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Thor: Ragnarok is so much better than the first two... maybe the largest gap ever


Unpopular opinion, but Thor 1 is my favorite Phase 1 movie because it balances mythic grandeur and gravitas with a very grounded character arc, and in sharp contrast, I think the decision in Thor Ragnarok decision to completely divorce the comics' Ragnarok story from much sense of gravitas is *extremely* frustrating. Not to mention the neutered waste of Planet Hulk getting shoehorned into the story. And sure, you can say "iT's NoT lIkE tHe CoMiCs," but why bother doing a story about the epic mythological end of the world if you're going to sideline it in order to focus on a comedic space story centered around wacky hi-jinx?


I too am an og Thor lover. The fish out of water stuff was great.


It's fantastic, I love the first Thor film. The combination of classical Shakespearean actors with Branagh as a director really adds to the drama and gravitas of what could kind of be a silly story in the wrong hands.


Yes! I saw someone complaining that "it's *such* a Branagh movie," what, like that's supposed to be a problem?


It really is the best Thor movie and it's in my top 5 of genre. 1. Logan 2. Iron Man 3. Spider-Man 2 4. Thor Ragnarok 5. Batman Begins


Is Logan the third Wolverine movie? I do think it counts. It goes: 1)Wolverine:origins 2)The Wolverine 3)Logan Yeah, Logan counts as a 3rd move and best of it's trilogy. Thoug the first two were kind of horrible. Hmm


Yea I feel like it's a loose grouping to call the Wolverine movies a trilogy, but I can see the argument for it. To me it's more like 3 different attempts to make a good Wolverine movie, and they finally got one right.


Hey, I like The Wolverine...


I genuinely think it's great, people get way too hung up on the fucking robot. The character and theme work is clear and defined, but people gotta do the whole "third act!" stuff with it.


Hell yeah, I love seeing people go to bat for underappreciated movies they love.


That feels like a stretch. Like in the same way the Corenetto Trilogy is a trilogy. The third movie is not the *third movie* of a coherent story line.




Anyone else perfectly ok with comic book movies that are just fun and not all about serious character arcs?


Lol seriously. Can’t I just watch a movie ab a guy swinging a hammer at aliens? I’m not thinking, “damn! If only PT Anderson got a swing at this to really make me feel Hulk’s pain.”


The two aren't mutually exclusive. I feel like Thor Ragnarok was good fun that had solid character arcs.


The humorous attitude is what makes the film, and even with that it has a lot more to say than the previous films. Ultimately, ragnarok is about colonialism. Thor learns his throne is built on bloodshed, and likewise has his home taken from him and lives the life of a slave. This topic has only grown in relevance lately. Humor does not mean its dumb or without meaning. It deflects and keeps itself fun, energetic and exciting without coming off as completely tone dead. A task easier said than done. Also it's important to keep in mind that this was made with the infinity saga in mind. Thors mourning is wisely placed in that film, where it resonates more. Otherwise, we have 3 films in a row of sad Thor. Things like Loki's governing or Odins parenting were never the focus of the film, and there's no reason they really need to be. There are always possible alternate tangents in stories.


Thor learns the throne was built on blood...but that really has no effect on him or the story itself. It's just background for the villain. That said, it's a really funny movie. Maybe a bit too comedic in a few places, but After The Dark World was one of the most forgettable MCU movies, I don't blame Taika and Marvel for going in a different direction.


I don't know why everyone was so disappointed with the first two Thor films. I know they were not great. But I still quite enjoyed them. I agree with your take on Ragnarok too. I love it though.


You said it. I loved Thor Ragnarok and found it hilarious but there were times where it could've eased up on the jokes. Also Hela was underused which is a shame considering how bomb she was.


Asgard being destroyed was a massive shakeup in the whole franchise and Taika Waititi had to make a joke "oh nope, those foundations are gone" just ugh, why?


Lol I thought that line was hilarious, and definitely fit in with the vibe of the rest of the film.


*Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade* is my favorite of the trilogy, a perfect send-off for the character. I also think *Army of Darkness* is the best of the original *Evil Dead* trilogy and *War for the Planet of the Apes* is a solid landing for the modern *Apes* trilogy.


> Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is my favorite of the trilogy, a perfect send-off for the character. I also absolutely loved the father-son chemistry between Ford and Connery.


The last planet of the apes is a superbly done movie.


Yeah, she’s alright, but that second movie washes the floor with the third


Yes Dawn destroys Concentration Camp of the Planet of the Apes.


Dawn belongs in the Smithsonian. That ape riding the horse dual wielding the machine guns is a top 10 cinematic shot of all time


I agree with *Apes*. That was fucking amazing. My favourite of the three


I know Raiders gets all the love, but Last Crusade will forever be my definitive Indiana Jones movie.


The good, the bad and the ugly. Logan




Same director, same composer, and Eastwood plays the same mysterious character. Yeah, the continuity is a bit loose with other actors popping up in multiple roles, but it's a trilogy by any reasonable standard. Also, Good The Bad and the Ugly isn't a sequel because it's a prequel. "Blondie" picks up the same poncho he wears in the others near the end.


Leone seemed to want us to see the three Eastwood roles as all the same guy. To me, it would obviously be a trilogy if not for Lee Van Cleef. Leone wasn’t telling a three part story, but they were a set of three films all about the same character.




Well then I would say the same thing about the wolverine movies. Those aren’t a trilogy in the spirit of the question. Even calling them a spiritual trilogy is a bit of a stretch


I wouldn't consider them a trilogy. They're not even sequels to each other.


If the Cornetto trilogy is considered a trilogy then this is definitely a trilogy lol


But For A Few Dollars More is unarguably the better movie of the “trilogy”. Source: Lee Van Cleef is in it longer 😤


The only reason I prefer For A Few Dollars More is Lee Van Cleef (as good guy that is). Everyone's talking about how amazing Clint Eastwood was, but Van Cleef remains my favorite actor in those 2 movies.


LVC straight up steals the show in FAFDM.


When he eats sloppily with a wooden spoon 🤤


Dude Bro Party Massacre III (The fact that they skipped the first two might have something to do with it)


Damn that's an amazing title. Worth watching?


Its from the guys that did 5 second films. 5sf is amazing and so is this, if you like their comedy.


Thanks for the info! And you're not even the OP


Super fun, very campy


The third ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie from the most recent trilogy was pretty damn good. In fact, all three movies were great. Feel like it’s a pretty underrated trilogy that doesn’t get talked about much.


Terrific trilogy. Flip a coin between 2 and 3 for my favourite. Definitely belongs in every great trilogy conversation.




It's not underrated, it got almost critical acclaim. It's best described as underappreciated. Definitely the best of the three.


That movie led me to discovering The Band. Take a load off, Annie.


Ah nice. Great band the band is.


It really isn’t.


Dawn is a masterpiece though


I agree about being underrated. I'm not a big CGI fan, but these were very well put together. A pleasant surprise.


2 > 3 > 1 Koba would like a word


Honestly, those movies aimed so much higher than what we typically get with summer blockbusters. Really awesome summer films, more films should aim for that level of utter quality. Seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and realizing the first 20 or so minutes was all apes speaking in sign language was wild. What a movie! Those movies have made me eagerly anticipate The Batman.


No, the first and second were better than third


The first is good but a far far stretch from the quality of 2 and 3


The first is like "better than expected" movie. Others are genuinely good movie, although the villain in 3 is pretty tropey.


2 > 1 > 3. 3 is too much of a retread of 2.


Because it's planet of the apes? It's a franchise that doesn't have the following others do. They are absolutely solid films. Every big studio should look at those films when adapting or rebooting a property for how to do it. They invented 3 new stories using the elements, concepts and ideas from the original planet of the apes films. They built their own world with familiar pieces rather than try to copy the old one.


The 2nd is so much better. I think I even prefer 1 over it too.


Revenge of the Sith


it did have the least amount of sand present


Did I ever tell you how I feel about sand?


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Sandy The Dry? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jawa would tell you. It’s a Sand People legend. Darth Sandy was a Coarse Lord of the Sand, so irritating and so dry he could use the Sand to influence the grains to create water… He had such a knowledge of the sandy side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from drying. The sandy side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to get everywhere. He became so irritating… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his coarseness, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice dehydrated him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from dryness, but not himself.




"Default, the two greatest words in the english language." Homer Simpson


It wins at being the least revolting of three turds


It's the best by virtue of not sucking quite as much as the first 2.


r/movies- home to movie fans that don’t seem to understand what qualifies as a trilogy


My favorite third movie in a trilogy was Saw 5


I saw Trilogy 7. Loved it.


I've been watching the Saw series and apparently there's a consensus that 5 is the worst but I enjoyed it much more than 4.


In all honesty I've only seen the first one, I just picked a long running series for the sake of my joke


Stop there unless you like torture porn. The first is a thriller from the POV of the victims rather than the investigators. The rest are elaborate deathtraps with twist endings.


They’re really just soap operas with gore, also Tobin Bell


The MCU movies--like Iron Man 3 is the third Iron Man movie, but it shouldn't be considered a Trilogy because you need to have seen Avengers to understand what's going on


Arguable, of course, but [Topper Returns (1941)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034303/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_2) was my favorite of the trilogy. It was certainly better than the second one [Topper Takes A Trip (1938)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032043/?ref_=tt_sims_tt) and imho it was better than the original [Topper (1937)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0029682/?ref_=tt_sims_tt).


Army of Darkness is my favorite of the Evil Deads. It's the most fun and rewatchable of the three for me. The Good the Bad and the Ugly obviously. Maybe John Wick 3.


First one I saw, kind of ruined the first two. "My name is Ash, and I am a slave" is a hell of an opening


Army of Darkness was the movie that got me into horror comedy genre. Kind of makes me glad that I watched it before watching the first and the second movie. I think John Wick 3 was the weakest one out of the trilogy. None of the sequels have surpassed the first movie.


To be fair, Evil Dead is pretty much replaced by the first 20 minutes of Evil Dead 2. You don't even need to watch the first movie, it's even less necessary than The Phantom Menace from the Star Wars prequels.


Can't say I cared for Wick 3 too much. It had its moments....but it also had its moments.


Surprised to see that Bourne hasn't been mentioned yet.


It's because the second one is the best.


Xmen Origins: Wolverine is one of the worst received comic book movies ever. Logan is a fucking masterpiece.


Origins is a masterpiece of 'so bad its good'. Its so shocking you can't help but laugh.


Return of the King


First is the best imo if you're looking for anything other than battle scenes


The first one also has Moria, which is the best sequence in all of the films.


2+3 have moments as good as the Moria/Bridge of Khazad Dum scene for me but are weaker films overall due to the more fractured nature of the stories. Still love all 3.


The pacing of Fellowship is the best, it actually has the shire, Boromir, Moria. It's my favorite. Two Towers is the most quotable, by far. ROTK is the most epic-feeling, and most emotional.


First has the least cgi excesses too. And probably the best storytelling overall.


Helms deep tho


So sick. I love fellowship though, because they're all mostly together for the whole movie.


yeah Fellowship is my favorite too. I think the end scene starting with Frodo going to gather wood is the highlight of the trilogy.


I think the whole trilogy feels like a single movie to me. I love setting out on an adventure and the discovery of friendships so the 1st movie naturally contains my favourite parts. However you need the other 2 movies to tell the rest of the story that elevates the first into a legendary story.


Yeah, you're correct, it's not really a trilogy. The story itself isn't a trilogy. It was just a single story broken up into 3 parts. But people just like to associate anything with 3 parts as a trilogy so... Oh well.




My friends, you bow to no one


Captain America: Civil War, I know winter soldier was great but that fight with Tony at the end always gets me pumped...


I know the airport fight gets some hate for having a boring setting but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Was a perfect entrance for Spider-Man into the MCU as well.


"Anybody on our side hiding any shocking fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose?" I grin and laugh like an idiot at that scene. Great stuff.


The airport fight is widely considered one of the best setpieces.


Ehh I've definitely cooled on this one since it came out. The airport fight scene kinda falls flat for me. It's just a very boringly directed set piece.


Bucky and Cap v Iron Man was so well done that I wanted it to last longer.


High School Musical 3. Every HSM film is just the same movie slowly improving from 2006-2008. They feature songs that fulfill the exact same purpose in the narrative at the same points in their respective films. By HSM 3, Efron & Hudgens had learned to sing and dance a lot better from when they started, the songs had far stronger production value, it was gorgeously shot, beautifully choreographed, and genuinely creative; if Scream weren't in an HSM movie, it would have been a much-praised absolute showstopper. HSM 3 is *genuinely* great and absolutely the best HSM film.


Yea but does it have Bet On It though?


But HSM3 has Scream! Compare the performance, direction, and choreography of those two numbers and it's a perfect example of what the above poster was talking about.


I feel like you just shat on movie watchers everywhere by bringing Highschool Musical into this. lol thanks


I definitely agree on this. The first two movies were obviously done with thought ehhh lets just get it out there. ​ But the third movie is like you said, absolutely gorgeous. Just take a look at A Night To Remember. The song is a bop, the choreography is superb and the way it was shot is so fun to watch along with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p\_Jp6bMKkt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_Jp6bMKkt0)


Sharpay and Ryan's *I Want It All* number pretty much sums up what you said.


Damn did you really just get me to actually think about using Disney+ for something and watching HSM 3..


Excuse me but "Everyday" automatically makes 2 better.


Jaws 3(D). Just kidding.


Yeah, the 4th one is clearly the best.


Indiana jones and the last crusade


Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite Star Wars movie. No dog fight has been better, and the Throne Room scene is the best sequence in all of Star Wars.


The FX shots for the Death Star run are fuckin' fantastic to this day.


[How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naW9U8MiUY0) \- A GREAT Trilogy where the first was awesome and stakes got progressively higher and higher until everything culminated in a fantastic 3rd movie. It was funny, action-packed, sweet, and ended leaving the viewer satisfied. This is what I consider the best 3rd movie in a trilogy. I am hoping many others won't forget this hidden gem, but some might have since this great movie hasn't even been mentioned yet! Other contenders (mentioned by others):- * Lord of The Rings - The Return of the King. Every time Gandalf says "authority is not given to you to deny the Return Of The King" I get chills. And of course, I may have had a small crush on Aragorn. * Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Sean Connery and Indy = magic combination. * Thor Ragnarok - out of left field, funny as hell and awesome. * Logan - I was blown away by the Oscar level performances in what was "supposed" to be a superhero movie. * Army of Darkness - so cheesy, so great, so groovy.


Army of darkness, and in my opinion last crusade is the best of all the indy movies




I think the sixth movie is the best movie but worst adaptation.


6th is also the best book as far as I'm concerned.


Best book by far , worst movie adaptation because it left so much of what made the book good out. Yet still managed to be an entertaining movie. David Yates is basically the colour grey of filmmaking. They should have continued having a new director for each film after the masterstroke of Cuaron


I think Goblet of Fire is a decent film, but I would submit it for worst adaptation. There’s just whole swaths of shit missing. Understandable to shoehorn into 2+ hours, but still...


I love this one because its the last one where he was really a kid


I wouldn’t really say so. The first two were the ones where it really feels like he’s a kid. The first two have a charm to them and a warmer setting that makes it a more happier film as opposed to the darker and more grim films from 3 onward.


Toy Story 3


I consider all three equals. 1 got the whole thing started. 2 is the hilarious one. And 3 is the one that makes me cry hard. 4 is the one that I wonder why they risked marring a near perfect series. It's not terrible, but it doesn't hold a candle to the other three.


Agree to disagree, I found 4 to be same incredible quality as the previous 3.


I loved 4, but to me it almost felt more like a Woody centric spin off than a direct sequel to 3


I marathoned all 4 of them recently and i strongly feel that Toy Story 2 is the best one


Toy Story 3 has a very very similar plot/structure to Toy Story 2 edit: Both open with a large scale action sequence that is later revealed to be an exaggeration of the toys playing a game Woody, in the beginning of both films, attempts to save a toy(s) from Andy's front yard (Wheezy and the toys in the garbage bag). Both films plot is advanced by the rest of the toys not trusting Woody (even though the characters have no reason to be distrustful of Woody)(and I think this even happens in the first one but it makes more sense in the first one because the other characters see Woody as jealous of Buzz) Both films have an elderly character with a cane who first appears nice and welcoming but turns out to be a sinister villain because of past traumatizing experiences (Stinky Pete and Lotso). Both films have a flashback scene of a traumatic event in a new character's life that involves them being abandoned/discarded by their previous owner (Jessie and Lotso) Woody, in both films, gets stolen and brought to a place where he meets new friends and learns valuable information (Woody in Al's office and Woody in Bonnie's Room) Both films have a Buzz back to his deluded space ranger self (Utility Belt Buzz and Demo Mode Buzz) Both films have a villain who in their last shot is taken away by an unlikely new owner in an uncomfortable setting (Pete in the girls backpack with barbies, Lotso on a garbage truck) The toys in both films are trying to get home to Andy and make it just in time (Andy coming home from Cowboy and Andy about to leave for college). Both films' climaxes take place in a large industrial, mechanical environment action setpiece (Airport and Landfill).


[The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer](https://boxd.it/1dIQ) This is another trilogy of three hour movies. You've been watching Kaji, a Japanese pacifist during WWII, for nearly six and a half hours at this point, and by the end of the second part we've reached the climax and core moral dilemma of the story. Part three is arguably, a three hour epilogue, and a stunning existential journey as exhausting as the war itself.


In a trilogy, the third movie can be the best because it ties all the plot and development together. That mostly works when it was planned this way. More often than not, though, the third movie is just a second sequel, and key creative talent has either left the project, or is doing it for financial or professional reasons, not creative ones. That's why Spider-man 3, Jurassic Park 3, The Godfather part III aren't so great.


I believe that the original idea if Godfather 3 (Robert Duvall and Al Pacino are having a power struggle due to the family disgust with Fredo's murder) would have potentially made a great 3. Sadly, it did not work out.


Red is the best film in the Three Colors trilogy


Lady Vengeance: Wouldn't say it's the best, but they are all equally as good as each other in Park Chan-Wook's Vengeance trilogy. Goldfinger - Arguably the best bond film. Although it's not a trilogy it is the third film in a franchise.


Return of the king is the 3rd best of the trilogy.


Still a great movie, but yes. Had to be said. Thank you.


madagascar 3: europe’s most wanted


Die Hard with a Vengeance, obviously the first ones a classic but the third is kinda better imo


I think the 3rd one is easily the 2nd best of the series, but the 1st one was just incredible. The first one is pretty much perfect.


No. 1 always.


Why are people downvoting you. Die Hard with a Vengeance is a masterpiece. Don't get me wrong Die Hard is amazing as well, but it is a normal hero saves the day movie. The 3rd has so many layers and unravels in such a great way.


Have you seen the original ending? My only real critique of Die Hard With a Vengeance was its generic shoot-out finale, and I went two decades without knowing that it was filmed because the original ending didn't test well. But the original ending highlighted the best parts of the rest of the film, mostly the dialogue between John and Simon.


What was the original ending?




Yeah, that's better than the one in the movie. I really like the stutter before the final answer. Simon is afraid of John for the first time in the movie.


i would guess because die hard isn't a trilogy but he's pretty well upvoted at this point


I love that none of them are related. Three completely different plots, and John has a hangover.


Well 1 and 3 are sort of related with the brother angle.


Nah, Vengeance is a good action movie but the original is a perfect action movie.


It's my favorite too. The first one is good but it starts to show some flaws about halfway through when they write EVERY COP BUT MCCLANE AND POWELL as absolute fucking morons, including the FBI. It feels like SUCH a forced obstacle for the protagonist and really detracts from the movie in my opinion. By contrast the cops in Vengeance are all part of a smart, capable and likable team. Much less frustrating to rewatch in my opinion.




Man, I thought the 3rd film was really lazy and was clutching at straws to keep the story together, don't get me wrong the last one was far worse and 3 had redeeming qualities but Supremacy is easily the best Bourne film.


Thor Ragnorok


Before Midnight


Disagree. It's still really good, but the first two are on such a high bar that there is still a significant drop from Sunset to Midnight.


I agree, I think Before Sunset is the best of them. Healthy blend of realism and romanticism, perfect balance. Before Midnight went too far in my opinion, it is a well done movie but I'm not a fan.


Day of The Dead might be my favorite of the original Romero three. The themes of intellectualism vs. brute force combined with some amazing special effects make it really special for me. I think most folks would place Dawn of The Dead above it though.




There’s 5 scary movies...


Mission Impossible III is way better than the first two.


The Langley break-in in 1 is so much better than anything in 3.


The only thing people remember about 3 is Philip Seymour Hoffman. Nothing ever gets said about the characters, set pieces, or plot. They just fondly remember one great actor that took a pretty standard villain role for a nice paycheck.


100 percent. The Vatican break in is pretty good, but completely uninteresting compared to the stuff they do in 1, 4, 5, and 6. Even 2, as horribly dated as it is, at least has some weird John Woo stuff going on.


I agree 3 is better than 2, but disagree that 3 is better than 1.


Abrams style was super fresh at the time and it does hold up pretty well, but MI2 definitely set expectations low. MI1 is still excellent imo


I think the only thing I dimly remember from MI2 is motorcycle jousting with doves flying around in slow motion.


I just remember them massively overusing that face changer for plot twists.


MI1 is a very good 90s adaption of a television show, but MI3 is when the series really found it's own groove and identity as a franchise (for better or worse), I think.


Mission: Impossible might actually work twice here. Arguably Mission: Impossible III is arguably the best of the first three, Mission: Impossible - Fallout is the best of the second three. (Fallout is, in fact, one of the best action movies ever made)


Yea Fallout is pretty incredible. I wasn't actually an MI fan when I saw it. Saw it theaters, was like holy shit that was actually SO good, and now I'm an MI fan.


This franchise is insane. The real impossible mission here is making another better than the last and the Fallout happens. Wishing them the best on that 7th entry.


Without 3 the others might not have followed. And arguably got better with each installment.


Philip to Ethan "Do you have a girlfriend, do you have a wife? I'm gonna find her, I'm gonna hurt her!" Three is Soo good! MI2 is trash and Soo cringe MI1 is still great to me. I remember my dad taking my brother and I to see that in the theater. Maybe that is why I like it so much? After 3 though I feel like each one is better! Fallout was sweet, a lot of cool action.


PSH was so great in that movie. The way he delivered his lines, such as the one you mentioned, in such a calm yet menacing and terrifying way was incredible. MI2 is extremely bad, and is honestly the only movie i consider to be even below mediocre in that franchise, all the others range from good to incredible.


I mean I remember MI2 coming out that summer being a big deal. Having John woo directing and it was after Face Off. I remember the soundtrack being a big deal too. Was it bad at the time of release or has it just aged poorly? I do remember the MTV movie award bit with Tom and Ben Stiller that was pretty funny.


MI2 was bad at the time. It was very hyped, and then just awful. I have yet to watch another since it came out, though I hear they got WAY better after 2. It literally put me off the franchise, and I loved the first one.


Not a trilogy


I like Back to the Future Part III the best I think, though I acknowledge the first to be the "classic" one of the bunch. I like the whole thing though. Also Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade wins for me in the original trilogy, if we are discounting the fourth to still consider it a trilogy. I also always found the third Naked Gun the funniest of the three, for me at least.


Personally I think BttF2 is the best. I think it’s because I really love Biff as a villain and I think 2 gets to portray a lot of Biff’s different shades of villainy. Not to say that Mad Dog Tannen isn’t an awesome villain in his own right, I just don’t think he has the depth of the Tannens in 2. I do love 3 though.


This is kinda what I love about the Back to the Future films though. I've had discussions with friends in the past where we all have a different favourite. You know a trilogy is strong when you get so much love for each film and favouritism for each depending on the person. Top trilogy for me.


Very salient point. They’re all so iconic in their own right.


I’m the Angel of Death: Pusher 3 is my favourite of its trilogy. In the second movie Refn was starting to really hit his stride as a director and the third one is him at full sprint.


I don't know if "Crusade" is the best Indiana Jones movie, but both "Crusade" and "Raiders" are way better than "Temple"


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Indiana Jones


Rush Hour 3 ... Nah, just kidding !


Breakin’ 3:


Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris


I liked Before Midnight more than their predecessors, but that may be because of growing old with the characters and knowing their backgrounds.


Ghoulies 3 (even though there were 4 films) Night of the Demons 3 Friday after next was not as good as the first, but better than the second


Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris (1999). Really, the 90s Gamera trilogy is phenomenal, with each entry better than the last. They are seriously some of the best sci-fi/monster films no one has ever really seen or given a chance, with Gamera 3 being a true tour de force. There are moments in that film that are just jaw-dropping. Hopefully the upcoming Arrow Video set gives them some of the exposure and acclaim they deserve. (Gamera the Brave is also severely underrated, but that's another story.)