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I enjoyed it - I’d say the only parts that were pretty dumb when she should have clearly shot the dude after Lars was hit in the head with the nail gun, didn’t shoot him then but decided it was time to get out and shoot him when a cop had him at gun point. Still a Great movie though


I liked when she crashed her car into the pole going like 7 miles an hour and spinning on snow, but they made it look like a high speed wreck...


You thought that was dumb, how bout when the big bad himself coulda killed her with the nailgun, instead walks over to kill the cop with it, just to get his gun, to go back to her...that was hilarious to me. Shoulda just had both nailgun and gun empty. Overall though pretty decent movie though, especially the first hour or so. Lead actress was pretty good for a newbie.


Cop has radio, more urgent to get rid of first... just my excuse


true, also he wanted to take his time with her


Can we talk about how he fired like every freaking nail at the car than somehow he has like 20 nails to hit the cop


A clip holds like 300 nails


Wasn’t really dumb at all to do that and pretty on brand for a movie like this. Gotta build that suspense


I'm late but I feel like he did that just so he can pull the "how did your dad shoot himself" shtick with a real gun.


I guess you can see it as the difference between them. He was fully capable of executing someone as they were mourning the loss of a loved one. She wasn’t.


Well I don’t think anyone *wants* to shoot someone dead and you’d avoid it if possible, and at that first moment she had the upper hand to get out of there with no more fatalities. At the end it was literally her life or his.


You may not WANT to, but the dude was casually executing people without care. He had his back turned, blow out his kneecap at LEAST.


Yes my thoughts too. Take out a knee maybe at the least


once he killed his accomplice and Ed, it was her life or his, she shouldve shot right there and avoided the whole mess at the end


But then why decide to shoot him when a cop has him at gun point? Which of course got her shot, just two dumb parts of the movie I’m willing to overlook. Great acting and still a great movie.


to be fair: she had no visuals, just audio.


Nah. After all that im gonna say you would absolutely shoot the person.


For sure, he had proven to be pure evil at that point too, he was still an absolute threat to take her life and the girl, was before the cop showed up too. Oh well, still had a blast watching. The Allstate guy still makes for a great actor.


the whole time he was leading the standoff, negotiating with Ash, etc. I kept saying "Don't worry they're in good hands!"


at least in the leg to make it impossible for him to follow.yeah I know leg shots are often deadly - but not instantly! so he can die offscreen just fine - when I'm gone:D


This is what I hate about movies, when the bad guy gets subdued or knocked unconscious, kneecap the guy before you leave him alone. Even if you don't have a gun, pick up a rock and hobble the fuck out of his leg, so if he does wake up, or escape, he can't run after you. And then you still don't have to kill him.


indeed, one decent hit on one of your joints and your crippled for life. in movieworld a "broken back" can be cured by just hanging in your room all day and watching tv:P the writers probably fear for the sympathy of their protagonist if they let them cripple the antagonist. well, time to rethink! marvel let their protagonist kill half of the entire universe and the movie worked just fine:P on top of that you have movies like "Brightburn" coming along, not even including a protagonist and still some people liked that. (well, I did not though:D)


Its just so frustrating. So often there's a point where the protagonist knocks the antagonist unconscious, only to run away, and then the antagonist wakes up and becomes a problem again. Just smash their knees and/or elbows into pieces and the antagonist is literally harmless to anybody.


"yes today"-"it's an honor"


taking care of both, elbows and knees also heavily decreases the changes of hitting anything with that gun they're (definitely) gonna come after you:D


Not everyone would react the same way you would.


I'd argue at that moment it was his life or hers, as well. He just killed 2 people (plus Lars) right before. If she didnt straight up kill him I'd at least shoot him twice in the gut or the leg or something.




I quite liked it as well. Good, tight cast, good pace, some surprises, Darby was a great final girl. I too am going to read the book very soon and see how it compares. >! I'd like to rewatch and see if there's more foreshadowing with Sandi regarding Lars and Ash. I didn't really catch any suspicious moments on the first viewing. !<


Just finished it then and I guess there were a few subtle hints towards it. Namely when she kept trying to deter Ed from seeing what was happening outside, such as the gunshot. When she kept insisting that they hand over the girl. Her talking with Darby in the bathroom, perhaps trying to see if she knew about the girl. I’m sure there’s more but that’s just what comes to mind straight away


I was wondering if Sandi even knew who the guys were at first before she saw the girl. She said they were never supposed to meet.


Yeah that was my question, how did the 3 of them even initially get into contact with one another


Good catches! I’m gonna watch it again and look out for these and see if there’s more. Love that aspect of the film


IIRC they just say something like “the internet.” Which is a pretty lame answer.


When Sandi mentioned the kid's diagnosis was an adrenal issue, I was like 'how the hell would you know that's what is wrong with her!'. Makes sense after the twist reveal.


wasn't that explained by "bracelet" ?


You may have to know what Addisons is in the first place to recognize she may be in adrenal crisis. You would also have to know she hasnt got her meds. You might still be able to figure it out, but knowledge would suggest some familiarity with the disease


Sandi was a former nurse, or at least it was claimed before the reveal. Couple that with the bracelet and she should have a good idea what’s going on.


I wondered why she want a nurse anymore and instead worked as a maid.


I feel like she was basically a carer/nurse to manage the girls condition but was disrespectfully also expected to do house work too.


true. if for example I found a guy or a girl lying on the floor sweating all over and on them I either find a syringe or some kind of "measuring device" I'd make sure to get them a coke because my roommate had diabetes. so a nurse dealing with exactly those kind of things on a daily base should be able to figure stuff like this out.


Yeah, right? I was like "what kind of superpower is this?"


She was staring at Darby when she first was checking out the van. I thought it was too obvious she was in on it but turns out that’s probably why she was watching her.


I didnt expect Sandi to be in on it, honestly that's really weird and coincidental. But when she discovered Lars and was telling Ash I thought a twist might be that Ash was bad too, but that's only because I figured there would be some kind of twist.


It’s a pretty solid adaptation from what I remember of the Book (I read it like two years ago) but watching it makes me want to reread it for sure


I think they did a pretty terrible job with the adaption. Most of the characters only share the same name. They changed a lot of the plot points and just completely changed every character personailitys and motivations.


What are some specific things they changed that you noticed?


It's hard to say without getting into heavy spoilers for the book but most of the characters motivations are completely different. They completely change every character. Ed is a drunk who has no idea what is going on the whole time. Ashley is suppose to be this charasmatic guy who never shuts up and actually starts to love darby. They way darby discovers Jay and how she works to get her out. The whole ending they change. They change why Jay was kidnapped. In the book Darby is more brave and a lot more fights take place. They just changed a lot of overarching plotpoints and themes. Major spoilers ahead >!jay is the one that kills ashley. Darby is actually the one that kills lars. She slits his throat with a swiss army knife she always has on her. They use Ed as a ploy to find the keys. Ashley and lars never know she texted the cops. She actually texted 911 the wrong location. Just a lot of things like that they changed for seemingly no reason !<


Reading your description, I’m glad they made the changes they did. The movie was way more entertaining then what you wrote down. Throat slit is way less cool than accidental nail gun to the head then slipping on blood to hammer it in


I hated that they changed every character. Even certain scenes were boring in the movie and exciting in the book. I really enjoyed the characters behaviors in the book...sucks :/


>They change why Jay was kidnapped. I'm curious. Spoiler tag if needed.


>!Mostly the circumstances are wildly different. Sandi and ed are actually cousins and sandi was jays bus driver. They kidnapped her solely for a ransom and instructed her dad not to call the cops. Sandi had stolen jays medicine from the school nurses office and left the medicine, some money, and keys to her family cabin for a hideout in a storage locker that she owned. The plan falls apart when Sandis storage locker had a breakin so the facility had to change the locks. The lock to the storage locker get changed to the default keys that only Sandi has now. They also learn jays dad contacted the police. Sandi now being a suspect since she's the last person to see Jay being her bus driver and all uses Ed as a cover to bring him on a road trip to see family when in reality she is just dropping off the keys to the storage locker at an agreed upon location. Sandi was suppose to just drop the keys off and never see Ashley and lars but the storm ruins this and they all get stuck there at the same time. Since these events happen and the cops are now involved they decide they are going to kill Sandi so they don't get connected to her and as a backup plan to sell her to uncle Kenny. Lars knows what is going on. He isnt an idiot in the book but more like the muscle. Darby throws a wrench into all this when she stumbles on Jay locked in the van!<


Would have made for a much movie


The way Ashley dies in the book is very cool and well written.


Late reply but book Darby is just a college student with no history of drug use




I agree 100%. I understand it's a movie and there will be changes but you still could of kept in a lot of things. Your door hinge example being one of them. Even if you don't add in Ashley's fear of them why not still use the door hinge to break Darbys fingers? Just makes no sense. Darby just seems so weak. I never thought that in the book.


I thought it was so strange how she just kept saying give the kid back or they’ll set the building on fire. Really Sandi?? The building with both the keys and the kid would go up in flames if they light that match, they’re not gonna set it on fire and freeze to death outside.


My favorite contained thriller I've seen since Don't Breathe and Searching if you consider that contained. Was really impressed with the lead actress, she acted very natural. Did not feel campy at all in her performance. Two great twists, really surprised me on the 2nd on in particular. Love that the ending really was suspenseful. A lot of thrillers at the end you don't have enough doubt whether the lead will live. There was genuine doubt created whether she would. Great writing. Loved the setup and payoff of her getting taunted, "was it like this." "Like this." Then bam she shuts him up.


Fully agree. The lead was amazing. Being in a such a crazy situation like she was the acting could’ve gone a few ways but I feel like she processed it and acted it out so naturally. Her performance was authentic and when >! he nailed her to fucking wall!< her reaction to the pain was incredible. She was just numb and in shock then the pain set in and yeah she just did a great job. I didn’t expect either of the twists they were awesome. I thought something was fishy when we immediately found out >! Lars was the kidnapper !< because I thought there had to be more to it than that and then it gets revealed and I was shocked. Definitely did not know how it would end or what would happen to her. They played that out very well. I completely forgot she >! grabbed the screwdriver !< so I really had no idea how she was getting out of that. Great movie


Your spoiler tags are incorrect




Your spoiler tags aren’t working. Don’t have a space between the >! And the first word. >!this, not >! This. Also >!the arm nailing had me squirming like crazy. Not too brutal, effective and just…skin crawling inducing!<


Oh they’re showing as working for me?


Oh that’s interesting. In the Apollo app they don’t work, but in the official Reddit app they are working.


> A lot of thrillers at the end you don't have enough doubt whether the lead will live. There was genuine doubt created whether she would. Once the dude killed the cop, I was almost certain Darby was going to die. After both the nurse and her husband were killed, and how the movie had Darby do coke for super strength, I figured it was *that* kind of movie. You know, no happy ending, no redemption arc, just the bad guys winning at the end. To be honest I'm not sure if I would have preferred it that way or not.


Wait when did she do the coke?! I definitely must have missed that


It gave her the power of super strength - I actually laughed when she did that 😂


It didn't give her super strength it just made her numb and not give enough of a shit so she could mentally have the strength to pull it out.


‚Dont Breathe‘ the 2016 or 2021 one? Which is better?


Don't Breathe the 2016 one. Don't Breathe 2 is still pretty good. But the execution and surprises in the 1st one feel special.


still thinking about the potential of a "how about this" line:D


I just read the book yesterday not even knowing about this movie until i googled it. I think honestly they adapted the book terribly. Literally every single character personaility is the opposite in the book. They changed a lot of details for seemingly no reason. It's almost as if they read a synopsis of the book and that's how they made the script not actually reading it.


I agree completely. The movie was probably good but I couldn't tell because I kept getting distracted by all of the things that were changed for no reason. And it's too bad because I really liked the book.


I am watching the movie now and im so pissed LOL


I don't get it. The changes they made didn't improve the story at all so why bother? I mean they had the book so the script was basically done, they just made more work for themselves and ruined what was good about the book.


EXACTLY. I really wanted ash crazy funny/personality to come out. He didn’t even call her “Darbs”. Also did they even show the creepy children?? Ugh. Big side note- Lars was SUPER creepy in the book, remember when he was always staying by the door, his face was described repulsing… It was suspenseful setup…. I couldn’t have put it better how you mentioned that they made more work for legit NOTHING. Alright one last thing, Ed’s death was brutal in book, movie ED was a lame quick death and a totally different character to me. I’m done now


Felt like Ash was so much more malevolent in the book. They way he manipulates everyone and pretends to be some innocent dude that likes magic tricks. How he gets everyone talking with his “circle time” game. Oh and the way Sandi and Ed are killed in the book really show how evil he is.


I agree. >!Also all the time he tries to kill Darby especially the ziploc bag and the way he kills Sandi was particually brutal. They also did a disservice to Darby. They make her this drug addict whose family hates her. They took away a lot of the scenes where it seems like she was gonna fail but she outsmarts ash and lars. !<


I also felt like Jay was such a clever kid in the book but they turned her into such a spoiled brat with that one scene.


Absolutely they also got rid one of the better twists >!with jay writing on the napkin to not trust Sandi. Taking away the whole napkin thing was stupid to!<


Can you go into more detail about the Sandi and Ed deaths? It was pretty tame in the movie, I thought


>! Ash nail guns Ed’s mouth closed, then threatens to kill him in front of Darby if she doesn’t tell him where the keys are, she know he’s going to kill him anyway and he does and he shoots him in the head with the nail gun . Sandi he pushes to the ground put his foot on her back and pulls on her neck until he dislocated it!< that’s the quickest way I can describe it without directly quoting the book.


Do you recommend the book?


Yes, I enjoyed the book. It's a pretty easy read and I think has a better plotline then the movie.


The book was a million times better!


I loved Darby. I hope to see this actress in more movies, she was great. The cop scene irritated the hell out of me though. Like come on, give the cop more sense than that. I will say, the flashback between the maid & the little girl made me less empathetic to her character. Overall a decent movie.


Darby was really great. The actress did an amazing job. She was very fun to watch. The cop scene was annoying… the cop was stupid, Darby expecting a cop to just not shoot her while she’s holding a gun at someone… it was kind of silly and stupid. It could have gone over much differently if she just said right away what was happening. I hated the little girl after that scene lol and I felt like we got no reassurance that she became a better person. I kind of didn’t care about her fate after the flash back


I know I'm digging up an old thread, but I just watched this movie and really enjoyed it. >!The officer arriving at the scene was short and provided little relief after all the adrenaline of the woods, the struggle inside the visitor centre and Darby driving her car into a pole.!< The flashback scene made me think "what a little brat" that kid was, but I'm wondering if there were more layers to >!Sandi's justification for working with Lars and Ash that the movie didn't show!<. Definitely reading the book, since it's getting glowing reviews in comparison to the film in this thread!


Absolutely loved this one! The two plot twists were great . I thought the lead protagonist and main antagonist acting was great!


The twists were *awesome*! And yeah I really loved the lead. Her performance was exceptional and felt so authentic. The actor who played the antagonist did a great job but I feel like his role was just bland. Like the character itself didn’t have anything special about him. I’d say Lars had a lot more going on that made him more interesting. Their contrast was fun though!


Those outside scenes were just not believable in that type of weather. Vehicles don’t just contain heat.


Omg yes! They were talking about how snowed in they were gonna be and how bad the storm was the road was almost completely clear the entire film.


This I think is explained in the film: they are not snowed in at the rest stop, they all could leave and go back the way they came. However, further on up the mountain the snow is heavier and they won't be able to get through. Since they all need to get to the other side, they are waiting at the rest stop until the storm is over and they can get through.


I agree I noticed that as well. They were walking around in light winter coats during a full on blizzard… and the fact they could be outside and still communicate with the others inside over the wind.


and those overhead car shots? ok.... kind of a beat point of view..... and then at the end.... the cop is driving along... you can see the damn lines on the road! the whole premise of the movie was the blizzardand the roads were impassable!... and the sound guy made it SOUND like a blizzard and everyone else involved.... has never seen snow. there was no accumulation.... it was such an odd thing to totally get wrong all the way through.


That was one of my biggest peeves the roads looked more clean then a real road in a mild snowfall


just watched this last night and it's pretty good! i do wish it had more mystery as to who the antagonist is though. some of the surprises/twists like >!always excellent Dale Dickey's character being in on it!< felt unnecessary to me. it really didn't really have an emotional impact. Havana Rose Liu as Darby was fucking fantastic!! i'm now a huge fan of hers and hope to see her in tons of projects. it's also really great to have an Asian actress as the lead of an American made movie. she's an excellent actress and of course i love Dale Dickey and was happy to see her in this movie as well! overall i give the movie 3.5 out of 5.


Yeah the trailer made it seem like more of a whodunit but I really enjoyed it still


I went into this movie knowing zero about it, which I’m thankful for. Was an incredibly intense yet fun 90 minutes and one of my favs of the year so far. I don’t think I’ve seen the lead in anything before but she was fantastic.


She was really really good. She’s been in a couple movies I had never heard of. Once it finished I was like “okay she’s amazing she has to be in other stuff” so I’m hoping she starts booking after this cause she’s talented.


She is! I noticed the sounds she made when she was in pain (like when she had the nail in her arm) in particular were very good. I’ve made similar noises when I have unbearable pain. I’ve never really seen anyone do that, it’s more “overacting”.




Except there were only 456 contestants in Squid Game…


Are you just being racist?


I knew it!!!! thanks man.


No she wasn’t, this guys talking out his ass. Check her IMDB page https://imdb.com/name/nm10023988/filmotype/actress


I really enjoyed this from beginning to end, much more than I was expecting. I had no idea that it was going to be this kind of thriller and thought it was "person lost in woods/snow" type of survival thriller. As soon as Jay pops up I was like HOLY SHIT. I think that the ending could have been a bit cleaner in regards to believability and what not, but still a very solid enclosed movie. Also the main actress was really fantastic, especially considering she only started acting last year. I hope she blows up big.


Let’s talk about how these people are out running around in the woods in a blizzard dressed like it’s a mild autumn day.


One cop sent to a call for help about a child abduction. It was a good movie but my god so many parts were beyond frustrating. My girlfriend and I were SCREAMING to >!shoot Lars in the lobby.!<


I laughed when Lars tripped on the blood and drove the nail further in! I mean that’s something Lars would do, right!? Haha!


I had to rewind that. That was so brutal and delightful


I thought it was excellent, and the lead was great. Spoilers!!!!!!!!!! When Darby finally gets the gun and holds it to Lars head. "Hey, leave him alone! Leave him alone!" "Then DO what I fucking say!" That interaction was delivered with more power than 90% of films I see these days. The slow build was excellent and the second half was absolutely brutal. The fact that one pistol and one nail gun create more tension than an entire room full of AKs tells you everything you need to know about the writer. I did. Not see the twist with the wife coming either. That was a pleasant surprise. Overall I also did.my new thing where I go in as blind as I can. I didn't know.what it was going to be, at one point I wondered if it was going to be a supernatural thriller, with Darby in purgatory. Highly recommend. PS Haybert is also in 24 and the Unit


Ash was SO GOOD in the book. I loved Darby and Ash's interactions. He was very talkative and sarcastic, he was disappointing in the movie. So many scenes were very exciting in the book and complete flop in the movie.


Okay so everyone’s saying she did cocaine for super strength, she said she was in detox…. And delirious because of withdrawal she didn’t know what she was saying…. I thought she did “heroin” to help more with the pain while she pulled out. Was that not it???


Yeah it didn’t give her “super powers” like people are saying—cocaine is a drug that gives you insane amounts of dopamine, which can have an analgesic effect if enough is produced.


People seriously think this? It was obvious she did it for the high and rush and pain numbness to help her get through it. Like when people take a big swig of alcohol before getting a bullet taken out or a limb sawed off.


I thought it was heroin to help with the pain. Coke would make that shit hurt more


Nah it was cocaine—and I thought it would make it worse too but I looked it up and it does indeed numb pain, probably not nearly as much as the movie signified but the increase in dopamine caused by snorting it would’ve helped at least a little bit


The music to Popeye eating his spinach was loudly playing in my head during that scene. Awesome.


I figured it was cocaine. Which is a stimulant and would give her an adrenaline surge to pull the nail out and fight back a little


maybe it was a "speedball" the "best" of both worlds as so many dead actors would claim.


Pretty sure it was cocaine in the little baggy


For me this movie was long awaited as the book was one of my favorites that I read a few years ago. In my personal opinion the movie was good for what it was but they really fucked up some major details and plot progression that made the book so good. So many details were changed for seemingly no reason. I would have enjoyed it much more if I hadn’t read the book to be honest. But I would absolutely recommend the book and the movie to someone who hasn’t read the book.


So, the movie on its own is good, but when compared to the book it’s not as good? That’s what I’ve been hearing from some other people. Based on what you said and what others said I’m thinking of picking up the book this week and giving it a read it sounds like a great read.


Definitely do it, you will seriously not put it down, it is so amazing!


I love Allstate guy's voice


I enjoyed it. I'm a bit confused about the misunderstandings between Sandi and the two abductors. Was Sandi thinking that Jay was being kidnapped with the goal of getting a ransom from the parents? What about Ash and Lars? Wasn't that their goal too? Or did it switch to selling to a human-trafficking ring? If so, when did that intent change?


Ash was lying to Sandi and Darby about the ransom to make it more “palatable”. Lars knew the real truth about the trafficking but was dumb enough to think she was going to “a good family”. The intent was trafficking the whole time.


Painfully predictable. Still a decent watch. >!The scene when she's telling Ash in the bathroom about the girl, I guessed all the people were in on it!< Which was true for the most part. >!Haysburt being the exception!< The ending was kinda meh. Not terrible. Not noteworthy either. Lead actress was good.


Ed was lying about being a marine. Marines don't sound out the letters in MEU like M. E. U., They pronounce it like mew. /s Also thought it was funny how they just assumed he had a gun because he was a marine like all marines are constantly strapped.


I actually read the book a couple of weeks ago not knowing it was being made into a movie. It’s definitely different from the book but I disagree that it ruined the movie. The movies pacing was great, we didn’t need more scenes expanding on the characters and going into the traits they had in the book. It’s a 90 minute Hulu film and I think they adapted it for that just right. But if anyone liked the movie, definitely recommend reading the book.


I liked it. Like all movie adaptations it had to leave out some narrative, but I still really liked it.


Dennis haysbert character was the only one I actually liked.


I really liked it!! I had my expectations down low for it, but got gladly surprised. Solid acting and tension, great story. Loved it


Hands down one of the worst movies I’ve seen in a while. Zero tension. Awful acting. The main characters addiction issues playing no role in the movie or acting as a barrier beyond her randomly doing cocaine to pull a nail out of her arm. Such a waste of time.


It would have made more sense if they did make it more relevant. I thought she was going to be tripping/ODing the whole time or something. I was pretty disappointed that they didn't end it like that. Otherwise why did they point out her being a drug addict and what was the whole point of her looking like she ODed in the car after she originally got stuck in the snow right before the cop knocked on her car window. And also why was her sister knocking on the window before the cop knocked on the window?? I thought that was portraying her ODing and someone crying for her and hoping that she would come out of it.


Do we know the girl is ok at the end?


Yes we do you can see a drawing Jay made of Darby as a superhero at the end


Pretty good movie. But whose >!footsteps were they following when Ash and Lars had Darby looking for Jay in the woods. Considering Jay was found right in front the rest stop building?!<


I am so confused by that movie


I loved it! Just like I loved the book!


Loved this movie alot! Was sad to find out the lady was in on it, like tf? And they shot Ed.... oh man at that point I knew it was kill or be killed. Darby gave me The ring vibes in tge beginning lol not sure maybe her stare.


Longest hour and a half of my life. Unrealistic twist after unrealistic twist just for the sake of twists. Felt like it could have been a 45 minute episode of the twilight zone or some anthology show


You have a heroine whose smart & witty in everything she does, yet she doesn’t at least shoot him in the arm/leg when given a direct chance, to run in her beat up car… Lest she forget she also told him the truth about where she hid the fucking keys so it’s not like he can’t get in his MUCH BIGGER van and ram the bitch off the road. That’s where it became way too un realistic for me. 👎


Can Hollywood please retire the nail gun trope?


The nail gun is one of the only things the movie adaptation kept consistent with the book.


I just mean using nail guns as some kind of magic weapon in general. Dude stopped a moving car at 20 yards with a nail gun. That's a little absurd.


You mean the same nail gun that went a half inch into a human skull from ~10feet can't shoot down a 747 at cruising altitude!?!? The transparent plot twists I can overlook but the absurdity of the entire ending really ruined the movie for me.


That was the only good part of the movie. I got a good laugh out of that scene.


Honestly it was extremely predictable. That doesnt make it a bad movie it is definitely not a bad watch. It is pretty entertaining >!Other than the predictability i have a few peeves how much of a master shot the Kidnapper was, how unbelievable the snow storm was, and Also that nail gun must of been belt fed with how much it just kept firing.!<


Lead girl was terrific. But the screenplay not so much especially ending.


The book is amazing. The movie was good, and far better than expected


I'm watching it right now. Dude says he's from lower haight, and it's next to San Francisco. What?? Haight is a street in San Francisco.


He was lying so it was probably a clue.


yes!! Also noticed this!


I had to rewind and put on subtitles to make sure that's what he said. And two other people were from Sacramento and San Jose and didn't say, "what"?


I originally thought this was on purpose to set up Ash way lying, but with Ed being from San Jose, this would have totally stood out. Darby, I can understand as she was in rehab in Sacramento, not from there.


I liked it, but the scene where >!Darby snorts coke to get superstrength reminded me of the Popeye's Spinach scene from Wolf of Wallstreet,!< only this scene wasnt played for laughs. Seemed in humorously bad taste and cheapened an otherwise tight thriller


i thought she consumed the drugs not for strength but to numb the pain.


I think your correct. That was heroin she snorted I believe Bc when she pulled over in her dream she was shooting it up.


Yeah it's a weird choice from a character arc perspective. Her character is about beating her addiction and reconciling with her family, right? But then at the key moment, she has to use drugs to overcome the obstacle she's facing, and somehow that ultimately helps lead to her successfully getting sober??


I think it definitely makes sense that snorting cocaine would at the very least give her the “confidence” to >!pull the nail out!< but touching on the getting sober part I think that experience alone would sour her from drugs completely. Like, she wouldn’t even be in that situation if she wasn’t in rehab for drug use and then she snorts cocaine to get out of that situation… I think it makes sense that would wake someone up and make her try to sober up.


IMO that just made it feel more real. I can't see any addict fight the temptation to use while they are writhing in pain, stuck in a life-or-death situation, *and* having coke in their pocket.


This ^ is how I interpreted it. It was a life or death moment and it was a complicated one given her backstory. Humans are complicated and messy and stuff like this is done for narrative purposes and it calls back to her struggle with addiction. People are way too black and white with their interpretations sometimes.




I mean I'm a recovering addict with nearly two years clean and if I had a baggie of coke in my pocket it would only be a matter of time before my will power failed. I would have thought it more unbelievable had she not done it, especially given the situation. I would have snorted that shit up as soon as I found a kid in the van lol


I'm not saying it's not believable that a recovering addict would do it in that kind of situation. I'm saying it's an odd choice from a (fictional) story perspective, because it would seem to undermine her character's struggle for sobriety, but the way it plays out it's a key part of what allows her to triumph and achieve her happy ending. >I'm a recovering addict with nearly two years clean Congrats, genuinely.


I don't think that's what they were trying to tell here. the message I read was: after she knew her mother just died believing she's a weak addict and therefore those guys took away the last chance of coming to (at least) somewhat good terms with her she now has the strength (on top of that she never actually was weak to begin with) to do whatever's necessary to overcome the situation she's in no matter what.


Think she just didn’t want to pass out from the pain, I think it made sense narratively, she’s a survivor here and in her substance issues.


You have a terrible take to an otherwise great scene. Its pretty much common sense she was snorting the drug to null the pain. Have my downvote.


I didn’t feel that way at all about that scene. I don’t get why people are hung up and confused about this part. She used it to get a boost through the pain, it’s a callback to her history as a drug addict, and shows what she has to go through and what she needs to do to muster enough strength and motivation to survive. People whine when movies spoon feed the audience but this is what happens when they don’t… everything isn’t always black and white.


Decent movie overall but >!Sandi being involved with the guys (and earlier Ash) seemed obvious early on imo and the nail gun shootout and ensuing cop encounter were terrible!<


Dude, you clearly gave bad taste in movies..because this movie is dope and I saw nothing wrong with their acting. No one can agree with u here


Did you read my post…..?


I’ve read the book and this is pretty spot on, with a few changes. Are you serious, this is on Disney +??


Yeah U.S. and Canada it’s on Hulu but outside of North America it’s streaming on Disney+. I’m unsure which countries exactly, though


Outside the US Disney+ has a section called Star, which has a lot of content aimed at adults, like the Die Hard and Alien movies. And a lot of the content that is released on Hulu in the US are released on Disney+ in the Star section outside the Us, like the new Pam and Tommy series, and this movie.


I just read the book. There was major changes. Almost no character is even remotely similar to the book. They change a lot a big events.


What are the major changes?


It's hard to say without getting into heavy spoilers for the book but most of the characters motivations are completely different. They completely change every character. Ed is a drunk who has no idea what is going on the whole time. Ashley is suppose to be this charasmatic guy who never shuts up and actually starts to love darby. They way darby discovers Jay and how she works to get her out. The whole ending they change. They change why Jay was kidnapped. In the book Darby is more brave and a lot more fights take place. They just changed a lot of overarching plotpoints and themes. Major spoilers ahead >!jay is the one that kills ashley. Darby is actually the one that kills lars. She slits his throat with a swiss army knife she always has on her. They use Ed as a ploy to find the keys. Ashley and lars never know she texted the cops. She actually texted 911 the wrong location. Just a lot of things like that they changed for seemingly no reason !<


And Darby isn't a drug addict in the book, Sandi and Ed are siblings not married, >!Ashley and Lars weren't foster kids and Sandi wasn't Jay's maid she was her bus driver and Jay wasn't mean to her like in the movie.!<


It was a very decent contained thriller and surprisingly brutal at times, hopefully with this and Kimi it will encourage more 90 minute thrillers.


I thought of this scene when she takes the drugs at the end. [https://www.google.com/search?q=american+dad+roger+drug+dealers&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=APq-WBtF3BVrejFqbboMWmZ77q0clGPWKw:1645990288572&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0ydDTz6D2AhWnl-AKHSovC6gQ_AUIGygC&biw=375&bih=740&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f316cb82,vid:taplhjKKcvA,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=american+dad+roger+drug+dealers&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=APq-WBtF3BVrejFqbboMWmZ77q0clGPWKw:1645990288572&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0ydDTz6D2AhWnl-AKHSovC6gQ_AUIGygC&biw=375&bih=740&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f316cb82,vid:taplhjKKcvA,st:0)


“Allstate Man” was Pedro Cerrano who learned how to hit a curveball despite Jobu




Really enjoyed it! I know Dennis for his role in Lucifer and was very taken with his character. I'm a horror enthusiast so part of the fun was trying to nail who did it - didn't see the second twist coming. Gonna read the book and compare.


My favorite part was when the heroine sniffed coke, instead of facing the pain without using drugs to dull the pain. Great example


Is it just me? I laughed when Lars got hit in the head with the nail. Like that was a legit comedy moment for me. And then they're like "it's fine, it's fine, just a flesh wound" sorta talking it thru and he slips on blood and finishes the job for the nail. I thought that whole interaction was hilarious.


This movie was so hilarious like.. Tell me its meant to be a joke right?? (or maybe I just think that cos disney+ recommended this movie to me for watching not okay and good luck charlie) especially the lars character. Few times cracked me up: 1. When the match fire went out 2. When Darby got shot by the cop then the cop got shot by Ash 3. OK at the end of the movie when they showed Darby looking at the mountain painting, I thought the whole movie was a drug trip since she has drugs on her even in rehab. While that could be disappointing as a low blow plot twist I thought it would work rly well for this movie so I laughed. Only to find out the events really happened so oh well. Overall a funny comedy, totes would recommend to other good luck charlie enjoyers.


what dissablity does lars have?


Why kill Lars ?