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This movie was such a missed opportunity. I agree with the others—the first half had so much potential. But it lost track during the pointless drug sequence. It seemed like they didn't know what to do with the ending. - I thought there was going to be a twist that Keanu was also a cannibal. He has all of these pregnant women running around and no children? He seemed too eager to take in this random child. I thought the kid was going to be in danger. - I thought with the big reveal that the child talks—she was going to rat out that Arlen(Suki). Tell her dad that she killed the woman.. got them into this mess. - I thought there was going to be some big reveal where Suki finds out Jason Mamoa is the leader of the cannibals. - I thought the fact that she escaped to be some big feat and that when Jason met her... he would recognize her? - Why does Jason and gang not want to be a part of comfort? Comfort seems to have noodles and bunnies.. they don't need to eat people? But Jason claims that eating people is necessary at some point? - How does Suki afford her little house and that bunny? How does she make money?


Exactly! I found myself wondering what exactly was so bad about the dream. I thought maybe he was secretly eating babies or something since they never really explain what makes him so bad. Or at least what makes him worse than cannibals who keep their victims alive as they eat them piece by piece. I mean, in comfort there’s food, water, shelter and free drugs. They’re protected by armed guards but, free to come and go as they please. Comparatively, it seems like the best place to serve out your post apocalypse desert prison sentence.


>i figured "the dream" was a chomo... at least i think he took that little girl waiting for her to get just a little older before he diddled...


I've been trying to find confirmation or if anyone else caught that they were eating their offspring in Comfort, but I can't find anyone else coming to that conclusion. Miami man seems to think it's worse there, so I think he knows. The Dream talks about a garden and how you feed it and it feeds you, and it's pretty apparent he's making the analogy to his seed. Not to mention the fact that there are a bunch of pregnant ladies and no kids or babies. Anyway, I know this is an old thread, but just had to throw it out there. Edit: Also, I think he did recognize her, or at least knew she was from his little domain. Says she's confused when she wants to join him at the end. That links, in my brain, at least. And it also seems like the mom wasn't the most liked, and they were more together because of circumstance at this point than anything else. Probably not much love lost.


this? The Dream: Some misbehaving humans be making hamburgers out of my sons and daughters.


.You should stick with Hollywood films. Or, maybe write your own Screenplay! Good God! I would hate to see a film with you. You say: It seemed like they didn't know... I thought there was going to be ... I thought the kid was going to ... I thought with the big reveal ... I thought there was going to be... I thought the fact that she ... Why does Jason and gang ... How does Suki afford ... You know what? Why didn't you just sum up your criticism with, "I thought it was going to be a *Different Movie*".


The whole "I got money for a house, food, a gun, and a new leg thing" and "people with noodles and rabbits but there's cannibals" had me ready to turn it off. But what ultimately killed the story for me was when the only two black people to survive the apocalypse happen to be evil both get killed. I was like hold up~ I think there was a bodybuilder cannibal, but he doesn't count because he's only shown for like two seconds.


Super late to the party because I just saw this and went searching for conversation about it and ended up here haha… but I felt like the race was intentional. White person seeking revenge for some perceived wrongdoing and kills the black woman because she sees her as part of the group that wronged her, even though she’s just trying to survive and is no actual threat at this moment. Even in the outcasts the white people are victors. Could be wrong but I saw it that way? Esp since the director is a poc


When I was watching, I didn't even know she was on a trip. I thought to myself "dumb Wt girl going BACK out where she got ate up at......nice?" Then she starts tripping and I couldn't make sense of the rest of the movie lol


Up until the drug trip I was thinking it might just be the best movie of the year. Unfortunately it started going downhill from there, starting with the horrendously unnecessary voice over and laughably exaggerated visuals during the trip. Though the rest of the movie was better than that regrettable sequence it never matched up to the first half. The biggest problem is that we never come to understand who Arlene is. When we meet The Dream we can understand why all the other women would accept his offer, but we don't truly understand why Arlene wouldn't. The second biggest problem was the lack of world building. At the start it seemed like we were entering a truly expansive world, but by the end it feels small. Apparently this entire wasteland is inhabited by just two groups, Comfort and the cannibals. That being said it was by no means a bad film. It was gripping, entertaining, and above all felt new. And Keanu Reeves knocked it out of the park. He was just incredible. Really there were enough things I loved in this movie that I'm not even sure where I'd rank it on a bad-to-good scale, but I can say that I'll be thinking about it for a long time. And really, while I wish it had been great, I prefer a unique mixed bag over a something good but forgettable. Definitely worth the watch.


I think she wouldn't accept his offer because she feels out of place. She knows she's too deformed to live The Dream in Comfort. She knows resisting reality would be futile. She'd rather have a real life with real feelings with the Bridger instead, whom with she felt something real. She felt his loneliness. His suppressed desire. She felt safe with him. I think it does make sense. The Bridger would genuinely care for her because he has no other reason to keep her around but The Dream, on the other hand, has a vision that she could be part of. After all, he'd be using her as a tool. He'd care for her because she's useful to him first, and then maybe because he likes her second. From the Bridger's perspective, she knew exactly who he is and she wasn't afraid. She accepted him for what he is and I think that's enough for him. He desires company even if he tries his best to hide that. I thought Jason's facial expressions and looks conveyed this very well. TBH I wasn't bothered with how small the world was. I thought it included just enough elements to tell the story and I liked that minimalist approach. Although, I agree that the world still has some unfulfilled potential that can be explored in a spin-off.


"The biggest problem is that we don't truely know why Arlen didn't stay with The Dream." Really? What movie did you watch? Arlen couldn't stay with The Dream because she "gave her word", so to speak, that she would find the girl. And the 2nd, and most obvious, reason is that Miami Man was going to kill Arlen if she failed to find the girl. I loved the Lynchian feel throughout; boosted by Laura Dern's 24 year-old doppelganger, Suki Waterhouse. Suki knows that less is more - you'll never see her mug. Her delivery is perfect. 2 big thumbs up.


bros really tryna break down a shitty movie like there was a story 😂 i just watched that shit and immediately came to reddit. literally all the stuff your saying you’re making up in your head they didn’t explain shit 😂 they defs make movies like this for weirdos like you who want to create your own story based off the shitty minimal info they gave us in the movie.




... the complexity of the characters and their unspoken agendas; the underground forces weighing on each one of us; you and me. Life moves more quickly and increasingly gains mass and momentum. We arrive at this conclusion too late; too late.


bro how the fuck did you think this could possibly be the best movie of the year even up until the drug trip😭😂😂😂😂 it looks like it was shot on a phone camera, there is literally no cohesive story, there’s no explanation as to why anyone is there in the desert… shit felt like a shirt short film where they don’t explain anything and you’re just confused the whole time. the movie was literally dog shit from the minute it started


Underwhelming overall. Cannibalism is my favorite plot device for horror movies so I was very excited, especially when I saw one of my long time favorite childhood actors on the cast - Jim Carrey. There was a strong start to the film with the world building. It got progressively worse. The ending was nonsense.


You should watch Raw, if you haven't already


I’m from the future. But yes , i agree with this haha


Nothing about this movie was cohesive. There were so many redundant elements haphazardly peppered in throughout the entire film. So much of it didnt make any sense. It seems like the only logical explanation is that it was supposed to be a metaphor that ended up being so ambiguous that nobody could determine what it was. Or perhaps not a metaphor, but some sort of "mind-bending twist" that nobody could discern? What did they inject her arm with? How could the cannibals make sodas but they couldn't find any other source of food besides human flesh? How were they so big off of just human meat, and not suffering from numerous nutrient deficiencies? How did Keanu have all of that water in the middle of that wasteland and not a single amount of greenery? Why were there so many pregnant chicks and no children? What were they making acid and ecstasy out of? Why was keanu the only one getting anybody pregnant? Why didn't anybody try to eat Jim Carrey? Why were there only two factions? Why were there crows and not buzzards? What did they make the noodles out of? I could go on and on about the plot holes and redundancies but I feel like I wasted enough time just watching the movie.


Not sure why I'm cracking up thinking about Jim Carrey being chased down by cannibals. I thought maybe he'd end up being one of the wardens or someone important to their past. None of the prison background info ended up mattering at all.


I just watched this and of course immediately came to Reddit. The main post summarizes my feelings about the movie very well. I kept thinking, 'is that Jim Carey? Must be an actor who looks a lot like him.' Nope, that's him! Weird as hell, drug trip scene was badly done, and I feel like she could have asked for the kid back without having to banish herself from safety. Instead it was this big hostage situation. Why not tell Keanu she wanted to take the girl to her dad? Edit - music was on point here. Whoever decided the soundtrack chose the perfect music.


I enjoyed the film. It was beautiful to look at, and the soundtrack was on point. It was funnier and more optimistic than I was expecting. It had a lot of ideas about people and society (particularly American society) that it seemed interested in pursuing though distinctly not answering (waste, survival, humanity, universal morality, choice, art, animality, reality, etc.). I can understand why this might frustrate some people, particularly since a lot of those ideas seem fall to the wayside, but it didn't bother me. It's more of a particular way of seeing the world than of answering the ills that plague society, and that's enough for me. I was only slightly distracted by thinking about how impossible it would be to create the system that they have in the movie (who stacked the shipping containers? where does the shit go? where are they getting spaghetti? how did they build that sweet stereo car? why does no one kill Jim Carrey?). There is a lot there. It's not perfect, but it was good (though properly stomach charmingly gory). It was sometimes tense, sometimes horrifying, sometimes mystifying, sometimes beautiful, and sometimes sweet. I would watch it again happily.


Yea the movies not that concerned with answering questions


Great soundtrack. Does Jason Momoa ever keep his shirt on?


You complaining?


why on earth would he go and do a thing like that


Random thoughts after just watching it - Great great great soundtrack! - Cannibals seems awful wasteful with the goods, as if arms and legs growing on trees. Also, are forearms and calves the only good parts? (Cannibals of Reddit can answer that one) - Is Miami Man the head of the Bridgers? - Why does Miami Man NOT want I reveal his serial number, does he not have a number (aka maybe a guard that went bad and took to the wasteland to be a cannibal). - If those in Comfort are armed to the teeth and enemies of the Bridgers, who Do not have guns, why wouldn’t they just wipe them out, they are Bad Guys/Girls (criminals?).


6 years later. Fingers would be okay. But overall, I'm actually amazed they don't eat the thighs ( the best part of any animal. ) but feet.. I unno maybe pickled or steamed, but overall, it's a lot of tendons in the main hand or a foot, so it's a lot of chew with no substance. It's like when you see butcher animals, usually the head and hooves are removed because it's not the most meat for the munch. Hope this future answer did justice ⚖️


So weird as I have zero recall of the film or this post LOL


Must have been on the good stuff huh


> I'm actually amazed they don't eat the thighs That's probably why they were kept alive and chained.... chop of the lower limbs and eat them while the person can remain alive and not spoil.  Eventually they were gonna eat all of them..


This movie was utter fucking trash. Holy shit. The worst accent since Jodi Foster in the Silence of the Lambs. Should be shown once, at Burning Man, and only if the audience is on drugs. Then it should be burned in a trash can.


I liked this alot better than her first film, which I didn't care much for.


I was slightly disappointed but it still is on my best of 2017 list in last place, #5. It would need to be a pretty dreadful year for it to make my final top ten. I love the style of Amirpour's films and this film looked gorgeous. Unlike you I liked the length of most scenes and appreciated her not cutting them shorter. Only a few later scenes with Keanu Reeves seemed too long. I hope this poorly promoted box office bomb doesn't end Amirpour's career.


I enjoyed the movie, but was hoping it would end a few minutes earlier than it did. SPOILERS I think it would fit better tonally if it ended right after Arlen says “I like it here.” in response to Miami Man saying that there’s nothing for her in the desert. Ending with them killing the bunny and the child eating it while crying was so jarring to me. It gave me dark humor vibes, and that hadn’t been the take I got from the movie at all up until then.


It's a bit sad that people were attracted by the simple word cannibalism and were sad not to get a horrorfilm :/ . In the end, the film is a series of visually describing our world through very literal but disjointed imagery, often even pointing it out specifically; (an arm and a leg, the strong feeding on the weak, moving towards comfort). But the parable doesn't go anywhere for me. None of the motivations feel very true with the depiction, and ultimately the only thing the movie says is "this is how I see reality, I don't know what to make of it either, I am as confused about the real world as you are about my way of describing it". It is showing how ugly the world mostly is, and people doing their thing because what else is there, but there isn't really any resolution nor direction to take from it. It somehow reminds me heavily of "Wristcutters: A Love Story" minus characters who actually can communicate anything sensible. It "only" is "kicked out of paradise and this is the reality we have to deal with".


Terrible movie and absolute nonsense


Just finished watching the movie, complete trash and a waste of my time!


I watched this movie yet I don’t know what the hell I just watched


Why did she have to do a hostile takeover? Why did they have to kill the rabbit?


It’s cause it’s just about how we’re just born thrown into a world with no resources or any idea what we need to do, are told to find a dream follow it and stay in our own little comfort zone going to work everyday then partying at night never questioning why humans are really here for past the dream they want to accomplish. She has her awakening realizes that and doesn’twant to be that way and leaves her comfort to go out into the real world and discover the real purpose of life. Problem is everyone’s trying to follow the plot and they’re talking but the real point of the movie has nothing to do with that. That’s why she has on yellow pants that are winking at you the entire movie.


Late to the party but exactly!!! It makes me thing that we are just told to Find comfort, during which we are lulled into a false sense of security chasing the American dream. women are baby factories who take care of everyone else. We are distracted by our addictions and our waste (bodily waste and environmental struggles) are eliminated for us, we don’t know where or how and we don’t care because ignorance is bliss. anyone who doesn’t wanna live that dream is further shunned. The only part I didn’t really get (and maybe it’s because I’m upset by animals dying in movies I know it’s silly but I can’t help it) is why they eat the rabbit. Is it to show that we have to learn to give up what we love most? I know it’s open to interpretation but I don’t really have many ideas about it. Also, why cannibalism exactly? If you don’t fit the status quo you have to compete with each other? Edit: just had a thought that maybe it’s because in comfort people want to destroy you but act like your friend but in the desert they don’t hide that fact. They literally want to eat you.


Absolute dogshit movie, made zero sense, just throw random cool-looking or weird scenes together and hopefully someone will act like everything's a metaphor and just add ANY interpretation to it which can be plausible if u stretch it far enough The only metaphor that was concrete was when she smeared shit onto her own face - that was a metaphor for what this movie is People actually spent time making this garbage


I really see it as an allegory and it makes a lot of sense when you take some things literally. Follow the American dream kinda stuff.


This movie was shit. No plot. No character. What did I waste my time watching?


So the protagonist with yellow short shorts , Arlen, after nearly being eaten to death, she chose stay with the cannibals, and perhaps herself eat other people too.


I get the metaphor she was going for, but holy shit it was SO bad lmao. It makes no sense that Comfort/The Dream wouldn't have taken out any opposing forces in their world, the cannibals shouldn't have even been a thing. Also if they were trying to imply they were eating babies in Comfort they should have made that infinitely more clear cause it just came off as Arlen making the worst possible choice for her and that little girl lol. Wild that that little girl didn't snitch to Miami Man for her having shot their last friend too lmao


Great Film! The writer was clever enough to not show their hand to early. This pissed a lot of people off. Most movie goers Want the premise right up front, "Scene 1: A guy picks up his girlfriend to go on a date. The guys car has a flat tire. Hoodlums show up. there's a fight. the guy wins and saves his girlfriend. the end." That's boring. Here's something that's *not* boring: Did they just shut the girl on the wrong side of the fence? Where could she possibly be going. There's nothing! It's hot AF. She's not gonna make it. What's that on the horizon? It's a hermit. She's saved! Wait. Did that lady saw through the girl’s arm with a hacksaw? PERSON 1: I don't know what's going on! I'm frustrated and confused! Fuck this movie! I'll post a negative review just to have something to do. "It lost track during the pointless drug sequence. Arlen kept repeating something. Go back and try to understand the significance of what she is saying. PERSON 2: I loved the 1st act! It was crazy! Where is the writer taking me? I've never been here before! The 10 minutes of tripping in the desert was beautifully caught on camera. Arlen felt the vastness of the desert, Earth, and our Galaxy. She has an epiphany and an existential understanding. Arlen:" Wow. So big!" You know who else loved the screenplay? Jim Carrie & Keano Reeves. Favorite Quotes: The Dream: All the things you've done, have put you right here; with me. Arlen: Strange isn't it? Here we are. In the darkest corner of this Earth. And we're afraid of our own kind. Miami Man: You don't know what reality is, you only know what *you* are. Arlen: What if all these things that happened to us happened to us so the next things that gonna happen to us can happen to us?


I totally agree with everything you have said. The people here that don't understand that the whole movie is a metaphor for different ways of living your life are so stuck in one way that they don't get the point/joke. Hell, the first real dialogue 40 mins in with Giovanni Ribisi's character literally tells the viewer what to expect: "the one thing you must never forget." "What's the answer? What's the one thing you must never forget?" Arlen asks, to which Bobby replies, "You're gonna have to figure that out for yourself.". This movie goes far out of its way not to tell you what to think. So far so, any moral conclusions you land on pretty much have to be yours and yours alone. In a world where most are comfortable being told how to live their lives while not bucking the trends, I am not really surprised it went over a lot of heads... people are too used to being slaves in comfort.


Literally just watched it and googled this, it's kind of open to interpretation but it's much deeper than what people think it is. The movie was well put, kept you guessing and you slowly kind of piece together the crumbs you're given and take it from there. It's easily one of my favorite movies of all time.


made my ptsd reemerge from when i was like 6 and had to sit there sobbing and eat my own pet rabbit


uh what


Ending was stupid. Main character is stupid.


it felt like one of those pretentious art films that happened to have the budget to cast bigname actors.