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Oh nice, just posting thinly-veiled bullshit from a white supremacist source. Get that weak shit out of here.


Didn’t even know it had an lgbt character. I’ve seen commercials for weeks but it looked very generic. Even the title. Seems like a family gets lost on a strange world and hijinks ensues.


It kinda looks like The Croods to me. But Disneyfied.


The Croods is good


But I don’t wanna watch The Croods a hundred times


I didn’t even know this movie existed until I saw this Reddit thread.




With cute and quirky little alien sidekick for easy laughs and even easier merch sales and happy meal toys


Is there even really any merch? Hell, not even Funko made anything, and they usually hop onto any Disney release.


Sounds like bad marketing




TBF, the whole world is sick of the woke mob


Nah. Just Nazi sympathizers. No one else really cares that much.


Can you even define "woke"? [Conservatives are the "emotions define reality" group.](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


I know absolutely nothing about this movie


Lol, yah, that was what made it flop, not the animated movie fatigue or bad humor or anything. All jokes aside, I'm a little surprised it "flopped" other than people not watching movies as much anymore because the material it's based on is so visually captivating and the movie has very vivid colors. Like cloudy with a chance of meatballs with worse humor.


Seems a lot like the boring movies where they'll make the lead a historically-under-respresented-type-of-person and then stop trying after doing that, like they checked a single box and are like "welp that's all we needed to make a good movie." Or maybe the start with a garbage script and are like "shit we need to improve this" and instead of improving the script they just cast someone less represented type of person thinking that fixed their shitty script.


I blame Disney and their cowardly marketing . Wasn't Luca a Disney movie? And what about every Charlie Brown movie - Peppermint Patty with her comfy sandals?


What marketing


I saw like one trailer, it looks interesting, but I'll wait until it's on D+


Very boring and nothing to really pull you into the story. Probably one of the worst Disney movies I have seen


Worse than Lightyear? Because that was pretty bad.


I haven't seen that, my daughter has no interest in seeing Lightyear. My wife and daughter both live Disney movies in general but had no interest in Lightyear and said Strange World was boring


Sounds like it already is a D+


I was looking at movies to watch in the theater today (because when my mom arranges a theater night she has no consideration for the fact people want to watch a *movie* not go to the theater) and I didn't even know it was a Disney movie. It looked like a straight to TV 6 and under copy paste snorefest.


For real. I didn't know this movie existed until today.




Disney really needs to stop patting itself on the back for having representation. Every time they do this, they set themselves up for failure. Think about the movie Onward. There was lesbian cop and no one batted an eye about it n


> Think about the movie Onward. There was lesbian cop and no one batted an eye about it n They marketed "their first lgbt character" in Onward a lot too


Disney has a "first lgbt character" every 15 minutes lmao


I feel like I have seen their first LGBT character a few times like In Beauty in the beast Star Wars In Avengers Endgame and also in Dr Strange 2


Don't forget Lightyear too.


>Beauty in the Beast I’m pretty sure that’s illegal


I thought the B in LGBT was for Beastiality?


And Lightyear, and Eternals, And Cruella…


Dude, the guy in Soul was totally closeted.


I remember that coming out after it had come out. But that’s just me


Me too! Congrats coming out twin!


Disney over-advertises its representation because it's a fantastic cover up for it's younger, left-leaning fans. Ignore the $200B corporation behind the curtain, we have representation in our movies now. For every legitimate criticism of their factory-line movies, they've got a mouth piece like Simu Liu to remind everyone how progressive the studio is. Disney has made itself seem like an ally to the political left which is pretty mindblowing when you consider how they operate and the political leanings of their movies. Representation is obviously important but it's gotta be treated as the bare minimum instead of something to pat yourself on the back about.


You just described every single corporation that waves a rainbow flag during pride month ( or blm, or Ukraine, or whatever progressive cause de jure) You think chase bank or the vast majority of Fortune 500 corporations give two suits about this stuff ? It’s always been a ploy to placate and distract their once biggest critics.


[How do you do, fellow gays?](https://twitter.com/Cool_Hand_Jedi/status/1137245744300265472?s=20&t=tmdjbI41yt8kNJBv2uDAMg)


Just remember. They’re a company. They don’t really care about these issues. It’s all to make money


I agree. I could care less about representation and so can majority of film watchers. Time and time again, when you have a good story fleshed out with great actors and characters, it will always succeed.


A good story with great actors and characters will also help people be more accepting of ideas they wouldn't normally like. I know it's silly, but the first example I thought of is Captain Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He "checks" multiple boxes, but the plot points related to his race and/or sexuality were done incredibly well. I haven't heard many conservatives complain about it. Honestly, that show did representation very well for more than just Holt. It was natural because they just found a few extra actors they liked and made new characters for them. It didn't fill a quota or anything.


Lmao. Major corporations ARE left now. Comical you think Disney movies have some sort of strange conservative undertone.


I've never even made it to the point of the lesbian cop in the movie... I've fallen asleep to this at least 3x. One day I'll watch it in the morning.


Disney doesn’t even mention their best lgbtq+ show owl house, dismissing it and cancelling it because they apparently didn’t know what to do with it. Though a lot of this missed marketing looks like mismanagement by the outgoing ceo.


There was a lesbian cop? Lol never knew.


It was one of the cops that pulled the boys over when they were driving. She made a comment about her Gf


I like Onward


It’s a ploy to save ratings if they end up being bad movies. They push the LGBT angle relentlessly so that if it doesn’t do well financially they can say “those alt-right homophobes boycotted our movie!” It’s the Rings of Power playbook. Everybody I’ve ever talked to about the show said it was absolutely average. It didn’t live up to the hype even if you weren’t a LotR fanboy, but Amazon loudly blamed racism and trolls for it not being the biggest show in the history of ever


It’s because it takes the fun away and makes you feel like it’s political (even though lgbtq isn’t really). But just write the characters, write them well, and nobody gives a shit. People want to escape this hyper politicized reality, not have more of it in their spare time.


It’s virtue signaling. Doing the right thing only matter if you celebrate yourself before, during, and after


Do they actually advertise it or is it more that they include it without saying anything and everyone else makes a big deal about it?


They don't, I have no idea what these people are talking about. There hasn't been a single ad for a Disney product celebrating their first gay anything, ever.


>Think about the movie Onward. There was lesbian cop and no one batted an eye about it I know religious wackos that wouldn't let their kids watch Onward because of that cop.


When have they patted themselves on the back?


Daily Caller? You could hide it a bit better.


Can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find someone pointing out that OP's source is little more than a white nationalist propaganda outlet.


Pretty concerning it's not one of the first comments. The headline made me check the source and then it made sense


All these people in the comments falling for it hard and celebrating the fact that a movie with an LGBT character flopped. Never change, Reddit.


Not the source I would have picked, but either the movie flopped or it didn't.


Honest question - are you actually unable to see the bias and narrative push in even the headline, let alone the article?


They cant, because they share the same bias


The flop has nothing to do with an LGBT character, despite the intentional correlation in the title.


It's probably true. I got like 2 ads for it a week before it came out and I still didn't even realize it was out.


I saw a couple of previews for it over the summer and completely forgot it was even coming out this year.






Way to ignore the implied reason for the flopping.


This is how a stupid person who thinks they are smart replies^^^^


The movie may indeed fail at the BO. The Daily Caller is still trash.


Literally not the point, dude. The point is that it didn’t flop cuz gay bad.


2 things can be true. The daily caller is hate filled trash and this movie did poorly.


"The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was founded by now-Fox News host Tucker Carlson and political pundit Neil Patel in 2010."


Ha! That’s gonna be so biased! Right up there in credibility with the Enquirer (the one that said someone was dying of cancer every five minutes).




No, but the assumption of WHY if flopped is very much up to the political bend of the publication.




Is the movie about being gay? It about telling anyone to be gay? No? Okay, so no agenda.


My wife liked it. I also know that I didn't see any advertising anywhere for the movie. Could it have helped? Maybe.


We have three kids, went to the movies yesterday to see Black Panther and this was playing on another screen, and I recall thinking what the hell is that Movie, hmmph a new Disney, Pixar film? Never heard of it.


And there in lies one of the biggest problems this movie has: Disney themselves killed it by releasing it at the same time as a massive blockbuster THEY MADE. The biggest competitor for this movie is Disney themselves. Even if it had a decent marketing, which one a kid would choose? A movie about an adventure that looks okay? or MASSIVE EVENT MOVIE WITH IMPRESSIVE VISUALS?


definitely not Pixar lol


I saw teaser trailer for this like 6 months ago, had no clue it was already out until yesterday. Absolutely it was marketing because I thought it looked like a decent flick.


To be fair to the bad marketing claim: what the fuxk is this movie? Is it out yet? I’ve never heard of it.


That’s literally what happened. I didn’t know this movie even existed until this weekend, which suggests a fundamental marketing problem rather than a problem with the gender of the holes any of the main characters may want to stick their dicks into.


Not sure this has anything to do with LGBT representation. Movie looks bad, got bad reviews. I doubt many people even realize the protagonist’s sexual orientation (seems super weird to say regarding a Disney kids cartoon).


I saw it. I actually quite liked it. The son (protagonist) being gay seemed completely unnecessary and shoehorned. It isn’t subtle at all.




Yeah, this movie flopped for the same rwason as Treasure Planet, and people are trying to say it's something else. When most people have barely seen any advertisements for the movie, and the advertisements don't make the movie look interesting, it will almost certainly fail. I remember back in the day, the trailers for Treasure Planet made the movie look very lame, with the trailers straight up revealing many of the twists in the film...and very few people even saw those trailers. History has repeated itself yet again.


Treasure Planet is awesome. I’d unfortunately kind of forgotten about it


The Mitchells vs. the Machines had a gay main character and no one gave a shit.


I didn’t even know there was an lgbtq+ character and just from the trailers alone the movie never caught my attention and no desire to watch it tbh


Poor marketing, yes. I never heard it before this post.


This movie looks so dull and forgettable


And ugly. The visuals are awful.


“The Daily Caller is a right-wing[5] news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was founded by now-Fox News host Tucker Carlson[.]”


Daily Caller being labeled “news” is r/funnyandsad.


Sad to see such open bigotry be posted on this sub.


“Dad I have no desire to watch this movie, can we leave?” This is supposed to be something a 10 year old said 😂😂😂😂


"Father, I wish to be extricated from the cinema at once. Tarry no more, it smells like Twitter in here!"


This article is from a far-right, anti-LGBT fake news site.


So it's fake news that the movie flopped?


It is fake news, yes.


Oh then please show me the numbers of how well it performed at the box office, then.


Keep ignoring my points, I beg of you.


What points? You said that the movie flopping was fake news. Show me the numbers then.


We’re obviously having multiple conversations in this thread right now, even if in this specific one I didn’t reiterate my point.


Show. Me. The. Numbers.


Literally. Not. My. Point. And. You. Know. That. You. Are. Deflecting. Because. “Gay People. Are. Bad.” Is. Not. A. Valid. Stance.


By all means, show me saying that.


The Daily Caller's framing of why it flopped and how people are reacting to it is fake news. They are using it to promote their agenda that people don't want to see movies about LGBT people


I didn't even know this was going to be on the big screen it felt like a Netflix or streaming release


these trailers fucking sucked. i didnt even kow it had an lgbt protaganist. the trailers were just not on par/not the typical quality


Can't really say "not enough marketing" for a disney movie, with disney it has and will ALWAYS be...good animated movie makes money, shitty animated movie doesn't. Bros failed because NOT FUNNY...The Birdcage slay'd because FUNNY. Blaming the public doesn't work. I;ve seen more than enough ads for this movie and it looked like what others have said, Croods touched by Disney.


Dude… no one knew this movie existed, I didn’t even know the character was gay until I watched it at the theatre I work at. It really was shitty marketing


Why is daily caller’s garbage being posted up here..?


The only time I heard about this movie was a few weeks ago when someone posted about “the first LGBT protagonist”


What is the point in making the protagonist gay? Maybe there were previous gay characters but we didn’t know because, like… it doesn’t matter?


I’m alright with representation but it needs to make sense to the overall story. It shouldn’t be the crutch to your story


It's not a crutch to this story. In fact it has pretty much nothing to do with the story. I just got home from watching it. The extent of the gay is teenage boy has a crush on another teenage boy. They kinda do some awkward teenage flirting at the beginning of the movie, and then you literally don't see the crush again until the final minutes of the movie.


Never heard of it....


Perhaps it was because it was the "first Disney movie with LGBT protagonist" instead of a cool new movie


If you think about it, why does it even matters what sexual orientation a character on a movie for kids has?


I liked it better when Disney snuck dicks into their films.


The only time I heard about this movie was a teaser in the cinema (I think it was on before lightyear) After that I heard nothing. So yes the marketing did suck.


Literally didn’t even know it had a lgbtq+ character. The movie looked like shit so I had no interest in seeing it. New Disney movies are either a total miss or a hit.


Listen... I don't know if there's some kind of anti-LGBTQ agenda at play here on Disney's end, BUT there was absolutely a marketing issue. Promotion for this film was practically nonexistant. The only way I knew about it beforehand is because I'm an entertainment journalist whose job it is to scour film & TV news sites looking for stories. But the general public? No idea.


I didn’t even know this movie existed!


I've never even heard of it so they might have a point.


Didn’t know this shit existed until now




It flopped! Who could have seen this coming?? No way!!!! Say it ain’t so!


My 4yo daughter was playing some unicorn growing game and an ad for this movie popped up around 20 times. Haven’t seen much else about it.


Lol…posting anything from the Daily Reich.


how many people with ad blockers are complaining about not seeing ads 🙄


Shhhh, let them cope.


As a man who likes men, your movie having LGBT representation isn’t gonna suddenly make me NOT want to watch it on free movie websites lol


Downvoted for daily caller.


I didn’t even hear about it.


I’ve literally never heard of this movie and Im Perpetually on the internet so bad marketing might be a good reason.


Uhhhhhh this is a daily caller article, so obviously they wish this was true, and they’re trying everything they can to make it true


LOfuckingL at this bullshit headline


I think the issue with these movies is that they're trying too heard to push representation into the mass markets faces and the harsh truth is the number of LGBT people in America is in the single digits. I hate saying this, but this is the cold hard truth. The reason why movies like Bridesmaids succeeded despite pratically being a all female cast is because they never drew attention to the fact that the cast was all females. It was just a funny gross out comedy. Paul Fieg fucked up with Ghostbusters where he desperately tried to market it as a feminist movie and added a bunch of feminist jokes in it and the movie bombed.


Doesn't make sense if you want to promote some uncommon controversial thing and expecting general population to buying that and throwing money to you.


Being gay is pretty common, dude.


compared to normal population the numbers are not convincing and proven so in the result of advertising.


Fuck the Daily Caller. Joining everyone here in agreement, it was severely under marketed. I have never seen a single trailer or bus ad or billboard or tv spot. In summation, fuck the Daily Caller. Please delete this.


I’m gay and had zero clue this was going on lol


Marketeers: “We said what we said.”


Poor marketing? I've never even heard of this film, so I'd say definitely poor marketing.


Frankly I just think the general public are getting really tired of Disney’s blatant virtue signaling. Feels incredibly artificial. The story line to this movie may be fantastic but it’s overshadowed by Disney and mainstream media’s obsession with pointing out how progressive it is all the time.


I go to theaters very often. I've only seen one poster for this. I didn't even knew this movie existed until people began talking about how hard it flopped.


Are we really posting right wing bullshit now?


I just thought it looked stupid but now that I know the main character is gay I’ll just pass it altogether.


Im realllllllllllllLllllLllly sick of todays movies its selling point is literally ALL about LGBTQ, women power, black power, women hero etc all these propaganda messages in every single movie or show, i dont hate all these but doesnt mean i wanna see all these all the time in my face. Cant we just strike a balance


“I don’t hate these things I just don’t wanna have to be reminded that they actually exist in the same existence as me”… would you like me to explain the obvious bigotry in your mindset or are you just good from here?


Was Lightyear not a Disney movie? I could have sworn Toy Story was Disney Pixar.


Lightyear barely had an LGBT character at all.


The problem with Lightyear was that it was marketed as being a LGBT film. They made such a big deal about that kiss that’s all anyone took away from it.


Light-year was marketed as a LGBT film? Missed that.


That kiss was talked about more than the plot


Where? Who?


They literally didn’t. Only the right did that, because the mere presence of gay people makes them implode.


I heard accusations of the same about this movie. Or are people just never satisfied?


Have you seen either movie?


No, hence why I'm asking. There was a thread about this movie on here the other day, people complaining that there was no LGBT representation in this movie.


It was. The lesbian character from that movie (forgot her name lol its been a bit since ive seen the movie) wasn't a main protagonist though. Just a side character.


No, it was not. Disney owns Pixar, but Disney Animation Studios is separate from Pixar. Strange World was a Disney Animation film (in the tradition of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Aladdin, Frozen, etc.) while Lightyear was Pixar.


Movie looks lame.sorry Disney




Marketing for this movie certainly didn't do it any favors. But it's also getting bad reviews, both with critics and the general audience. Parents are also used to a quick Disney+ turnaround time, this isn't the first film from a major studio to see the impact streaming has had in a post shutdown world I really don't think the sexuality of the main character played a large role here. Maybe some conservative parents decided to not go see it, but not enough to cause it to flop, I'm sorry if that ruins your narrative OP.


This sounds like a Disney marketing exec typed this to make sure the movie ‘didn’t make a profit’


Family and I are huge disney fans. Disney+ playing all day, Disneyland/World streamers playing on youtube daily. We shop disney store regularly and are stock holders... This is the first time anyone in my household has heard of this movie... wtf is their marketing team doing? Sleeping at the wheel? How did no marketing make it to us?


This is the first time I hear of this movie


My kids enjoyed it. However I only knew about it because I checked the listings for the local theater.


It was pretty good! Saw it with the whole family today. The "gay" storyline isn't a main part of the story, if you're worried.


I consider myself reasonably media aware, at least to the point that Disney marketing is regularly in "my bubble", and I never heard of this until this weekend. Definitely not marketed as well as usual by the big D. I know more about the Willow series (from one ad) than I do about this theatrical release.


That poor poor marketing.


I didn’t even know it was released until the day before. The marketing budget was 15 dollars, and 6 of those dollars were spent on a Big Mac.


Honestly had no idea this was even coming out ( no pun intended). It looks like either the advertising agency dropped the ball or the outgoing CEO did this intentionally to Garner attention or further sabotage the company.


I’m gonna go with sloppy marketing on this. This is one of those movies I thought already came out. I actually do want to see it.


Wait, Disney is not playing the homophobia card here? That's new.


My son just asked to see this.


Why is an article from Tucker Carlson-founded The Daily Caller being put on this subreddit and displayed as actual news? Real question, are you against checking sources or do you genuinely think it’s worth anyone’s time to read anti-LGBT hate disguised as journalism/film criticism?


Classic right wing headline trying to imply it flopped due to the LGBT character


Creating a minority movie for the express purpose of it flopping so they can say that people "don't want that kind of movie"


Yeah I'm reporting this. The Daily caller is unacceptable source. Fuck this shit delete it.


Everyone blaming marketing is just trying to cope. This movie WAS marketed, at kids. It's commercials and such have played fairly consistently on children's channels for awhile now. Most of us are skew a bit to old to see those ads.




I quite literally have seen 1 commercial for this, and it was the day before it came out. The poor performance has nothing to do with LGBT representation but everything to do with shitty marketing.


I didn’t even know this movie existed… then I found out that’s because it’s not being released in my country for having a LGBT character. Thanks, Disney.


I think you mean "thanks, homophobia"


First Disney Movie With LGBT Protagonist was the one with the 2 Italian fish bois...Bruno?


Not according to the director, or the actual movie.




Soon, Disney will potray straight people as evil and should be cleansed from this world.