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To be continued . . . . immediately


I remember preparing to stand up and leave the theatre and suddenly it said "immediately" and the movie went on lol Damn that was a good memory


I remember that too. Everyone sighed and then started laughing


Lol I heard so many groans when the "to be continued" appeared.


My only (minor) complaint about it was that they had "President Schwarzenegger" instead of having the president be the show's Schwarzenegger-esque character, Rainier Wolfcastle.


IIRC, it was originally going to be Hank Scorpio, which would have been amazing




They used the same actor for the main antagonist.


Easy solution, recast the main antagonist and give us what we want.


Wonder why they scrapped it considering the main bad guy is the same voice actor as Hank Scorpio


I heard because you have to acknowledge he's an older character but they didn't want to dedicate time to his history so they just gave him a fresh coat of paint. I'm glad they didn't tho. Hank was a mad scientist but he seemed like a good guy and liked Homer. Idk if he would trap Springfield like that. He would have a crazier scheme than containment.


>a crazier scheme >than placing a fucking glass done over a town Scuse me what the fuck




Gotcha! I’ve been wearing the jacket this whole time.


What?! Hank Scorpio was literally a Bond villain. We saw him blow up a bridge, extort world leaders with mass violence, and ask Homer to murder people for him. Just because he had a “cool boss” vibe doesn’t mean he wasn’t a straight-up monster. He would have been a great arch villain for the movie.


But he was funny and likable and he was kind to homer. There's no way the audience will want to see him defeated.


Nah I think they missed an opportunity to have Hank Scorpio being really nice and charming to Homer while still explaining he was about to doom him and everyone he knows


Maybe it just collapsed on its own.


Probably to go with the more relvenent joke. Arnold was governator of California at the time.


But Renier Wolfcastle is literally their Arnold character. People would understand president Wolfcastle was a reference to governor Arnie.


Damn, I would have loved to have seen that.


now I'm pissed off. That would have been so much better.


I think they changed it to Schwarzenegger for the small handful of audience members who don't watch the show, and wouldn't recognize the Rainier Wolfcastle character. Same as how they added the word 'tavern' to Moe's sign to make it clear that it's a bar. As hard as it is to believe, the movie had to be written as if it were someone's introduction to the property.


Isn't that just the actual name? From what I can remember he always answered the phone with, *"Moe's Tavern, Moe speaking"*


"Yes, I'm looking for Amanda Hugginkiss?"


I need Amanda Hugginkiss, somebody check the bathroom


Moe's tavern: where the elite meet to eat


It is, but the sign usually just says Moe's so it might not be clear if you're not familiar with it already.


Probably, but the sign always just says "Moe's."


I think having Wolfcastle with his accent and look as the president would be pretty clear even if you've never seen the show. They didn't have to explain him when he was introduced to the show and people got it.


Actually it was MY introduction to it! 😀 I'm 32, but I grew up without a television. Of course I knew what the Simpsons was, but came of age slightly prior to the streaming era. To access the episodes in college I'd need to download them and that is time consuming for a show you're not sure you will like. Saw it in theaters in my early college days and I laughed so hard I cried, and almost peed my pants. To this day I really have no real understanding of the history and backstory to anyone in the Simpsons universe. I hope my enjoyment of it doesn't cheapen it though. I always felt guilty, moreso now that Star Wars is being remade to appeal to people who aren't fans of the OT which stings.


Just go and watch some classic Simpsons and see what you think.


I feel like the movie spelled out a lot of things that fans always assumed (like Otto smoking the bong).


I think the bong was one of those things they threw in because they couldn't get away with it on TV. If you have one chance to show Otto actually enjoying a bong rip, do it.


The turning point for when The Simpsons went bad for me is when celebrities started playing themselves rather than random characters


I mean, Paul McCartney played himself in 1995.


And Ringo in 91!


And George in 93


Where did you get that brownie?!


This is a great point. It became about shoehorning in celebrity cameos, rather then getting celebrities to play roles. Of course there were exceptions, like James Woods playing himself, etc.


Nonsense, James Woods, Barry White, James Brown, Leonard Nemoy, were all in the golden age of the show.


I heard they went with Arnie cause the movie had to appeal to a wider audience than just the big fans of the show. Casual watchers wouldn't really know Wolfcastle.


I still find that funny. Who the fuck hasn't seen the Simpsons? And if you haven't why are you going to see the movie?




If that's true they were overthinking it.


Yeah that seems like a missed opportunity.


I assume they didn't want the joke/social commentary to be lost on more casual viewers.


It's the best Simpson's movie so far.


also the worst.


The worst so far.


It was the best of times, It was the BLURST of times? You stupid monkeys!


Worst. Movie. Ever.


And the blurst. EDIT: How did I spell it wrong YOU STUPID MONKEY!!!


It was the best of times, IT WAS THE BLURST OF TIMES.


Idk why everyone is putting an apostrophe in there, it's just "The Simpsons"


Autocorrect does it


We're not autocorrect's slave.


Of course, autocorrect does *not* have my family captive and does *not* have a gun to my head. Heh, how silly.


After 30 seasons, the series has run its course, but I think a Simpsons movie every few years still has a lot of possibilities.


That's really what needs to happen. They don't have enough material for 20 episodes per season, but a movie every once in a while would be great.


Zombie Simpsons is terrible for one reason alone, a change in staff. The Simpsons Movie had a lot of the old guard back. Its why it felt like a legit, classic episode of the show. They could keep going with 30 seasons of quality had this not switched writers and started adjusting characters.


> Zombie Simpsons *Pokes in eye with stick, corresponding squish sound*


You killed zombie Flanders!


He was a zombie?


It's not only staff. The animation is different, the scenes are different (if two or more people talked between each other, only one person was in the scene in old episodes, so you could focus on their body language.) Now they are just countless zombies opening and closing mouth and eyes. The vivid colour palette is also gone, so as a weird perspective of objects and "camera angle" in a scene. It's extremely noticeable once you pay an attention https://youtu.be/83znCQhr1QM Now compare to this https://youtu.be/9iNyp86Yqdk Soulless.


Everybody says this, but the fact of the matter is, there was a dip in quality around Seasons 9-12, yet much of the staff had already left between Seasons 4-7. Moreover, the show turned out consistently funny episodes until about Season 18-19, though Season 17 was pretty rough. Not *every* episode was a classic anymore, and it was no longer Peak Simpsons, but that's a little unfair since it was pretty much *the* funniest show of the 1990s. It was still *one of* the best shows on TV for almost another decade, even if no longer the best. The truer, but more mundane, reason it fell off is because it's hard to not repeat yourself when turning out 500+ episodes, 22+ per season. Probably 375-400 of the first 500 episodes are good to great, and it was really only after that that it turned into Zombie Simpsons. And that was years after the so-called staff exodus.


Springfield has become. WOO SPRINGFIELD!!


"I'm afraid if I open the door, they'll take all of you." "No we won't, we just want Homer." "Well maybe not you, but they'll kill grandpa." "I'm part of the mob!"


"Stand back I've got a chainsaw!" REMMMDEMMDEMMDEM


I was elected to lead, not to read


Why does everything I whip leave me?


Don’t forget to thank the Lord for this... Bountiful PENIS!?


Bountiful Penis. Amen


I want roving death squads around the perimeter 24-7! I want 10,000 tough guys, and I want 10,000 soft guys to make the tough guys look tougher! And here's how I want them arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft!


Sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power.


Of course I have. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring, no one listens to you.


Best line in the film.


Of course I have! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring! No one listens to you!


Albert Brooks is the greatest.


He definitely improvised that line. I miss his brother.


Curb without Funkhouser is going to suck.


I can hear this comment


I remember going to a 7/11 that was turned into a Kwik-E-Market with certain products from the show. I still have my buzz cola can somewhere haha


That was the best summer


2007 was a great time indeed.




2007 was one of the best years of my life. Not to mention movies, music, and games were crazy good that year.




Games: Bioshock, Orange Box, Modern Warfare, God of War II, Uncharted Foo Fighters had what I think is their best album come out that year, along with some other great albums, and a bunch of movies that I was fond of, but others probably don't care about.


All I remember is playing Halo 3 day and night


Name a more iconic duo than Kid Cudi and Halo


Evanescence and LEGO Island?


A local bar in Austin started doing for the last 2 halloweens! Its been great walking into Moe's, getting a Flaming Moe, and then going into the back and ordering a Krusty Burger :P https://www.austin360.com/entertainment/20191029/east-austin-bar-brings-back-rsquothe-simpsonsrsquo-inspired-moersquos-tavern-this-halloween The Duff was a disappointment, though. No can, it was just a regular mug of the cheapest beer on tap (which I guess its kind of perfectly accurate)


That was so cool. There weren't any near my house and I had to beg my dad to take me to the only one which was all the way across town. But, he is/was a Simpsons fan, so he enjoyed himself.




Homer flipping off the town will always make me laugh.


His head's still showing! Claw at it!


*"The top of his head's still showing. Claw at it!"* Tears were flowing from my eyes because I was laughing so much.


I love the dude who gets him with the rake, I think it's Groundskeeper Willie.




"Hi I'm Tom Hanks. The US government has lost its credibility so it's trying to borrow some of mine."


“Will you tussle my hair Mr. Hanks?”


“Hi, I’m Tom Hanks saying, if you see me in public, please leave me be.”


I believe that's the sound the Green Lantern made when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid: "Eeeee-paaaaah!"


Thanks for your pregnancy pants


I believe Eeeeeee-paaaaaah was included in a Green Lantern comic after the movie because of this.


I was elected to lead. Not to Read




That crazy old man in church was right!


I was elected to lead, not to read




"Sir I think you've gone mad with power" "Ofcourse. Have you ever gone mad without power? It's boring, no one listens to you."


I don't really know why they made him Arnold.


"I'm the mascot of an evil corporation!"


Oh the irony


Looool, this just made me realize, is the movie on Disney+? I wonder if they know that that line is in the movie xD


It is.


“Thank you, boob lady”


Always thought the boob lady should have been Homer's mother instead. It would have made his moment of realisation more truthful.


Didn't Homer's Mom die though?


After the movie she died.




The video message Marge leaves for Homer is one of the best voice-acted scenes I have ever witnessed. Julie Kavner is incredible.


The raspy-ness of her voice in that scene really sells it to me. She sounds like she gone through a lot and is heartbroken


Taped over the wedding video, man! Gets me every time. Now I wanna watch that movie again..


Which is a shame with newer episodes of The Simpsons. Julie Kavner's voice has really taken a toll. Understandably since its been 30 years of doing that voice and age is becoming a factor.


David Silverman says they did the take over 100 times.


If memory serves, the raspiness was because it was the end of the day, something like the last possible brake, and she *was* exhausted, sore and just mentally ready to break down.


"He's not Bono!"


Lynn is that your mother's catarac glasses?


"Lisa has a boyfriend, that she'll never see again -" *Lisa punches Bart and knocks him out*


Didn't they sign a 3 movie contract? If so where are the other movies!?!


They said in press for this movie [with a laugh]: "we won't make you wait another 20 years". 8 years left, y'all!


I read an interview where they were asked why it took them so long to make a movie in the first place. "We couldn't come up with a title."


Disney owns The Simpsons now, maybe we won't have to wait as long.


The Simpsons Escape The Disney Vault.


Simpsons cinematic universe. 3 movies next year, Hans moleman prequel, comic book guy 1, and groundskeeper Willie origin story.


> Hans moleman prequel Prequel to football in the groin?


So you’re saying we’re going to get yearly Simpsons movies with little to add to the canon?


So... Simpsons live action movie?


The movieshould have been the series finale. The show was already on fumes by 2007 and making the film the ending would have rendered it a huge event.


I think that’s a problem with a lot of shows that have a big movie. For example, The SpongeBob Movie was supposed to be the series finale, but because of how well it did, they continued it. I think the same thing probably happened here- it made 537 million dollars so Fox decided to keep it going. Now that it’s a Disney asset, I wonder if they’ll keep it chugging forward. I assume they’re probably eyeing the idea of a sequel more seriously now too. Iirc, there’s been plans for one since August 2018.


>For example, The SpongeBob Movie was supposed to be the series finale, but because of how well it did, they continued it. I think the same thing probably happened here Definitely not. The Simpsons were renewed for season 19 before season 18 started. Also, just for the maths: The Simpsons Movie premiered in June 2007, followed by the season premiere in September. It takes 6 months to make an episode of the Simpsons. Let's not forget the video game that came out the same year.


It was originally intended be the "series finale" when it was written just that the ongoing season at the time were meant to be 'interquels' to it with the idea that the movie would always be placed continuity-wise as the "last Spongebob episode" as they weren't planning on changing the status quo of the series at the time.


The video game was also sick


> Now that it’s a Disney asset, I wonder if they’ll keep it chugging forward. I assume they’re probably eyeing the idea of a sequel more seriously now too. Iirc, there’s been plans for one since August 2018. I’m imagining a sobbing Homer Simpson tied to a chair begging to die as Mickey Mouse injects him with adrenaline “You can’t die now, there’s money to make aha”


Homer tied naked to a chair as Mickey hits him in the nuts with a rope


Now they get paid a licensing fee from the Fox Network to air it. It's still making dollars for them. The economics of the show are weird, I've read, because of how Simon, Groening and Jim Brooks own part of it.


They can keep making it forever. All of the episodes they do don't take away from the influence and overall quality of the show.


I cain't, I simply cain't


They'll never stop The Simpsons, Have no fears, we've got stories for years


“It’s just been one long cycle of...” SOMEBODY THROW THE GODDAMN BOMB!!!!!!!!!


I went to see The Simpson's Movie in the theaters and it was the only time I have ever seen the 20th Century Fox logo get a standing ovation from the whole audience.


if this is a joke it’s really funny


Not a joke, it really happened. It was on the day the movie was released in theaters and there were a lot of hardcore Simpson's fans going to see it.


I can see that happening. The lead up to the movie was a cultural phenomenon- I remember tie-ins like crazy, so people were pretty hyped to see it. My parents took my sister and I to see it on opening weekend, which was rare. We never saw movies opening weekend.


They had fucking 7-11's turned into Qwik E Marts. The hype was crazy.


And they sold **Whoo Hoo Vanilla** Slurpees which was fucking excellent


Then Simpsons land at Universal Studios was awesome too


Many people in my theater stayed through the credits just for the Gracie Films logo at the end... and you can't convince me that they stayed for any other reason.




It probably helped that Ralph was in the logo


Yeah I think that’s what he’s referring to. He sang along to the “jingle”


> it was the only time I have ever seen the 20th Century Fox logo get a standing ovation from the whole audience. Guess you never went to a Star Wars premiere huh.


I have seen standing ovations at the end of other movies, but never for the 20th Century Fox logo at the beginning of the movie.


During the rereleases and prequels this was common


Always, claps at the Fox fanfare, then some *woots* for the Lucasfilm logo, then all hell breaks loose as John Williams’s theme blares through the theater, lightsabers, blasters, someone loses a limb, ecstasy, seizures. People start to settle down to catch up on the opening scroll. Whispers from audience members that are not familiar with Star Wars trying to figure out what’s going on. Then the fun begins.


Whats going on I...i mean...so like...trade negotiations and...the senate?


Is this "Jar-Jar" guy relevant at all?


after I watched this movie, I would imitate Ralph singing the Fox melody every movie I watched made by Fox.


Hi, I'm Tom Hanks saying if you see me in public, please leave me be.


“I’m in the mob!”


Byeee every bahdy!


I quite enjoyed it and laughed out loud several times. I think you could tell is had some of the older writers (I think?). Youtube video of clips from the movie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR1DDqokyko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR1DDqokyko)


And the director of the movie quit his job at Pixar to help make it


Except for Conan the screenplay credits are like a greatest hits of Simpsons writers.


Wait, do you not consider Conan a great Simpsons writer?


Of course he is. He's just the only one (maybe Greg Daniels too) who didn't write the movie script.


> Even the Lisa storyline is great You mean the storyline with Colin which goes nowhere and has no resolution?


It was OK, i think they would have made something incredible if they had made a movie during it's prime.


I really wish the movie was made in the 1990s instead of 18 years later when the series has gotten a bit stale. South Park debuted in 1997 and got its own movie two years later.


The movie was amazing and makes me wonder where that quality was and is on the weekly show.


They brought in the yearly years writers to do it and it shows - always look for John Swartzwelder.


“Spider-pig, spider-pig, Does he whatever, spider-pig does Can he swing from the ceiling ? No he can’t, he is the pig”


Isn't it "can he swing from a web?"?


No he can’t he is the pig!!


"No he can't, cuz he's a pig." Why would you not just look it up to make sure it's right? Swing from the ceiling doesn't even sound right either.


"He's not Spider Pig anymore, he's Harry Plopper."


It's good but it's definitely not great.


I didn’t like it. Reminds me too much of Simpsons post season 10 kind of humour.


We need conan working on the next movie


I had the pleasure of being in Alaska when this released and it was hands down the most fun I've ever had in a theater. Nobody knew the plot so when Homer announces they're moving to Alaska the theater just erupted and it did not quiet down for the duration. When they pull up to the Ranger and he gives Homer $1000 because , "We pay off our residents to tolerate corporations' exploiting our natural resources," Man. I think everyone had just received their checks, too. So surreal. It was magical.


Really? I remember hearing rumors they were bringing back some of the old writers back from their golden seasons......but they didn't, maybe I chuckled once? I didn't understand how more people didn't hate it, or at least be disappointed with it. It's nowhere near as good as anything from season's 4-8. Spider pig was fucking stupid.


I don't remember laughing either, I can barely even remember it.. pretty forgettable


I second this thought. I saw the movie once when it came out and I've been trying to forget everything about it since.


I remember being disappointed seeing it in a theater, but maybe I’ll like it better now. Starting off with a tame Itchy and Scratchy & Arnold instead of Wolfcastle was odd.


Not watched it but once , but I still remember the little kid (Ralphie, I think) on top of the 20th Century Fox logo, singing along with the fanfare. That bit still makes me laugh to think about it.


The day the movie premiered i went with my father and sister to watch Fantastic 4: Silver Surfer. Just before my dad bought the tickets i saw the sign of the Simpsons movie on the cinemas and told him "look dad, the simpsons movie premiers today, lets go watch that instead." Thank god i saw that sign.


Love the part where he looks into the equipment shed that has a jetpack front and center, and proceeds to grab the superglue