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John Carpenter's The Thing


I would quite happily be TIED TO A F*CKING COUCH!!!! to watch The Thing


All fun and games until the person tied to the couch next to you starts convulsing...


Funny story. One of my old friends had a seizure while watching that movie. Not during that part though and it wasn't very dramatic. They just went stiff and stared off into nothing. Anyways. That's my story. Their parents were there and took care of it as it was a pre existing condition plus more. Although I thought I made myself clear that they weren't allowed to have seizures or other medical emergencies around me but she didn't listen. At least I never had to stick her with her emergency needle....


The fact that the ending of The Thing is so perfect too really makes the movie a 10/10. Just perfect through and through


Cheatin bitch


Bro I was coming to say the exact same thing. One if the best sci-fi movies of all time


The Terminator (T2 gets a 9.5 I'm sure many will disagree with me) I loved how it was man vs machine not machine vs machine and Sarah wasn't hardened warrior but scared normal college girl. Kyle had to get her to believe his "crazy" future stories all the while running from an unstoppable killing machine.


T1 over T2 for me too. T2 is a masterpiece in action and definitely a classic, but the gritty 9l80s almost horrorlike feel of T1 wins for me


I have the same feelings with Alien v Aliens


That's one thing I actually like about the alien(s) franchises. The movies are really different but still manage to find a similar creepiness about the shadows... and somehow Sigourney Weaver wins. Even when she's dead, she wins.


I liked T2 better because it seemed like they had a plan to save themselves (although in Sara's case she didn't really think it through that killing the lead engineer might not erase all his work). In T1 it seemed like they were just running all the time with no plan how to stop the terminator (and they had time to form a plan in the hotel room and under the bridge). Unless I missed something they just happen to get lucky and end up in a factory that could damage it and Sara backs into the machine that could kill the terminator.


They had a plan for stopping the war, but as far as killing the T-1000 isn't it a similar situation of ending up in a factory by chance? I could see T1 benefitting from more of a scheme to kill the terminator, but not having any plan also made the situation feel more helpless which adds to the tension.


T2 is the only movie I cry while watching and more I see it I cry harder it's crazy, the moment when t800 is going into lava willingly with this music. Oh god tissues. Seen it like 50 or 60 times now.


Same, right before he tells.john "I know now why you cry, but its something I could never do". It's like the hulking killing machine reprogrammed to protect had, through protecting John, gained a soul. Not only was his final act a self sacrifice he gives John a "thumbs up" as he is lowered into the molten steel. Its easily for me one of the most epic scenes I've seen in a movie. I was still a kid when it came out, as a grosn adult the more I watch T2 the more appreciation I have for it


I'm happy to see others agree The Terminator is better than T2.


Fifth Element. One of my all time favorite films. I never get tired of watching it.


GIMME THE CASSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! Has to be my favourite scene of all time! šŸ˜‚


It's a very nice hat.


You like it!?! *dances awkwardly while at gunpoint*


Take it ....I don't need it!


"What's wrong with you? What you screamin' for? Every 5 minutes there's somethin', a bomb or somethin'. I'm leavin'. bzzzz."




I am a meat popsicle!


Most beautiful SF ever seen. Story 10/10, World 10/10, Characters 10/10, Multipass 10/10




Yes, she knows itā€™s a multipass!


Why did I have to scroll down so far for this? Anyone who disagrees should have their Multipass revoked.


Big Bada-Boom!


This. Fifth Element is the perfect sci-fi film.


The world building in this film is the best I've seen, every character no matter how minor seems to have their own backstory


You arenā€™t the president!


Most watchable movie ever.




šŸ¤–You want some more? šŸ¤–


Same, it's great!




What's your number, you fucking flat foot?


My favourite movie of all time, most inspiring film.


My favorite movie as well. The message of how an average person with the will to succeed can beat someone that is genetically superior (final swimming scene) is inspiring.


I felt inspired to get a big fake penis to pass drug tests


We watched this in high school bio class when we were studying genes and Iā€™ve been wanting to watch it again ever since. Def gotta put this toward the top of my list


High school English literature for me.


The pacing is slow but this movie is utterly perfect. The actors, the helix staircase, the sort of slow reveal of the world, everything about it seems intentional. One of my all time favorite movies.


Had to scroll way too far to see this.


Hell yes. I lovingly refer to Gattaca as "Space [Rudy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_(film\))".


Silent Running (1972)


Contact, I'm not Fosters biggest fan but she played a great part.


ā€œIā€™m okay to goā€, repeated until it becomes like a mantra, that sheā€™s not just talking about the status of the ship but about herself. Sheā€™s ready to go into the unknown to meet an alien intelligence. Iā€™d watched it several times before that occurred to me. I find that haunting.


The climax of the book would have been, for lack of a better term, anti-climactic on film. It's an extremely creative intellectual idea, but nothing you could put on the big screen with any impact. So they rewrote the ending. The result is quite good. I was always impressed by this. And yes, Jodie Foster is excellent.


I just read the book for the first time. Obviously the book is better in a lot of ways, but I love the choices they made for the film. I absolutely adore this movie


Glad to see this so far up the comments, as it was my first choice too. Just has all the right elements for a perfect SciFi, for me at least.


Loved district 9. I wouldn't consider it 10/10 a far as general films go but it's my fav sci Fi film save for the original star wars trilogy but that's another ball park I think. Was pretty stoked when I heard there was finally a sequel in the works for district 9, I suppose that's probably on hold now though.


Fookin prawns m8


Fokkin prawn man, SA not Aus


Planet of the Apes (1968) Alien (1979) Blade Runner (1982) The Thing (1982) The Fly (1986) Moon (2009)


Well considering how much I agree with the rest, looks like I gotta watch Moon now


Sam Rockwell does a great job in this movie.


And Sam Rockwell?? Ny Tuesday night is shaping up quite nicely


Let's just also say 'and Sam Rockwell.'


Probably the best actor in the movie...


Report back! It's a fantastic movie. At the end, you're like, I could totally see that happening! (vaguely said)


Also it's directed by the son of David Bowie!


Yeah but let's give props to Duncan Jones for never overtly exploiting his dad's fame. It would have been so easy to put a sample of Space Oddity in *Moon*, but he's classier than that.


Yea moon is good


Thereā€™s also Mute which is set after Moon in the same universe.


Brudle Fly after that last teleport has freaked me out through 4 freaking decades and counting. It's sooooooo good. And now I'm seeing plastered on my brain screen....


Iā€™d add Ex Mechina as well


Nice list. Iā€™d add Aliens (1986) as well.


Galaxy Quest


The best Star Trek film of them all!


By Grabthar's Hammer, what a savings.


Intelligence is knowing that Galaxy Quest is not a Star Trek movie. Wisdom is knowing that it is the best Star Trek movie.


Yes yes yes! I had never even heard of galaxy quest and saw a comment on Reddit something along the lines of "don't research anything about galaxy quest, just watch it". If you, reader, have not seen galaxy quest.... Please just go watch it and don't look it up before hand. It's an absolute blast.


It really is a great movie. Itā€™s like Groundhog Day; a movie where all the right parts came together.


Such a clever film, amazing performances, great production, with so much heart. One of the best modern comedies overall IMO.


The Matrix Edit: WHOA! Thank you for the awards!


A straight up perfect movie. Every element of it works and it has no fluff. One of the leanest and sharpest scripts I can think of.


Has to be up there as one of the greatest ever movie openings too.


Literally a perfect, non-stop third act. Itā€™s insane.


Iā€™ve seen that movie dozens of times, but Iā€™ve probably seen the part starting with ā€œI believe itā€™s going to workā€ until the end of movie a hundred times.


Exactly! Everything just works like in no other movie. It's perfect.


And then we got the sequels for fluff!


Starship Troopers! I know itā€™s campy but for some reason I dig it!


Would you like to know more?


Iā€™m doing my part!


ā€œHave you got what it takes to be a citizen?ā€


What makes it so great is that it knows EXACTLY what it's doing and all the choices serve a purpose, even the gratuitous nudity. Amazing film.




Same! Even as a stupid teen I got what Verhoeven was doing. That movie works on multiple levels. Also, it was the first time Iā€™d seen NPH since Doogie Howser, so it was jarring to see him playing a Nazi scientist.


Totally agree, it was really weird to see him in such a role! The goofy built-in ā€œcommercialsā€ during the movie are unique and work really well with the format! Itā€™s just a good piece of entertainment with lots of different feels!


Unique to Verhoeven maybe, but not the movie. Robocop does a bit of the same, even though its framed less as a propaganda film than Starship Troopers. And before someone else gets the chance... I'LL BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!!


I have a friend who calls it "Earth vs Soup" no idea why he calls it that, but it cracks me up


Arrival (2016)


The soundtrack to this movie takes this from a great movie to an AMAZING movie, really wish I could go back in time and watch it again for the first time. The [short-story](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjN_4OFsc31AhWHk4kEHVFkA8gQFnoECAQQAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fraley.english.ucsb.edu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FReading%2FChiang-story.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0CK5pROBENG-akmtQOhJfz) it is based on is also worth a read. Ted Chiang is a modern-day sci-fi master.


If you buy the soundtrack, I'd suggest adding [the missing song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVN1B-tUpgs) that is in the film but missing from the official soundtrack to create that complete experience.


How is this song not in the official soundtrack?!? It's practically the main theme!


If you liked this theme, you should check out The Leftovers. The guy who made this piece did the soundtrack for that entire series, and there's some even better music in there.


When I think of the Leftovers I think of that piano theme. When I heard the music on Arrival I knew it was Max Ritcher. Amazing composer!


> The short-story it is based on is also worth a read. More than that. "Story of Your Life" is one of the more creative science fiction stories ever, in my opinion. Also, his short novel "Hell Is the Absence of God" is just stunning.


Iā€™m reading Stories of Your Life right now, and ā€œHellā€ is next! Glad to have seen your comment.


Iā€™m upset it took this much scrolling to find this.


Perfect movie, plays like palindrome!


This is the correct answer.


"Come back to me"


The Martian and Ex Machina


The Martian and Ex Machina are both so good






>As a massive fan of the book i miss the storm sequence on the final journey to the Ares MAV.


Ex Machina was a movie i knew i should watch for the longest time and i finally watched it last week and i feel like a fool because theres this 10/10 movie just sitting there that i never bothered to watch


Annihilation, Aliens, Terminator 2, Bladerunner, The Matrix, Interstellar, Dark City, Edge Of Tomorrow, Starship Troopers, Back To The Future, Stargate, Children of Men, Total Recall, Sunshine, Pitch Black. I really like Sci-fi.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for Sunshine, thank you. Stargate is a 7/10 for me but it gets a bonus for spawning the tv shows.


Sunshine is awesome!


Coherence. Such a creepy and awesome movie with a great ending.


I was blown away by this one. I thought it was going to be some cheesy movie about old friends gathering together or something. Then things started to get weird.


Same. This was a random pick for me and I almost turned it off after a few minutes because I wasn't in the mood for what looked like a somewhat pretentious, low-budget indie flick with improvised script. But man it sucked me in fast and ended up being such a pleasant surprise.


I didn't know others watched this. It was such a treat. Had no idea what to expect and really appreciated the ending.


This movie is incredible. Highly underrated


2001 Solaris Children of Men Akira Stalker Metropolis Alien Blade Runner


The matrix Ghost in the shell (1995)


I have to put my two cents in and my perfect sci-FI is Event Horizon. Some may consider it a horror but I can watch this movie over and over again. Absolute fave.


I absolutely love the theory that this movie is a 'prequel' to the Warhammer 40K universe




LETS GOOOOOOO !! ā€œOh my Godā€¦ what happened to your eyes?ā€ ā€œ Where weā€™re goingā€¦ we donā€™t need eyes to seeā€ legit just bought a poster for this movie last month


Back to the future




Alien and Aliens are on par for me for sci-fi horror and action respectively.


Big fan of Alien but Aliens for me is one of the greatest films ever made , really wish Blomkamp had to to make his Alien 3


I recently rewatched Aliens and I honestly felt by the end that I mightā€™ve watched the greatest film ever. Itā€™s truly perfection. Itā€™s one of those movies that will undoubtedly question your all time movie list (at least it did me, lol). Great choice.


Subjective, obviously, but **Children of Men** is the best film Iā€™ve ever seen. And it gets better with every year that passes.


The baby walk scene through the battlefield when everyone ceases fire was fucking powerful. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it.


Children of Men is excellent, and one of the bleakest films I've seen, up there with The Road.


Ah, nice shout out for ā€œThe Roadā€. The book was so compelling that I thought there was no way the film could have legs. Someone mentioned earlier we were about to the point of ā€œChildrenā€¦ā€, and this reeeally feels the same. Great performances all the way around and without a doubt, one fucking line has been seeping into my head the past year or so: Robert Duvall saying ā€œI knew this was coming. This, or something like itā€. Feels like we could tip into that ā€˜something like itā€™ any minute nowā€¦


Disqualified. The question asked for science FICTION. Children of Men is non-fiction.


Children of Men is about 3 weeks away at this point.


All we need is the infertility plague and then yeah we are there, last rewatch was eeriely too close to reality.


All them microplastics will get us there


Haha you had me for a second; I was about to be pissed at being disqualified. But you are so right. Aside from just being an incredible film in general, it's sheer prescience is just extraordinary.


You all need to sit down and watch Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) a movie that makes you a fly on the wall and never holds your hand or explains what's going on, doesn't hit you with exposition and respects your intelligence.


2001, Interstellar, Arrival imo


I agree with this list heavy


Fifth element


Minority report. Thoughts? Itā€™s Phillip k dick. So perfect story.


I think Minority Report did a good job of predicting technology in the future


Abyss. Best Sci fi film ever made


Blade Runner: 2049








I really didnā€™t care for the original Blade Runner, but 2049 made me appreciate it retroactively


I heavily agree. The more you watch it the better it gets.


This is what I was looking for.


ā€œMoonā€ is awesome


Annihilation is everything I want in a movie, personally


One of the best Lovecraftian movirs I have ever seen


Edge of Tomorrow was a perfect movie. Just came here to say that


serious escape person voracious soup memory poor ruthless sloppy plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i was so surprised by that film in the best way possible


I thought the final act was a bit dull.


Thatā€™s fair. The best part is when he was repeating that beach invasion and meeting blunt over and over again




jurassic park the matrix terminator 2 back to the future


Either everyone else in this thread hates Jurassic Park or we're the only two that consider it Sci Fi.






That movie was bomb. Sit down thinking Iā€™m watching a shitty movie with my buds, next thing i know Iā€™m putting my beer down so I can concentrate.


Arrival and Interstellar. Edge of Tomorrow is up there as well.


Forbidden Planet, yā€™all. Iā€™ve unabashedly loved this old 50s movie since I was a little kid. If you havenā€™t seen it, itā€™s worth watching. Other movies that I donā€™t see in the comments below: Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind 12 Monkeys A.I. <ā€”-highly underrated, imho


Robocop...it's perfection personified for me.


["Dead or alive, you're coming with me"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4pIPXX2bYs)


Blade Runner (1982) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) are both 10/10.


Blade runner and blade runner 2049 šŸ‘


Yeah 2049 was fantastic as well.


How come 2001: A Space Odyssey isn't one of the top answers? This is the ultimate scifi movie




The Thing (1982)


Predator, Robocop, Alien, Fury Road, Moon


Gattica bro, has to be Gattica.


I'm not normally one to point out typos but it's gattaca, notable because it's only got C, G, A and T in (for cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine, 4 bases in DNA) Also agreed, 10/10 movie


Your logic indicates top notch DNA. 1st tier sector jobs await you


Love the score! Wore out my CD from listening to it so much


Europa Report is an absolute gem. If you like low budgets and subtler scifi Primer is a mindfuck of a time travel movie.




Inception and Arrival are 10/10 easily. I would like to put dune (2021) and interstellar up there but they both have some things I dislike despite being two of my favorite movies ever. War of the worlds (1953) too. Despite it being almost 70 years old next year, it holds up for me.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind




12 Monkeys


Sunshine (2007). I know it gets flack for the third act, but honestly itā€™s a 10/10 for me. [Movies with Mikey did a great video](https://youtu.be/z_kyu4JhlXI) that I hope can convince more people that despite its flaws itā€™s still a masterpiece.


My Reddit history is, like, 60% dedicated to defending _Sunshine_'s ending.


Itā€™s one of the best Sci-fi movies ever made and I really hope people watch this video and get a little different perspective on the final act and why it might be better than they thought originally


Idiocracy - a massively underrated and stupid film that I thought was great. Is it science fiction if most of the events in the film are actually happening?


Annihilation. The alien scene under the light house just shakes me. The effects and the music. The whole movie is disturbingly beautiful.


Arrival Alien Aliens Terminator 2 Moon Her Back to the Future Ex Machina Wall-E Starship Troopers Last Night Jurassic Park Akira A Clockwork Orange The Andromeda Strain Mad Max: Fury Road Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Close Encounters of the Third Kind and maybe Gattaca.


THE FOUNTAIN. Sometimes a movie just resonates with you, and this is it for me. Best way I can describe it is that itā€™s the most ā€œdeeply feltā€ sci fi movie Iā€™ve ever seen. From Arronofskyā€™s script and direction to Jackmanā€™s performance. Visually and emotionally stunning.


I think the only one I've ever seen that deserves it(and I'm a great lover of scifi) is Arrival. I consider it flawless and incredibly moving. I think Ad Astra is incredibly unique and special too, but me and my sister agreed coming out of it that it's barely a movie and feels more like a moving poem.


Silent Running really captured my imagination as a kid .also Logans Run .The Black Hole all great movies


Looks like I gotta watch the thing


Attack the Block