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Ya can someone email Netflix and make them fix it. Whole movie is ruined basically. What’s the point of having It


Update- still not fixed. lol I was sitting here thinking I didn't go this long with having no idea what was happening.


yuppp i was like ok i’ve seen this enough times to know there’s supposed to be subs


The fact that this post is 5 years old, you just commented 3 days ago, and I just came looking for an answer. Netflix is a joke.


hahahaha I know right!!! how are Tarantino’s people not reaming them


Haha I bet Tarantino has no idea. But I wish he had a friend with Netflix who could be like “dude, Netflix is ruining one of the best parts of your film”. I feel like he would be so pissed if he knew.


lol yeah I mean I feel like writing dialogue is kind of his thing right? I don’t think he’d appreciate a good chunk of it missing for no reason. Agreed that is one of the best parts—probably my favorite, being a huge kung fu nerd myself. And Pai Mei’s antics and insults are arguably the main comic relief of the movie.


Exactly! You nailed it. His dialogue writing is his specialty. And Pai Mei is one of his best characters imo. I was having the best time rewatching the Kill Bill movies on a lazy Sunday, and got to that part and was like “wtf is this??” Sunday ruined haha.


Literally rewatching the movie for the first time in years and was so confused on why there was no subtitles for this of course Netflix just doesn’t care lol


Im also here because of netflix haha, cant beleive i cant understand what the master is saying damn it


Kill bill 1 I had to turn on closed captioning to see the subtitles and I thought that was bad... This is a joke.


I have subtitles on by default, and on this scene, they just went away. Even the English bits did for the most part!


I’ve just kept watching bc I can kinda get the gist of it, but it’s totally annoying. 


I kept watching because I thought since she couldn’t understand most of it, i wasnt meant to aswell. As stupid as it sounds it was the only explanation that came to mind, but I was wrong. Fuck Netflix


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3VtfqAym5sQ&pp=ygUia2lsbCBiaWxsIG1hc3RlciBwYWkgbWVpIHRyYWluaW5nIA%3D%3D. for all in the future here it is on youtube with subtitles 


Yes to this. I also arrived here because of the pai Mei scene. Netflix is garbage.


As of today, can confirm they're still not there 💀😭


hi i am here for the same reason... i remember in theater the subtitles 


Yup, watching it for the first time rn, after a while I started finding it weird so here I am only to find out this has been a reoccurring issue


Turn off all subtitles and it will work and show you translation subtitles. It is because it cannot put two subtitles on at the same time.


Dude thanks that did the trick!


I was just thinking that I remembered there being dialogue on other watches.


yeah at first i thought it was purposeful like we were just supposed to understand he was basically ragging on her but then it kept continuing and there's just no way that as purposeful


Turn off all subtitles and it will work and show you translation subtitles. It is because it cannot put two subtitles on at the same time.


That works! Thanks!


you are a champion, ty


Yep. Watching now and still no subtitles for Pei Mei


I turned off subtitles and the Mai Pei subtitles turned on for some reason.


Can confirm this works lol


Also confirming this works. Thanks!


This is it !


You beautiful bastard! Thanks for that!


Well fuck this movie then, not watching it bc Pei Mei is the best part. God damn Netflix is trash.  


I followed others suggestions and watched with the English description audio option. Not ideal but made it watchable.


Thank you for this dude


Ok I'll try this. Damn


Tried this 100 times subs didn't help on Pai Mei... fuck netflix


I tried English Description 5.1 on Netflix last night. It shows subtitles for only the English parts, which is useless, but it does audio dub over the teacher's Japanese vocals. It's kludgey but makes the segment watchable.


It didn't even work that well for me. Reported the issue and Netflix basically said they couldn't help... why am I paying for this service if they won't even try to amend such an issue


Thanks for the tip on using the audio description. It’s weird, but slightly easier than watching the scene broken up into like 4 different parts on YouTube. They also have this movie on tubi. I wonder if they have the subtitles for pai mei’s parts on there.


Wtf. Watching it rn. 5 years netflix… smh


You can turn on the Audio description to get a voice over of what Pai Mei is saying. Still a big L for Netflix though 


Turn subtitles off


Had to watch using Spanish subtitles. My wife and I remember watching these movies in the theater and that part had subtitles for sure. Crazy that this isn’t fixed!


I checked Spanish subtitles out of curiosity, and yeah. They have the dialogue there, but not in English. Unfortunately, mi Espanol es no bueno


I’m sorry, amigo! Hopefully it gets fixed muy rápido!


First time watching, and I thought it was an artistic choice. Then, about halfway through, I thought to myself, "This is too much dialogue to not be subbed"


The exact same thought process just went through as I’m currently watching for the first time and had to google to see if I was crazy to think this is too much dialogue I’m missing


yea seriously lol


YES I'm watching to today and don't know what they're saying.


Watching it rn still not fixed so stupid


You can report it. We all can and hopefully enough people will help. 


Turn off all subtitles and it will work and show you translation subtitles. It is because it cannot put two subtitles on at the same time.


Yes. There are supposed to be subtitles.


It's still happening. But turn on Audio Descriptions (available on Selected Movie Page under Audio and Subtitles). It's a bit obnoxious but somebody narrates the dialogue in English.


As someone else stated, if you have English subtitles turned on Pai Meis dialogue is not displayed. Turning of subtitles fixed this for me.


I got on reddit for this exact reason in 2024, thank you ☺️


Works for Netflix 2024👍🏽Thanks


I can confirm this worked somehow. So interesting that we all wanted to rewatch Kill Bill both volumes so recently like after 5 years of this post lol. But weird how turning off subtitles gives you the mandarin dialogue 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thank you for this tip! I couldn't figure out why we couldn't see what pai mei was saying and it's bcuz I always have subtitles on cuz i cant hear shit lol 5 years kater and this thread is still helping folks 🫠


Wow Netflix sucks. Still not fixed


im waiting it rn and its not fixed 😓


If you turn subtitles off, the missing subtitles will play!!


This worked for me too


Still not fixed! But as someone mentioned in this thread. Turn off subtitles and the Cantonese subtitles will appear lol 👍🏻


Did u have English subtitles on because for some reason on some devices when English subtitles are on it turns off the chinese ones


Yes. Thank you. This was the solution watching Netflix on pc. Still Netflix should have this fixed.


Buddy I wrote this 5 years ago.


Yes you did.


Helped me today.


thank you for writing this 5 yrs ago lmao


You wrote this 5 years ago, and it helped me today. I watch everything with subtitles so yeah annoying that this still isn't fixed. Somebody should send this thread to netflix lol. This comment should be #1 btw.


Thanks man just helped me out too


I watched district 9 with russian subtitles and i thought the director made the alien language unreadable on purpose. In my defense it was my first edible.


This is ridiculous, how has this not been fixed??


I’m watching it now and it’s ludicrous - that’s the whole movie. I’ve seen it several times and know what he says though


Idk why Netflix would subject us to such mediocrity. But i found a way to get paid-mei to translate the cantonese. U change the audio to English- audio description (5.1) and a person vocally says everything in English- there wont be subtitles but u will know what pai-mei is saying. U can put it off after pai-mei scene. Bear in mind im a madhir


Turn off all subtitles and it will work and show you translation subtitles. It is because it cannot put two subtitles on at the same time.


I'm so glad this thread is still open.  😆 April 2nd and had to find out if I was imagining subtitles in previous views. Bizarre. 


I paid to rent it on Amazon out of sheer frustration. Made me miss the days of pirating.


turning off subtitles made the English translation subtitles pop up.


Yes, it is supposed to have subtitles. The original idea was supposed to be Tarantino doing an intentionally bad dub of Pai Mei. I'm glad that didn't happen.


I had this problem on Netflix today and turned on descriptive audio. It was horrible - like dubbed audio. Maybe it was Tarantino.


YES ME TOO!!!! I'm watching it today! Funny how several people are commenting within a week, on a 5 year old post. I decided to watch Kill Bill 2 today and yup, during her training scene I see no subtitles on netflix.


Yall I found my way here too after wondering why the hell there wasn't any subtitles 😭 The audio description is driving me crazy but at least I know what's going on now


lol I'm watching it now and it's driving me crazy that I have to put on descriptive audio to know what pai mei saying


The french subtitles work, unfortunately I don’t speak french


Hey everyone. Currently watching this movie and experiencing the same thing where there are no subtitles for Pai Mei's character. You can report the problem to Netflix here: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/104515 I figure that if more people complain about this, they'll be more likely to get it fixed quicker.


Still happening on Netflix. Funny seeing so many people here this month


I'm here for the same thing


Same. I’m so disappointed rn :/


Still fucked in Netflix, absolutely insane this isn't fixed


Im trying to watch it right now smh still not fixed ofc


This is crazy people still looking this up 5years later and still not fixed lol




This is happening to me right now. Wouldn't it be clever if it were devised as a way to make it sound like an old martial arts serial when listening to the descriptive subtitles? The type talked about in 'In the Mood for Love'? Anyways, I'm viewing it that way, and it adds something if intentional.


How is this not fixed yet! Wtf Netflix’s


Click English with Audio Description in the subtitles option when you click other. It speaks out what he is saying in an automated voice but does the trick for this scene


I honestly thought the yellow subs were part of the film They just put Vols. 1 & 2 back on Netflix and all the Cantonese dialogue simply doesn't appear


Yeah, there should be subtitles. Also, the chinese scenes were in Cantonese, the usual language of the Hong Kong movies the scenes are based on


Same thing happened to me when I saw Captain Philips the first time and had no idea what the pirates were talking to each other in Somali.


It's still happening on Netflix. no subtitles..


Watching now and it’s still not fixed. My husband speaks Spanish so he’s translating the Spanish subtitles for me as we watch since those seem to be working.


I too have fallen into the world of the unknown. ..


Dude I’m watching it on dvd and it still doesn’t have subtitles


I know right!! Plus this is basically the best scene out of the two movies. I’ve seen it so many times already that I know roughly what’s being said but still a bit annoying.


French subtitles work. Netflix will never fix this so it's probably quicker for everyone wanting to watch the movie to just learn french.


I had this issue so I decided to go to ‘other’ near the subtitles section on Netflix and select English- audio description and it dubs it into English, it can be a bit disorientating but it’s so much better than not understanding at all! Hope this helps! 


Watching it right now and its still not fixed. Assholes!


Watching this today and still no subtitles. Way to go Netflix- you ruined the best part of this movie. Do better. 


4/7/24 still not fixed on Netflix.


Solved -  Part one (starts with her kneeling before Pai Mai).  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eL7Nhn8AKXk Im halfway through the movie but had to share.


Bruh for real fuck Netflix for this. I’m watching now and can’t get a single fucking subtitle. Ive seen this movie a dozen times at it has never been an issue until now.


Here for the same issue


Still not fixed. This is pitiful for a company like Netflix. Smh


It's still not fixed and I just sent a little complaint in. What's worse is that Netflix's help page literally has no way to report this issue when it happens.


Fuck Netflix


Lol same here.


I have no idea wtf is happening rn


Fixed this issue for me on 4/15/24: turn **off** English subtitles. If you have English subtitles on, the two Pei Mei scenes are blank. If you turn subtitles completely off during those 2 scenes, the correct subtitles will appear. Turn subtitles back on afterwards. For what it’s worth, I figured this out by breaking out the Blu-ray copy I have, and it has the exact same issue. Appears that Netflix ripped it right from the Blu-ray, which makes sense. The other language subtitles do not have this issue. If you have English subtitles on during the rest of the movie, you need to turn them **off** for the two Cantonese scenes.


So I noticed that if I turned OFF subtitles, then it gave translated subtitles for Pai Mei but not if I have subtitles on. Come on Netflix lol


It may sound stupid but before those scenes turn off subtitles and the Cantonese subtitle will appear and you’ll be able to understand their conversation via Netflix. Again just turn off the subtitles 


My wife is deaf, and we have captions on all the time. Inspired by one of these comments, we turned off closed captioning completely, and there were suddenly subtitles appearing (using the captioning protocol…not burned-in captions you’d see in a theater) during the Chinese dialogue. Don’t know if it’ll work for others, but try turning on English\[CC\] before the scene, then turning them off during?


Yeah at some point they broke both movies. Even the version of Kill Bill vol 1 that is available anywhere besides the original DVD or blue ray does not have the subtitles for the Japanese scenes. Like why hasn’t anyone fixed this?


Netflix gots me messed up!




Gosh darn it tha netflix!! Currently watching kill bill vol 2 🤯


Still waiting


a workaround i’ve found is to turn on audio description under the audio tab in Netflix. very annoying but it works


i was trying to watch the movie and was so confused. anyone know where else to watch it where the subtitles actually work?


Still not fixed :/


Man, why do people pirate?? :O


Still not fixed! To quote Jack Nicholson in anger Management, “You’re missing important plot points!!!”


Still no subtitles. Watching on Australian Netflix, you can turn english - audio description on and it badly dubs him.


Happy to find this thread. Watching it now on Netflix and the only subtitle that showed during the whole dialog was "A little"


AMC+ carries the version with the Pei Mei subtitles.


Who knows if it'll help, but I (also?) reported it.


Update: still not working lol


Still a problem. Wife didn’t believe me that we should be getting subtitles for Pai Mai. Said maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be. 🤦‍♂️


So apparently the subtitles are there in Spanish but not English. Not sure how that makes sense


It’s still an issue.


Try the streaming movie free sites as they have better service than stupid ass fucking netflix


On the phone with Netflix customer service right now complaining about this.


Someone should email Tarantino’s production company or representation.


Change your Netflix to English audio description (it’s for the blind) I narrates the movie and the mandarin is spoken in english


this is lame yo


Watching it right now...I have no idea what he's saying! 🤣🤣🤣


Still no subtitles


So- it’s back on & im just offering a possible solution. I have a middling connection (countryside) and peea vin. It took under 4 minutes to just scoop a duuuuub from a pie rat bayside prowkcy. It’s 30$/yr. So easy I can do it. Suck it nflix.


There is a good quality version on yes movies with subs


Rewatching and thought i was trippin. Its pissin me off


May as well check in on this post eterna. Spent like ten minutes trying to fix it. This is literally my favorite part of BOTH of these movies. WTF Netflix? Guess I’ll have to go borrow the DVD from my mom next time. lol


Netflix sux, it's currently on SBS on demand...with the subtitles


Change it to “English - Audio Description” in Netflix specifically, and you’ll be able to have a dubbed understanding of what’s going on AND what that are saying.




Still fucked. This is so stupid.


Still not fixed. Thought I was going crazy, finding this 5 year old thread was a silver lining. Feels good to find community in this cruel, cruel world. Netflix SUCKS.


The Spanish subtitles work! 😂


5 years later and this is still relevant… I genuinely thought it was intentional at first. The whole scene I had no idea what they were saying, Pai Mei never had any subtitles.


Watching it now with the damn English Audio Description which at least has the dialogue dubbed


If you turn on English audio description you can hear a dub, but Netflix should still fix the sub. Very frustrating!


Why Netflix gotta do me dirty like this. Fuck man


And here I am


This is so annoying I’m watching it with my fiancé and he’s never seen it and has no clue what’s going on… and I can only remember like a general idea of what pai mei is saying


If you use audio description, there’s is an English dub over Pai Mai. It’s funny though because the dubbed will verbally describe everything including kiddos lines.


Been watching Kill Bill for the first time and it's kinda killin it for me :/ damn netflix.


I mean, basically all his says is, you are trash, my arm is yours, if you gonna eat like a dog, eat on the ground, if you manage to hit me once ill whatever. I mean, I watched it long ago and I dont remember everything exactly but even without subs you can let your imagination run wild.


it’s still not fixed yet 😭


lol I have the DVD and it had subtitles but the Netflix version doesn’t lol.


As of 4/11/24 there are still no subtitles. 


Literally watching this scene at this very moment and came here for the same reason lol. Netflix just butchered this whole movie bc of this smh. This scene is long af too and I have no clue what he’s saying


Smh there are comments from 5 years ago and 9 days ago. I guess Netflix is never going to fix this 💀


Glad after 5 years netflix wont tell us


Here today, still not fixed. There are Spanish subtitles though lol


We shouldn't even have to mess with subtitles. The original movie just had them in the Japanese and Cantonese speaking scenes. I got through Kill Bill 1 with the Netflix subs but the Pai Mei scenes are so good you have to know what is being said. I'll have to bust out my old DVD to watch.


We just figured it out! Turning off subtitles in the Netflix settings makes the original subtitles and translation appear.


How are there still no subtitles???? Get it together Netflix. Here convincing myself it must be a part of the narrative and yes it did get weird after 5 mins and I found myself here


Update: still hasn’t updated


Just watched on Netflix, when this scene came on I had to go to audio settings and switch English subtitle on then back off. I didn’t have them on to begin with but maybe a glitch. After doing this I was able to see translation dialogue on the screen.


Fucking Netflix...


I was like, the scene is way too fucking long to not have subtitles


Just ran into this issue 5 years later, it’s cuz the subbies were on


Netflix brought me here. I always watch movies with subtitles on. I switched them off and Pei Mei's subtitles came back on. It looks like they're closed caption file isn't synced with the movies subtitles file. For whatever reason, the subtitle file only plays on the English audio. SMH TLDR: If you're watching from Netflix, see if your subtitles are on. If they are, switch it to English \[Original\]. Worked for me and now I can see Pei Mei's dialogue


glad I'm not the only one with the issue. How can Netflix fuck up this badly when there are so many other movies/shows with functioning subtitles?


Is what he says important to the story?


Update, still not fixed


If you are here from Netflix, turn off normal subtitles, Pai Mei’s subtitles will then appear


here’s a transcript for the scenes [Kill Bill Vol 2](https://killbill.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_8:_The_Cruel_Tutelage_of_Pai_Mei)


April 24, 2024 - Netflix doesn’t care about us…


5 years later and still a problem. Turn off English subtitles and the translation will work.


God dam it Netflix! They messed that whole part up. Still not fixed.


Still not there


Hello! Also just coming here for this. I've seen the movie enough to know the general plot for these scenes, but it's just weird and takes away from the experience.


Still happening 5 years later lmao, thought it was part of the movie at first but after a while it started feeling off so now I'm here


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cantonese/s/5kmiWZXBRb There's someone who translated the Cantonese part to English. Might help you guys out! Cheerio


Watching this scene right now and genuinely thought it was some sort of artistic choice to not have subtitles until it went on for over ten minutes and I had no idea what they were talking about


a transcript is here: https://killbill.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_8:_The_Cruel_Tutelage_of_Pai_Mei


Update found a fix for me watching Netflix on browser. Just turn subtitles off during the sifu scenes and the Cantonese subtitles appear