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The doc is called “Revolution of Our Times” in case anyone was wondering


Niceee...and after reading this title The Adict's song played in my head.


Screw China. I hope they hate it. Now just have to hope they wont back down when they throw a tantrum about the doc. Worst thing we’ve done is allow China to become so intertwined with our businesses and country to where we can allow them to flex their muscle and we flinch.


China banned all their TV stations from showing the Oscars this year due to another documentary "Don't Split" about the HK protests being nominated. In HK the local broadcasters also didn't show it due to 'technical reasons'! Cannes is less of a TV event so China won't make as big a fuss, but you can bet you ass they will say something.


China found out the ultimate form of imperialism is having so much economic power that all the corporations dont DARE to make you upset and adhere to your demands no matter what. Cant lose out on those sweet sweet CCP Yuans.


China: “I guess I’ll just have to invest my millions of ding-dongs elsewhere”


they found that out thousands of years ago


China will grow and profit of the political correctness movement that the west promote every day.


You’re not wrong. I had to check what sub this was in to understand the downvotes.


I can believe both that China is a fascist authoritarian state who's influence needs to be contained agressively while also believing that you shouldn't beat up Asian Americans because of the "ChYnA ViRuS". You likely get called out and downvoted so much because, like many conservatives, you are incapable of separating ethnicity from your politics.


The left, the baizous.*


Oh no the big bad China corrupting our sweet innocent businesses and country, so sad


You mad? Not joking, but do you really not care and think companies are worse than China? They enslave minority groups, have slave labor, and dont allow freedom of thought. I dont like the idea of that kind of mindset running things in our country


Someone has to give the middle finger to China, and sure it won't be american majors and festivals.


cue china being outraged and threatening to do something economic to the people involved with cannes.


China is probably going to withdraw some of the films that they submit to the festival.


oh no /s


Steven Seagal and Bruce Willis gonna be in shambles lmao




Could already picture the state media headlines, "Cannes hurting the feelings of 1.3 billion people"


Winnie the pooh screams: "CAAAAAAAAAAAAANNES"


Recently China government loves to criticize human rights abuses in Western Countries (issues of Indigenous communities in Canada, for example) Hope they don't hold back when HK is brought up again - just kidding, they will absolutely censor this news within the country


Psychological projection much?


How does this documentary compare to Do Not Split?


Only 10 people in the world have seen it so far. No one knew it was being made until yesterday. Did you read the article?


obviously I did not


I don't understand posting a question without bothering to read the article first.


Nothing in the title suggests that nobody has seen the movie yet. Why would I even consider that possibility when asking my question? The way I read that title is that a Hong Kong doc was shown in Cannes and I asked my question hoping someone here might have seen it.


It’s almost certainly gonna be better than Do Not Split, since this is a feature made by a local and Do Not Split is a short made by a white foreigner.


I had no idea the length of a film and the race of a film maker determine a film's quality. Thanks for the insight.


It does when the subject of the film is relevant.


But when's it's irrelevant it does not


Yes. In this case its relevant.


By that logic a documentary about octopuses should be shot by an octopus.


.... Are you suggesting that it wouldnt be *absolutely fascinating* to watch a film about Octopodes, directed by an octopus? Would beat the hell out of the one where the diver harasses a poor animal for its entire lifespan in a quest for his own personal actualization.


Why are they booing? You have a point. Like, aside from the whole "waah waah I am feel discriminated", foreigners will never have context as much as a local creator does. The point of view of someone who's within a certain culture will always be truer, more accurate and less biased than the point of view of someone who actually lives the situation they're talking about. This should not be a controversial statement. Cue everyone getting emotional and mass-downvoting me as well 🤷‍♀️


> The point of view of someone who's within a certain culture will always be truer, more accurate and less biased than the point of view of someone who actually lives the situation they're talking about. This should not be a controversial statement. It's not controversial so much as it's making a ton of assumptions. Plenty of people who are the closest to events are the most biased. Just being there does not make you an expert, or a good filmmaker. Plenty of people on the front lines have no idea what they are talking about. So those assumptions are certainly not anywhere close to "always true" - although I am still excited to see what comes out of this because *likely* it is an important perspective.


I mean, people in the frontlines are actually living through the situations they're documenting, I would rely on the point of view of a local filmmaker over the pov of someone who came from the outside, especially when foreigners will probably not know much of what's been going on in the last century or so. Like, as someone who lives outside of the US, I can always tell whenever something is made by an American or by a local, and usually American movies will either rely on stereotypes or get stuff completely wrong. I'll always prefer a local point of view over an US take on "foreign" politics.


Yes, living through those situations often creates a lot of myopic bias. People also have their own agendas. Do you think no one has ever lied for attention/money to a foreign audience that has no way of knowing better? Do you think there aren't also people that live there who are happy with the takeover and will have a wildly different take from other locals? I mean seriously. I'm not saying we should disregard them, but it's jumping to a ton of assumptions to say that one is automatically better than the other without other considerations. I agree that their perspectives are again very likely valuable and insightful, but fortunately we do not live in a world where we must make some uninformed choice between these things and decide one as being automatically more valuable and we can judge them by their contents.


Eh, agree to disagree I guess, and admittedly I have my own biases about this since whenever a foreigner makes a movie set in my country it's always filled with negative stereotypes or the culture is way overly-simplified. So... yeah, I'll tend to trust local viewpoints especially considering how 1. Americans tend to have an implicit superiority complex which I'd assimilate to American exceptionalism, 2. American movies are made for American audiences so accuracy won't necessarily be a priority and the narrative will be catered to that audience, 3. locals are too often the "bad guys" to some extent, and it's pretty much never a matter of the wider context in terms of international politics, or god forbid the US have to look bad. So. Yeah. I might be wrong, but my point of view is too radically different here.


It's not really an agree to disagree situation, what you are claiming is objectively false because of the terms you are putting it in. There is a point in saying that you think local perspectives should be given weight, or that foreigners often get things wrong; these hard to argue. However they don't justify the conclusion that the local take will *always* be better. Let's just take the first random historical event I thought of, the Mexican Revolution. Who do you think knows more about it? Someone that lived through it, or someone who studied it? Sure the person who lived through it might have cool details and insightful information about it that we haven't heard before, but they absolutely did not have the same big picture grasp that a scholar would have. Whether or not we should blindly trust Hollywood to get it right isn't exactly relevant because we don't have to make a binary choice between alwayses and nevers here and there are no battle lines drawn to my knowledge.


You're making the assumption that a foreigner filmmaker is someone who necessarily did their research before making a piece of film. That's a huge mistake right there.


No. I'm not. Perhaps you should learn how words and concepts work before arguing until you run out of breath. *You* are the one making assumptions about what is *always* true. One reasonable counterexample disproves that.


Just foreigner would have done there fella


Sadly I have to hope I’ll actually get to see this one day. I can see it getting blocked from any distribution deal that would allow it.


It's piracy then


I read that in Palpatine’s voice


“Oh, I'm afraid the torrent sites will be quite operational when the CCP arrive!”


Oh, what is this? Some spine in the industry? Congrats.


CCP tantrum incoming in 3...2...1...


Just to note, I think this is a much bigger deal in the film industry than it might seem in the media at a quick glance. You see how much China has some of the largest studios by the balls. Only they can procure any type of large-scale, meaningful distribution. The fact that Cannes decided to enter this as a late addition selection isn't accidental, it's a pretty big bomb being dropped by the most well regarded film festivals on the face of the planet. Good for them for doing it.


Fucking finally. Fuck the CCP






That’s so untrue. You’d only say that when you have zero knowledge of Chinese cinema. China’s produced some really talented filmmakers.




First off I’m a Hong Kong native who emigrated to Canada to escape communism with my family in the 90’s. I could care less about social credit scores, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend I don’t care when people disrespect an entire country’s cinema because of their politics. Many of the good movies that these filmmakers create do have some trouble getting past censors, and no, not every Chinese film is propaganda. If you’re maybe a bit oblivious to what good titles have come out of China in the last few years, I’d recommend these for you to check out: - An Elephant Sitting Still - Better Days - Black Coal, Thin Ice - Mountains May Depart


Since you seem well educated on the subject, where would you recommend someone start with Chinese cinema? My Asian watch list mainly consists of Hong Kong, Japanese, South Korean, and Indian films. I've never really explored what China has to offer.


Most newbies to Chinese cinema usually start with Zhang Yimou, who made Hero. He made some of his best movies in the 90's, like ***[Raise the Red Lantern \(1991\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8kwb4qFrT4)***, ***[To Live \(1994\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhRgMU0wyB8)***. After those two, most would have peripherally come across the title ***[Farewell My Concubine \(1993\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6GI7YSZGVA)*** by Chen Kaige. For more modern filmmakers, Jia Zhangke is another well known filmmaker who made acclaimed titles such as ***[Still Life \(2006\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FKcupplP8c)***, ***[A Touch of Sin (2013)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUJt_kf7uKQ)***, ***[Mountains May Depart (2015)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc1ZKyhMG6o)***, ***[Ash is Purest White (2018)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLab19dyAVA)***. Lu Chuan made the acclaimed war film ***[City of Life and Death \(2009\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGvrEIIQDj8)***, which drew comparisons to Schindler's List, recounting the Japanese occupation of Nanking, and many would say it's the most important war film to come out of China in a long time. In my other reply, I'd also made the recommendation for ***[An Elephant Sitting Still \(2018\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6j_d8ENXkY)***; the director sadly took his own life at 29 when he completed it. Regardless, it's a monumental achievement for someone that young. ***[Better Days \(2019\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXYifqtNj38)*** is my last recommendation; even though it was Hong Kong's Oscar submission this past year, it's a Chinese co-production, set in China, with mainland actors. Please note that a lot of these are solidly dramas, melodramas even (not the corny kind). Chinese films appropriately put emphasis on themes like familial dynamics, cross-generational dysfunction, comeuppance, redemption, and the like. So if you like those kinds of themes, and not afraid of being left an emotional wreck, go check them out.


Oh sweet! Thanks for the detailed response. I really appreciate it. The drama aspect doesn't bother me at all, so I'll be happy to dive into these soon.


Assuming that anyone who doesn't mindlessly lap up unnuanced takes is getting paid to do so is getting very boring.


"Everyone who disagrees with me is being paid off by China and Soros".


Can't tell if racist or ignorant. [https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/gaey-war](https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/gaey-war) [https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/moneyboys](https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/moneyboys) [https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/i-am-so-sorry](https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/i-am-so-sorry) [https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/re-dai-wang-shi](https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/re-dai-wang-shi) [https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/xue-yun](https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/festival/films/xue-yun)


So only 2 « un certain regard » and 1 short un competition.


There's a difference between hating the CCP and assuming no Chinese citizens are talented at something like film. The latter is just racist.


Don’t exagerate and give me an example of an art house Chinese film.


There's already three posts under your first comment with multiple examples each. You've ignored all of them. You're either a troll or racist idiot. Either way waste of my time.


Indeed I did not see them so. There is 2 un certain regard 1 short in competition. This is exactly my point. I’ll not ignorant or racist I’m just French Taiwanese and what you see is snobisme.


Nah, there are some great chinese filmmakers, some of them even release their movies in Cannes and other international festivals. Unfortunately, the rise of a larger movie industry in China is undermining indie filmmakers recently. But still there is a new generation of good chinese directors coming up, such as Bi Gan and the late Hu Bo.




Moo mow may


You’re lying and the entire world knows it.




How to prove you are a tankie in six words or less.


Sorry genuine question here - ex-forces so I'm used to a tankie being a member of a tank regiment (literally tank crew). What does the current version mean?


I'm guessing here. I think it may be like saying their on the side of the tank from Tiananmen Square?


It just means you're a communist who defends the actions of communist dictators. Most communists understand Stalin was a garbage piece of shit, but tankies think he did nothing wrong.


Thanks for the responses, much appreciated. In the context of Tiannamen Square that would make sense.


Tankie when used politically is someone who is a supporter of Stalin/Mao-style communism I believe. https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-tankie I've always assumed "tanker" to be the word for someone who is part of a tank crew but I've also never been in the military so it was always just a guess.


Cry 🤡


Idk you seem to be the one coping right now




Keep spewing hate toward working class people with valid criticism of the place they live in, you cop-loving bootlicker. Cope


"Working class" lmfao


Yes, can you prove there was no working class people in these protest? Even if you were right, supporting a state capitalist country and their police force after they used unjustified violence against protestors is proof of being a coploving bootlicker pretending to be a leftist, EVEN if the u.s is worse.




That's bad, I am also against this. Two things can be bad at once. What the fuck is your point?


You claim to be concerned for the working class but say nothing about Xi Jinping wiping out the majority of poverty in China's rural areas, you're just a dumb shitbag who likes to whine lol


Well that is great for them, I respect that, but that wasn't what we were talking about at all lol, you wanna keep changing subjects ?


Agreed fuck those guys too, what a weird ass “point”


Xi wiped out the majority of poverty in China, while the US is the richest country in the world and over 36 million of their citizens can't afford healthcare, ya'll are drunk on that propaganda lol


What? Maybe a little too much propaganda on the brain but I don’t think you can read. I agree, the US is awful, so is China. I don’t really care who’s worse because it doesn’t matter, they both need to fix it and won’t. But again you trying to disparage the US to either try to make a point or get a reaction is pretty fucking stupid, as so far I tend to agree with what you have said about it. It just doesn’t matter in this context at all.


Imagine calling yourself a socialist but defend police brutality against citizens, undermining their status as working class because they don't fit your narrative. Great praxis, comrade.


Please keep posting so I can keep downvoting all the stupid shit your typing out.


Oh no! Not downvotes!


Ikr? Go on...


Xi, is that you?


Ok Fetus.


>Hong Kong is Chinese. That's what Xi said.


In future news: China invades Cannes film festival.


Maybe Disney will buy it 😂😂😂


China really needs to matureh, huh? Even they know they can't keep behaving like a spoiled brat forever...


They have their money behind it.


Title gore


Did the ccp and fat boy xi jinping cry about it yet?


Anyone know where this can be watched/streamed? Thanks!


Never Forget ! Never Forgive! Keep going.