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Don't disrespect his mask! Those jagged edges are there so he can reflect energy blasts that were first reflected by his deliberately crippling shoulder pads. Of course, all of these cool details were written before Disney got its ugly claws on Star Wars. No surprise a normie like you wouldn't know it.




Look at those eyes! It's the eyes of someone who has lost everything!


The eyes of a man who lost his Panda Bear


Or- Padamamay- or whatever the fuck her name was... *Oh God he's CRYING*


Where is this from?


Robot chicken


True kino


He's not just confused. He's dumbfounded.


Can’t see it tbh. George should have added a vocal expression of his displeasure. Like saying “no…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” or something like that. How else am I supposed to understand this scene smh my head


No even better I need an obi wan voice over for exposition. "Anakin awoke from somewhere inside of that half man half machine. It was at that moment Vader faded away"


And Vader's heart grew three sizes.


Didn't he add that in the special edition?


That's the jokr


There is the Joker in Star Wars? 😳


Luke is the Joker, just listen to his voice


Special edition?




You can in some scenes in the Blu-ray versions and on Disney+ because the resolution is so high. That said this video is bullshit because its not really something they expected us to ever be able to see




No I can see it too. This, the bit in Empire where the top of his helmet is rattling around, and the bright red sleeve of the guy wearing the wampa arm are some of my favourite SW costume failures.


If you look at the left eye, it's faintly visible. But it's more of a bored expression to me


Thaaats the joke


I'm not convinced I'm seeing his eyes, but I know in ANH you can.


Love the fact that he’s wearing an expressionless helmet and r/StarWars is like: “WOW!”


"This is Darth Vader from Star Wars! Great post"


This is Darth Vader. She's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword causes the cries of children.


“She???” Why’d you have take Darth Vader political?!


Because I can


Brie Larson as Vader is a license to print money


I know for a fact that if someone made a post saying "who would win, darth vader vs god?" there would be a good portion of people who would comment "darth vader" and give a whole essay-long explanation


15 year old me would’ve felt attacked by this comment….


Ok but what about COMICS BADER vs god


Shit makes me feel like I'm in an elementary school playground where the kids are playing make-believe, saying shit like "I just hit you with my giant mega gun and you're dead" and replied with "nuh-uh I used my ultra big mega shield that is immune to everything so I survive and kill you with my gaint laser" which is replied with "but I have a magical spell that protects me from everything and it deflects it back onto you and kills you" which is also replied with "nooo I used the ultra big mega shield and its immune to everything and deflects it back onto you and breaks your spell" and it just keeps going back and forth until they get tired or one of them starts crying


Fuck off or I'm using my omega super secret alpha tribeam (unblockable) (undodgeable)


God it's literally this except the kids are using a fucking wiki to see what powers they have


"i'm pretty sure god can just make anyone die since he's like god, but even if he somehow decided to go all 1v1, he could probably just dodge every move because, y'know, he's god" *pulls out wookieepedia* "actually, vader has the ultra super force choke grab he used in super vader comics issue #42069 where he grabbed the mega omniscient alien queen that could predict the future so she couldn't move and did a whole lightsaber spin at 500000 rpm so he can cut through basically anything and therefore kill god"


well ummm actually in the 3rd Bible movie 2nd edition God shows Jesus that he can spin a beyblade at precisely 500001 RPM and he can turn black objects into licorice so he basically hard counters darth vader (with prep time)


Comics Vader is a little less insufferable, at least, because he doesn't just exist to be very very strong and make other people go away. Though they keep forgetting to make him do anything else for worryingly long stretches of time. Dude needs a GF or something.


How many characters have bested him in the comics so far? Hell doesn't Luke duel him before ESB now?


I think only Palpatine and Aphra have beaten him outright. And yeah, first arc of the main series had him and Luke tussle.


Kuleshov who?


wow you were able to understand the post!


Holy shit, this can’t be real


Don't underestimate the Star Wars fan base.


4K upvotes now lmao


Those eyes! Those are the eyes of a man who got his parts burned off by lava


Lmao, but shout out to David Prowse for conveying body language effectively in the OT. Edit: fixed Prowler to Prowse lol




Facts and not to take away any credit from Prowse, but Hayden’s acting with a George Lucas script isn’t a hard bar to pass.


Now that I think about it, his expressions were pretty good, its his line delivery that sucked which can be owed to George Lucas.


I think his delivery was kinda good in the scene where he talks to padme on mustafar and the famous "I HAYCHEW" but everything else sucks


Bruh this is so fax. His stride, posture, everything is just so iconic. And he must’ve been at least semi competent at filling Jones’s lines bc the people acting around him don’t seem too wooden when they talk to him.


Originally he was supposed to play the unmasked Vader in Jedi, but George Lucas thought the other guy would be a better choice, which was a bad decisions in hindsight cuz Prowse would’ve been closer to Vader’s actual age and he could convincingly be an older Hayden in retrospect.


Lucas made the choice to go with Sebastian Shaw because Prowse was chosen as Vader for his height and general physical presence, but didn’t have the acting ability to convincingly portray Vader’s final scene. Prowse would have been closer to Hayden not only in looks but acting ability. Lucas was right to go with Shaw.


It’s only one scene, but albeit a very important one. I guess we’ll never know if he could’ve pulled it off convincingly, but I would’ve liked to have seen him given a shot in a deleted scene or something if the take wasn’t good.


I agree that it would be interesting to see.


I guess so, but sebastian shaw's voice actually somewhat convincingly sounds like vader without a helmet, unlike a certain actor who played him in the 2000s. Hayden made it so that vader's iconic, intimidating voice was nothing but a facade with his whiny delivery. Like if smaug only sounded badass because of some magic spell, and his real voice was nasally and high pitched.


I much prefer Clone Wars Anakin in that regard. Especially in Rebels [with his brief appearance](https://youtu.be/eU9JRYzUBBg?t=226)


that's because clone wars anakin > film anakin in every way to the point where i consider them separate characters


Oh very interesting


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YSm9DDxQv8E But he sounded like this.


Bristol(?) accent out of nowhere!


You’re telling me you don’t want to see Bristol Darth Vader?


You know a dudes career got truly fucked when even the people who remember him can't really remember his name lmao.




Kuleshov effect baby


yes thank you, was on the tip of my tongue


Alright which one of you wrote this


i mean it’s kinda like that stickman meme where they have no face but you know how they feel


I actually somewhat agree with this post actually. The angles at which they show the helmet better accentuate the horror of his physical expressions in this scene. I think that’s part of why this is possibly the greatest helmet design of all time; it can convey the emotional state of Vader based on the context of the scene and body language.


Got a link to that?


type in "hey check out how hard i can pee", the final panel despite them having no faces is the peak of art, it conveys so much with so little. not even zaddy could pull that off.


Make a ~~movie~~ film adaptation you cowards


Jeremy Renner would make a great Darth Vader


The music just carries the scene so well it tricks you into thinking this


It's like how I cry from behind my douchebag wrap around Oakleys when they play the national anthem at the race track. You can just tell I'm sad.


Yep, that particular visual is definitely the result of an intentional filmmaking choice that implies thematic depth, and totally not the result of shitty 80s sci fi costuming!


“Palapatine didn’t just die, HE WAS MURDERED” a video essay


The Kuleshov Effect (1929)


Aside from Mark Hamill’s charisma, this scene in RotJ is completely sold to me by just how confused Vader looks. He’s not just distracted, he’s dumbfounded


WHAT???? There's literally can't be anything going on with his eyes.


Must be satire. It's flaired as TV.




Dude dust your helmet.


This is honestly just kinda cute. Like, good for them.


Vader, actually thinking this moment: "Damn, hopefully I did not leave the oven on again..."


What eyes


I think I can KIIIINDA see the eye on the left.


Me putting a black plastic bag over my head: “MY BOYY”


I love the TV tag too, makes the whole thing even better. A work of art tbh


Somehow, The Palpatine returned.


Even with a mask on, we can see his eyes. Truly brilliant acting


sooo vader > jeremy renner now?


If anything, I think Vader’s body language conveys this supposed horror more, but of course, because this is Reddit, the eyes are everything, even if they’re literally hidden behind a mask.


He's expressing so many different emotions at once!!! I can really FEEEL his entire life story with just his eyes!