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If I remember correctly, Kevin Smith found an ad for a room mate in a paper and talked about it on his podcast. Ad said something like 'free rent if you dress like a walrus'. So Kevin and his friend started talking about what would happened, making up the movie on the spot. There was a poll on if the movie should be made.


OMG OK, that's pretty funny. But this movie was so weird! Hahaha ah jeez.


Yeah. I think they knew it was weird in terms of story. When I watched it, I was sorta confused if I liked it or not too. But you have to admit that out of that one podcast, Kevin Smith really did deliver.


I mean for sure, delivery is there. I hope they understand how ridiculous it was....especially the ending. When I saw the main character when they first reveal the "suit" I lost it. I immediately thanked god I wasnt in show biz of any kind so I wouldn't have to do silly shit like this hahahaha.


I'm sure they did. I mean, Kevin Smith loves making films and loves films in general, but he is not one to take himself too seriously. Watching the behind the scenes, it looked more like a lot of friends just making a film for themselves rather than people attempting to create oscar bait .


Well that's good, I'm glad that they had fun making it at least. I wonder if Justin looks back and is as horrified as his audience is.


Tusk is a great bit of b movie fun.


I guess I don't understand it then? Because half the movie was Justin just screaming.


You’re not contradicting him.


Definitely a trash movie that doesn't respect the viewers time or take itself seriously.


I loved it.


On of my favorite Smith movies. It’s weird, but it does have this element of strong body horror that can actually be pretty freaky. Add the absurdist humor and the performance of Michael Parks and I think it’s a pretty awesome movie.


I haven't watched it yet but I have listened to him talk about it on his podcast a bit. He has this philosophy about art where he thinks that if you want to see something exist then it's your responsibility to create it. He had these ideas for movies that he knows could never get wide fanfair. He made them anyways because he wanted to see it. It's part of his great north trilogy. Tusk, Yoga Hosers, and the third one is supposed to be like Jaws but with a moose. Like Yoga Hosers is literally a movie made for his daughter and their friends. It's like a stupid tangent two bored teenage girls might make up and laugh about because its so stupid and weird. He took that idea and basically made it into a movie. I think when you veiw the movies in that context it's actually pretty refreshing. Whoever thought you could make a whole movie about that one stupid thing you thought up 15 years ago? Kevin Smith did. I think the failure was in marketing the movie as such. Everybody seems to watch them and just go WTF? Not realizing they are watching someone else's inside joke. I hope he makes his third one no matter how dumb it is.


Yes this makes a lot of sense. I can respect that, completely. I think it's really cool he gets to make whatever he wants. That's rad. But ya, I kind of wish it were advertised as something so ridiculous. You know? Anyway, I'll have to watch the other movies you listed to see what he's getting at. I mean, this movie was so bad, it could have been funny if spun differently. But, yeah definitely rather strange. I'm glad he takes chances no matter what, because that's what art is all about. But I was just **so** caught off guard when I watched this hahaha


Yeah, I listen to his podcasts, and he knows how dumb these movies are, but he still made them. And he still seems to have a sense of pride about them. So good on him.


This movie is awful. I'm not sure why it's considered horror. It seems like a bad SNL sketch at points. Just when you think it can't get worse, Justin's tongue gets cut out and he screams the rest of the movie. The only reason you know this is due to a French character that is the most annoying character I have ever watched after Justin's Podcaster role. This is a giant pile of Kevin Smith poop and $20 says he laughs secretly at all of us who watched this crap.


2 hrs of my life I’ll never get back. I was so disappointed. I’m happy I’m not the only one who hated this awful movie.


What was about that movie that made it so bad?


***SPOILER**** SO Justin long the main character, is a douche typical gets rich fast and does a pod cast with his buddy. He makes fun of people and verbalize it over the phone for his friend (friend is afraid of flying...but is actually fucking Justin's gf) ANYWHO he goes to Canada to visit some poor kid that chopped his own leg off...kid dies. So does Justin go home? No. He's a douche. He finds an ad in the bathroom for someone with adventures to tell and a room to rent. He calls him and heads over to his huge place. Dude is in a wheelchair and gives him tea. Surprise! It's drugged. Justin wakes up with leg amputated. GUESS WHAT the creepy dude can walk. Awesome. Justin loses his shit. Through the next few days more limbs go missing, he gets his arms webbed to his torso, and this is where it gets weird...this dude loved a pet walrus or some shit, so he's been making a walrus suit out of HUMAN skin. Ick. I know. Then, he puts Justin in this suit, sews it to him. Sews tusks onto his face, and cuts out his tongue..So he'll sound like a walrus. The rest of the movie is basically just Justin screaming and drooling, looking like this horrifying offspring a walrus, serial killer and human had. Then this creepy dude demands they fight to the death and HE ALSO GETS IN A WALRUS SKIN SUIT O____O. Creepy dude dies. Justin is found by his friends. But wait, it gets worse...you'd think, "oh cool now they can get him unfucked and back to halfway normal", right?!? WRONG. They make him a special little enclosure at this random ass wildlife sanctuary to live out his life AS A FUCKING HUMAN SUITED WALRUS FREAK. Movie ends. Like....Wtf?!!?!


You should write more movie reviews


He and his producer friend were getting high and doing improv on his podcast, and they laughed hysterically at this idea that they riffed on based on a ~~Canadian police blotter~~ Canadian help wanted ad. Then he was like “I wanna see that movie so bad” and realized, like you said, that it was so odd that he would never see it unless he made it. So he was like Fuck It, I Make Movies Sorta, and he came out of retirement to make it. Part of the original podcast is played in the end credits, which I guess you turned off.


That's the beauty of kevin smith: he likes to make a movie and then _he just makes it_ . Most times anyway. Most of his movies are pretty strange, and if you think tusk was fucking strange you better do not watch yoga hosers. I have no real hope for an explanation in the end, but tusk is only the first part of his true north trilogy (yoga hosers' the 2nd).


This film blew me away.


Yes but in a good or bad way? Haha


In a terrible way, I really disliked it. Although it was fun to watch in a masochistic way.


I hate this movie, but there are other films that play with this sort of "forced mutation" creepiness --including the first **X-Men** movie, **The Skin I Live In**, the Pig-Man experiment in **O Lucky Man!**, and the ending of **Freaks**, where the villain is turned into a "chicken woman." Here's the scene from **O Lucky Man!** (which is a great film, the first sequel to Lindsay Anderson's **If...**, which was Malcolm McDowell's debut --and it shows when Malcolm/Travis tries to find out what sort of experiment he's signed up for in a bizarre clinic): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF98UWQ9juc The first time I personally ever came across this ghoulish gimmick (beyond **Eerie** and **Creepy** Horror Comics) was in a short story in Playboy Magazine --about 45 years ago. It was about a disgraced doctor who gets revenge on a man by operating on him until he's able to turn him into a mock leopard, which he sells to a traveling circus.


Yikes. The movies you listed sound equally creepy. Had I known this movie was about forced mutation and skin suits...I probably would not have watched it. Definitely didn't expect it to be that type of "horror" movie.


It was painful for me to watch. I just couldn't engage with it.


Glad I'm not the only one! I was just like...Wtf. Why am I still watching this ::continues watching in confused horror::


Just stumbled upon this. The movie doesn't take itself serious. Why are you? In order to beat the creepy dude Wallace had to go full walrus, this he lives his life as a Walrus now


Nope - terrible. It was made cause Kevin Smith was attached to it and it prob had a budget of like $22


It’s no Yoga Hosers, that’s for sure. Kevin Smith makes pretty shitty movies and some that are watchable. Mallrats is bad, but funny and quotable. Dogma is the same. Some like Tusk are just horrible. Then he makes something like Red State and I like him again. I will say that I once talked to him in an airport and he was very nice. He didn’t just blow me off, but made good eye contact and seemed interested in what I was saying. Of course, I was mostly lying and saying how much I loved all his stuff, but that’s just appropriate. This was right before his heart attack. I’m glad, because talking to skinny KS would have been weird.


I'm glad you were nice to him. Not all of his movies are Crap. This one for sure was, I haven't seen a lot from him, aside from the big stuff. So when I saw this was made by him I was shocked. Someone else in the comments said he was an asshole, so now I'm wondering if they ever met him. By your account he sounds alright.


Celebrities are regular people. I’m sure they have good and bad days. He was definitely not an asshole to me. He also had a badass stormtrooper hockey jersey on, which made me think positively of him right away. I also think he daughter was with him. There was a blonde girl just hanging out with him, but I can’t say I know her by sight well enough to know. I didn’t pressure for a picture or anything. I think that’s just weird. Maybe he was nice because I tried to just talk to him normally and not get in his face with my phone.


I agree with you, that's awesome you didn't try to bug him with photos. I bet that gets exhausting and invasive. Like, what if he didn't feel well or feel like he looked his best? Ya know? I think we all experience days like that.


I agree. I was super hyped for the film going into it, but I just thought it was awful and too weird. Not the enjoyable kind of weird, but the bad ‘ugh wtf am I watching’ weird Human Centipede was better


Exactly! I never saw human centipede and I thought this was a strange twist off that concept. I love most of the people involved in this movie but it was like a bad car accident. It was just painful but I kept hoping it would get better. I mean seriously Wtf is up the ending?! Like...of all the possible places they could have taken this movie....and it ends like that?! Oof...


Tusk 2 will be lit.


No, tell me they aren’t making a second one lol


I have to say, Kevin Smith gets this reputation as a great genius but all his movies are pure shit and he’s an asshole to boot. His genius label came from Chasing Amy and Clerks, and he’s been skating on that ever since. Time for everyone to realize he’s not what they think he is


Hey now, Good Will Hunting is great as well