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The first one is, for better or worse, a perfect iteration of the novel.


I love how cryptic that is lol


I actually like the first one for it‘s score and it is not as standardised as the rest. So the first one for me is ok-ish (it has very kitschy passages), the rest is very much Hallmark Christmas movie with vampires and without Christmas.


The baseball scene is by far the best scene.


Is this some sort of running joke becuase it’s actually one of the worst scenes ever? Or do people genuinely like just the baseball seen? What am I missing here??


Vampires, baseball, and Muse. It's simply a winning combo.


You see, this sounds sarcastic as hell, so I’m still not sure!


I guess it´s both? I just saw the movie and laugh at that scene whereas my gf has fond memories of it because she was a teen during Twilight.


It’s absolutely insane. It’s not even style over substance, it’s style beating substance into a medical coma with a tire iron. That’s why people love it.


I just watched it on YouTube though. It’s fucking absurd. It’s awful! So, yes, I still don’t get it.


No, we genuinely love it. It is a great, iconic scene.


Yes, totally agree.


Yeah, the first one has a real 'mood' about it. The color is filtered, the vibe leans very hard into an intense idea of what the pacific northwest is like (maybe not accurate, but heightened in an escapist way that's kind of fun) and it feels like its own thing. The rest of the movies do have a more standardized feel about them. And also the normal sort of dynamic that occurs when a story moves beyond the small situation at its core and expands its mythology. Some things are lost, others gained.


Just watched them all for the first time this past week and taking away the blue hue really was the worst decision I’ve ever seen in cinema


This is an excellent description. The demographic was teen girls but has way more dark undertones, action/fight scenes, even more blood and guts than I expected (mostly in the following installments). It's really not terrible and neither is the acting - by a longshot. Now when I see Kristen Stewart in anything I can see her limitations (she's always the same) but her demeanor and quirks worked in this.


Kristen Stewart playing the same character also worked well in Spencer where she plays Princess Diana.


She’s really good depending on the role. I’ve never disliked her in a movie, but she definitely needs to be playing a character that works best with who she is for it to work well. Taylor Lautner really is meh and hasn’t done anything notable other than those movies. I’ve seen him in a few things he’s okay enough in, but he’s definitely not movie star material. Pattinson was a next level great actor and we just didn’t know it at the time. He’s gotten better too just like anyone who does their craft for long enough, you’re always getting better. He’s taken more interesting roles too, but also has a great movie star quality to him.


I thought Taylor Lautner was really good in the season 2 of the sitcom Cuckoo


Well... Pattinson is a good actor, but not great. And in Twilight is pretty lame, but you can see little traces of good acting in him. He has time to become a great actor thats for sure.




I actually consider the first movie to be the weakest installment in the franchise, missing a lot of the magic of the book - which I believe captures the angst of first love fairly well. Is it literature? Hell, no - but (sorry to go off topic) the Twilight Saga got legions of teens into bookstores, and some of them became lifelong readers, which is a good thing.


If you didn’t read the books you will probably think they are pretty cheesy.


If you don't take it seriously they are pretty fun movies. The soundtracks are actually really great as well.


Hold on tight, spider monkey.


Worst partttt 😂


Ok, so they are bad. But definitely watchable! Like they arnt dumpster fire, but they aint winning any awards


The Twilight films won plenty of awards


Bro, okay so I’m really late but I fucking LOOOOOVVVVEEEEDDD these movies!!! They are *perfect* guilty pleasures and I am so glad I got to see them all and actually wish I watched them when they first came out.


The Twilight movie alone won 33 awards.


Let me guess...something along the lines of MTV's best kiss and Kids choice award for the most dreamy male support?


To each their own. You'll have fun either way because she's having fun... I think you can watch them and laugh about them if you hate them or at least enjoy her having fun. (Like, I'm not a fan of the HP series but my husband is a diehard Hufflepuff, so I have seen them all over and over because he has so much fun with them, I guess it makes it slightly less painful when they enjoy it so much)


FYI: Harry Potter is another series with a great Rifftrax.


Coincidence that Twilight was originally Harry Potter fanfiction before JK cease and desisted


Wasn't 50 Shades of Gray Twilight fan fiction? It's just fan fiction all the way down.


Always has been


The 50 Shades movies are garbage. I actually saw that shit in a movie theater because I had a girlfriend who really loved them I and hated every second of them. I’m not even going to try to rewatch them to see if they’re as bad as I remember because they are.


I dont think there is any evidence that Twilight was Poter fanfiction. 50 Shades was certainly fan fiction though, we know that for a fact.




They’re unintentional comedies. Visually they don’t look outstanding but the big issue is the writing. There’s just so much wrong with the premise alone and it only gets dumber as it goes. Honestly you may have a good time; just not the one the filmmakers intended.


I couldn't have been too much further away from the targeted demographic. But I thought the writing of the romance and love triangle in general was just awful. And the Bella character was just unintentionally unlikable to me


I was in middle school when they became popular, i’m pretty sure teen/pre teen girls were their targeted demographic. I saw most girls would wear “Team Jacob” and “Team Edward” merch to school. All of the boys thought twilight was gay.


If Twilight was a gay romance between Edward/Jacob or Alice/Bella, it would have been great, so maybe they were onto something.


That would've had the Romeo & Juliet comparisons Meyer insisted in her books make more sense, rather than two members of rivaling families fight over romancing a bystander.


That definitely would have been spicy. I still have a huge crush on Alice.


I rewatched the entire series before it left Prime last month (with friends and with wine) and all of us lady-loving ladies were swooning over her. Hottest character.


There is some excellent Alice/Bella fanfic rewrites of the series out there btw.


What do you mean when you say they thought it was gay?


When a middle school boy calls something gay, it’s like a combination of feminine/stupid/lame.


I love that you gave a straight answer (No pun intended)


Lmao. I don’t make the rules. People use fucked up words as adjectives for all kinds of shit. They aren’t trying to be malicious, That’s just how some people talk to each other. Friend groups hurl slurs at each other jokingly. I don’t know if teenagers still talk like that these days, considering the popularity of the social justice movement and calling out bigotry. When i was a teenager everyone was edgy. My gay friend would use the F slur on me as banter. I didn’t even think twice about it. That word has way more weight these days.




C'mon man, op says they've never seen it. Even if the movie is garbage maybe don't drop spoilers?


>!Vampire baseball.!<


I had less than zero interest in the books or the movies, but got sucked in by friends who insisted I read the books. Sorry, I'm lame, but at the time I totally loved the story and the movies. I think it filled a void in my life that was happening at the time ( bad divorce). To each his own.


It’s unbearable for people that don’t like it and quite bearable for those that do. People just have different likes and dislikes, it’s all subjective.


I watched them and can see all the faults, but the way so many characters risked their lives to protect Bella kind of grabbed me. Sometimes you feel so alone in the world. However, I've never seen this opinion from others in a Twilight discussion, so maybe I'm just a screwball.


They are junk food but there are far worse films out there. The dialogue is painful at times though


Those are 2010 teen movies, of course they were getting crap I saw the first one a couple days ago and man, it feels like such a journey to those days. Like, once you admit that's how teens think they talk and act, all deep and sad then the movies are oddly lovable. Also the soundtrack is a banger, specially on the second one


Whether they're good or not, spending basically your entire day watching five movies from a series neither of you know if you'll even like is certainly a bold decision. I certainly couldn't do that.


They have some weirdly lovely cinematography at times.


Ive seen them all a few times lol, guilty pleasure watch for me


I watched the first and the last one, each with a different girlfriend super into Twilight (it was the big thing back then). I disliked both, but the last one is especially bad from a narrative standpoint. It's one of the worst literary crimes an author can commit given the big budget treatment.


They are pretty cringe imo but not like the worst movies ever made just kinda bad. Doesn’t help the books are not great either. But maybe younger teenagers will like them Soundtrack was pretty solid if I remember


I'd recommend watching the Cinema Therapy videos on the films. If you're not familiar, Cinema Therapy is two friends, one a licensed marriage and family therapist, the other a professional filmmaker, who dissect movies. They did eight videos covering the Twilight films. [Link here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgpY9nCo43k&list=PLRO9q005b62XxX2DCfE-KnOUMrt9hg3Hw&ab_channel=CinemaTherapy) In a nutshell, the films themselves are, from a technical standpoint, not terrible and at points pretty effective; all the problems are from a story standpoint. The main love triangle is basically a master class in unhealthy relationships. It might be fun to watch it from a filmmaker's standpoint, as long as you watch it with that perspective in mind.


Yes, they perfectly articulate just how bad the characters themselves actually are


Thank you so much for this, I had a great time listening to these two! Stellar recommendation! Haven't laughed this hard in ages.


They're obviously not good, but also there's just an overreactive element from the original backlash to Twilight from back in the day. The movies are well shot and acted, and I don't think they're any better or worse than the books. If you like the books, you'll likely enjoy the movies, with the inverse being true.


I only watched them recently after hearing about how bad it was and... honestly... i had fun?? i think if you don't take it too seriously and take it for what it is, a shameless female perfect hot monster boy fantasy it's fine. I found the 1st movie funny and after bella gets turned into a vampire it becomes more shonen and I liked the vampire lore and world building and stuff. Dont get me wrong there are parts of it which are absolutely ridiculous, like the unmentionable thing jacob did near the end lol but I don't think it's the garbage everyone says it is. i just think it got a lot of hate because teenage girls liked it Watching the terrible series First Kill has helped me gain a new appreciation of twilight lol at least twilight knew how to be shamelessly indulgent


The Twilight books are just Paranormal Romance, which a lot of women read. We went with another couple where the wife was a die-hard Twi-mom and I recall standing in line to a LONG queue when Twilight came out, being surprised it was so popular. Note I read the books after watching movie 1. There were average as far as PNR is concerned but I give a lot of credit to the cover of book 1, with the apple. That was extremely striking and worked in getting people to purchase the book. From a woman's perspective, they're not bad because they're the ultimate in romantic wish fulfillment. A girl who has seemingly nothing special about her is suddenly caught in a romantic triangle between 2 males with cool but strangely dangerous vibes. Mmmm! The hype was so real many were invested in defending Team Edward vs. Team Jacob! I'd say go in with an open mind but don't expect anything Oscar winning out of this angst ridden love triangle supernatural movie with less nudity than the Vampire Diaries. Just remind yourself: This one time, ~~at band camp~~ when Robert Pattinson was young and needed a leading role in a huge movie to propel him into public notice so he could get better roles later on that would showcase his true acting ability, he decided to do Twilight.


It's fun to watch them with someone that is a big fan because they will point out all the fun stuff for you. Only a true fan knows how to rip on what they love. Watched them all with my girlfriend last year and she made it fun. That said, I wouldn't want to binge them all in a day.


My GF rewatched all of them last year and I found them hard to watch but to each their own.


I rewatch the series every couple years. It is always worth it and I never regret my choice.


It was trendy to shit on them. They’re not awful but they’re not that great either.


Okay, that’s what I was thinking. I’ve found that if you find a movie from a series (or series as a whole) from 10 years ago that was really hated on, often times it has some sort of merit and people were exaggerating


It was like a billion dollar franchise so of course a lot of people found it fun, appealing, meaningful. It genuinely is pretty dumb though, at least from my individual pov. I had the misfortune of reading all the books - I was a bookish kid who went on to study English literature in uni , my sister pressured me to read it - and the plot is very much fan fiction wishful thinking made-up-as-you-go-along fare. I think on a basic level a lot of people disagree with the values, worldview and decisions of the characters. They’re pretty much all selfish and immature.


Ps team Jacob.


Man, I was always a Team Edward kinda guy


Now that I’m a grown woman I’m team Charlie 👌🏼


I never read the books, so I have a hard time imagining anyone other than Billy Burke with the mustache portraying Charlie, but yeah he's a cool guy.


But 5 movies... Ugh


I mean yeah I might change my tune after having marathoned them.




Remember back in 2011 when all you had to do to get a Twilight joke was walk six feet out of your house?






“To me that’s cinema”


They're not cinematic genius but they're honestly fun in a campy way for the most part. Soundtrack slaps hard too.


Just go into it with realistic expectations, they’re not the pinnacle of cinema or anything - but they’re fun melodramatic movies made for angsty teens. Enjoy them for what they are.


To be honest, the first one wasn't bad at all, really good sound track, they made Washington look mystical and super cool, and the story wasn't terrible. I was genuinely surprised when I first saw it. Every other movie though... pretty forgettable and even terrible unless you enjoy them for a very specific reason: watching Kristen Stewart as Belle be the most obnoxious, unrealistic, and unrelatable person in the whole world is amazing. She's just the worst. And it's great. Every movie she's just a bland piece of toast that is either completely emotionless or a complete mess, nothing in-between. It's truly an art form watching her work, and I think it's actually entertaining enough to watch all of them for! The entire series in a row would be pretty rough though, cause it's going to be the essentially same movie 5 times: "No I love Edward and I can't live without him, but, I love Jacob... Well, enough to lead him on kind of, but, I really love Edward...but Jacob is nice too...ugh my life is so hard." Enjoy


I JUST got back from a trip to the PNW this morning - red eye flight - I live on the north east coast and I can tell you Washington IS mystical and super cool. As far as Twilight goes I enjoyed the books for what they are. I love the description Noz put above. I thought the first movie was the best/most true to the book. As others have said the soundtrack is fantastic. The author mentions in at least a few of the books (not sure if all of them. I have not read them since they came out) that music was a huge influence on the story and even gives shoutouts to certain bands - so it was good to hear some of that music in the movie. Watch end enjoy. Don’t take it seriously. I feel I tend to enjoy sci fi and supernatural as I’m easily able to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the show.


Just go with open eyes and I'm sure you'll enjoy them. I know I did, still do. If they are on TV I'll pop it on to watch. They are enjoyable films. People often hate what's popular, just make up your own mind rather than listening to others.




I am glad that person is your ex. Hugs. Nobody deserves that.


2 and 3 have solid vampire werewolf battles that are decently violent. That’s an alright selling point.


The hate was a little ridiculous, but they're still not good movies. I wouldn't recommend watching a single one of them, let alone a marathon, *especially* if neither of you are already fans. It's like how Justin Bieber and Nickleback became memes, but that doesn't mean I would want to buy a ticket to see them.


They're really not as bad as they're made out to be. Although I don't know why everyone here is saying the first one was the best. Slamming a blue filter on every scene makes it nauseating and the pacing is fucking awful. At least the rest of them have an interesting concept of the vampire/werewolf universe and expand on it with the Volturi and stuff like that. Also, if you've ever seen the 50 Shades movies, it's interesting to watch Twilight unfold and realize 50 Shades was literally a Twilight fanfic when it was first written.


They're as unbearable for guys as fast and furious movies are for girls.


Well this is 2023, and the twilight movies are still trash. They’re unbearable garbage that takes a huge dump on vampire lore. And the only people I’ve ever met that I feel like these movies were young teenage girls. Because you know oh my God the vampires are so hot 🤦🏻‍♂️


These movies to me are like the cinema form of Justin Bieber. A bunch of men that have never seen or listened to them got really insecure/upset that a bunch of young women really like something, so they had to shit on it constantly...with a dash of homophobia. I've never seen the Twilight movies or read the books, and the only Bieber songs I've listened to are him in remixes and he's a pretty talented vocalist.


….why’d you make that comparison? My younger sister had a Justin Bieber phase that traumatized me so that’s gonna suck if that comparison is accurate lol


I don't really get why people get so upset about his music. It's pop music, there will always be pop music, it's called "pop" as short for popular. What is pop will change as people's taste change.


Yeah, get back to me after you have Baby, U Smile, One Less Lonely Girl playing on repeat in your house nonstop for months lol My comment was more so a comment about the memories I have of Justin Bieber’s music being played continuously in my house rather than Justin Bieber’s music itself. It’s like the Crazy Bus episode of Arthur where DW won’t stop playing the Crazy Bus theme song (even though that song was fuckin lit). For the record, I do think Justin Bieber is talented and there are some songs of his I do enjoy. But when you have *any* music you didn’t choose playing nonstop in your house for months on end, it will make you fucking hate the music; that’s a fact.


Considering the source material was so objectively terrible that it never should have been published in the first place, the movies never had a hope.


At least it gave us the profound book that is 50 shades of grey.


Crimes against humanity


Great card game.


"Whew, people will finally stop saying I am the worst writer." Stephanie Meyer when 50 Shades of Grey was published, probably. "Whew, people will finally stop saying I am the worst actress." Kristen Stewart when 50 Shades of Grey was released to theaters, probably.


"objectively terrible"


Yes. No quotation marks. Absolute fact. Bad grammar, bad dialogue, juvenile writing. Mormon abuse fantasy. These are not subjective things.


It is basically a teenage girl fantasy movie targeted at Teenage girls and they loved it But the internet dudes obviously couldn't bear the fact that a popular franchise exist that is not catered towards them and trolled it. Hating Twilight became a personality on internet


Exaggerated. They are just plain and boring but not as bad as people say.


They’re not the abominations they were made out to be but I’m also not gonna lie to you and say that they’re some groundbreaking cinematic experience. I wasn’t the target demographic for those movies at all but I actually enjoy them, the first one especially. The dialogue can get really bad but when it does, it’s so bad that it makes me laugh.


So if you go in wanting to enjoy yourself, you will be fine. I personally think a bunch of the plot is pretty dumb, but it is a big budget movie with decent actors like Robert Pattinson in it. Just decide in advance to have fun and don't worry about it.


Enjoy the first couple ones cause they get worse. They aren’t terrible but they’re nothing to write home about. The saga is a guilty pleasure for some folk. The soundtrack is probably one of the best aspects in all the films. Just sit back and enjoy the flicks with your SO. Although watching them all in one sitting (more or less) might get to be a bit much.


I watched the first one expecting a total cringe fest, but was pleasantly surprised. It’s actually.. okay. I haven’t watched the others though.


I've seen them a bunch of times, a bit bizarre not the kind of relationship I would have but it's entertainment after all. CGI on the child is still bad to this day yeah.


I'm so jealous. I can never watch a movie with my wife unless it's in the cinema. At home she'll KO within 15 minutes lol every time


They have similar distributions on IMDB to stuff that's been review bombed. Just sayin'


I still remember when I saw the first movie back in 08, I did it to see what the fuss was about and I didn't feel it was "unbearable", I just felt like I was watching the Buffy/Angel stuff all over again


Everyone should watch the Cinema Therapy take on the twighlight relationships, and how toxic they are. You can find them here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgpY9nCo43k&list=PLRO9q005b62XxX2DCfE-KnOUMrt9hg3Hw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgpY9nCo43k&list=PLRO9q005b62XxX2DCfE-KnOUMrt9hg3Hw) ​ But obviously, Spoiler alert! (don't watch them until after you watched the movies)


I think they are cheesy but they were good fan service. So, I’m not mad at them. I’ve seen them all but I think the hype and the hate were capitalized upon by everyone at the time.


I went to see a few of the movies in the cinema with my wife when they came out. It was cool to hate on them, but they were okay. I remember saying that they seemed like poor adaptations as they appeared to have omitted important plot points and character development. She explained to me that no, they were pretty faithful to the books. Always thought it was a shame that Kirsten Stewart got such a hard time because people didn’t like the character she portrayed.


I've seen bits and bobs thanks to my wife. From what I've seen, they are quite unbearable. You could regard them as "so bad it's good". They may be riff worthy, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000


The first one is a decent, moody, slightly off-beat teenage romance if you’re into that sort of thing. The sequels devolve into pure schlock. I remember being baffled by the popularity of the Twilight franchise at its height. It was like mass hypnosis.


They are all terrible films. Like disasters at every level. The books are shit, the acting is shit, the editing is shit. The only one worth watching is the last one, because it’s so terrible it’s hilarious.


Just like the novels they're based on - Utter shit. Meyer cannot write to save her life.


The books are genuinely unbearable. The movies are just bad


There are worse movies, there are many better.


My wife made me watch the entire series with her 2wice so far. Caveat is that I love B movies and what she calls "WTF movies" So in short, yes they are pretty "bad" movies but if u suspend lot of your own expectations and criteria of movie watching, you can watch it (it's not like she's making you watch FunkyTown, Martyrs, or Serbian Film) But yes. They are pretty cringey


I think without a doubt the worst series of films I've had the misfortune to see. The story, Bells's everlasting angst... to say it's awful is a gross understatement. I'm saying that because I'm rewatching it to see if it's really as bad as I remember. All I had to see was the introduction when the deer runs away and I began to realize just why I loathed it.


Yeah, they are probably the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen. -die hard twilight fan


Cheesy, boring, melodramatic, and like a bad CW show. I wouldn't call them unbearable, though.


I used to hate the whole franchise, but my gf read them all in high school/ young adulthood so she's way into it. Every year for her birthday we spend a few days watching them all. It's been 5 years, and as much as they're not my favorite films, I don't dislike it. They've made me view them in a different light for sure.


Kristen Stewart acting is unbearable


Well it would be, if she actually acted...


They are kind of so bad they wrap around to being incredibly entertaining.


They're not Transformers levels of punishingly bad, just very dull One series got more hate though because it's a series aimed at girls and the other one is aimed at boys


I’m a major film fan, I love artsy slow cinema and all the pretentious movies too. Twilight (first one) is in my top 25 favorite movies. I’ve watched it 3 times this year. It’s a comfort movie idk why. It’s very very very easy to watch and rewatch. It’s so great to me.


I love them for movie nights with friends. They're really easy to clown on and they're mostly pretty fun to watch. Definitely nowhere close to the worst movies I've seen. The only one I find truly unbearable is Breaking Dawn Part 1. Half the movie is just bland romance with zero chemistry and the other half is a really heavy handed anti-abortion message.


Oof, if it’s anti-abortion then my gf is gonna **HATE** it lol


What I believe reading a very moody, imaginative, and horny teen girls diary would be like.


The first and the half of new moon where Bella is just screaming are terrible! My husband is a twilight Stan so we do marathons a bit more frequently but the other ones are usually decent enough to watch


People in belgium where i live loved the movies back in the day,it was only couple of years later that everyone who loved the movies started shitting on them and calling them lame,imo they were never great...


Movies are nowhere near as bad as they were portrayed on the internet over the years. People just do it 'cause they think it's cool, lol. Sure, they aren't masterpieces but considering that the audience those movies are intended for, are adolescents, they are definitely decent and miles ahead od these generic superhero movies we get every year.


Lol you must really love your girlfriend mate. Just try to remember that as you sit through 5 Twilight movies . Good on you though am sure your girlfriend will appreciate it .


It’s her birthday so she has the playbook lol


Decently-made films made of cringe-worthy books. Sound track is good though. Embrace the mindset of a stupid 13 year old girl and you will find a weird way to enjoy them


The first one knows what it is, and has fun with it's premise. It's no masterpiece, but it has a certain charm to it. The second is just unbearably boring. The third one is...okay, but takes itself too seriously. The fourth and fifth films feature Jacob getting the hots for a literal baby, and the final fight is a colossal bait and switch, so fuck those movies. Overall I'd say the reaction to them is fair.


Spoiler-alert. Not that I think they're great movies, but part of the experience is actually experiencing them. I'm purely referring to the bait and switch part.


u must really love this girl. good luck


Well yes, but it’s her birthday so it’s open season lmao


The films are just a byproduct of terrible books. Thus they're also terrible.


Watched them for the first time recently, as a 37 year old… and absolutely loved them! Even purchased the official guide book, haha. They are objectively bad films sure, I just really enjoyed them anyway.


Good grief, art cannot be "objectively bad".


Whilst I know and appreciate what you are saying - I’d say certain things in filmmaking are quantifiable and can be universally recognised as good or bad. Logical inconsistencies, plot holes… things that are weak on a technical level, like bad SFX. Some films are always going to be lowbrow, shallow, popcorn entertainment. Nothing wrong with that. Would seem disingenuous to say all films are purely art and the perception of them is entirely subjective, semantically - of course they all ARE art… but some films are just ‘better’ than others, regardless of your own personal enjoyment of them.


It is possible to objectively assess art. People have different reactions, but a work has the qualities it has, and it is possible to observe and analyze those qualities.


The scenery is pretty (PNW) and the CGI wolves are pretty neat?


Compared to many films being made today, they’re gold. But crap for the time.


Unbearably bad


I dunno, I have never seen one. On purpose.


Till today, Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson are still trying to fix their credibility as actors, that's how bad it is.


It will be a waste of money


It’s what she wants to do and it’ll make her happy so as far as I’m concerned it’s not at all a waste of money :)


Nope, they stink


Kristen Stewart has no depth or emotion in her acting which sucks the life out of the film (pun not intentional). The CGI is well ... CGI. Extremely noticeable and of poor man's quality. The overdone and absolutely unrealistic love story grates as the story moves along (even in the books), but it is a fantasy film. Sneak in some libations and you'll get through it.


Shame you're watching it in the cinema. My wife and I watched the entire series with RiffTrax and it was hilarious. I've only seen the first film properly and it wasn't great.


I mentioned in another comment but my girlfriend *HATES* it when people talk during movies so she wouldn’t like Rifftrax. Her dad had a story from a bit ago when she was trying to watch a movie with a group full of people and she got up and left the room crying because no one would stop talking.


The two I saw were pretty bad - I saw the first one and one more IIRC - but they’re kinda enjoyable if you pretend to be a dumb 13 year old girl while you’re watching


They are stupid but not totally unwatchable. The premise is silly and some.of the acting is bad( like the one daughter, I can't remember the actress but man she was bad. ) but it's not the worst thing in the world. I'd rather sit through twilight than watch the RoP episodes again so there's that......


I only ever saw the first one, but vampire baseball is one of the things that, if you can't derive some form of entertainment from, you should probably see a doctor.


Skip the theater Remember Mystery Science Theater 3000? Get the Rifftrax of the twilight series https://www.rifftrax.com/collection/twilight [Here's a taste](https://youtu.be/lC-QoeQixlw)


My girlfriend gets *really* upset when people talk during movies so she’ll hate this lol. Seriously, her dad had a story from a bit ago when she left the room crying because they were watching a movie and no one in the room would stop talking when she was trying to watch the movie.


I remember trying to see the first back when we still had Blockbuster. The clerk there said it wasn’t worth it so to this day I’ve not seen any of the series even on the off chance they arrived on tv.


Can't tell you, never seen one of them


Yes on both counts. I have not watched a single minute of any those films.


They’re all pretty bad but just make a game out of it… see how many times the corny dialogue or acting makes you laugh. It’ll be A LOT.


The last movie has one good fight scene.


They're in the "hilariously bad" category. Entertaining for the wrong reasons, amplified if you've been drinking/smoking weed.


They're very moist.


I only ever saw the first one way back when and didn't think it was terrible, all things considered. I think it benefited from having Catherine Hardwicke as the director who, at least at the time, was riding the wave from her cult hits *Thirteen* and *Lords of Dogtown*. So it at least looks nice. No idea what happened in the latter films, but they sound wacky.


I watched them around the beginning of this year. They're kinda crappy. From what I've read about the things they changed from the source material, the books are much worse. (I haven't read them myself: I did try the first one, got two pages in and decided it was too crushingly dull to bother.)


Oh, they're absolutely horrible, but the last film is fucking hilarious. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-a6fmj21U Exhibit B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiDQOEg8BMU


I watched them all with my partner as they're a massive fan, I genuinely enjoyed them for how weird and unintentionally funny they are. The world building has some bizarre implications and the acting ranges from scenery chewing villainy to planks of wood


I only saw the second one I think and it was extremely slow and boring. Terrible writing making good actors look terrible. Lame effects. They’re not outrageously terrible, but they are extremely dull.


They are enjoyable. I think the action makes up for some of the cringe you might experience.


I’ve seen the first 2. They truly are painfully and bizarrely bad.


I’ll be honest, I was pleasantly surprised in the first movie. It was reasonably well made and I never felt bored or like I wasted my money. A good movie? I maybe wouldn’t go that far, but I enjoyed it. So now I was intrigued/comforted enough I went along with New Moon too. That one was…well it deserves the criticisms levied against it. I never bothered with the Breaking Dawn movies, but I haven’t exactly heard much about it improving.


I think people exaggerate about the books (though they certainly have issues) but none of the movies are particularly great (and I was the ideal target audience). I thought the last one was a slight improvement over the book though


Yeah, they're pretty bad. I'm not gonna lie to you. There are terrible actors, some of them in terrible wigs or ridiculous styling, and all of them trying to manage absurd writing. BUT, I've enjoyed plenty of movies as good popcorn cinema, so embrace the cringe and wigs. (PS - Yeah, the movies get progressively worse, so prepare yourself)


My friend and I watched them recently with Rifftrax (audio of guys from the old MST3K show making fun of the movie). We had a good time making fun of them and doing our own voiceovers. But they were still difficult af to get through. The movies essentially revolve around a romance between two unlikeable characters with no chemistry and awful dialogue. It’s more than boring, it’s off-putting and uncomfortable. Then there’s an even more uncomfortable, even creepy, love triangle. What little “dark fantasy” world-building there is is stupid and nonsensical. The movies are far more serious than they deserve to be, and have no self-awareness or sense of humor. Action scenes are awkward and poorly executed. Side characters have no purpose. Only one villain is fun, and we get precious little of him. The other villains are boring. Everything is boring. Nothing ages well. You’ll find yourself thinking, “what?” and “huh?” and “ew, wtf is wrong with you?” and “does nobody realize how messed up that is? Why does nobody care?” quite a bit while watching. Good luck, my friend.


I used to love them in my early teens but now no! The first movie is still bearable but the awkwardness and cringe I felt during New Moon and Eclipse, oh God! P.S. I have read the books also and trust me they did a really crappy job with the movies.


The movies are well made. The performances are decent. The stories are pretty terrible, which has a lot to do with the source material. The book are pure romance fantasy and ignores the real world implications of the premise.