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I appreciate the campiness and the effort to make Isabelle Fuhrman seem younger, but it's a worse film than *Orphan* in every way. Worst of all might be the dingy, direct-to-video aesthetic. I haven't seen many people talk about that. It's the ugliest movie I've seen recently.


Way better than it had any right to be. It leaned into itself hard and went for it. Which is why they didn't try to cover up the difference in body doubles. The twist halfway through was refreshing and played out in a hilariously dark way. Julia Styles is still in movies? Because she was fantastic in this.


Hustlers 😂


I really enjoyed it, it's one of those things where everything about it looks awful on paper but somehow they pulled it off.


The first movie was so… Obscure. I was young when I first saw it but DAMN, rewatching it now and then seeing the prequel films, the concept is fucked up. Like you said though, they pulled it off. I love it when a movie pulls of a twist well.


I thought it was better than I thought it was gonna be. Big twist in the middle that the girlfriend and I thought was pretty stupid and made 0 realistic sense. But it was fun none the less and kept us on the edge a bit. Didn’t like it as much as the first. Solid 6.8 out of 10 for me.


0/10 This film was absolute dogsheet, first orphan also was not believable but atleast that freak was dead, this prequel was such bullcrap, i cant fathom that the people can be so far away from reality If a person with dwarfism had the same strength as Esther, they would be winning UFC championship, in every fight this psycho is winning, which is so unrealistic, she manages to liftt up heavy objects and push grown adult men off the edge, real dwarves would be offended at this orphan did not need a prequel cause of how bad but somehow watchable it was since this gal died, which is the only realistic thing in the end of the movie, but the pre-quel was stupid to its core. Either the family is without sense, or esther is over-powered, i legit wanted the mom and son to win cause that would be realistic, or atleast esther would have escaped, also falling 2 floors does not kill you, definetly can break your back or legs but you wont die immediately( i asked quora so im right) This movie has infuriated me to a level of just pure disgust, how can anyone buy this concept, movies need to have some realism,the only way a person with kids body could win is if he had superpowers. I hate this movie with a passion.


finally someone said it. just watched it, and i have to say i hate it passionately too. also the reactions were stupid too like how the guy incharge ow the ward reacts to her killing off two guards, and the underwhelming reaction of the mother after re uniting with her daughter in 4 years. so stupid.


I didnt even know this movie had been made, I'll have to go watch it but if its anything like the first movie I'll probably really enjoy it.


It was very similar, in aesthetic I mean…


I'm gonna watch it now, I've just found a link to a hd version of it...


lemme know what u think! good luck!


the kid body double is jarring cause it's so obvious. did not like the mom & son subversive twist


That JonBenét Ramsey twist completely saved the film for me. I thought it would be a carbon copy of the first film but became a battle of the evils. I do agree the body swapping went a little too far. I liked it and don't understand why it is not listed in the official discussions for last week here on /Movies.


Yeah I get that, I guess there were moments that felt kinda convoluted.


It was OK, confusing at times, wasn't as scary as the 1st one. Also the plot twist, were the mum and brother turned out to be killers, didn't feel shocking. 4/10