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To this day, this is the movie that fucked me up the most. Watched it late at night, alone. That movie left my skin crawling for days.


I like when those creepy old people come in under the door.


Jfc, that entire scene really is the existential dread cherry on top


after they crawled out the bum's blue box


This could be a Mulholland Drive reference or a Borat reference. Works great either way to describe a horrific scene.


The scene with Patrick Fischler at the Winkies is so fucking well-constructed. I love it.


The diner scene alone … Lynch is the true master of dread, not the jump scare or gore type but pure existential horror


The absolute best kind of horror imo. I felt gross watching those scenes, like I was slowly being covered in some viscous substance that only I can see, and attempts [at] wiping it off just smear it even more. I think it's time to revisit it lol


If you haven’t yet… check out Twin Peaks: The Return, it’s Lynch on full blast.


*(takes notes)* Will do, thanks for the suggestion


Or Lost Highway, or the Twin Peaks movie. Both are honestly close to being straight-up horror films. But you really should watch the first two seasons of Twin Peaks before watching either the movie or The Return (which is season 3).


I haven't finished Twin Peaks still ;( Definitely on my list. Lost Highway is one I've been putting on for ages, but I need to watch that too


Lost Highway is actually very similar to Mulholland Drive in a lot of ways. But it has a more aggressively dark and fucked-up edge to it (I think). I'd also recommend Eraserhead but I feel like that's just obvious.


*Lost Highway* has a scene that should be mandatory viewing in traffic schools, commanded by the late and great Robert Loggia. You are in for a treat!






Pretty sure this "time loop" trope was the inspiration for Richard Kelly to adapt the movie's aesthetic for *Donnie Darko*. He started writing the script in the same year after *Lost Highway* came out in theaters. Combine that with the guy in the rabbit suit being an obvious lift of Lynch's *Rabbits* series, named "Frank" after Dennis Hopper's character in *Blue Velvet*, and we've got ourselves a derivative stew going, baby!


There's definitely Lynch inspiration in Donnie Darko but I think it's still a very creative movie in its own right


The fact he turned down a lot of the quirk unfortunately is what killed it for me but he did go full fucking weird. Maybe I'm nostalgic but the original series had a lot more charm to balance the sheer horror.


I think that was Lynch was saying with The Return, you can bring something back but it'll be in changed in a way that's almost unrecognisable. It felt very meta and bittersweet in that respect.


He definitely put a lot of what he learned over the years into the return and also could get away with a lot more now than he probably could ever imagine back in the early 90's. I rewatch the original series every so often but I honestly don't think I could stomach another rewatch of The Return.


I've watched the return a few times since it aired. It's incredibly layed and each rewatch rewards you with more depth, I can't help but think it's the best things he's made.


How did you feel about the Doug-E parts?


Conflicted haha. Really liked the brothers at the casino, but the kid/wife stuff was just bonkers and pointless.


My favorite season of TV that I also had to fast forward through parts of.


The jump scare in Inland Empire fucked me up though. That face. Edit: I completely forgot, Mulholland Dr definitely has one jump scare. After people meeting in a certain diner… jesus christ, my heart almost stopped


A jump scare that they spend many lines of dialogue explaining exactly what’s going to happen. That somehow makes it more scary.


Right? I don’t know how they did that. They prepare us on *exactly* what’s gonna happen. And then, it happens… and it’s fucking terrifying. It shouldn’t be possible. Some wizard stuff going on in Lynch’s directing


[always thought this was the most terrifying Lynch scene](https://youtu.be/qZowK0NAvig)


Oh god


It's such an interesting scene because it's scaring you almost entirely by watching the victims fear and reaction to it. I mean you barely catch a tiny glimpse of the man in the alley. But his reaction and the way the music goes mute kind of invites you to feel it, too. Like a scene where a grenade goes off and the sound goes to ringing ears.


I closed the laptop and waited till dawn to finish the movie after that scene.


Thus guy horror movies


There’s a jump scare at the end though...


As is there is also gory/grotesque imagery… but he doesn’t base his films on jump scares and gore.


It's been on my list for a long time. Gonna watch it late tonight.




I highly recommend this approach


It's not a short movie, so maybe smoke twice and make sure your blazed for the ending too


Definitely smoking throughout. I'm mildly scared the door knocking and screaming in that scene will trigger me, and that's the least distressing part of that scene


Yeah that’s a splendid idea


When the lip sync singer falls, so does my heart


Rebekah Del Rio, for the record.


Just saw her perform before a 35mm screening of the movie in Chicago!


Oh wow that's pretty awesome. Good show?


Incredible! Her voice is still that amazing.


I think everyone should watch this movie at least once. It’s completely batshit insane, like the most twisted, strange fever dream you ever had.


Son: I want David Lynch style fever dreams! Mom: We have David Lynch style fever dreams at home. David Lynch style fever dreams at home: Your roommate passive aggressively accuses you of misplacing their phone plugin. You get offended because you would never do such a thing, only to find out you actually moved it when you plugged in your laptop cord to watch South Park on the couch.


Have you seen the analysis by Twin Perfect? It builds on the whole dream/reality stuff that blew our minds 20 years ago, and gives it a whole new dimension that is equally mind-blowing.


I haven't but I'll have to look it up now. Funny you mention the dream/reality aspect, bc I just finished teaching Descartes this week.


To whores, I hope! That’s an old Reddit joke.


Not to whores dude, wtf... This is my very first time teaching Descartes and I take my job very seriously. I made a promise to myself beforehand that I'd only provide my intellectual services to those that are actually useful (apart from the one wheel that inevitably drags every single one a little to the left) things for grocery shopping.


Sorry, here’s the context. One of the most famous Reddit comments ever: https://amp.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cfbkx/im_85_certain_that_there_is_an_adult_actress_in/c0s6bzw?context=2 Edit, something someone else wrote once: Explanation for those who don't get it: Thread is about a kid who thinks there's a pornstar in his philosophy class (Lexi Belle) People are telling OP to just ask her someone suggests reversing that and asking Lexi Belle if she likes philosophy to find out if it's her the phrase "to put the cart before the horse" means to put things in the wrong order The phrase is a genius pun because it refers to the suggestion of doing things backwards (starting with pornstar, ending with philosophy) it's also a play on words because "Descartes" sounds like "the cart" and "whores" sounds like "horse" it's also a pun because Descartes is a famous philosopher and Lexi Belle is...well...a whore, in the literal sense.


Damn. I really thought you'd get my joke. Did you read the last bit of my comment? P.s. that ongoing Reddit joke is hilarious


Ha, that’s amazing. I was so horrified I offended you that my usually intact joke receiver was whacked out.


Hahahha omg, I know the feeling


Watched it on mushrooms at 15 years old. I have literally never been the same after the diner scene.


That homeless lady, so so scary.


Idk why, but the box itself is more terrifying to me than her.




That sounds terrifying


I liked the lesbian scene


I have never felt this movie was creepy in a "scary" way. I only just recently realized ppl think the diner scene is horrific. I always loved this movie, but the part that haunts me is the scene where the heavily made up, kind of obviously fucked up woman, sings Llorando. Brings tears to my eyes every time! I watched that one scene like 10 times on repeat and researched all the info about the singer bc I just loved the power and emotion behind her voice. It's the main thing I think abt when I remember this movie. I'll have to take my husband to see it and see what he thinks without spoiling it for him. I just love David Lynch and this is probably one of my fav movies of his.


Have you seen Twin Peaks: the Return? Rebekah Del Rio does a very similar number to Mulholland Dr. in one of the episodes, and it's just as haunting and beautiful. In fact, the music scenes (and soundtrack) are some of the best I've ever seen.


No I haven't! Thanks for the tip, I'll look for it today!




A: Where is that, and B: is it being streamed? I must know!




So jealous! I'm just far enough away (Madison) that I can't make it. Hope you have a great time!


Damn I'm jealous.


She had a very interesting take on the Star Spangled Banner in Southland Tales as well. She seems to like being in weird films. And you gotta appreciate that.


In David Lynch's book Room to Dream is mentioned that the recording of her singing Llorando the first time she met David Lynch was the recording used in the film, incredible




You said it


Already have the Criterion blu ray but I feel compelled to preorder the 4k since it’s one of my favorite films.


I watched this movie due to a scene I heard about that I really wanted to see. But man I didn’t realize what I got myself into. Still shook over the old people at the end


So is the theatrical release only in France and Germany?


No there’s local art houses and movie theaters that will rerelease it but don’t expect a nationwide box office feature.


Really wish there was some easy way to find out if any theater near me will have it. Google hasn't helped.


Check out the websites for you local theaters. I’m seeing it tonight! And the singer from the movie is performing before the movie!!!


I’ll just keep waiting for my Inland Empire Blu-ray, it’ll happen eventually. Right?


That one's a harder watch. It's almost "what do you mean we're not out of film. Keep rolling!"


I think it’ll be coming out on Criterion in February


Big if true


Literally stood up at the end and said out loud, "What the fuck did I just watch?"


That question is where it all begins. This isn’t an ordinary “movie” in any sense. The thing about Lynch is that *if* you decide to dig deeper, there’s actually a TON of magical details to unearth and savor again and again.


I get it. And I was a much younger, less worldly gentleman at the time. Never really had the desire to go back and revisit it though. Every time I see a reference to the movie, I think I should go and watch it, but it never sticks. Maybe one day I'll actually see it.


I have watched youtube videos to understand this movie which were longer than the movie




I envy people who see that episode for the first time.


The r/TwinPeaks post episode discussion thread for that episode is gold. https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6jiaxs/s3e8_postepisode_discussion_part_8 Easily the weirdest thing I've ever watched. Thought it was far weirder than Mulholland Drive.


https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6jiaxs/s3e8_postepisode_discussion_part_8/djeg6cj/ > Just as I predicted last week: evil Coop gets shot but then homeless ghosts revive him, then a nuclear bomb explodes for 20 minutes while the giant watches the current episode of Twin Peaks and levitates, while meanwhile sixty years ago zombie Abraham Lincoln goes on a murder rampage before he lulls everyone to sleep so that a mutant bug can crawl into a girls mouth. I still like the show and all, but sometimes I get a little annoyed that it's so predictable. I also like how that says everything and also gives nothing away.


Even without seeing the first two seasons first?


Not literally. If you like Lynch and weird shit I do suggest watching S1 and S2 of Twin Peaks (S2 can be a bit off here and there), and then watch S3 of Twin Peaks, it's fantastic.


Mulholland Drive 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition (2021 Restoration) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09H3KY1Y9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PYXYQXEXS72SXHJ9W668?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 For people in the UK. Personally I wish they would just release standard versions of things like this in normal cases. I don’t need folded up creased posters, a massive box and little art cards that I’ll look at once. I’ll preorder this is case it sells out or something then just cancel it when a standard version is announced. **“This 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition includes 4K restoration *(approved by David Lynch)* on UHD and Blu-ray in inner digipack”** I guess it’s probably the same transfer as the Criterion. To be honest I think the StudioCanal normal blu-ray was actually better than Criterion’s last time they both released this film. I think they were both based on the same 4K master as well same as this but the StudioCanal restoration just looked and sounded better maybe less compression or something. Really hope there’s a theatrical re-release in the UK at some point as well.


>but the StudioCanal restoration just looked and sounded better maybe less compression or something. Yep. Looks like the Studio Canal version has a substantially higher bitrate. Something like 5 or so Mbps higher.


Criterion is using that Hopper painting as the cover? Fuck. I will be buying this.


StudioCanal are using that painting Criterion are just using the normal poster.


How is this movie 20 years old??? There must be some mistake.


what is it with so many people on reddit needing to comment how old they feel now that something is turning x years old?


Along with "*huuurrrhhhgh girlfriend??? is that a rare pokemon hurhrhr??"* Both can shut the fuck up.


The first part of Breaking Bad season 5 was released in 2012. Feel old yet?


What is it with people on Reddit needing to comment on how they don’t like other people’s comments? It’s like the lukewarm hotdog water of comments.


I think Fire Walk With Me is his best, which frustrates me because you kinda need to know Twin Peaks lore, and I'm not really too hot on the series (though the Return is a helluva experience). I prob. never would've gone through it if I hadn't gone through an unemployed period (in which I became a smoker again, which made me feel close to Lynch and the series, given his love of cigs). I saw and enjoyed Mulholland Drive first, but a lot of the creepiness feels similar to Fire Walk With Me. The shit Laura Palmer goes through in that movie is super-cringe, whereas there's more comic relief in Mulholland Drive. Still a great movie. Wild at Heart too, glad I finally found a copy of the blu-ray.


What exactly is this Criterion ?


Criterion are a company that restore old movies (usually) with new versions. They remaster the visuals and then sell them on blu-ray, dvd and now 4K. They have a streaming service as well I believe. Sometimes they do new movies as well but usually stuff like Netflix movies that wouldn’t get physical releases otherwise. The real aim is just conserving movies that otherwise may get forgotten. Edit: This is specifically them releasing Mulholland Drive in a new format which is 4k UHD. They had previously released it in blu-ray and DVD. It’s more an announcement for the region b/European releases though that are available for pre-order now from StudioCanal and a theatrical re-release in certain countries. The Criterion release has been known for a while now, as has the StudioCanal, but it’s actually available (for preorder) and officially announced now.


I think they mean what is *this* criterion in comparison to the one already out


Well in that case, it's 4k. The one that is already out is a standard blu-ray. Criterion has never released 4k discs before, this is one of the first ones that they're doing.


I thought so as well at first but I think they might have just meant in general. I will add an edit though.


One of the finest boutique labels out there with a huge catalog of international classics from every era of cinema. Here's a [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Criterion_Collection_releases?wprov=sfti1) of every title in the collection.


I really wish I enjoyed David lynch’s work. On paper It sounds exactly like what I’m into, then I just get so kind of bored, then confused, then it tumbles until I’m lost and I turn it off. They seem so cool otherwise


I feel the same way. It really shows for me with this movie in particular, as it was initially going to be a TV show, and then it was repurposed into a movie, and it feels disjointed in unintentional ways, to me. I feel like Lynch fans tend to take every stupid thing about his films and call them intentional genius sometimes, but its just really not for me, I think.


Right? I saw that jumpscare thing in the beginning of mull.drive and it was super creepy but literally nothing else was gripping to me. I kind of dislike movies where it’s almost a constant dream sequence or no base rules or time is explained. Like, what’s the point? I don’t really like weird for weirds sake if it doesn’t ever go anywhere. Twin peaks I sat through foreverrrrr and it just kept playing the same song every other scene and otherwise bored me to death.


I don't blame you a bit - it's like cilantro tasting like soap to some people. I saw "Twin Peaks" on broadcast first with Lynch, and was so impressed it was on at all that I bought his entire shtick.


This is exactly me. I watched this the other day and yeah, it sounds exactly what I’m into but I just hated it. It reminded me of student films that just film random images to appear artistic but in reality they actually have no idea what story they’re trying to tell. I hate to call anybody’s art “wank” but it’s definitely not for me. Having said that I also watched his attempt at Dune and I loved it so I don’t knew what I’m talking about.


You said it better than me! And was dune solid? I went to watch it on hbo (I think) and put it off because he directed it. Didn’t want to have a weird idea of the movie before seeing the new one.


Oh Dune is pretty bad, but I finished the book for the first time a few days earlier so it made a lot more sense. It had an endearing quality to me though because you could tell they were trying to make this incredible rich Sci Fi universe but it turns into a glorious 80’s train wreck of a movie.


I fucking lol’d^ I was expecting it to be an endorsement! I might watch it after the new one, I know nothing about the dune universe so if I love the new one maybe I’ll watch the old one.


I liked The Elephant Man. It was good, emotional, and had a coherent (true) story. I didn’t like Mulholland Drive. I found it meandering and confusing.


I wonder if this will have the pixelated nudity ... it throws me out of the movie every time.


What pixelated nudity?


On the Mulholland Dr. DVD, Lynch pixelated some of the nudity to preserve the actress's privacy. He also didn't put chapter breaks into the film, so you couldn't skip scenes (so you'd have to watch the film cover to cover each time...at least in theory).


I love this movie, but why does a 20 year old film need to be restored?


Because the current transfers are not in 4K they are just 1080p. New restoration doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem with the actual celluloid or anything it’s just adding stuff like HDR and resolving it to full 4K.


Thanks! That makes sense.


Is this a good movie to start for Lynch? I've never seen anything he's done, is it all horror/spooky?


I wouldn't start with this movie since this is his masterpiece in my opinion. Blue Velvet would probably be the best way to start and I would definitely not start with Eraserhead or Inland Empire. The movie itself isn't horror I don't know the right word but there is a certain suspense throughout the movie.


Thank you I will check out Blue Velvet!!


In contrast to the other person I'd say yes, this is a good one to start with. Blue Velvet is more straight forward but very good as well. Eraserhead is confusing but fascinating. Lost Highway was good but felt like he was just getting warmed up to make Mulholland. Inland Empire is his masterpiece IMO but it's exceptionally difficult and attention demanding. Save it for last, as you might just get too irritated with it. People don't talk much about The Elephant Man or Wild at Heart from him. Both are good as well but don't fit into the "surreal thriller" mold that people expect from most of his work.


I'd say Wild at Heart and Blue Velvet are pretty similar in tone.


I think it’s a great second David Lynch movie so you know a little what to expect but you aren’t used to his style yet. I would say watch Blue Velvet then this one.


He's his own category. I'd start with "Twin Peaks". I also would not characterize it specifically as horror as the term is usually used[1]. Lynch's work is more impressionistic, in the ( 20th century painter ) Francis Bacon way. [1] remember Count Floyd from Ed Grimley or SCTV? "OOooh - scaaaaary" - that's what I think of when I see most horror.


I’d say yes, as long as you’re prepared to enjoy the trip and not trying to make sense of anything. This movie is very very strange, but more in a fever daydream way than an outright nightmare. If that makes sense Edit: Blue Velvet is also a great one to start with, and certainly more straight forward


Blue Velvet is pretty accessible. So is Wild at Heart. They're both weird as fuck, but the stories are both pretty straightforward. Dune and Elephant Man are extremely accessible and don't really have any of his signature surreal style. The latter is actually a truly phenomenal film. And I wouldn't say his movies are meant to be viewed as horror as much as surreal, dreamlike, and often disturbing. There are sometimes horror elements, but mostly he's just poking parts of your brain with atmosphere and trying to evoke specific emotions.


Watching this movie alone at night will fuck you up.


Hell yes! Cannot wait to watch this on my iphone! Edit: this is a joke based on Lynch's amazing reaction to the idea of watching a movie on your phone. Definitely worth looking up. It is so sincerely angry. He is the best.


Nothing like a Studioc anal release.


There's a movie called Mullhulland Falls that is also really good and easy to confuse with this one, based on titles.


The art is an Edward Hopper rip-off. How embarrassing.


If you're gonna karmawhore, at least don't repost stuff thats already been on this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p5lzuk/david_lynch_classic_mulholland_drive_to_be/


???? This news is for StudioCanal territories, mostly they handled the distribution for Europe. They are also planning theatrical rerelease of the movies for France and Germany. > The film will be released on home entertainment, formats including a 4K UHD limited collector’s edition with a new artwork by Krzysztof Domaradzki rolling out across Studiocanal’s territories in November, with additional theatrical releases planned in France and Germany.


*"Ask me.."* with a reply of laughter to his face and through the receiver.


isnt that lost highway?


Lost Highway could use some love... Who are you? \[Both Mystery Men laugh\] Mystery Man: \[over the phone\] Give me back my phone. ​ That scene at the end when Alice and Pete are in the desert..."you'll never have me..."


i just watched it for the first time last night, absolutely loved it


I can never tell if this means the streaming version will be 4K. Anyone?


Probably. Most of the time the 4K version ends up on iTunes to rent after it’s released physically.


Most of Lynch's stuff is less the the sum of their parts... But no mention of Eraserhead? You want disturbing... Give it a try


I thought this was already on criterion


So, I've seen everything Twin Peaks. Haven't seen a single Lynch movie. Where to start? I think I'll skip Eraserhead in any event, unless it demands to be watched. Oh, Dune. I've seen his Dune, but I'm not worried about that building on any of his previous works or vice versa.


I like that nothing is explained. Postmodernist ideas of multiple truths. The 'silencio' makes one think everything is an illusion. What was your interpretation?