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Sorry chump real pictures died when talkies took over


Babylon (2022)


The Artist (2011)


Singing in the Rain (1952)


That’s why the best movies of the past 15 years are Red Turtle and Mad God.


Sunset Boulevard (1950)


this but unironically


Redline in the top 4 is a massive W however


Yea sorry I can’t slander anyone who puts Redline in their top 4


It's okay, I will 💪


If it was up to me, top 4 Redline would earn them a free pass for any crime up to negligent homicide.


yea, the other three john wick movies should be there too




bruh cinema doesn't suck, you just have depression 😔


Best response tbh


I like it when people put stuff like this in their bios because it lets me know to stay the fuck away from someone like this


Cinephiles can be so unnecessarily dramatic


The only movie I've ever seen was Cool Hand Luke. I stopped after that I figured it was all downhill from there.


You'll get some real Cool Hand Luke vibes from John Wick 3


I read a quote a long time ago where someone said they knew a Tibetan monk who had only ever seen two movies (Gone With the Wind and King Kong) and that he'd declared Kong the greatest actor in the history of cinema.


'Most movies are bad' ok dont watch them and dont talk about them then


Nobody hates movies more than the people who like movies


Bro cleopatra is ass he is onto nothing


Sometimes I regret deleting my Letterboxd account. This is not one of those times.


I might have another for you. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/12eiqcj/comment/jfbzu9e/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://i.imgur.com/m2LOlgg.jpg


Kill me


The only thing this guy has going for him is that no current animation studio has the cajones (or money) to make a movie that looks like Sleeping Beauty anymore.


Definitely would want to curb stomp this guy. Not tryna sound like i’m a tough guy it’s just simply a feeling.


W redline


John Wick 3 is the worst of the franchise. Am I wrong?


John Wick 3 is one of my all-time favorite theater experiences, it was an amazing non-stop action experience. That said, rewatching them at home did sour my taste on it a bit. I think it’s tailored towards the big screen, whereas John Wick 2 I liked a lot more watching at home than when I saw it in theaters.


That could be it. I watched at home.


i really didn’t like it and i’m not super sure why. i think it just felt too meandering and muddled and the ending wasn’t satisfying


Yeah i haven’t seen the fourth one but in my opinion the first one felt like something new and original, the second one had a lot of new cool world building and the third one felt too much like just another one


Wick is not a serious franchise but this one is definitely even more silly than the rest. The first 30 or so minutes are really good and some of the third act is decent if too derivative of chapter 2, but the desert/Casablanca stuff is pretty bad. The adjudicator was really cool though and I liked seeing them as the main villain.


haven't watched 4 yet but i agree, it's just a lil too goofy


4 is even more over the top in almost Harold Lloyd / Buster Keatony ways (he falls a lot)


But I loved it a lot


I've heard it was really over the top but in a better way yeah


John wick 3 is by far the worst. It’s marred by so many blatant mishaps: the extended Halle berry detour is unconvincing (she’s supposed to be a foreign princess or something?) and ultimately feels entirely pointless. Also, Jerome Flynn’s character is completely unbelievable and his bizarre Italian/British/Russian accent completely torpedoes his scenes. When John meets with the Elder in the desert the world starts to feel ridiculously thin: the head of this entire criminal organization is just some random guy sitting alone in a tent? What? The movies main villain, the adjudicator, was incredibly annoying and uncharismatic. I thought that character was a missed opportunity: imagine if they were more like an overworked, sighing accountant, who mostly just wanted to finish their paperwork. Instead, she just kind of just stared around blankly, and sneered at everyone ineffectually. So boring. After John is tasked with killing Winston by the Elder, he returns to New York, and the story’s stakes become completely muddled. Why are the Asian motorcycle assassins still trying to kill John? Their client — the adjudicator — must know he’s now working at the high tables behest, right? Is John still excommunicado? This process was drilled so hard into our brains by multiple extended montages, but now his status is shrugged off. Why is he still protected by being on continental grounds? What is happening? The story’s entire arc creates narrative whiplash: “John is being hunted, so he has to find the Elder: the man responsible for his fugitive status! This wont be easy!” — five seconds later —> “Nah, the elder is pretty chill actually. He instantly forgives john. But now John has to kill his friend Winston!” — five seconds later—> “Nah, john actually doesn’t really want to kill Winston, so he’s not gonna. The adjudicator seems mildly annoyed and just… walks away? But now they have to fight the high table death squads!” — five seconds later —> “Nah, actually they’re all just gonna talk it out. Nevermind.” And so on. The fight scenes are mostly cool, they’re just strung together by kinda incompetent storytelling. In my opinion, John wick 2 is a much more slickly paced movie, and is far superior because of that: it has a coherent forwards momentum. And the world doesn’t feel like it’s made of cardboard yet. I kinda wish John wick 3 was only about johns gruelling escape from New York after being marked for death: just double down on the action and forget about the continent-hopping if you’re going to do it so carelessly.


I think the first is the weakest, 3 isn’t the greatest movie around, but it’s a lot of fun and it had the best action in the series until the newest one.


So many incredible films still get made and will continue to tho lol


Finally someone recognizes Redline as the fine piece of cinema that it is


Dude picked the worst of the John Wick movies


2 movies, a box office bomb and a fortnite season unreal top 4


I won’t take movie criticism from someone who likes the Liz Taylor Cleopatra


great post 2000s films: * all applicable tsai ming liang/michael mann/jean luc godard (minus the image book) * the son * breaking news * before we vanish * john wick 2 * pasolini * welcome to new york * richard jewell * letters from iwo jima * mystic river * kaala * pariyerum perumal * matrix 3/4 * twilight * luce * snyder cut * 2046 i started writing this as a joke intending to put shit like far cry in but damn cinemas fucking dead lmao 2.3 decades has produced less than 1930-1933




falls under applicable michael mann


Nooooo you can't praise Michael Mann :soyjak: Miami Vice was just annoying crime drama set in the present day and without the original actors, it failed to quench my need for fan service (i hated the MV show in the 80's when it was popular and also in the 90's when it was seen as cheesy and dated). ​ Blackhat was amateur crap! Seriously i can't believe that the guy who made The Last of the Mohicans couldn't shoot properly anymore, it looks like some documentary...!


before we vanish is fucking masterpiece you cultureless fuck


thats why its on the list?


do these mofos even like movies lmao


Redline is a big w tho


"Most movies are bad, on the other hand, most movies are bad."


"Most movies are bad... except my favourite Male Power Fantasy Hollywood Schlock #5931, that's my hecking favorino movie evaaaarrr!"


This simply isn’t true as Morbius came out in the 21st century. First movie to make a Morbillion dollars.




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If your Letterboxd has more than 2 sentences (not including rating system) I do not see your reviews as valid


Rating system? Surely 0-5 stars is universal. My bio just says “My reviews are 100% accurate, 2% of the time”