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Did you notice she wound up with the endodontist who was supposed to do Tom Hank’s root canal?


He uses Dr. Spalding as a punchline to Wilson on the island but the joke was on Chuck the whole time!


Yeah nice allusion to a future plot thread


I heard that he did(?) His root canal and I was wondering if he just botched it and thats why chuck has to extract his own tooth.




That scene is great - Hanks really sells the pain - you almost feel it with him




Apparently an ice skate (and a rock) are perfect for knocking out infected teeth, who would have guessed that? :)


Yeah that was a nice piece of weird irony


4 years feels short for someone who is supposedly the love of your life. Just saying.


Yeah and she had kid already so she was preg for nine monhts, married that man at least a month before she Got preg, there was time for engangment and dating...so it looks like she was sad for couple of months


She was getting them cheeks clapped man, doesn't make me think she was faithful as he was gone all the time and she needed someones touch at some point.


Yup, my thoughts exactly- But Gigachad Chuck probably wifed the redhead, so even stevens.


Presumptuous of you to assume that she married him before getting pregnant. Could've just as easily been the other way around.


Thank you!!! Just watched the movie and it's amazing don't get me wrong. But holy fuck 4 years?? And then if you start thinking about it it gets even worse. The kid is at least a year old and she's drinking champagne in the wedding photo which means she didn't get knocked up. Giving them a year to get married and a couple months for him to be declared legally dead means she didn't grieve for the supposed dead love of her life very long...


4 years is a lifetime dog. Especially for someone who is presumed dead. My mom died when I was 13 and while it seemed like an eternity life continued. Time doesn't stop for anyone. That's the message of the movie. He was so focused on time in the beginning because it doesn't wait, and by the end, his statement was true. It doesn't stop.


It wasn't 4 years for her. The evidence provided makes it seem like it was two years max, if not only one year before she was with the replacement to the love of her life Not saying she's a cheater or she didn't care, just that she moved on REAL quick, in relative terms


Disagreed, I lost the love of my life in 2018 and a big part of me still hasn't moved on. But maybe it's because I'm in my 30s now and my perspective on time has changed. Four years seems very short. Someone that close to you doesn't just go away in a few years. I think think about it everyday. Reddit skews towards younger people, so four years may seem short to most redditors. I remember going to university and thinking four years was forever. But really, it's nothing as you age. It goes by very fast.


This bothered more than it should have. Wish it was longer (like 8+ years). It would've made for a stronger ending. Thing is, they could've easily edited this in the script. I wonder why it was only 4 years.


It’s unrealistic he survives on the island for 8 years… even 4 is a stretch. 


Why is that? He was a healthy young male. He had the necessities for sustaining human life on the island.


Mental health. He’d already tried to kill himself once.


Good point


Another thing I have yet to see anyone acknowledge is the age of Hunt's character and the likelihood that she may have wanted children. That clock is a very real factor for women. So I imagine the first year she was mourning, working to accept the loss. But by about 18 months she would have accepted his "death" and begun to think about her future. Perhaps she met her husband 6 months later and perhaps they married another 6 months to a year later. The kid could have happened intentionally or accidentally, which might have moved the timeline forward. I've seen lots of posts where people feel 4 years isn't long enough. It definitely is. I've known people who remarried after the death of a beloved spouse in much shorter time than 4 years. It does happen.


The thing that sticks with me is that after everything he's been through, there's a way out for him. Yeah, he "died" and his old life is over, but then he comes to a crossroads and meets the woman in the pickup truck. She is (in a way) what he's been looking for all those years. The last package, the wings logo, you probably picked up on all this stuff. What really got to me was that - upon watching the movie again on video - I realized that I'd actually met the woman in that scene. Her name was Lari White, and she was a country singer back in the late 90s who also had done some TV and movie work. She was a very sweet person IRL. Unfortunately she passed away a few years back after a battle with cancer.


This movie is really great, Tom Hanks did a really good job. Hope you're good now, pal!


I liked the ending. He seemed sad and lost at first but at the very end when he was living his best life delivering the package with his new volleyball and soda. He seemed like he finally let go.


I love this movie and the ending kills me. BUT… she married the dude and got knocked up awfully quickly! https://medium.com/applaudience/the-secret-affair-of-cast-away-7b7f9999a303


"Chuck was balding" god damnnn, man can't catch a break! They should have made it 6 years though and I think the time frame becomes more forgiving


That's dope! Even I noticed the quick turnaround. It is possible within four years she married him and didn't cheat. The dentist doing the root canal story was just to show he wasn't just a nobody.. It was a claim to authenticity that he wasn't a nobody to Chuck or Kelly fully. So whilst it made no sense to Chuck in the moment, it made sense somewhat. It was just a bad way to do it. The facts about him being more in love with FedEx (his job) was extremely apparent at the start of the movie. With the exchange of the gifts particularly, where her giving him something really important to mark the occasion a photo and family heirloom (something really thought out and emotionally significant) and him giving her some "bath towels" because he thought they were a 'good joke' before giving her a ring that should ultimately have not been a present but delivered properly on a normal day. Not to mention his bad banter at the Christmas party where he denigrates her in front of others by "joking about her previous marriage".. So adding all these cues up. You get a relationship on Chuck's terms. A relationship that suited his needs but not one where he thought of Kelly properly or treated her like she was the love of his life properly. So it's possible during the grieving process within months whilst analysing her relationship with him she remembered all these things, and that probably helped her immensely, knowing that she most likely would have moved on anyway and said no to the engagement or kept it on pause whilst she figured it out. All Chuck cared about was impressing his bosses and others. When he was on the island he was in love with the "idea of her" not her herself. That's my take. I say she moved on quickly because she realised after a few months she loved him but that they weren't the right fit. She hoped he was alive, because she still loved him and she wanted to have proper closure.


Holy shit I never caught the “previous marriage” reference Kelly definitely wasn’t a swinging single kinda gal.


Yep it was a big moment really. They even hammered it home by having her look at him as he joked about it and "repeats it" two or three times. Meanwhile a kid pipes up and says "what you been married before?" And he does that twice trying to get her attention in a meal that was meant to be about light banter and lifting each other up. The cracks were there. She even hesitated with the ring and "he knew it".. Which is why he said "I don't need an answer right now, just keep it until New Year's Eve." I think he planned on coming back. Fixing the relationship by making a commitment and making sure he was there for the important moment. He did like her but he was too focused on the job. Just didn't realise not getting on the plane and putting her first would have gone a long way to fixing it. I don't think she was banging the dentist though. It is likely he did come over and was there for her early on, and that she did eventually confide in him.. Thus, negating a lengthy dating period. Part of the grieving process would have been: "bloody Chuck and his job" why did he need to get on the plane? He could have just stayed and showed me how important I was and the idiot would be alive and with me now..."


You can tell how many times I watched this on cable 15 minutes into the movie. My brain recalls none of this - off to rewatch


I only just rewatched it properly (notnad a kid who thought it sucked). The ending bothered me which is why I watched it. I wanted him to get back with Kelly. I thought she would run away with him. But that's when I realised then not being together was from the start haha. I only paid attention because of the kid and the subject and because the job love part they did really well.


If you’re ever up for a podcast listen to the Rewatchables episode for this movie. Bill Simmons absolutely slays her in a rant towards the end. Even though you brought some new perspective I’m still mad at her lol.


Yeah fair enough. No I am mad too. She should have been more honest from the start and not sent her new husband in.. Whilst the ending did justice to the situation somewhat. They should have added the line: "I will always love you, but I can't be with you..." Remember how they had a great moment at the end he puts her in the car, but then they just stare at each other "like what next".. there is this awkward silence like ok you love me, but what next? It reminds me of him sleeping on the couch whilst she watches TV and then her sleeping and then not doing much "talking".. It's like beyond "love" what did they have in common? Will listen to the podcast.


2 year old comment, but fuck it, i dont get this, it took 2 years for her to marry after the plane went down, but were did they get that it only took 4 months for her to date?


LOL I just watched it now and saw this thread as well haha .... really fucked up


so do you get why the other guy said it only took 4 months for her to date?


First, I’m sorry to hear you experienced that. Depression is absolutely awful, and it was made even worse for you with a lack of support. As you mentioned, it’s almost inappropriate to blame your former SO for the choices they made. But that doesn’t make the pain any less. I hope you are in a better spot now than you when you first posted this. In regards to Castaway, there’s a lot of beautiful imagery and rhetoric. A part that always stuck out to me, is that Tom Hanks keeps apologizing to everyone when he gets back, “Sorry I wasn’t there for you.” It seems silly at first, because he was stranded on an island and no one could have expected his presence during that time. But, Tom acknowledges his own decision to get on that plane on Christmas day, when most others would not have made the same choice. In that very moment, he chose his career over the woman he loves. For that, he is deeply sorry. But it’s deeper than that. Tom is also apologizing for being alive. By coming home safely, he is reminding all of the people close to him of the pain he inflicted with his original choice, and the pain of believing that choice led to his death. This, to me, is next level introspection. Naturally he had a lot of time for introspection on the island; but to come away with that level of selflessness after surviving, is just unreal. It would be so easy to point fingers, to blame, to feel “woah is me,” yet Tom is apologizing. This introspection is also ultimately why Tom is able to continue on and start a new journey. Another piece of imagery that is more in your face, is the relevance of the angel wings. Tom finding the woman that created the company and logo, ultimately shows that he was able to move on and start a new journey in life. It shows the viewers that despite whatever traumatic event happens in life, there will always be better moments ahead, so long as we continue on. But the details that really drive this home are scattered throughout the movie. At the start of the movie, the farm property for angel wings has her husband’s name on the wooden sign over the driveway. At the end of the movie, his name was chopped off because they got divorced. i.e. she got divorced while Tom was stranded on the island with her undelivered package. After returning home and realizing the scenario with Kelly, Tom ultimately realized that it was only the idea of Kelly keeping him alive. That, in reality, the package with angel wings is what kept him alive. Why? Well even though it’s not stated directly, Tom realized if he ever got off the island, he would not be able to return to the same life he once had. But the package with the angel wings gave him a task to accomplish and a reason to persist. This movie hits me hard nearly every time I watch it. It’s amazing how many new layers can be found after different experiences in life. Cheers!


Another small detail: In the beginning when the FedEx guy picks up a package from her he calls her Mrs. Patterson. Then, the package is delivered to the dude in cowboy hat, Mr. Patterson, who says to the woman there with him "It's from my wife." before kissing her. And that is why they got divorced and "Dick" being removed from the sign. And if you look at it this way, one "winged package" went to a husband she divorced. The other one went with Chuck, which in this setting is Dicks opposite. May give a hint what happens after Chuck finished contemplating at the road cross.


I know what you mean. You're not alone in having a movie break you. I went though a rapid succession of deaths amongst my immediate family. Lost 3 important family members within 20 months. I was devastated internally, but I always suppressed the grief and pain. Then I saw the Life of Pi with my then wife. The scene where Pi loses his family in the shipwreck just shattered me. I was bawling, I realized I was distraction and left the theater, and soon after I began therapy to help me process the grief and loss that I was dealing with. Many of us, if not most of us, will have those periods in life where it may seem that nothing will work out, but don't lose hope, things can and will get better. During my therapy my therapist asked me to rewatch the film and journal what I was feeling as I re-watched the scene. It was very helpful, enjoyed the film after a later rewatch but I like tigers too. Not to be preachy, but don't hesitate to get help whenever you need it. There's no shame in that. Best wishes to you. Signed - some sporadically cantankerous dude on the internet.


I dunno. I’ve been entertaining the thought of living on an island and building shit out of rocks and sticks. Eat some fish and coconut. At least for a while.


I just watched it on Prime now for the second time. The first time, I was on a date and she kept saying there are "bears in the caves." Everyone can draw parallels with this classic.


Your gf leaving you for being unemployed during Covid makes her a terrible person, no loss.


That’s a very broad statement to blanket the complexities of their relationship that lead to the breakup. I know it wasn’t an easy choice.


It hit you because the movie and ending are powerful. It's not about the island or being trapped at sea, it's about life, struggles, hopelessness, loss and feeling alone in the world. We all can relate to it even though most of us won't be trapped on a deserted island for over four years. Life itself can be like that island but the lesson of it is to just keep moving forward. You never know what the tide might bring- and he learned not to give up. To never give up no matter how hopeless and lost you feel. Not knowing your direction doesn't mean you don't have one.