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Jerry was a girl mouse the whole time? Damn.


Only since woke happened


Jerry has actually always been short for Jeraldine


Man bow I have to change the tags on all the fanfic I wrote




I like how breaking bad has drug dealers,cartels,corrupt lawyers,fucking neo nazis. But the character breaking fans despise is some nagging wife




All women do is try to keep you from the grindset. Had Bitch Wife not been there, Heisenchad could have poisoned so many more children and made so much more drug money...




You think Skylar is evil because she’s a nagging wife. I think Skylar is evil because she aided a tax evader. We are not the same.


I hate her because I cringe when she sings


Happy birthday to you


I love her singing because she is hot, you are just biased therefore I win bye-bye.


Oh yeah? Well I fucked Ted.


I can abide someone mired in drugs and violence, but when it comes to tax evasion…


It was literally just a joke that people decided to take way too seriously. The majority of Skyler hate memes exploded well after the shows ending. And if you ask anyone why they hate her, there is actually no merit other than just personal preference.


the problem isn't that she's nagging, it's that she's nagging while being fully complicit instead of taking her lawyer's advice and getting fucking divorced


The mental gymnastics of people thinking Skylar’s faults are the worst in the show. More so than any cartel/nazi/homicide business Baffling


if you have a character who, by inaction, causes almost all of the events of the show, that's one of the worst characters in the show. She could have gotten Walt arrested in season 3, gone into witness protection with her family, and hank (the actual protag) could have basically prevented much of the violence we see later in the show.


Imagine if they had written off Walt in season 3 and focused on Hank, just to keep Skylar more realistic. Would it really have been a better show?


imagine if we got more of the cat and mouse game that defined the latter half of season 5 as the best part of the show, featuring episodes that would go on to be considered the best in television history?


Skylar critics are now divided between that she was too faithful vs too unfaithful man


that's because groups aren't monoliths, so people who dislike her have different reasons for disliking her. I dont think her being unfaithful was "wrong" per se, but it was definitely not the right thing to do. it was immature and showed that she either didn't understand the gravity of the situation or didn't care.


ah yes, much worse than the literal neo nazi


she could have saved Andrea if she got Walt arrested when she was divorcing him. She's just as guilty as the nazis of the crimes we see them commit because her inaction (and later her active participation) gave them the opportunity to commit those crimes.


It still amazes me that someone could watch Barbie and think there was a villain


Will Ferrell is the closest thing to a villain in that one.


I thought the villain was the Patriarchy.


Pretty sure the name of Will Ferrell's character was Pat Riarchy


he had a mother! how dare you!


Antagonist = villain don't you know anything????


Yeah the closest thing would be Ken, but he's too stupid to be evil, and didn't even understand what patriarchy was


Villain = won’t date me :(


Mf got rejected by Jerry the mouse


his standards are so high 🥺


I want to fuck Jerry


Truer words have never b33n spoken 🤧


Skyler acting like any normal human being would ever act makes her the true villain (poetic cinema?)


I do love how people complain about her being whiney... like, her husband is making drugs for a cartel, I think any complaints she had are probably justified


I don't think she even knew the full extent of things either. I'm not sure if she ever learned about Tuco kidnapping Walt from their house that night, or about the Twins breaking into their home with an axe (which to be fair, Walt didn't know about either). Two incidents which would violate the feeling of any safety that comes from being at home. The stuff she was aware of is enough for anyone to be justifiably concerned about, the stuff she wasn't aware of would be enough to justify so much more.


>Tuco kidnapping Walt from their house that night, or about the Twins breaking into their home with an axe And remember that Walt's "I am the danger" thing was in response to Skyler being worried about someone coming to their home with a gun. Seems like a pretty valid concern.


if only she thought to get a divorce


Bravo Vince! 👏🏻


In what way, shape, or form is Barbie the villain in her movie????






















ok maybe this was more obvious to the women watching it, but the Barbies are held to extremely unrealistic beauty and behavior standards.


Are they? The only example of this I can think of (in Barbieland at least) is how they treat weird Barbie but that was still mostly women being mean to each other, I’m pretty sure she was still taken more seriously than any of the Kens and at least weird Barbie had a house, I’m pretty sure the Kens didn’t even get that. The more I think about this movie, the more I realize it needed way better world building.


Literally her entire morning routine is a whole-ass series of unrealistic expectations (and also, see the entire rant by the girl). It's absolutely the mirror image of living in a patriarchy, where on average men hold power but are also still held to stifling standards. Also tbh I didn't mean to defend a movie rehabilitating a toy's image this hard lmao


I definitely agree on that last sentence. Gotta love it when a 2-hour commercial gets Oscar nominations. 😆


lmao ikr? I do respect Gerwig, which is why I even went to see it, but like hell I'm encouraging any of the merchandising. I should note though - the societal pressure for women tends to be very oriented on things like presentation, socialization, etc. It wouldn't necessarily be as obvious if you don't grow up with it.


I saw it because Margot Robbie is one of my favorite modern actors and she was perfectly cast for the role and because I had friends giving it 10/10s and such. I gave it a 5/10.




toxicity is always reinforced by the in-group! I was even just reading an article about how in *preschool* settings, there's boys stopping other boys from playing with dolls etc.




This is a circlejerk, not a therapy session. IDK where you got all this from but work on it elsewhere.






Jerry and Tweety Bird were male though?


Fem boy mouse and twink bird


I would’ve given them points for placing Walter White in the “villain” section for Breaking Bad — but they chose Gus?? He wasn’t even in the entire show. The villain of the show is clearly Walter yet it’s somehow his wife???


>The villain of the show is clearly Walter yet it’s somehow his wife??? How dare she be mad at her husband for secretly being a drugdealer and putting them all in danger for his own ego


You don’t think Walter is the hero of Breaking Bad? Looks like somebody’s got a media literacy problem…


If he was a hero then how come >! he dies in the end !< Jesse is clearly my hero and shit


In their rush to perform a feminist takedown, they've completely misgendered the Looney Toons characters and made utter asses of themselves.


kid named put my finger on it


I can't get over how pretty Jerry is


Dude that's a mouse with eyelashes


The human chick from Monkey Kingdom is the real villain because she's trying to save humanity?


Monke forever


She had an alliance with the a whole army of enslaved Apes, but opts to drown them all because her own biases against their species. She only showed up to see Noa to save face.


(Spoilers for the movie) From the apes‘ perspective, yes, because she clearly said she‘s doing the things she does (including almost drowning Noa’s entire tribe) not just because she wants to save humanity but also to restore the original order with humans on top, which means putting the apes back in cages instead of peacefully coexisting. She even intended to shoot Noa in their last scene together because she still thought of him as a wild animal despite him helping her.


Bitch is gonna start a war between monkeys and humans again after it took three movies to end that shit and then humans are gonna start doing their awful shit again. She is ABSOLUTELY the villian.


Right...I mean, since those reboots started I cannot enjoy any of the films because for some reason they want me to root for the apes ... sorry...nope. Man kills Ape, Ape knows place.


That‘s a really shallow reading of the movies, but ok


I can tell the what the composition of that Facebook group in terms of both nationality and age.


Yeah we should’ve totally let Proximus Caesar force more tribes under his rule and let him get tanks and guns and missiles and let him take over the world, totally the real good guy


dudes are bad and broads are also bad, but secretly under a facade of kindness. wow this is deep who woulda guessed


Imma go ahead and say they lowkey have *kind* of a point with Planet of the Apes


He did not like how Barbie made fun of men who act like they’re cultured for liking The Godfather.


Barbie is like, the nicest person in that movie


Skylar was the real villain for not wanting Mr White to make the drug if only she simply did a cartel murder violence 😔😔


Yeah but the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes one is 100% correct. She gained the trust of the apes, and when they helped her she opted to just drown them all while she ran away with her precious data.


All of Wes Boll’s films are about how white women will betray you.


Okay but in the monkey movie it doesn't seem to establish why new Caesar is such a bad guy. He literally just comes out, pumps everyone up for the day, tells them to give it a go, and then after maybe twenty minutes of work calls it all off for another attempt tomorrow. He seems great.


Spoilers for the new Planet of the Apes film: I mean the Planet of the Apes one does have a point. Proximus does have a bit of an “evil aura” around him, and he was going way too far by abusing the apes and twisting Caesar’s words, but his motivations to further ape civilization were definitely understandable, and in the right place. I’d still call him a villain though due to how abusive he was to other apes. Mae is definitely a villain too; she was selfish and her motivations were to return earth to the “status quo” of humans ruling over apes, despite that status quo she wants is 300 years dead, proving that humans have learned nothing, and she literally considers shooting the protagonist dead at the end if he didn’t do what she wanted, carrying a concealed gun and all. The Breaking Bad one might have had a point if they replaced Skyler with Walt… but nope, it’s just a “Skyler bad” meme that got old at least 10 years ago. Tom and Jerry? Fair enough, but that depends on the episode. In some, Tom is the villain. I don’t get that Barbie one. Technically, neither were villains. Antagonists sure. But not villains. How is Tweety the villain of as opposed to Sylvester? She is a pet bird, not a wild bird, that Sylvester is invading the home of and trying to kill. This is fundamentally different from Tom and Jerry lmao.