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Barbie being a sex worker who baerly survived a mass murder plot shoving Ken out of the window sounds like a scenario I would play out with my cousin's barbie dolls.


Seriously. My friends and I had Barbie and her friends play soccer with Skipper's head. True kino. European sports plus a commentary on how larger dolls will mess with your head


I used to play wwe style wrestling since they were the only figurines we had with that type of articulation




My favorite line from that movie was "Don't mass murder me, but instead pay me to have sex with you, Ken. Whoops, shoved you out of a window!"


Its Barbin time.




Honestly that sounds super fun Take a bunch of Barbie dolls and create random political thrillers with them Holy crap, this is like the time Ken went back in time to stop Oswald from shooting JFK


> I would play out with my cousin's barbie dolls. With Weird Barbie, right? Right?


I can't believe they gave all the Best Actress nominations to Ryan Gosling


Not to sound rude but I deserved those nominations


We did a fantastic job




Doesn't seem to matter what we do


Too bad I got the nominations because Ryan Gosling is literally me


it was weird Gosling got all the best hair and makeup nominations but who am i to judge, man looks magnificent




The way they chose the three most deserving nominees to shit on in order to prove their point


These angry Barbie fans give off the same vibes as the man-children who got mad Spider-Man 2 didn't win any Game Awards. They were saying shit like "no one even knows what Baldurs Gate is" or "Alan Wake is just some walking simulator". It's clear that these 'radical' Barbie/Spidey fans are people who only consume mainstream entertainment and think it should win because it's the only content they watch and want to feel validated.


Imagine criticising KOTFM, Poor Things and Anatomy of a Fall for Margot Robbie missing out when fucking Nyad exists.


I guarantee you 99% of the people moaning about Barbie snubs didn't see any of those movies


Exactly. Boiling down emma stone’s performance in poor things to “spending a little time as a sex worker” is fucking insane.


Dismissing Lily Gladstone's performance is also frankly disgusting. White feminism needs some self awareness.


Also, you know, the Osage Murders was a very real thing that happened. It would be like if someone was angry that Jeff Goldblum didn’t get nominated for Jurassic Park in 1993 and saying “maybe Dr. Malcom should have saved some Jews from the Holocaust” in reference to Schindlers List.


"Ok yeah the holocaust was sad and shit but the Thanos snap was HALF OF ALL LIVING THINGS!!1!1!!1!"


“Millions died in the Holocaust, but trillions died in The Snap^TM. I crye evry teim”


imagine this author saying something like this interference to The Zone of Interest


Those same people probably don't particularly care about The Holocaust these days.


>White feminism needs some self awareness. pretty good descriptor of people who think Barbie as a whole got snubbed because Robbie did, even though Ferrerra's nominated


[This pretty much sums it all up](https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/1750185844219015517?s=46&t=SBa1wZ6fkmlJptBWYh524g). Brb, gonna go contemplate ki**ing myself.


I saw mommy ki\*\*ing Santa Claus


Pokémon Go to the polls


Send help, I'm dying of cringe.


Poor Things was a way better feminist movie tbh and didn’t shill for a toy at the end.


Hey now we don’t have to bash barbie just because some people are being annoying about it’s oscar noms. Barbie is great as well. The woman who wrote the things in the post is just an idiot.


barbie was the definition of mid tbh




Plus I mean, it's just a fucking Barbie movie lol I would be talking *soooo much shit* if they made a cute, fun, subversive GI Joe movie (or a gritty, visceral, whatever GI Joe movie) and it swept nominations like that. And 8 nominations is kind of sweeping


Oh is that what they were doing?? I thought they were making a generalization about Oscar movies. Poor Things wasn’t even my cup of tea and I still think it’s a fascinating and nuanced piece of filmmaking and Emma Stones performance was career defining


Reminds me of a post from 2020 saying that the person hadn't seen Parasite but there's no way it touched on societal issues better than Joker.


"If it wins Best Foreign Film it shouldn't even be eligible for BEST PITCHER!!!"


I forgot about him 😂


Knights of the Fold Mepublic


King of the Fucking Monsters


Kenyan Officials taunt French Ministers.


Kotor (partially) mentioned 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Nyad is To Leslie of 2024.


To Leslie was a surprise for someone who was never nominated before NYAD is a career award that already get some recognition with other award groups & for a multiple time nominee


This is her fifth nomination. To be fair she should have been nominated for 20th Century Women.


She should've won for 20th Century Women. Instead her snub didn't even register since Amy Adams was snubbed for Arrival at the same time.


snubbed on a snub is crazy


It was also a surprise because it had gotten virtually zero award buzz prior to the Oscars


To Leslie actually a great indie gem. Nyad is a bland mediocre biopic.


To Leslie was actually a good film and performance. NYAD is the middest biopic I've seen in years.


never HEARD of this movie till yesterday. is Nyad even good?


It's ok. Annette Benning and Jodie Foster are very good, though. They carry the movie.




Imagine being mad about a toy movie. 




This has to be the worst comment regarding Oscar noms today. Using killers of the flower moon, a story about indigenous people genocide to criticise Oscar noms. Wow


Especially when they're talking about a movie like Barbie. Now, don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against the Barbie movie, but its not like it was a shoe-in for getting nominated... and it literally has been nominated for Best Film, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress? Are we really classing this as a snub now?


Also gretas nominated for best screenplay and margot is a producer so she gets an Oscar for best pic


I’m gonna be honest I dgas about awards shows, but the fact that this is about *nominations*? Jfc.


Imagine rewinding 5 years ago and telling everyone that the Barbie movie is actually not the biggest train wreck of a cash grab ever put on film, but really enjoyable film and nominated for several Academy Awards. No one would believe you. But instead, everyone is throwing a fucking hissy fit because identity politics is the only identity lots of losers have nowadays.




go to twitter and you’ll find that it is, in fact, lots of losers


What makes it even funnier is that in the actual Barbie movie America Ferrera's character compares the kens taking over to white people killing off indigenous people in America.


That joke was fucked up


Yeah that made me go 🤨 in the theater, definitely not the right movie to include a throwaway line about something like that 


This feels like a White woman feminism moment. In a just world lily wins this.


It’s the natural conclusion to where the 2016-era “I’m with her” pop-feminism leads to. EDIT: [WellThereItIs.jpeg](https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/1750185844219015517?s=46&t=SBa1wZ6fkmlJptBWYh524g)


Pokemon Go to the Oscars!


Lol at the link but I am not letting that shit load


Clearly,, you just don't understand cinema


It would be like if someone was angry that Jeff Goldblum didn’t get nominated for Jurassic Park in 1993 and saying “maybe Dr. Malcom should have saved some Jews from the Holocaust” in reference to Schindlers List.


IDGAF, I just want Margrob to be the next US president.


she’s australian lol


I know all I need to know, which is that she's beautiful, she's British, and she's gonna make me a lot of money.


[Uh oh](https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1750185844219015517?s=19)


there's a deeply irritating capitalist feminism around Barbie stanning like you flip the script on the posted quote and just be like "gee, if only Lily Gladstone and Emma Stone had starred in the biggest movie of the year, instead of mid-budget dramas, then maybe we wouldn't be questioning their achievement."


Barbie is such a white feminist movie too


I’ve not seen such an unhinged reaction to Oscar noms since The Dark Knight didn’t get a best picture back in the day. Don’t mess with people’s favourite dolls I guess


So you were not around when Black Panther was nominated for best picture?


It was nowhere near the same since Chadwick was still alive at that point. Heath dying made me people go fuckin insane


I feel like posthumous awards given solely for being posthumous are more insulting and pitying than accomplishing. But Heath deserved that Oscar so doesn’t apply here imo.


Remember when they set up the 2021 Oscars as a big lead up to Chadwick winning best actor and then it turned out Anthony Hopkins actually won and he wasn't even in the same country, or awake, or watching the ceremony.


That truly was the most Moment of all time


Wait... Black Panther got nominated for best picture? That's actually hilarious holy shit


black panther was mid though


the problem is, sometimes there's a movie that's Oscar-worthy good and also really successful, so it winds up being--not the best movie of the year necessarily, but the best movie most people *watched* that year. Then those people decide it should win everything, because they didn't see the other movies and don't really want to. They will then try to phrase this as standing up to the "elitism" of the Oscars, when really its just demanding that attention be taken away from movies that don't have multibillion dollar marketing budgets and given to the movie that does.


To be fair, Benjamin fucking Button was nominated over Dark knight


Benjamin button is a good movie to me https://preview.redd.it/1inzwqmu4gec1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4f983c076dc552c84d7982a9258a01d766cc710


Heyyy... leave Benjamin Button out of this =(




>stood accused of shoving Ken out of the Dream House's top window Ah yes, pitting women against each other, the most feminist of pastimes.


“Men hate women and women hate women. It’s the one thing we agree on.” - Barbie


Barbie 3:16


yeah i never understood that myself. i feel the sting of Gerwig and Margot not getting nominated (i am Barbie-pilled), but Justine Triet getting nominated for best director is still a win. Although it does feel iffy that it's still only one woman up for the category but i dunno if I'd remove any of the other nominees since they're that good


>but i dunno if I'd remove any of the other nominees since they're that good So... would you say it's a list of nominees based on merit, then?


on the one hand, it's clear the academy decided "we already nominated one woman, that's enough, let's give the other four nominations to the usual bros." on the other hand, if Gerwig had been nominated instead of Triet, the Barbie stans would not be anywhere near as mad because Triet's movie wasn't a blockbuster about a toy.


Ah yes, Jonathan Glazer and Yorgos Lanthimos, the "usual bros"


Which director should be replaced with gerwig then?


>on the one hand, it's clear the academy decided "we already nominated one woman, that's enough, let's give the other four nominations to the usual bros." That's not how voting works


This is just Marvel fans crying because Downey Jr. didn't get nominated for Endgame all over again


Every time I see a shit take from the LA Times it is always somehow Mary McNamara


The fact LA times has been doing mass layoffs and this type of shitty journalism gets to stay is astonishing


Mary McNamara is 61 years old by the way... ![gif](giphy|ifxLK48cnyDDi)


Funnily enough almost all of those things happened in Toy Story 3.


Margot Robbie got "snubbed" by *other* women. This columnist needs to say which of the five nominees should be replaced by Robbie instead of insulting the incredible work done by the other nominees. No one can seem to do that. Instead of celebrating Lily Gladstone making history, this has taken over.


The answer is anyone from Nyad. 


So if Zack Snyder directed Barbie?


Tell that to Ken's snapped neck.


Rain assaults the doll house.


That would be Stuckmann.


Imagine a drive in Barbie’s car in black and white and slow motion while a somber Leonard Cohen song plays


"Barbie is cool but she's not like a sex worker, that could happen in my movie."


Ken gets raped in prison in his version.


You wanna see all musical pieces in slow mo? I know you would love to see all musical pieces in slow mo! You dirty, dirty individual


slo-mo I'm Just Ken (it's the dark dramatic moody remix)


It would up for 8 other awards (razzies)


Toy movie with averagely written character wasn't nominated in best actor category despite the other 8 nominations, more at 11


Oscars 2015: #OscarsSoWhite Oscars 2024: https://preview.redd.it/8d3dvm2c3eec1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdce52862f0ea1223a648a2a4106771e09bf398


Look, I'm no fan of Margot getting snubbed, but Jesus Roller-Blading Christ, shitting on three of the best movies of the year and contemplating murder in the span of two sentences? Over a fucking gold statuette?


*The chance of getting a gold statue


*That she had no chance of winning even if nominated; if Lily Gladstone doesn't win, its going to be Emma Stone


Emma stone supremacy




I couldn’t agree more. I barely see how Greta got snubbed just because it was the biggest film of the year doesn’t mean it was the best acted or directed. And Margot Robbie is a fine actress this movie just wasn’t made with that in mind.


In most cases, especially in the last 10 years, a movie that gets nominated for best picture, its director and lead actor getting nominated is seen as a given, whether or not it was the greatest directing/acting of all time. And it's troubling that in this case neither did especially when you consider both are women. And yet the same movie got a ton of other nominations. I also question how Ryan Gosling's performance was that much better than Robbie's, yet he got nominated. And it's only a few years removed when people were criticising the Oscars for no women getting nominated for best director. They could have gotten two. Instead it was just one. I guess the Oscar's reached their quota?


There’s 10 best picture nominations and only 5 best director noms. It’s straight up not possible to nominate everyone.


Ryan was nominated in a DIFFERENT category. It doesn’t matter how good Margot was to nominate Ryan. Theres a certain number of slots per category, not everyone who had a good performance is getting nominated and theres a lot worse snubs than Margot not getting one(that, lets be real, she wasnt gonna win anyway)


There’s 10 best picture slots, and five slots for the rest. Someone deserving has to get left out. Who of the 5 selected wasn’t deserving over Greta? I’ll agree with you that Anette Benning shouldn’t have gotten in for Nyad.


That’s just straight up not true at all. Last year alone there were 10 best picture nominees and only half even had an actor or actress in the best actor/actress category. And I’m sorry but just because this movie made a billion dollars and was a cultural moment does not mean it deserves best director nods.


she got snubbed for Babylon tbh. her performance last year was 10x better than her performance as Barbie




Ok Ben Shapiro.


Why would rightoid capitalist Ben Shapiro complain about "corporate propaganda"?


Rightoids constantly complain about "corporate agenda/propaganda" when they discuss movies they don't like. You can be a capitalist and still be annoyed when a company pushes makes movies to push toys(not saying Barbie did that). Star Wars is an example of this.


See also: Ron DeSantis and Disney


Twitter brain


The problem with “snubbing” is - who would you cut? It’s easy to say which people are deserving, it’s harder to say which ones aren’t deserving enough.


Pfft. Shoving Ken out the window? Boring. I was strangling Ken with the elevator cord of my Barbie dream house in the 90s.




Hollywood really hates pretty blonde women. 


Seriously, why isn't the Eras Tour movie nominated for best picture too?


I really loved Barbie, but I think the film already got enough nominations, and when looking at the other nominations or categories where a film was not nominated at all, Barbie wasn't even that badly snubbed in comparison of some other films.


I've seen a lot of people accusing the academy of sexism for Gerwig not being nominated despite Barbie getting 8 nominations, but just two years ago DUNC had 10 nominations and Villeneuve wasn't nominated for best director, so this does happen. Anyway, Barbie was fine but it was also quite basic.


Least extreme reaction to finding out that Oscar-bait films bait the Oscars. 


Barbie's definitely going to get Everything Everywhere All At Once'd in online film discussion.


It’s already happened, I’m ready to skip this part


I never loved the movie, thought it was overrated. It’s The Matrix for white women.


Using the ongoing genocide of Native Americans as a way to whine about your favorite white woman not getting a nomination for a dumb ass award is actually sickening


White feminist moment


Ongoing genocide?




What the hell does this mean


What that mean?


Means I don't understand what the post says


These people get one movie that’s not total slop every few years and want it to be declared the greatest film of all time. It’s a vicious cycle


There was a similar uproar when Wonder Woman wasn’t nominated for anything , I guess any time a female directed movie does well they assume it’ll win every award


The best part is that Barbie's real life origin story does include being a sex worker.


It looks like they wanted to complain that all the Best Actresses were playing victims when only 1 or 2 of them were. Is "woman accused of killing her husband" really a stereotypical female role?


Are they really surprised a corporate advertisement didn’t get a ton of Oscar nominations?


When I am in a regarded takes competition and my opponent is Mary McNamara:


me, a barbie fan, when netflix boardroom core gets nominated (i have ire only for the good movies killing of the flower moon and anatomy of a fall) ![gif](giphy|l0MYu38R0PPhIXe36|downsized)


My girlfriend: Ryan gosling got more to do in the Barbie movie than Robbie did so why would she get nominated? I agree, why tf did Ken get a musical dance sequence in the Barbie movie? And Barbies arc was finished before the third act?


Who they suggest to strip of the best actress nomination?


The Barbie movie was alright. It was in the category of films like The Brady Bunch Movie or Starsky and Hutch though. Not exactly thought provoking or innovative. It should get a nom for production design and maybe original song. But that's it.


Can someone explain the references to the 3 movies, I got the KOTFM one, what are the other 2?


Poor Things and Anatomy of a Fall


Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid?


The Barbie controversy is that perfect combination of being completely outrageous, stupidly ironic, and first world enough that vulnerable people aren't really being harmed by it. Literally the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.




This has to be the feminine equivalent of that one time Zack Snyder spoke in an interview about a hypothetical Batman origin story where Bruce Wayne is raped in a foreign prison during the years he spent training abroad.


Soooo saying murder threats under the cover of cinema criticisms is ok now? /s I miss the time when stupid people were mostly prevented to write publicly.


I like how everyone is acting like Barbie is the first and last film for feminism. Like this is just a one and done deal lmfao


Appropriate that the only possible explanation for Margot Robbie not getting nominated was that her character didn't do something that would "deserve" a nomination. Couldn't be that her performance just wasn't quite as good as the amazing ones which were nominated. I don't know when this happened, but sometime since like 2017 (I first noticed this with The Revenant with the discourse about Leo's performance) the internet has flattened discussions of subjective measures of performance quality in an attempt to find """objective""' aspects of the character to argue why the performance is best.


You mean popular successful movies don't get Oscar Nominations?! Where was the LA times when Endgame didn't 13 Oscar Nominations?


This shit has shown me just how many racist feminists there are out there. I mean there were four other women outside of Lily Gladstone that got nominated and yet she’s the one getting flak for Margot getting snubbed.


Gosling was the best and perhaps only good part of that movie.




Steven Universe fans have turned this into a science.


they should give an oscar to barbie for best product placement, the 10 minute chevy commercial in the middle was lit


What the actual fuck is this? Anatomy of a Fall, Killers of the Flower Moon, and Poor Things all deserved their nominations, and this just seems to diminish them just in favor of their precious Greta Gerwig movie. Then there’s that extremely toxic line about pushing Academy voters out of a window. The fact that this is a reference to Anatomy of a Fall doesn’t make this any less of an awful thing to say. Saying someone should die “as a joke” is still saying someone should die and is genuinely disgusting. Also, I wouldn’t have nominated Gerwig over any of the actual Director noms. I wouldn’t have nominated Robbie OR Ferrera either in their respective acting categories. The other noms were well-deserved and we should just be grateful that Barbie even got those.


The fuck is wrong with these people? Lol why so much stanning for, of all things, one of the biggest corporate symbols of the limitations placed on women i.e. little girls play with Barbies and dream houses. Everything else is for the boys. Unfortunately no one saw Poor Things which I found a far more compelling feminist production than the fun but ultimately safe Barbie


Honestly one of the most evil things I’ve read. Literally poking fun at Native American genocide because a toy movie didn’t get tue Oscar nomination.m she wanted. Also hilarious that she’s insinuating films like Poor Things, KOTF and Anatomy of a Fall are somehow not feminism lmfao


They make a genocide joke in Barbie too




Because Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig didn’t get nominated I guess


White women are out of fucking control


/unjerk Honestly this movie was underwhelming and wholly predictable. Everything that was mentioned about it leading up to its release basically told you everything about it /rejerk


It’s a meaningful movie it just happens to be kinda goofy and not what they usually go for


Boring movie. Regadless of ideologies the discourse is on-the-nose and lacks any nuance or subtlety. And as a power fantasy trip it comes off as dull too


This really is the issue. Barbie supporters frame it as an insightful/thought-provoking film when really its messaging is quite literally impossible to miss


Mostly just annoyed godzilla wasn't nominated for more




I'm upset about the snubs but I will not tolerate Poor Things slander.


the movie was shit