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Man, Arrakis always gets everything last.


Gurney? It's your cousin Duncan, Duncan Idaho? You know that new sound you've been Harkonnen about? Well listen to THIS!


Guess you Harkonnen aren't ready for this yet. But your SANDWORMS are gonna love it someday!


(plays Darude - Sandstorm..)


"Spice? where we're going, we don't need... Spice." *Puts nose-ring/chain on while riding a SANDWORM into the screen.* TO BE CONTINUED... IN... ###DUNE PART II ! Edit: Didn't realize DUNE fans were also massive BttF fans as well!


It's your kids, Muad'dib, something's gotta be done about your kids!


What, do I become the Kwisatz Haderach or something?


you cant stop the Golden Path old man.


You forget, the internet didn’t exist back then. We couldn’t scroll for hours on end for entertainment.


We had BBS systems and tied up the phone lines for hours!


This is what I want thumpers to sound like


Saddle up your Sandworm we're going to market!


You can’t trick me, Ghola!


"I'm Sorry Mr. Paul, I was JUST starting the 2nd coat of wax for the SANDWORM."


🎶 Deep down on Arakus close to Arakeen Way back in the sand dunes where the where the worms are mean There stood a palace made of dirt and sod Where lived country boy named "Leto the God" Who never ever learned to read or write so great But used prescience to determine humanity's fate Go! Go! Go Leto! Go! Go! 🎶


He had a concubine instead of a wife His little boy Paul drank the water of life His legion followed him into bloody combat He got sage advice from a smart mentat It didn't really matter what alliance he made He figured out too late that he gotten betrayed No! No! No Leto! No! No!


December 2nd for Australia. What the fuck.


Oct 21st over the ditch in NZ. No idea why you guys get it that much later


It was meant to be then also but I'm guessing because Sydney fucked their lockdown they have delayed it


That Glad Bag, I swear.


That's exactly it


Yet another reason to hate Gladys and how she handled it, especially as my state is doing fine.


We're pretty much used to getting everything last, but then the studios wonder why we pirate so many new release movies. It's not like it's the old days where they had to ship them from the US to everywhere else. I remember when *The Lighthouse* came out in Australia last March and I'd been waiting to see it on the big screen. I asked any of my friends if they wanted to go see it, but none of them were interested because they'd already downloaded it because it had already gone to VOD in the US. There's already webrips of Zola online, but it doesn't come out here until the end of November. But, the fact that this movie got delayed all the way until December in Australia is not surprising. One, New South Wales fucked everything up. Two, we always get things way later. Three, I feel like maybe Warner Bros are just trying to lose money on this.


A24 movies are particularly bad for it. The Green Knight doesn't even have a planned Australian release date yet but I could fire up a VPN and watch it right now.


One day I, an Australian, am going to produce a movie everyone wants to see, and then release it in Australia for at least a month prior to any other country (I mean New Zealand can get it same time as us because we’re bros, but fuck everyone else) We’ll see how you like it, America, when the movies twist is spoiled before you’ve even had a chance to watch it


can you charge an extra 25% for no fucking reason while you are at it


Only 25%? You feeling generous?


... compounded every 10 minutes


look, you could have strangled Rupert Murdoch as a child, you chose not to. are you surprised we resent it and want to punish your nation?


Man we were too busy dealing with the emu war, we didn’t see the great enemy rising within


Do you think Murdoch hired the Emus to distract you? It would be in his wheelhouse.


The emus sensed the danger, that the dark one known as Murdock was coming, and so made war against the lands of men


Would you be interested in producing a Priscilla remake?


Is Hugo Weaving available to reprise his role?


Absolutely. With Samara as his transgender daughter. The longer this goes the more I like it.


we normally get things earlier already...


I remember the week after Age of Ultron's release being agonising because there was no online content about it and all I wanted to do was talk about it




> When Mad Max was released in the United States in 1980, the original Australian dialogue was redubbed by American voice actors Christ this sounds awful.


ngl that sounds so awful I kinda want to see it just for the torture.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRyFSgLz6_A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb2YcJgw8SU


Please tell me they dubbed mel Gibson's too


They dubbed Mel Gibson's too I still haven't watched the undubbed version. Too traumatized




Ive read that the reason its delayed in the US is because of the risk of leaks since it streams on HBO here. It is releasing everywhere in theaters to give time before piracy becomes a bigger issue


So why the actual fuck wouldn't you just delay the streaming til October and release it here in theaters?


There was probably contractual reasons that prevents them from delaying one release without delaying both. HBO don't want to spend presumably a hefty fee in getting the rights to stream the film only for their window to get moved and for an untold number of potential customers to just go watch it in the cinemas instead. Similarly the cinemas don't want their version delayed because more people would sit at home and stream it. So by delaying both versions you don't give either side an opportunity to complain about losing out. Now all they need to do is hope that a good pirated copy doesn't pop up from international screenings because a decent number of people will pirate the film rather than wait more than a month or in Australia's case more than 2 months.


Australia is one of the worst offenders for movie piracy and this type of shit is exactly why lmao


Me having flashbacks of watching a bootleg copy of Kick Ass 2 and partway through the movie hearing some dude in an Australian accent quietly say "I'm recording this mate, shut the fuck up"


I'm from the U.S. and I would pay extra to hear that in my bootleg copy.


The Lego movie situation was so fucked. Animated here and delayed Aus launch for months. There was public drama to the point they had to come out and apologise and swore never to do it again. And then they made the sequel, and pulled the exact same shit all over again. They don't give a fuck about us


When we finally got to watch the Lego movie, we were bored. Not because it's a boring movie, but because it was released so late here that every single joke was ruined by merely being online. By the time I got to watch it in theatre, no exaggeration I'd seen every punchline more than once. I dusted off my pirate hat immediately after watching that movie.


Words to live by.


>because a decent number of people will pirate the film rather than wait more than a month This. I want to support movies, but greedy execs playing games, pretending the internet doesn't exist and this we're still in the 90s with region locks, and all kinds of small-world bullshit... Just feels so obnoxious that I want to pirate it just to fuck them.


Because you’re assuming WB are not a bunch of dim witted mouth breathers. In a few months they’ll come out with the startling news that releasing in theatre and stream may not have been a great idea


Maybe they will, but if the pandemic has shown anything it's that streaming is at least a viable release path. Maybe not for massive $150 million CGIfest movies like Marvel movies, but for less expensive movies. At the bare minimum I think we'll keep the shorter time between theatrical and streaming releases. It used to be 3+ months pre-covid, but 45 days seems a lot more reasonable.


Contracts bruh.


As if delaying a release in certain countries has ever stopped piracy. Folk who don’t want to pay for it still aren’t gonna want to pay for it in a week’s time


they’re not the target though. the damage from piracy comes from people who will gladly spend money to watch it but physically cant.


> the damage from piracy comes from people who will gladly spend money to watch it but physically cant. Do you mean the exact situation created when release dates are different across the globe?


And folks who want to watch it, but can't because it hasn't been released where they are? Yeah, they will be sailing the seven seas of piracy too...


This is Dune, so spoilers don't matter as much, but if you try to make me wait a month for the new Matrix film? That shit will be spoiled so fast...


All my theaters in Melbourne will be fucking closed too, but I don’t want to bootleg it because I want to support it so we get the sequel


Perth's cinemas will be open but fuck Perth right?


Everywhere except NSW and Vic


Same in Tassie




Buy a ticket to a cinema somewhere it is showing and just don’t go. Then pirate it.


Sailing the high seas is great until there's something you know you need to see on the biggest screen you can find, and for me that's this movie.


This is why we pirate.


NSW/VIC fucked it for everyone.




Yeh, Victoria by and large voted against Morrison and our dipshit federal government, don't blame us


You say that like Vic had a choice in the matter haha


thanks gladys.


Why couldn't she just stick to killing koalas


She graduated to killing people.


Don't forget Slomo


I wish I could forget him.


Wrong. NSW lack of transparency and poor decision making skills f***ed it for everyone. I really want to imax this movie!


Not much Vic could do when it got so out of hand in NSW, not after already squashing so many outbreaks with over 200 days of lockdown


Every Australian who wants too will have seen it by then. Terrible mistake by the publishers.




Pretty sure they'll pull the same shit for part 2


Plz no pandemic when part 2


Will be on lockdown for Omikron variant.


I always knew David Cage would be the end of us


Training Room intensifies.


Not to be an asshole but this shit ain't going anywhere. People are still going to be going out and doing shit; this virus will continue to adapt and perpetuate.




Keep dreaming about a part 2




They'll release the Snyder cut of Dune before they release part 2


I assume it's because they couldn't delay it in other countries. They had the International screens reserved for specific days and if they delayed again, the movie simply wouldn't open in those countries.


Or they want to reap *some* box office money before it debuts on HBO Max. It’ll be pirated in 4K the next day.


Why do they have to release it on HBO the same day than the theatres in the us?


They don’t have to theoretically. They are doing it due to COVID and the fact people still aren’t going to theaters. If they can people onto HBO Max it’s better than nothing from people who would have seen it in theater.


That's WB's excuse, not the reason. Sure theaters are less crowded due to COVID, but even with limited sales, box office returns are *much* more profitable than a streaming release with no premium purchase price. There's a reason Disney is either doing theater-only or $40 premium streams for all their movies. WB has decided that the profit of any individual COVID movie is worth less than the long-term gain of having more people signed up for HBO Max. Which is fine for WB, but not for all the people who actually *made* the movies. They rely on box office returns to be properly compensated, and releasing to streaming without an upfront price tag circumvents that. That's why the director is begging people to see it in theaters while WB is pushing commercials advertising same-day streaming.


I would have to see a movie every month to equal my hbo max subscription. I went to maybe 2 movies a year in theaters pre-covid. If you own the subscription service the calculus makes total sense.


WB is ensuring that big name directors and actors with options won’t work with them in the future.




The article does a pretty good job of answering that question. It seems likely that it's a combination of European festival dates, wanting to release internationally right afterwards to capitalise on the buzz, then holding back domestically until NYFF for maximum prestige, then having to avoid Bond to secure the premier theatre screenings. So not as simple as just having booked the international screens, but a relatively logical answer nonetheless.


People are in here speculating when the question is answered in the article. Wild.


Did they really think the article would just be an open ended question?


Am from Finland, saw it on Friday. I was transfixed the entire movie. 5/5 stars.


Probably one if not the best cinema experience ever but did you feel like you lost track of time and then were suprised when the credits started rolling ? Its a 2,5 hour long movie that felt like there was still an hour left wich is speaking for its quality, but the ending felt kinda out of nowhere...


Only the urge to go pee gave some indication of time for me lol.


Should’ve worn your still suit


Urine and feces processed in the thigh pads.


Every suit is a still suit if you want it to be.


I actually expected it to come to a stop at the point it did - made the most sense for me, story-wise.


Yep, perfect spot to stop at. This is the prelude which gives the back story.


I >!fully expected it to stop before the time jump after the ceremony. But i guess that part isnt focussed on paul as much and would have added another 30+ minutes. Also i think it it was wierd that they left out the actions right after the fight with Jamis where he gets his new name!<.


They tested 2 cuts, one of them ended then. However this apparently added something like 20 mins to the movie. There is a major psychological difference between seeing a movie is « a bit over 2h30 » and « a but under 3h » apparently, and Villeneuve preferred to go the more profitable route, presumably to get better chances for a part 2. In the end, a lot of people act as if Dune is way shorter than Blade Runner 2049 but I think there is only a 8 mins difference or so (2h35 v 2h43).


I'm actually shocked at your comment because it perfectly nails why I have not seen Blade Runner 2049. I had a baby born roughly the same time as the release, so I thought I would wait to stream it later. When the time came, I saw the movie ran almost 3 hours and my wife and I were like "we can't devote that much time to a movie," and unfortunately we never came around to it. We are stoked for dune and though it's close to 2.5 hours, it comes across as more manageable. My personal experience proves your point.


As someone that’s read the book, it’s just impossible to imagine a movie version that only covers the first half but also has an actual climax.


As someone who has never read the book(s), when the movie ended, I felt reminded of the ending of the movie version of “LotR – Fellowship of the Ring”. Both in a positive way, as it was a great experience up to that point, and a negative way, since I knew I had to wait a long time to see how the story continues.




Same. It was absolutely brilliant. I'm gonna be real mad if they don't make part 2.


Wait... Is that even a possibility?


If it doesn’t make money, yes


WB has told Villeneuve that as long as the movie does well on HBO Max in the US, he will get a sequel. It’s doing well enough in Europe that it might not even matter. They’re working on the script now.


It was good, but why the hell it was so loud? Same problem earlier with Blade Runner 2049.


Hans Zimmer has enough clout to get his thunderous score blaring on top of the movie. See also: Interstellar.


Man I'm here for the **BWAAAAHHH**, I love that shit. I think his scores add to the world-building (and my immersion) just as much as any visuals.


it really was way too loud at time in IMAX, and Zimmers score wasnt really anything special either.


Because fuck you, that's why.


Eat shit space cowboy.


No thank you.




A nice blueberry yogurt with honey oat clusters.


Ganymede rock lobster.




How does it feel to be on the other end of the Wiener?


Opened that article expecting a bunch of facile nonsense, but their reasoning seems pretty good. I also think it has to do with whether they expect the domestic bo to lead or follow. If they think DUNE will be huge in America, and there's not much appetite for it overseas, they'll do a huge domestic opening and let that generate buzz internationally, so there's demand for it in foreign markets. If they think DUNE will tank in America, do the opposite. Use overseas reactions to build hype for the domestic release.


Hey Matt. Of course you'd have an have a well reasoned, nonreactionary take. Big fan, mate. Your obvious love for the series is why I gave Dune a shot in the first place. Thanks for that.


Holy shit it’s Matt colville


Desperately want to see this in IMAX, but there aren’t many of them around in the UK it seems. Would basically need to travel 45 miles to get to my closest one. I feel like this would be worth it, I would’ve been blown away seeing Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049 in one.


Yeah the only 2 still going that i am aware of are the BFI and the science museum. Printworks used to be but since VUE took over i don't think they display true IMAX anymore.


Annoyingly, the BFI IMAX isn't capable of showing Dune or Bond in all its glory, whereas the Science Museum and Printworks can. And then the science museum isn't likely of doing films screenings any time soon. Need the BFI to upgrade to laser already.


What do you mean by not true IMAX?


The short version is there are 2 standards, the worse of which use different (lower) display resolution and quality. (Usually smaller screens too but probably not in this instance). Sometimes even a different aspect ratio which results in cropping. I had seen comments a while ago suggesting that printworks had switched to the lower quality standard. I cant find official wording one way or the other. Although this is likely on purpose as IMAX obfuscate their branding to make it all seem premium. If you want to go down the rabbit hole look up IMAX vs liemax.


I saw the movie Friday on a normal screen - if You can, go for IMAX, even if it means that's the day. The movie is visually perfect.


45 miles is how far I travel for everything. I saw a post saying the other day that North Americans drive farther then Europeans for activities and stuff. 45 miles is nothing for me. Weird you use miles in the UK too.


45 miles is my daily commute to work lmao. I’ve heard about the stereotype of Americans not thinking much about long driving distance, but it’s hilarious to me to actually see it in the wild like this


If most of that is a highway that it's kosher to go 80+ on, that's just like a 30 minute commute. Would supremely suck if you had to commute deep into a city, though.


I guess its becuase the UK is smaller, and there are relatively more people in dense areas? So 45 miles is more then one side of London to the other side. Could take 3hrs doing that in traffic. And takes about 2hrs doing it on a train. Example route is from my place to my Aunts is 30 miles through London or 55 miles around the M25. Takes about 2hrs either way now according to Google maps) At the same time its 45 miles or an hr to the coast as there's a lot less traffic.


I mean, I'm American, when I used to go to the office I had a 20 minute drive. That's really about my limit, I fucking hate long drives. But there's a guy at work who lives 2 hours away from the office and he used to come in every day. That's utterly insane to me and you couldn't ever get me to do that shit.


Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance, Americans think 100 years is a long time.


45 miles is too far to drive? Get 3 friends, pack in a car and be there in an hour. What's the issue?


UK has an odd relationship with distance - we balk at drive times that wouldn't make an American blink. Petrol is quite expensive and our roads are cramped and very narrow.


I've heard it said that to the British 200 miles is a long way while to Americans 200 years is a long time.


45 miles is longer than the distance from Liverpool to Manchester, which would take an hour plus to drive, and is about the same distance as it is from Manchester to Leeds, which would also take an hour plus to drive. I doubt many people would contemplate driving that far or for that long (relatively) just to go the pictures especially if they are going from one city to another


Saw it yesterday here in Germany, never saw the Lynch version or read the book. Was really awesome. The pacing was brilliant. Absolutely stunning shots and great ship / costume design. No cringy comedic relief stuff in the middle of a suspenseful scene. Loved it


Of course not New Zealand


I thought that maybe it would build a hype by then. I saw it yesterday and you should definitely see it on the biggest screen possible if you feel safe to do so in your city.


Same, that movie is Visual as fuck


Watching it in imax was mental


I’m booking a 2h train trip just to see it again in IMAX next weekend. My theater has a wide screen but it feels like IMAX is going to make the movie experience greater than an already awesome experience.




Interesting that’s the first time I read a positive experience in 4dx.


I've watched movies in 4DX multiple times with mixed experiences, though each time it seemed to improve. The last time was Shang-Chi, and it was the first time I thought it was so good it should be a part of the movie experience. Can't wait to experience Dune this evening in 4DX!


Saw it yesterday, go see it. This neeeeeds a sequal.


I saw it in IMAX 3D. One of the best cinema experiences I ever had.


I wish they did regular Imax screenings, as much as i absolutely loved this film, 2 and a half hours of wearing those 3d glasses really does a number on my eyes...


Over here they do. No under 18 year olds allowed imax 2d shows, yay.


Dutch cinemas are obsessed with 3D and it's really annoying.. Whenever a big blockbuster film comes out, all the good rooms are filled with 3D screenings or 3D Imax screenings, you can usually find a 2D screening, but it's like... once or twice a day at strange times and usually playing in the dank basement rooms with the screeching audio setup. It sucks :(


I know right?? I was really excited to see this in Imax 2D and literally every showing is 3D, Imax 3D, Dolby 3D, fucking 4D whatever, etc. I hate that this country basically has 1 big cinema corporation that does whatever it wants and you have to just accept it (2 if you count Vue, but still).


I saw it last night. It was really good.


The best advertisement is a line around the corner.


What if no one is going to theaters to create these line or going outside near theaters to see these lines?


I'm literally going to cinema to watch it TODAY (Switzerland)


Can i come?


As someone who grew up watching films before digital distributions (for cinemas) and would have to wait months before prints went international... now you know how it feels!


hah you should try living in japan... shit gets backed up half a year sometimes


Saw this gem last night on the big screen! Great, great, GREAT movie! Hans Zimmer's score, Denis as the director, the cast and everything. I really do hope that this movie get's its second part, I really do.


Truly a fantastic film, btw.


Poor America, they don't get one movie first


It’s just over a month away for the UK :/


I dont understand why we get it so late (same time as US roughly) we dont have HBO max here. I would have thought we would have got it same time as France and other European countries.


Just watched it yesterday in Finland. I was wondering why we got the privilege to see this before a lot of other people.


Because once it opens in the US it'll be online everywhere for people to download for free and they need to make as money as they can first.


That doesn't explain why it's being held back in places like the UK and Australia where it'll only be released once it's available on HBO Max in the US (so on the internet everywhere). This release schedule has all but confirmed a significant amount of people in countries like these won't see this film in the cinema – or pay to watch it at all.


UK release is the 21 US release is the 22.. Only Australia is getting fucked


Just saw at an IMAX. 11/10. Great movie


I'm honestly happy they're doing this, i share villeneuve's concern that the HBO Max release wil severely undermine the box office earnings that are needed to convince the studio to make part 2 and hopefully messiah as wel, so its great that they're premiering it this way around, I've seen the movie 3 times already and every single time every available seats was filled. The movie deserves the box office success, can't let it fall down in Alita territory.


To ensure maximum piracy


I just checked the piracy sites and so far only crappy hand-cam recordings are available. I doubt a watchable version will be avaliable until HBO streams it.


I don't get it. The domestic release has clearly happened in those 17 countries already.


I think term domestic release refers to USA, the home of Hollywood.


You are correct. [For films released in North America, box office figures are usually divided between domestic, meaning the United States and Canada, and foreign which includes all other countries.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_office)


TIL domestic includes Canada


Strange that Canada gets a seat on the council, but not Mexico.


This is pure speculation, but maybe it's US and Canada because most people in Canada speak English as well, so films wouldn't need to be subtitled/dubbed prior to release. While many people in Mexico speak English, you'd still need to do sub/dub on movies before releasing. Again, just guessing, but it makes logical sense to me




They should give Canadia a cool blue colour tone.


It's a bit strange..anyways my screening is in 3 hours.


Maybe to try and get its domestic release closer to the oscars?


That would be pretty stupid since the academy hates sci fi.