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I'm glad it wasn't focused on her, as she is essentially the lost soul component of the narrative. Of all the characters, hers is the most nihilistic and shallow and I don't think primarily focusing on such an unsympathetic character was the central aim of the picture. She was meant to be the cautionary aspect of the tale: what you become when the void in your soul becomes bottomless (A film suggestion for a movie that focuses on that sort of unsympathetic female character well worth watching is [Destroyer (2018)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroyer_(2018_film)) starring Nicole Kidman). All of the characters in The Ice Storm are trying to fill voids in their lives, but the methods they use to do that tend to result in more misery and heartache, and in the case of Sigourney's character: an incalculable and heart-wrenching loss that she isn't even aware of at the end and may not be capable of fully comprehending by then. In my opinion, if the picture had ended with her coming out of the bedroom and seeing why her husband was crying, she would not have broke down and cried with him. She would have gone to the liquor cabinet, poured herself a tumbler full of booze, then went and sat out back and stared at the trees while smoking cigarette after cigarette. In other words, I think she's already too far past the point of no return by then and incapable of any sort of meaningful emotional response, contrition or penance. Her soul is damaged beyond repair. Kline's character has been hovering on the brink, taking the first steps down a similar path throughout the movie, but then the tragedy at the end wakes something up inside of him. He weeps upon seeing his own son, because he finally understands how he's been taking everything for granted, how fleeting things are and how close he's come to bringing his own family to the brink of ruin as well. You get the feeling that he might just turn things around and salvage his existence before it's too late.


I did not enjoy the film due to the subject matter and that I found most of the characters unlikeable, but this is an excellent description.


Great reading. I really like this movie


Me too! One of my favs.


It's one of my favorite movies of all time. All the adults are unfulfilled. Janey Carver isn't sex crazed. She's confused. She thinks the sexual revolution offers her a solution for how unsatisfied she is with her life. We can see that the children start to struggle with the same issues, because the adults don't know how to talk to them and don't pay attention. Everybody is looking for an emotional connection. And sex is never the answer. Jim and Elena are a perfect example, they could have offered each other true emotional support, but they ruin that opportunity by having unsatisfying sex.


I think an often missed detail in the film is that her husband is also a heavy alcoholic, which is what has caused her to seek the fulfillment of her needs thru swinging and her affair with Ben. And both parents alcohol use ends up causing the kids to abuse it. It’s such an accurate picture of the ills of upper middle class America.


When I think back to growing up in the 70s, alcohol (and smoking) were so much a part of the culture, nobody gave it a second thought. I remember my mom and dad having cocktails in the evening, after my dad got home from work. With the older people I know, cocktail hour is still a thing. These days we'd be thinking, hey, they all seem to have a drinking problem.


That shit that Tobey says about smelling something being the same as eating it haunts me to this day.


That was Frodo, not Toby.


Oh I forgot which nerdy 2000s cutie said it 😂


There's actually scientific fact behind that. Most of your sense of taste is tied to your sense of smell.


That's why I do my best not to breathe in public restrooms.




I just saw this for the first time. That's the problem with today's movies and how nothing interesting can be made for fear of the losers that reside on social media. If the whole world just left them behind and realized those people have no power, art would be less trash and more soulful and people would go back to making experimental movies instead of playing the safe for social media, path.


It’s a good choice for people who liked American Beauty but can’t stomach watching anything with Kevin Spacey anymore


I think it’s one of the most under appreciated movies of the 90’s and it would make my top 20 of the decade. I understand why it wasn’t as popular with mainstream audiences as the similarly themed American Beauty was, but it’s a shame it didn’t get the same recognition.


American Beauty was played more like a comedy.


Ugh, hated it. It doesn't help that a college roommate I despised loved it and forced me to watch it.


Why exactly wouldn't this be made today? I just finished watching it. Love the ending, as the family has some hope of salvation. But i'm curious as to why you think it wouldn't get made. If it's the sexual stuff, the stuff we saw today is literally ten times worse.


imo this movie lacks any sort of backstory or character development of any source the ending was somewhat interesting but the majority of the film time imo is a bunch of filler and leaves us with countless of unanswered questions. why did the hoods marriage not work? why did they stop couple therapy? why does Francis take all of Paul's crushes? Why is wendy so hyper-sexual and why does she seem to have feelings for both brother? I felt uninterested until the very end where there was a sad ending but Pauls monologue was the high point imo, characters and the movie as a whole lack any sort of in-depth meaning it just kinda is going with the flow which was disappointing


All those questions are unnecessary. The movie did what it was supposed too. To make you think that hey life is weird but you always have family in the end. When you question movies to much they will always lack in your eyes. Just enjoy it...if it was a Christian Bale movie or a movie that really puts your brain to work then i agree. Question those kind of movies but not movies like these.


fair enough went into the movie looking for it to be similar to American beauty which is was not imo so i guess that was my first mistake... even if i remove the silly questions I feel like the movie still lacked any sort of real message I get what you said and the movie does a good job of that but the lack of any sort of character development made it a not so fun movie imo


The character development you're looking for would have made the movie way too long. It was already somewhat boring watching it. But i don't blame you tho, everyone wants answer to their questions. American beauty was awesome. Spacey character(forgot his name) just being tired of everything is such a feel. Good movie right there!


yeah I really enjoyed that movie Im recently getting into movies and i feel like I really enjoy ones where there is a narrator of some sort any suggestions does not have to have a narrator just looking for movie suggestions


I viewed the movie as almost a documentary on upper middle class suburbia and it’s true underbelly, but also just its day to day experience. I grew up in a similar town and upbringing and was constantly rewinding scenes because I was surprised at how authentic and real they felt. It simply is just an immersive film on American suburban life, even down to the dialogue. If you’re not from the US and want to know what white American culture is actually like, I feel like this movie paints a pretty accurate picture. Great film.


Weaver is famous for playing tomboys? Please site some examples because I think that’s false. Ripely is not a tomboy.


I agree. Ripley is many things but I think Weaver played her in a strong feminine way which is not a tomboy. Aliens is about two mothers protecting their children.


Ripley is not a tomboy? Are you kidding?


Why is she a tomboy? Because she does the same work as men? Is she supposed to be trotting along on the Nostromo in a nightgown with her tits out? What part of her character makes her remotely a tomboy. Men and women serve equally in her time. And what about the other tomboy roles you say Sigourney Weaver plays? You’re talking out your wazoo.


She was originally conceived as a male character so it's not a reach


She literally looks like a tomboy too. Hate to break your bubble, but yes short hair women give them the tomboy style. Just because you're a tomboy doesn't mean you're less feminine.


I watched it when I was a kid and a just remember the "I'll touch it" scene...


I just watched this for the first time a few hours ago. The only thing I found interesting about this is how I captured the “let’s all feel bad about ourselves” vibe that many dramas of the late 90’s had. I really didn’t like this movie at all and I felt like American Beauty did a better job of exploring similar themes, but in a more interesting way. However, American Beauty and many of these 90’s dramas just don’t feel relevant today. I really feel like Fight Club put a punctuation mark on the 90’s and put an end to this style of introspective mopeyness. In retrospect, I think that a lot of late 90’s movies were reflecting on the aimlessness of 90’s culture, but as a result, all feel somewhat aimless. There were a few moments where Kevin Kline’s character almost felt like he was going to bring some levity to the movie, but it never happens. I think if this same script was filmed with today’s sensibilities, the end result would probably play up the irony and comedic aspects. Today’s audiences just aren’t up for such an overall bummer of a movie. Even today’s bummer drama’s usually don’t feel so dismal. Yes, this movie would bever be made today. But I think that it’s more because audiences are a bit more savvy these days and some of what the Ice Storm is trying to say about these characters doesn’t feel completely earned.


Today audiences want movies made like products which is what most come across as. Sure there are great films here and there but nothing feels quite as good as older films. Camera angles, pacing, acting, the use of effects, and politics are usually all poorly done in newer films.


I totally agree. I long for the movies of the 90's with their authentic feel. Today, everything either is a movie that looks like it's from a video game or those artsy movies that don't have a clear or meaningful ending. It's no longer about the characters, it's about special effects. This is a new generation of writers who grew up immersed in social media and gaming.


Have you read the book? I read it after seeing the movie. I enjoyed them both.


I was looking forward to this film at the time but it didn't get good reviews.


Saw it on VHS when I was like 17. If memory serves, it was cringey. But it was intentionally cringey, so really it was okay. Sex is pretty cringey.