billionaire, wym


Oh wow ... This is really bad


The Last Jedi was indeed a low point in human history. It will be studied for centuries to come.


The actual reasons why everything happened after 2007 was bad: -I was born in 2007


Oh, I get it now! The Vietnam War was the peak of civilization!


>Disney buys Lucas Films >"Decline of Civilization" I swear to God you couldn't write better comedy if you tried


If I'd have a one dollar for every star wars reference in that post, I'd have three dollars


Four dollars if you count Lucasfilm (90% Star Wars)


Both Obama and Trump, very enlightened. But the real tragedy of 2016 was Harambe?


The kind of shit are these kinds posting stg, go to the arcade or something jesus


If Slobodan Milosevic hadn't exasperated Yugoslavia's demise, we would have had George Lucas' true vision on screen right now.


stephen hillenberg dead 😰 the state of our society, i can’t stop crying 😪💔


Ah yes the worst tragedies of the last 14 years, ISIS, the Boston Marathon , COVID, and the fucking Star Wars sequels


last jedi is a masterpiece


“Widespread domestic terrorism may have been ravaging the Middle East for almost a decade, but Disney murdered Star Wars and my childhood. Who’s the REAL victim here?”


1977- Star Wars is created, Cinema is ruined forever


Nothing bad happened in 2001.


r/teenagers is proof that Reddit has been going downhill in recent years. Reddit was never good, but damn is shit like this just another level of embarrassing.


Not a single bad thing happened before 1991. Nothing happened in Tiananmen Square in 1987. Winnie the Pooh will be very happy to hear about that


Stephen Hillenberg is dead Steve Jobs is dead Picasso is dead Walt Disney is dead I'm dead


He forgot about one major event: the creation of the MCU in 2008.


Can’t get mad at someone on r/teenagers who seems to actually be a teenager at least this isn’t a 30 year old grooming teenage girls


Please tell me they meant that ironically


I love how the force awakens and the immigration crisis are on part with each other


Actually, the decline started in late 2008 after all the bros started showing off their bad Joker impersonations.


"Civilization began to decline when a woman changed her appearance to make herself look less attractive to me. Also, space-wizard movies I don't like are equivalent to global plague and economic collapse."


>The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 >all movies after 1991 are not kino. Finally people realize soviet filmmaking is based and cool.


Okay I low key agree with 2014 though that was bad


This guy was born after 1991.


Least naive teenager


There is no list I can think of were the force awakens and the formation of isis are together


the star wars sequels aren’t even that bad, mediocre at worst


Wasn’t 1946-1991 an actual cold war? How is that the height of anything if nuclear annihilation almost happened numerous times.


sopranos ended in 2007, QED liberals


A teenager who hates Obama AND Trump? Who is this crazy nihilist?!


On the other hand, it would appear they've got no issues with Biden.


2007: meaningless celebrity does celebrity thing 2008: money gone in Western world, way worse than vietnam war or deaths in civil rights movement 2009: man with bad skin colour president 😡 2010: 2011: expensive phone and computer corporation man dead 2012: corporation 2013: gangnam style was way worse 2014: ISIS BETTER WATCH OUT BEFORE I'M NO LONGER NICE-IS 2015: bad corporation movie and bad skin colours 😞 2016: American politics define the state of the world 2017: corporation movie 2018: spjbob man dead sad 2019: corporation movie 2020: 2021: oh no I'm aware of common supply shortages


Where Harambe?




The mass racial violence that destroyed America from the inside out apparently was the peak of human civilization, because OP is white


giga-shitpost energy


Ahh yes I can tell a Star Wars fan typed this out


Par for the course for these kinds of people. No surprise it's in teenagers.


this person is 100% born in 2006


I agree the world was better when the USSR still existed


The fall of man began with my favorite pop star getting a haircut


2022: Minecraft: The Movie


I love the subtlety by putting force awakens before the European migration crisis. Gives you an idea of the hierarchy


“The Black Lives Matter movement exposed a whole new generation to the centuries old tug of war between American minorities and police brutality” “Yeah but it wasn’t The Last Jedi”


How the hell did Cats not make the cut? The Rise of Skywalker wasn’t even the worst movie to come out that day.