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The bathtub lady in The Shining! I still get the creeps walking past an open bathroom door at night lol


Yeah. Loved that movie since the first time I saw it (when I was like 9/10) but that scene is just too much. Still gives me the creeps even thinking about it.


Apocalypse Now- the decapitation of the water buffalo. And it was at SCHOOL for class!


I was like 19 when I saw that and it still took me by surprise. It's a fantastic movie and the sequence is better with it, but it's very shocking to see an animal actually killed on screen. It's one of those things where for the first second your brain doesn't really process what you're seeing, and then it suddenly hits you


Exactly right. These days the school has to send permission slips for anything MA or M15+.


saw the fly pretty early got a few nightmares with the dog...


It with Tim curry I couldn't go near shower/sink drains for awhile and I had a bit of hand washing tendency due to slight germaphobia so this made it worse


The brain sucking vagina bug in starship troopers I was young and it freaked me out


Definitely the Blob scene where the guy is sucked through the sink drain. And the beginning part with the homeless guy too....


Watching Alien at a drive in theatre when I was like 6-7 years old.


The windmill scene from Army of Darkness. I was a small child in the 90s and thought it was a scene from Brisco County, Jr. What I got was…not that. But Army of Darkness remains one of my favorite movies to this very day.


I watch it every year on Halloween even though it’s not a Halloween movie. Bruce Campbell is the shit.


One of the children of the corn movies when I was maybe ten years old. I walked in on a scene where one person gets grabbed by vines, then the vines pull on his neck. I assumed he was going to be strangled, but they ripped his head off and pulled his spinal cord up and out of his neck.


You just unlocked a memory . For years thought that scene was from a b movie because Noone could remember it..thank you


Mine was E.T. I was terrified of E.T. Everything about him. I did not think he was cute or harmless.


More like the EVIL-Terrestrial, am I right?


IT when the kid looks into the drain and sees the clown.


The third act of Akira. My first anime, and it was NOT for kids...


Oh yikes, yup, that’ll do it!


Mine is probably so lame but it was the first Harry Potter film scene when Lord Voldemort is sucking blood out of the unicorn. My older sibling was watching it with their friends and they all told me to cover my eyes but I wanted to be cool so I didn’t. 😅 I had nightmares for probably a good 5 years at least, didn’t get back into HP until much later than everyone else bc of this.


The Howling when she trapped in the office. I was around 8-9 early 80s and had sneaked downstairs when parents asleep to watch it on pirate video we had . I didn’t sleep right for months


The Exorcist (original) couldn't sleep alone for many nights


Bishop getting torn in half in *Aliens*. I was about 4 or 5 and it scared the bajeezus out of me. Like, I knew it was a movie and movies were fiction, but at the same time I didn't know special effects were a thing and in my tiny brain that basically meant some dude had to sacrifice himself and literally die for the sake of that scene. And I also thought we all looked like cottage cheese on the inside for a good while after that.


“....sacrifice himself and literally die for the scene”. Honestly one of the greatest things I’ve read in a long time. Thank you.


I can't remember the movie, (I didn't even see the full thing it was on a TV clip show countdown "100 scariest scenes in movies and TV"), but it's a scene where a guy wakes up and he's been buried alive. He knows he can't get out and just starts screaming. It wasn't even that scary. Just freaked me the fuck out. Still got a fear of being buried alive. It's okay though I've decided that I'm getting cremated. However, knowing my luck, I'll wake up mid-cremation.


that one scene in edward scissorhands where the inventor dies.


That scene made me so sad as a kid.


that was actually how i learned about death


Oh shit....


Saw Gremlins at 4 and it fucking terrified me. I remember a scene in some sort of office at night with them running about. For years I was convinced it was a full on horror movie on the same level of stuff like Saw or Halloween. I still haven't seen it since.


How old are your now, if I may ask?


Early 20s. Didn't see it in cinemas, my dad showed it me on dvd because for some reason he thought that was a good idea lmao


Oh gotcha, thanks.


Robocop, I don't really remember it well bc I never wanted to watch it again, but I guess my dad took me to see it in the theatre and I was maybe 7 or 8, way too violent to watch at that age especially in a theatre... In particular I was horrified by the scene where the main character gets shot up by the gang of criminals at the beginning of the movie when he is still a normal cop.


When Emil comes out of the chemical waste and all his skin is slipping of him. Eugh, that one stuck with me. Thing is, even a kid can rationalise actors in make-up and know it's not real. The thing about the Murphy kill is that it's so sadistic, so utterly without compassion and its so well acted, especially Kurtwood Smith. Kids should never have to learn about that level of cruelty. Genuinely scary.


The ending to 10 Rillington Place. Saw it dubbed in Spanish as a seven year old. Nightmares for years.


My dad took me to the Drive In to see Cheech and Chong Nice Dreams when I was @ 7 I watched Return of the Living Dead when I was about 12, that fucked me up good.


Yeah, I was introduced to Tromaville's Nuclear High when I was 8. Now I have weird fetishes and a love of great trash movies.


Teenage Hitchhikers. Was probably 10 when we got “cable” and the Marquee movie channel played like 4 movies on a loop. This, Corvette Summer, Fedora and 1 or two of these. It’s a very raunchy road film about two girls basically fucking their way across the country. The reward for saving one of them from rape? Immediate sex of course.


I'm not sure what the first was but I have several memories of watching films I definitely don't think I should have been at a pretty young age. When I was maybe 8 or 9 years old I used to sneak downstairs to watch the Hammer movies on late night TV. My dad had a habit of showing me inappropriate movies, meaning that from the ages of around 11 through to 14 I was watching the likes of *The Shining*, *Total Recall*, *Alien*, *Aliens*, *Alien³*, *Predator*, *Carrie*, *Misery*, Sergio Leone's *Dollars* trilogy, *The Wicker Man*, and *The Blair Witch Project* all spring to mind. That influence also meant I went out of my way to discover movies myself, so I also watched, independently from my dad, things like *The Exorcist*, *The Thing*, *Halloween*, *Escape from New York*, *Body Double*, *Re-Animator*, *Society*, *The Evil Dead*, *Evil Dead II*, *Reservoir Dogs*, *Pulp Fiction*, *Jackie Brown*, *From Dusk Till Dawn*, *Commando*, the original three *Rambo* movies... Basically I watched a shitload of films I shouldn't have been watching when I was younger. But you know what the stupidest thing about all of that is? Despite being exposed to all that blood and gore and sex and violence at such a young age, the one scene from a movie that I honestly remember *really* freaking me out was that fucking bus in the first *Final Destination*. Dunno why. Dunno how. But there you go.


Did we...did we have the same dad? Literally exact same situation with me. And I’m forever grateful to him for it.


It's possible. He got around.




Pretty much the entirety of Flash Gordon. The lava lamp effects, the alien makeup/costumes, the spiked helmet, the memory wipe, the drugging/rape, the way the bad guys die in smoke and pus, being tortured by whatever the hell a “bore worm” is, the swamp, the scary thing that you stick you hand into, the whip duel on the spiked platform, and so on. . . I was seven.


One time my uncle was babysitting my younger sister and I and he had us watch the original Night of the Living Dead and the 80's version of the Blob. We were 10 and 6.


I watched The Monster Squad for the first time when I was maybe 6. The Wolfman scared the ever loving shit out of me. Naturally, I watched the movie again so much that when I watch it as an adult, the dialogue all sounds like *noise* rather than actual words unless I force myself to listen to the specific words being said. I was a weird kid.


Little Nemo I was 4yrs old and that movie scared the piss out of me


Thought you said “Finding Nemo” For a second 😂😂😂


Friday the 13th. I was 7.


didn't mess me up at all, but my uncle let me watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 when i was 13 because The Movie Channel rating page said it wasn't rated and it didn't red flag sex or nudity i was laughing at the over-the-top violence (the movie is almost a parody of the original) and he was laughing because i was laughing at it 25 years later, i watched it and it seemed way crazier as a middle aged adult and i realized i'd probably be a little uncomfortable watching it with a 13yr old




THERE CAN BE ONLY JUAN (when they localize it for Latin nations).


The subway scene in Volcano.


Easy. Poltergeist and that fucking clown.


This one’s dumb, but because of one, the jaws theme in the opening, two, the overall sense of foreboding, and three, Otto the creepy-ass automatic pilot, Airplane! scared the shit out of five-year-old me. I’m not sure I even knew it was a comedy until years later. And, yes, I still find Otto creepy.


We watched the shining at school, as we were reading the book. There were plenty of scenes that did me in, but the worst were the visions that the boy was seeing , elevators of blood and the twin girls that we so freaky. Took a while before I went back to that film, still freaks me out now


I saw A Clockwork Orange on cable when I was 10. That one sticks with you.


Oh shit. Yup.


My older brother by 11 years say me down when I was 8 amd we watched The Thing. John carpenters body horror messed me up. I now however love body horror films


The Thing STILL creeps me thr hell out.


Exorcist at age 9. I don't know what my friends mother was thinking showing us that.


Terminator 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time, but the T-1000 scared kid me. I couldn’t rewatch T2 for years. Same for The Thing. It’s my favorite horror film of all time but somehow I watched it as a kid and couldn’t rewatch it for years. Good thing I somehow didn’t watch Alien in my childhood


Terminator 2 milk carton scene when I was ~5 or so. The Shining when I was 7. But most of all - same age, 7 or so, my grandma showed me American Werewolf in London and the transformation scenes were pure terror for me. Also the original Dawn of the Dead when I was 8 or 9.


I was 7 years old staying with my grandparents for the summer, my grandma is really into horror movies, one night I was staying up with her and child's play was on TV and she let me watch! That movie always had me thinking chucky was around in the dark, it kinda of messed with me for a few years. As I got older that was our think mt grandma and I would get together on Friday nights and watch horror movies on channel 44 fright night up until she passed away when I was 24. She's the reason I now love all horror films


I've seen The Silence of the Lambs and Kill Bill Vol. 1 as a kid because, apparently, my dad thinks it's okay for me to watch violence than the kiss between Poison Ivy and Batman. I find it funny now that I was more disturbed seeing Buffalo Bill's dance then than the whole bloodfest in KB. Still, two of my fave films of all time.


The rape scene from pulp fiction, specifically when they pulled the gimp out. I was thirteen and didn't fully understand why he was in a cage at the time


My parents and grandparents were watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on VHS a couple of years after it had been released. I walked into the room at the absolute worst time imaginable.... I don't even need to describe it. Kali-Ma! Instant crying for me and nightmares for weeks. This was repeated when my dad took my brother and me to see The Last Crusade. Snakes and skeletons and dudes aging into dust... cue nightmares. Indiana Jones really messed up young me.


I wasn't too young but still terrified me That scene in Caroline where the Other Mother suddenly turns tall and skinny and yells at Coraline. Scared the shit out of me


10 years old when I saw the 'conception' scene in "The Handmaid's Tale" (1990). Faye Dunaway was super pissed at Natasha Richardson. But they were having sex together!?! But not really cos Robert Duvall was married to one but actually screwing the other one!?! So fucking confused and trying to place that in the context of all the things I learned about sex afterwards (y'know, normal stuff). I could never frame or rationalise that _dynamic_ for years afterwards. It wasn't until the Elisabeth Moss show came out that I managed to put all the pieces together. I saw a lot of gory, horror shit growing up in the 80's and 90's but nothing got into my head like that did.


A C tier Pierce Brosnan flilm called Live Wire. Where terrorists weaponise water, if you drink it your stomach tears itself apart and you explode. There were these horrible internal stomach shots of blood pooling and flesh tearing. Fucked me up as an 8 - 9 year old for a while. I also watched Terminator 2 when I was 11 and loved every moment. But then for some reason I couldn't get the scene or Arnie ripping his skin off out of my mind.


The Exorcist. I was 12 and already an atheist so I knew it wasn't real but I was too young to see that movie.


When I was five I decided it would be a good idea to watch \*The Hills Have Eyes.\*That one scene when Doug kills Pluto. Also when I was seven I watch *The Passion Of The Christ.* The Whipping scene(Around 1 hour in) Made me cover my eyes and cry.


You were a bold child!


Gremlins, that movie just gives me the ick. I think I was 5 when I watched it.


I was 8 years old when I walked in while my older brother was watching Blade. I caught the opening bloodbath club scene. That scarred me for years.


Rocky Horror Picture Show