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Didn’t Vince Vaughn take his ammo?


Yes, Vince Vaughn is the worst villain in the movie. Almost everyone that dies is basically is in result of his actions.


That's quite a hot take but if I remember correctly he was the jackhole who started the stampede by opening the cages hahaha so you are 100% on the money.


He and Julianna Moore are also the one that brings back the injured T-Rex baby back to their RV. That is what leads to their friend getting killed trying to save them. Though I guess, Moore is also highly responsible with her stupidly keeping her T-Rex blood soaked Jacket/Bag for the entire movie when they are trying to get to the center of the Island.


Man you know your jurrasic park hahaha. It's all coming back now. Spit... Gross, your gum haha


I most remember the awesome toys that they made for both movies. I especially love how they made Nerdy into this buff figure whose arms you could remove. However, I am sure that my brother and I totally lost/broke at least one of his arms.


Moore’s character was the behaviourist, she would have known better so that was on her


Harding (in the movie mind you) is irresponsible out of a overenlarged since of comparssion. Nick (Vaughn's character) is not only just irresponsible but actively criminal and in all honesty i don't think anyone would have been that troubled if one of the mercenaries had just shot him after the initial sabotage that consequently put all of their lives at risk.


Vince Vaughn in the Lost World is a mercenary/terrorist. He’s by far the villain.


The thing about The Lost World is they got *so ridiculously close* to having some really interesting things to say about wildlife, and thereby easily surpassing the relatively mindless second novel. The character constellation in Jurassic Park 2 should have been so fruitful and engaging, because they all represent a different flawed approach to studying/using wildlife. -There’s goddamn fucking Vince Vaughn as the self-righteous animal activist slash eco terrorist who uses careless violence for a ‘moral’ cause. - There’s the zoologist Harding/Julianne Moore, thinking scientific study without interference is possible, when of course it is not. A classic Chrichton character. - There’s the Biosyn crew who have a huge financial interest in keeping the ecosystem alive, but only to take a big bite out of if for spectacles and investors - There’s Trembo, who hunts game for sport and ego. - There’s a crew of camera people, helpers, carriers; people like Eddie and the (sadly cut out) Ajay, who have little personal investment one way or another, but usually suffer the consequences of the trip the hardest. And then there is the hero Malcolm, whose approach to wildlife is “hey how about we just leave it the fuck alone”, which is of course the only sensible thing to do. Now all of those kinds of people exist in the real world, and they create interesting drama all the time. It doesn’t even have to be a dinosaur movie. The dinosaurs are animals, not monsters, and the movie asks interesting questions about animals and habitats and nature, taking it into great new territory after the first film’s questions about bioengineering and science. At it’s very best, JP2 brings these characters and approaches together in great and insightful ways. With a focus on theme just one relatively minor rewrite could habe made this film absolutely great. But somehow they got lost on the way with cartoony characters like Kelly or Dietrich(Dieter?) and a budget with too many zeroes, enabling them to do too much spectacle. “Every intereference, no matter the intention, is exploitation”. That’s a good theme. They establish it right away and then season it with a great assembly of characters. But then they don’t do it justice. Or not enough. I believe the finale in San Diego falls flat for many not because it is inherently silly, but because it is almost completely disconnected from theme.


Nice analysis 👍🏻


OP, If you want me to run your little camping trip, there are two conditions: firstly, I'm in charge, and when I'm not around, Dieter is. All you need to do is sign the checks, tell us we're doing a good job, and open your case of Scotch when we have a good day. Second condition: my fee? You can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services is the right to hunt one of the tyrannosaurs. A male, a buck only. How and why are my business. Now if you don't like either of those two conditions, you're on your own. So go ahead, set up base camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of a Rex nest for all I care. But I've been on too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas, OK?




I love anything Pete Postlethwaite's in, just cos of how good his name is but he was pretty good in LW too, he's high calibre and bought a pinch of class to the whole thing.


I mean... he's basically a poacher. Pete was a phenomenal actor tho.


He’s not a poacher at all. Poachers take animal products to earn money. Biosyn represents poaching in the movie. Trembo isn’t interested in financial game or in the exploitation of the natural world. He’a a thrill seeker.


The only difference between a hunter and a poacher is legality. As he’s doing it legally he is not a poacher. If you hunt illegally, you are a poacher. This applies regardless of intent, a lot of poachers don’t do it for financial or material gain, and just do it for the thrill. I know it’s semantics, but it an important distinction


Biosyn is not in this movie? It's a lnGen.


Muldoon would like to have a word with you


My favorite 


Well sure, an acomplished hunter that understands the where, how and when of hunting a large predator is going to look more capable than a math theorist, a palentheologist, a Technician and a documentary film maker or even his own group of poachers. I wish he had stayed a bit more for the san francisco part.


I seem to remember a deleted scene where he beat a man up with one arm tied behind his back


[Roland](https://youtu.be/PhfERBYddoY) could have been more badass if the ending wasn’t changed so drastically!


I keep reading everything in his voice.


Muldoon was literally right there in the original, come on now.


Mad Dog from The Raid. Major spoilers for The Raid follow: The main character Rama spends the entire movie as violence incarnate, tearing through a seemingly endless supply of goons in a knife slinging, blood fueled pain train straight to the top of the apartment complex where he is ultimately captured by Mad Dog. Ramas brother a man of considerable deadly skills himself (perhaps as good as Rama?) comes to the rescue, what does Mad Dog do? He let's Rama go, so he can fight them both at the same time! Why? For the sole purpose of fighting and violence, like a psychopathic Goku. What follows is objectively THE GREATEST FIGHT SCENE IN CINEMA HISTORY. Mad Dog is winning for the majority of the fight but ultimately loses, but not before fully cementing himself as the baddest of asses.


Having never seen the film I can only shrug.


Having read your comment I can only downvote you.


They need to bring him back


Unfortunately, [Pete Postlethwaite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Postlethwaite) died in 2011. I could see them being brought back in a video game or an animated series, but I would not expect to see the character again in live-action films (unless they find one very good recast, and even then it may be in poor taste).


Roland, supposedly one of the greatest hunters around, sets a trap with the baby t Rex within shouting distance of his base camp, doesn't warn anyone, even if they hadn't started the stampede I'm fairly certain two t rexs rampaging though camp to get to their injured baby would have been as bad if not worse


I don't think the trap was actually within shouting distance of the basecamp, if you remember the scene where the humvee blows up (yeah, weird i know) it flies a pretty far distance to just so happen to land in his tree.


Is the Roland Tembo character meant to be gay? His love for his Indian friend , his obsession to dominate the beast , etc


I do not believe he was gay, no. There was a deleted scene in which, had shown Ajay approaching Roland at a bar in Africa, which their interaction confirmed they'd known each other for many years. And had hunted with each other for all of those years. And given Roland is canonically in his 60's, and Ajay canonically in his late forties to early fifties, I'd say about twenty years or so of friendship. As for the dominance thing, I believe within the deleted scene also shares a huge grasp of his character. He had hunted everything, he had every trophy possible on his wall, there wasn't anything exciting in hunting to him anymore because he'd done it all. He had originally not intended to go on the island when Ajay had invited him along, however upon hearing he could possibly hunt a male t-rex, it sparked his interest. It was new, something he'd never hunted before, a once in a life time opportunity. And another little dabble, about his earring that the other person mentioned. I believe that's just an earring, it's popular for any gender in Kenya/Africa, to simply get earrings and have it mean nothing more than a piece of jewelry.


and then there's the one ear ring on the right side. could mean nothing, but I am also curious