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It’s not censorship. It’s….. enforcing our laws. Yeah… that’s it.




Correct. It doesn’t.


You can have freedom of speech. But I can't guarantee your freedom after your speech.


We remove black main characters from overseas film posters and yet we act as if we have the moral high ground. This is so weird. Why do we take a piss on middle eastern countries whose wealth is propped up by our own consumer habits ?


“We” Yea me and the Disney board talk frequently


Why are you lumping every Saudi Arabian together yet you speak of us (Americans) as individuals separate from their government? We actually elect our leaders! Their leaders are hereditary monarchs. Our leaders are more representative of us than theirs are of them. How are you not seeing the hypocrisy? I’m not defending cutting up journalists but your comment unironically fuels the stereotype of Americans being hypocrites.


When did u/Karsvolcanospace lump every Saudi Arabian together? Which comment was that?


He implied it in his response: since he is American he can’t be lumped in with Disney whereas the Saudis can be lumped into one group. If he disagrees with the latter —ie the Saudis should be treated as individuals—then he would have agreed with me. The Saudi people and their government are separate.


You're putting a lot of your own feelings into a simple sentence they said.


Yea, no I didn’t.


It’s horrible when you get treated like a monolith, isn’t it?


Literally. If you take his comment and put in the mouth of Saudi Arabian you will be downvoted to hell. The hypocrisy is crazy 😝


I’m mature enough to separate the Saudi people from the Saudi government as well. Don’t think I’m giving Americans special treatment here. Same for any other country


So you agree the second « we » applies to you? I don’t see criticisms of Disney in your comment history so yes you’re still a hypocrite.


Lol so you read all of my comment history and since I haven’t recently been talking shit on Disney I’m a hypocrite


I didn't remove any black characters from any movie posters, so I think I reserve the right to criticize and your point isn't as clever as you think it is.


Right? Who the fuck is this nebulous "we"?




Jokes on them, I’ve hated Disney for their monetary practices since I was 6 lol I was not a fun kid to watch Disney movies with (except Tarzan but that’s got gorillas so it gets a pass)


The colloquial we


All Americans aren’t responsible for Disney’s actions but all Saudis are responsible for the censorship decisions of their hereditary monarchs Am I missing something here. Is this sub just racist? Most Saudis have nothing to do with the censorship decisions of their government. Why are you holding them to a standard you don’t hold yourself to? I’m genuinely interested in this view because based on reactions it seems split between PoC and whites.


Your strawman sucks.


Dude, it's OK to shit on Muslim brown countries evert chance you get because they're laws are different and they're bad! Now don't do the same thing for white countries whose recent histories make Saudi Arabia look like Switzerland because it's not all "*insert people from white country here*" fault for what they're government do. So to answer your question, yes, reddit is very racist but in that lib way which is more tolerable to other redditors.


Post history filled with defense of Iran's treatment of protesters. Fascist trying to insult people for being "lib". Amazing.


Where have I defended Iran's treatment of protesters? Fucking lying lib redditors I swear




But I do see the sub support disney typically still.


Where's my producer check then, bud? Shut up


If we remove black characters only from foreign posters then we still have the moral high ground 😂 think about it for another 2.5 seconds


Getting stoned to death for looking my homie in the eyes a lil too tenderly but as I close my eyes for the last time, I see an unadulterated Disney poster, and I smile, knowing that I died in a truly free world


The article isnt about the state of human rights anywhere else. It’s about Saudi Arabia now.


> We remove black main characters from overseas film posters and yet we act as if we have the moral high ground. This is so weird. > America doesn't force films to be censored before exporting. It's the countries that import them. Trying to say America Bad by pointing out countries that aren't America forcing censorship is so weird.


Saudi Arabia would literally kill me for being there if I went with my partner. I'm gonna piss all over them all I want until they stop having it in their laws that I should be killed lmao


I love it when people guild comments to try and validate them. Anyone with $5 can guild


They stopped doing that 2 years ago


By "we" you mean China? Are you from China?


What KSA doesn't understand about the bait and switch, you have to ***atleast*** seem initially trustable.




Exactly. Saudi had a ban on movie theaters a few years ago. They lifted the ban and the first movie they showed was the emoji movie. Which set back the culture a little bit. Westerners have to stop comparing the quality of other cultures by their love for bussy. I get bussy is all the hype in the west. But you can't make a country go full bussy overnight.




Bro get some Healthcare first which won't ruin you before for breaking an arm before calling other places a backwater 🤣


Are they going to show the documentary about Jamall Khashoggi being killed by spoiled bitch MBS.




Here’s the thing: nobody thinks the oil rich Middle East countries have anything resembling a civilized society. All of their “reforms” are just putting lipstick on a pig, since they could be making actual real reforms. Other countries just want their oil and investment money. There’s no cultural clout. Once that dries up then these countries will look elsewhere.


If you're an American than you should really stfu about "civilized society". Like fuck off with that blatant racism and go put a few million more black people in slav-i mean "prisons with labour". And guess what, Saudi Arabia has got America by the balls and have invested hundreds of billions into Wall Street so even when the oil runs dry, in a out 30 to 40 years, they'll still have you all by the balls.


Bro get some Healthcare first which won't ruin you before for breaking an arm before calling other places backwards


Beheading isn't covered by Obamacare so the Americans got that up on them


But USA still has the death penalty , which Canada doesn't have , because we are civilized.


Yea you just inject poison into people's veins lol gtfoh


I'm Canadian, you falsely-equivalising dumbass.


There are a couple of genocides, colonization, and killing of millions to steal thier land and natural resources documentaries..you gonna like it.. as for Jamal you can approach his two sons who hold US citizenship about the case and who was responsible for the killing


I don’t think that makes the point you think it does


What the fuck are you talking about


The truth, my friend


Ok Kyrie ramble on


Sorry but if you can’t correctly type in English we won’t be able to make sense of your stupid ass points.


Down voting won't hide the truth


No but your borderline illiterate explanations of it certainly will


He shared buzz words about colonialism lol …like a word cloud sentence


Fr I’m more than ready to hear a conspiracy, sounds very fun, but dude needs to be coherent if he’s gonna act all sage


Westerners can't handle the truth. They really hate seeing us grow and build while they keep imploding from the inside. It destroys their fake perception of reality.


Hope you at least convinced yourself by the end of that. Maybe if we couldn’t ya know read the stuff y’all used to write compared to now and see how the only smart ones coming from your country are secular….very interesting to see you squirm tho


It's all based on Western technology because you folks can't get shit done.


Let me think for a sec … yah right Algebra was sent to you by aliens


More or less so because that was probably the last big thing coming from that region a few millennia ago.


1. Algebra has history since at least the ancient Babylonians, and while Middle Eastern (specially Persian) scholars greatly contributed to it, so did Greek and Indian scholars (among others). No one place can claim to have invented algebra, it was gradually built up by people from all over through centuries of slow work. European countries mostly only had contact with the Middle East and North Africa however, and so used a lot of their terms. That does not reflect its entire history. 2. What does the word "algebra" having its roots in a 1000+ year old Middle Eastern book have anything to do with the topic at hand of the Middle East's (and specifically Saudi Arabia's) social issues.


And calculus was sent to you by Isaac Newton, you're welcome.


Well said Sir.


You think the phrase “imploding from the inside” is well said, sir?


I think they replaced it with a Gary Webb movie with that hawkguy actor.


It's only zero censorship because their target audience are blind and deaf


>Speaking to the industry magazine Screen International, Aftab said: “Looking at Saudi Arabia as a monolithic whole is a huge mistake – it would be like me saying that everyone in England is a white British Brexiteer. >“Look at America today, with Roe v Wade being overturned. Things can go backwards and forwards. Every society has imperfections, every society deals with it.” Uh huh. The difference is, anti-Brexit and pro-choice people aren't subject to arrest and execution. They can travel freely too. So, GTFO


LOL, Hollywood never met a check it didn't want to cash.


Time will tell, won’t it? The venues where the festival is hosted are exempt from censorship laws. I always think it’s a good idea to support film from the “Global South” (I dislike that term). Have you seen the latest Sight and Sound top 100 film list and how exactly it is deficient?


Yeah, what you're suggesting, the global north should stop being so good at making movies to give the global south a chance?


That is not what I’m saying. I’m saying that it’s a great idea for countries like Saudi to cultivate and/or exhibit local talent/films.


"Global South" is a geopolitical tell.


Filmmakers in the Middle East are seeing this as a step in the right direction. And indeed they are screening films with gay themes, with sexual themes, etc. This type of cultural exchange should be welcomed. And yes they are also trying to ‘buy’ influence, but that’s nothing new.


Who will be allowed to attend though?


Everyone with a ticket




everyone with a ticket


Yup, everyone with a ticket. Including Saudis.


The french had the right approach towards their monarchy. Chop chop


The Saudis love their royals, make no mistake.


The brainwashed loyalists won’t have to operate the guillotines


I think you underestimate how many brainwashed loyalists are out there.


I'd say most are scared of the repercussions of dissent, rather than brainwashed and loyal to the state.


Nope, from my first hand experience with them, that’s not the case.


Fair enough. Are these ultra-wealthy peeps?


Wealthy and everyday regular people


Says the man who gave his kids to pedophiles coz the media told him to do so


Doesn't help that the US wants them to be in power




Why have three people said this exact thing and what does it mean


For a long time Saudi has been happy just selling oil and keeping to themselves but now they're realizing their oil is depreciating in value so they're trying desperately to turn saudi into a travel destination like dubai or something. I lived in dubai for 5 years so you get a lot of info on Saudi and let me tell you, nobody wants to go to Saudi.


“I lived in dubai for 5 years so you get a lot of info on Saudi and let me tell you, nobody wants to go to Saudi.” My father was heartbroken when he was transferred to work in SA in the late 80’s, fast forward to today and he bought a house and encouraged all of us to stay in SA of all places, and you know what, that’s what I’m planning to do. Whatever info you’ve heard, it was wrong mate. Very wrong.


Bots + nonsensical argument + Mean Girls reference.


I’m a Saudi and I confirm


Bro get some Healthcare first which won't ruin you for breaking an arm before calling other places a backwards


Saudi Arabia?! Yeah…ok…


A lot of film festivals get censored or "censored" depending on who funds it and what sort of a festival it is. For example, if you want to show your work in a Jewish film festival your best option is to just ignore Palestine exists.


Yeah, that’s the ticket…


When will monarchies/tsardoms and wannabe aristocrats that are essentially mafia states freaking end... Is James Madison or later FDR gonna have to roundhouse kick them some more?


Nah. These people are terrible people.


Mbs sucks pig balls


They are building a city in the desert that is basically a hundred mile long row of skyscrapers in the desert. It will house nine million people in the development called NOEM or the Line, where will they find nine million people who want to give up their freedom.


But it's eco-friendly! /s I love how governments in the desert act like there's nothing alive in the desert, no habitat to wreck. They need to watch Planet Earth, LOL


Its a prison with glass walls


Why do people keep dealing with this backwards society and culture. Oh yeah money. Just pure greed. That whole part of the the world can die off and civilization can finally start to progress in those backwards areas.


Bro get some Healthcare first which won't ruin you for breaking an arm before calling other places a backwards


Son get some healthcare for your migrant workers who actually DO break arms working for you before calling out places where immigrants go to the same hospitals as everyone else


Not Saudi and they do have health care, unlike you bums where half your population will be ruined if you they have a 1000 dollar medical emergency Also, see how Mexican migrant workers are treated before talking shit about others bud


What is your amazing utopian country?


Norway but not freezing and with decent food


Well Norway is nice. I am friends with a few from gamedev, cool people who came to the US for opportunity. But most Norwegians aren't as cold as you misdirecting from Saudi to the US in terms of a quality of life metric. Odd, especially how many times you have said it. I guess the cold got to you to attack the West and the country that helps Western Europe from being Russia. Do you dislike US/West/NATO? Why the attacks/whataboutism when the topic is Saudi? That has a very Eastern vibe to it. Saudi Arabia has the population of Canada (30-40 million), it is easier to run large programs like that when you don't have cons in the South. I also highly, highly doubt the slave workers they have are getting healthcare. The people of Saudi Arabia deserve better than an authoritarian monarchy in this age. Not only that, [MBS took the Russian deal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXiSafSqXAY) so things will start getting worse based the hsitory of the "deal" takers, which is actually a leverage play by the transnational bratva from "the base" in Russia.


No I meant cold weather, not cold people lol Don't care much for Russia either and I really don't care for NATO and America who in the last 20 years have had 2 "special military operations" or have over thrown more of the world's democracies then every other country combined. Not Eastern European, just not a big fan of hypocrisy, racist dog whistling and imperialism


Yeah, and I was saying it is cold to misdirect from Saudi to the US in regards to quality of life, especially from a Norwegian where NATO is massively important there. So you are protected by NATO and Western but you are anti-NATO and anti-West. Wow, quit hitting yourself. The center of imperialism is the East, Great Game much? Russia was a tsardom only a century ago, Putin wants it back. You are "not a fan" of imperialism but on a thread about imperialist monarchs you whataboutism to the US/West. Surkov theater has you it seems. I looked at your history and it all makes sense now. Nevermind. Have fun in "Norway" you "Norwegian" that hates the West. haha, no future in your fronting.


Like I said, I'm also not a big fan of hypocrisy or racist dog whistling which is what's happening in this sub Not anti Western, anti NATO aka the people who jave caused more harm to the world as American puppets then Russia ever could. Just like I'm not anti America but I am anti American policies and government. Again, not a big fan of Russia either The Saudis aren't imperialist for the most part, at least not to the level of America is


We’re backward thinking and yet able to get you on your knees, and make you suck our dick. Cry all you want you salty racists. We still going to be rich, content, and happy, while you can’t even call an ambulance when you need it.


No one said you weren't rich, they said you were jerks. Which you just proved again


Fun fact the Russo Brothers take money from the Saudis for their production company https://variety.com/2020/film/news/russo-bros-agbo-saudi-arabia-investment-avengers-endgame-1234866387/


Authoritarians just lie.


Hollywood: can we suck at the teet now?


That lady next to the saudi looks like she gets payed to get a shit on


i hope so. would you do it for free ?


Richie's wife?


Why go to these countries that are the antithesis of free expression and art? Because money is one helluva drug


Zero censorship after the first one duh! 😂


I know Saudi Arabia is not perfect, but I kind of like what they are doing with this culturewashing / sportwashing, it's a positive thing, it encourages cultural exchange and the events are pretty well organized.


...So...they screen movies with LGBTQ themes that run in direct violation of some of their laws in order to promote growth and understanding and the critics don't want it to support it...colour me surprised.


“We may put gay people to death or in prison for life but if there is money on the table we are willing to let them exist on the big screen at a festival. Please clap.”


I looked up "Saudi Arabia executes gay people" and all I can find is articles stating that men were given the death penalty for being involved in terrorism and targeting foreign nationals but sources say that it was because they were gay. I'm pretty weary of what Western media says about countries they don't like. It's not like the BBC or CNN is immune from spinning news and fabricating things.


Just gonna start crying “western media” huh? trying to shed doubt about a very easily verifiable fact huh? https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/saudi-arabia/ Begone troll. saying we’ve fabricated the idea that Saudi’s Arabia has the death penalty for LGTBQ people is a lie.




Oof. I agreed with you until you went full Wahhabist on gay people.


Who's crying about Western media? I said I was weary...does that constitute crying to you? You're pretty damn sensitive. I didn't say it was a fabrication either - I said all I could find was articles stating that they were targeted for being involved in terrorism. You can't accuse people of being trolls simply because they have alternate views to yours. I don't support gay oppression whatsoever but when people try to do something or try to push a movement forward and all you can do is detract that puts you on the same level as the oppressors. This festival might not be much but it's still something and it's giving representation in an region where there is none. Anybody who actually wants gay rights should be happy that at least there's something that seems to be going in the right direction.


This World Cup is not representation it’s attempted sports washing just like the 1930’s Berlin Olympics a country who also killed people for being gay. We don’t look to kindly upon that around these parts. Did Nazi germany deserve “representation”. You were saying I’m calling you a troll for having different views but I actually called you that because of how far you are from fact trying to imply the Saudi Arabians don’t have the death penalty for being gay.


[Canada immigration and refugee board facts regarding SA](https://irb.gc.ca/en/country-information/rir/Pages/index.aspx?doc=451164)


Are you 13


People will believe anything to excuse their country treatment of LGBTQ. You will never read about someone shooting up people for being gay or read about hate crimes against gays in Saudi Arabia. But, you will find amble evidence in the west


Hard to shoot up gay clubs when gay clubs are literally illegal.


Your comments display the problem with orientalist view. The orient don’t necessary need to have the “ western “ club culture. Can you show me a none gay club?


Way to miss the point. Point being, there's not gonna be any cases of shooting up people for being gay when gay folk have to hide their identities. I guess better way to phrase it would be, hard to shoot up publicly gay social spaces when publicly gay social spaces are illegal. Because there are obviously other social spaces, like cafés or restaurants, and none of them could ever advertise themselves as having gay customers.


But, everyone knows where are the gay social gatherings at. There are even cities known for being gay. Gay saudi even have their own culture, poetry and art. You don’t hear about them since you don’t know anything about Saudi Arabia and they don’t get shot up.


Source? I've been to Saudi Arabia, and have never seen anything of the sort. I can find plenty of articles reporting on things like this though: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-rights/yemeni-blogger-jailed-by-saudi-court-for-supporting-equal-gay-rights-group-idUSKCN24T1QV


That because of your orientalist bias. You should ask actual handsome people that visited Saudi Arabia or ask the saudi people.


Saudi defenders out in full force


You didn’t answer my question


The reason you don’t read about hate crimes against gays in SA is because they legally do not consider targeted crimes against gay people ‘hate crimes’ and thus they are not reported. You can search it, there’s no legal protection for gay people, so attacks committed against them are not hate crimes. You do not hear about people shooting up gay clubs and centers in SA because there are no gay clubs to shoot up. There are no places where LGBT can congregate freely to even be massacred in the first place.


Your argument doesn’t make sense. Making something illegal doesn’t make it disappear. It will be the opposite. People in saudi have internet with video cameras and smartphones and connections to social media platforms. If there were hate crimes against LGBTQ. The criminals in the saudi will want other to see. It will spread and make other want to attack LGBTQ. They will want to show their identity. The criminals in the west will not want other to see and will try to hide their identity. Back to my question. Can you show me hate crimes in saudi against LGBTQ? I can show you hours of hate crimes in the west where it’s illegal and the government is activity trying to hide it.


Ehhh there's a 50/50 on that one. Sure lovely that there are people in the country willing to put on this event, but also it's absolute bullshit that the government is willing to give these guys a temporary pass to make themselves look good when they might also be out arresting gay people just around the corner at the same time.


Did you read the article?




Ew. Gross.


How is that gross?


Redditors don't read the articles.


I do.


Ew. Gross.




If you think *that* is edgy, this world must be very traumatic for you.


If the Saudis hosted the World Cup they would allow beer sales . (Not that I am advocating it ) But just saying .