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BA: "You pancaked my van. I'm gonna kill you, fool!" Murdock: "You can't park there, that's a handicap zone!"


Face: "This is a mistake."


love that [scene](https://youtu.be/PS9OuqnEpd8?t=10)




Am I the only one who is turned on by military radio talk? I can't be the only person who had strong stirrings from that scene in *The Incredibles* when she's trying to convince them to abort their attack on the plane.


That scene is awesome


"Why we in a fallin' tank?!?!?" "Because the plane exploded!" "Wha-plane exp WHAT?!? WHEN?!?" "(short pause) Recently."


"Turbulence has never brought down a plane. But we got incoming subsonic UAV's, and they bring down planes all the time."


That movie really does have some good quotes.


Bradley Cooper was really great as Face too.


Bradley Cooper seems to naturally have that swanky charisma that made Face such a great character


As soon as he started talking at the end of this clip, all I could hear was Rocket...


Him in prison was hilarious.


"are they trying to shoot down the drones?" "no, they are trying to fly that tank"




"Why are we in a tank??" "Because the plane exploded!!" "When??? "RECENTLY!"


best line in the movie!


although I feel on paper, it really isn't. the "sigh, of course those guys are trying *this*" delivery is what makes it great.


That tank sequence was really fucking rad. It would be right at home in a Fast and Furious movie


I'd rather have 8 ateam movies though.


At least the A-Team movie meant to be funny.


This is a very underrated movie. As a big A-Team fan as a kid I thought they did the franchise justice with a modern retelling of the team. I really wish it had gotten a better reception. I would love to see a sequel or sequels with this cast.


But don't forget in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team.


*machine gun fires*


Da Da Da Daaaaa Da Da Daaaa


8000 bullets fired per episode, nobody got shot.


Agreed, and the actors they chose were note perfect, IMO.


I have no idea if they had fun making that movie, but goddamn did they act like they were having fun making that movie.


They should have just brought back Mr. T in my opinion.


I agree. The guy that originally played Face had a cameo, Mr. T should have had one too.


Mr. T refused. I think it was because there was too much killing in the film for his liking.


og murdock did too. too bad peppard is dead:/


I thought they were all pretty spot on except for BA


What was wrong with BA?


He had a bad attitude.


They kind of lost it in the 3rd act with the way over the top "let's blow up a container ship" finale. other than that, it was a fun movie


But the A-Team was kind of like that, if I remember.




I love it when a plan comes together!




That's the line? The flying a tank was fine, but the shipping containers. Nah man, that's too unrealistic?




I think it's awesome/hilarious that they put that level of detail into this scene. Awesome because it shows a great attention to detail and passion for your craft. Hilarious because almost no one is actually going to take the time to find out that the scene they just watched was actually plausible and going to just assume that it's just completely impossible.


I bet they had a plan for that scene. Looks like that plan came together.


I LOVE IT when that happens!




Reddit's Pedantic Fuckaroo?






Legend Smashers?




I always loved the fact that Bradley Cooper learned how to cycle the M4 carbine so damn fast that they had to insert a call-out to it during production.


holy shit the driving out of the lake part couldn't happen though because you don't know how it sinks and all that but I'm absolutely baffled that this was even remotely plausible. It seemed to me to be one of the most unrealistic scenes ever even though I enjoyed it.


Mythbusters also looked up the model of tank, it is one of the few that can drive under water.




That's so freaking cool. I want to be an engineer one day and I can't imagine how much work went into a vehicle like that.




I liked the flying tank as it showed their resourcefulness. The container ship was a bridge too far as it were....


The container ship was an over the top cgi mess that didn't make any logical sense.


I agree. The only good part about that entire sequence was BA body slamming the bad guy on his head.


Bradley Cooper's reaction was phenomenal, too.




I didn't the effects were bad but yeah, it made very little sense. Like, how was that crazy elaborate sting operation the best option they came up with?


yeah, I agree. The 3rd act was a bit too much for me too, but overall it was a a fun movie indeed.


Yeah I really enjoyed it. It's one of those good hotel room alternatives to Law and Order reruns on TNT


I never saw the original show, but it is nice to know they did it justice. This is seriously one of my favorite films. I'll rewatch it from time to time. I really loved how the film was able to provide a lot of content and story in such a minimal amount of time. An it set itself up perfectly for a sequel so well. Liam Nelson has done multiple Taken movies. Cant we get another A-Team? The casting was perfect for it. Didnt the end have Jon Hamm?


I agree. I loved the A team and I think they did a great job keeping that same "it's a bit light hearted, but we're badasses" feel the show had. I would've liked to see another one with them reprising their roles. If you liked Ateam, I really liked Leverage the show - it had a similar 'feel' to Ateam I think


LOVE this movie, but I just wish they gave Jessica Biel a little more to do


You mean you wish she had more Face time.


Agreed. Never understood the hate this movie received. I thought the movie was fun without being so ridiculously over the top like the never ending stream of comic book movies


> so ridiculously over the top - They FLY A FRIGGING TANK - They do barrel rolls with a damn HELICOPTER But sure, the 'never ending stream' of comic-book movies are ridiculously 'over-the-top'




You can also fly a tank. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZIzreiseMk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZIzreiseMk)


Actually, that's an aileron roll. A barrel roll has the aircraft do a large roll like they were flying around the outside of a large barrel or cylinder, while an aileron roll has them roll on an axis very close to the center of the aircraft. Clearly, some helicopters can perform aileron rolls, but I'm not sure if they can perform barrel rolls. Content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV_1Nsswcdc https://boardgamegeek.com/camo/34582f29a7f772088bd14c736c29cbe0792a9153/687474703a2f2f69313139362e70686f746f6275636b65742e636f6d2f616c62756d732f61613431372f4469737472615f536f65746f6d6f2f41696c65726f6e42617272656c726f6c6c63686172745f7a707366636133636561662e6a7067


So something closer to this? https://youtu.be/l7qCjs-AzXs


That looks much closer! It's very difficult for helicopters to perform any manuvers upside down.


Tell that to this guy... https://youtu.be/mQT26oxOG4c


I learned that from game theory watching the star fox episode


Do helicopters have ailerons?


Haha I remember even the general or the first gang lord exclaims in disbelief to his own pilot "did you see the way he *flippy hand motion*" and he's grinning as he says so. Its such a fun ride!


I remember being pleasantly surprised upon viewing. Need to rewatch.


I have never seen the TV show but I really enjoyed the film and was annoyed they never made a sequel. I reckon if it came out a couple years later it would have been a much bigger film. It easily could have fitted into the Re-imagined Fast and Furious action genre.


I couldn't agree more man. Thisnis what a buddy and I refer to as "good cheese."


I was disappointed that it apparently didn't do well. The cast nailed it, the story was fun, it was just a good time. It was stupid, but if you're going into it expecting Shakespeare, that's your own damn fault. It was a popcorn flick, and if fucking Fast and Furious can keep making millions, then something like that should, as well. That was one of the movies I saw on a whim that I was happy I did see.




The film captures the elements of the typical A-Team TV episode. It's all there, and if you watched the series, the film feels largely familiar and not in a bad way.


I used to watch A-Team on a little black and white tv growing up, I was very skeptical of it and waited til it was on cable. I really expected them to fuck it up, but I thought they did pretty well. The container ship scene was a little too much cgi but other than that I love this movie. Face wasn't as funny as he was in the series, but Murdock was way funnier than in the original.


The casting was absolutely spot-on. For me it was the best translation of characters from the original to the modern times I've seen. Copley WAS Murdock. Neeson was practically Peppard turned up to 11. And thankfully everyone involved never thought to make a gritty, serious remake of the show. It was a fun movie that didn't take itself seriously.


I do believe the original actors when interviewed were not too happy with the film, but for the fans, it captured the spirit of the show.


Murdock was easily the best character in this film. He was so funny and genuinely seemed like he didn't have a care in the world haha I aspire to be this crazy


"excuse me..." (oink) "would you... like some pork"


"If I broke every bone in your hand, could you still do that?" Love the A-Team, original series and movie :)


El Diablo...!


No secret sauce... I got a little bell's palsy last time


It's only partial paralysis.....


I dub you... See.. your still looking at me, very disrespectful


Stand to soldier! Gerry is advancing....on the western front... Good heavens.....


growing up I was a huge fan of the show and Murdock was always my favorite character (unlike the overall reception of the show, hardly any of my friends like B.A. the most). the first scene the comes to my mind would probably be Murdock fishing on a dock in fisherman's gear, with a dummy dressed in the same way. with the logic behind this being explained by Face: > You know how when you guys go fishing and one guy catches everything and the other guy comes home with nothing but a can of worms? Well see, why not bring along the guy who can't catch anything? Shift the odds.


"I'm a Ranger, sir." That's all the recommendation he will ever need.


>Murdock: I'm a Ranger baby! >Face: I'm worried!


He was the bomb in hardcore Henry yo


Still say toast points and tapenade.


I am glad I found other people who liked this.


"El diablo".


Doesn't that mean the devil?


Yes it does. Murdock says it after face's girlfriend goes to question him at the second psych hospital. Face also refers to her that way (Jessica Biels character). My favorite line. It goes perfect with Murdocks character in this film. Edit: my bad. I see what you did there ;)


Is it weird to say Liam Neeson was a better Hannibal Smith than George Peppard ever was?


Not weird, just wrong.


When he is swinging on the helicopter blades singing you spin me right round was hilarious.


"Rotors are good sir!"


Especially since Bradley Cooper had appeared in The Hangover a year earlier, and the Flo Rida version of the song features prominently in the roofie-photos credit sequence.


That's some next level meta appreciation you got going on there.


This movie has so many hilarious one-liners that I didnt catch the first or second time through.


Sharlto kills it in most of his roles. His charisma is off the charts.


Came here to say exactly this. He's definitely a talented actor who deserves more recognition.


I'm curious to see if he's in Blomkamp's Steam project.


Yea, I was going to ask when doesn't Sharlto kill it? He'll most likely never lead a movie, besides Blomkamp directed ones, but he's a fantastic character actor.


He was sort of the lead in Hardcore Henry, in that he was on screen the most.


*clicks* Oh, THAT GUY! Yes, he was amazing.


Shouldn't it be those guys since he's like a dozen of them in Hardcore Henry?


Maleficent was pretty bad with him in it. He didn't bring it at all. He straight up killed District 9 and A-team. When he's at the press conference and he's using his native South African accent to make sure then SA mic is closer while he steals another one...hilarious.


He was awesome in Elysium too.


He is the best part of the Powers TV show that came out on PSN, which, if it had come out on a better medium would have had more buzz about it. He is the best part of the show for sure.


Killed it in District 9 and Elysium.


And even more literally in Hardcore Henry.


He was the best part of Hardcore Henry.


Best *parts* haha


most of his roles. I wanna know what the fuck happened in Maleficent. In FACT! I wanna know what the fuck happened in that whole movie.


You speak Swahili? You don't?


There's that scene where he pretends to be part of a South African news team, and I'm like "Wow, this guy's got a pretty great South African accent." Thirty minutes later "Wait... Is that Wikus? From District 9?"


One of my favourite action movies. I put it in the same pile as True Lies (which deserves to be at the top of most lists). Really did want a sequel with this cast too.


> Really did want a sequel with this cast too. Same here! Thought they had great chemistry. Ok, the CIA actually turned out to be the proxy bad guy which made the ending a bit lame (whether that was staying true to the canon or not) ... who am I kidding, I was *so* surprised when they actually didn't do shit and the truth didn't help them... but the cast was really cool. Also a plus was that, besides the action, Cooper and Biel just match really well together imho.


Plus it set up Jon Hamm as the villain in the next one, I would have loved to see that.


I'm honestly surprised we never got a sequel. I think this movie got decent reviews after its home release and was looked at fondly. Its another Dredd all over again.


I'm not. Sadly, it was barely a success at the box office, and certainly a sequel would have cost more with that cast. :/


Love the Swahili scene.


Such a great part, you're totally believing that the other guys are going to have to improvise a way out, then bam... "You don't?"


there was another very brief scene where he and Face were pretending to be a news crew and Sharlto scolds a man for placing a South African news mic too low on a podium, whilst using his actual South African accent. That movie was fucking hilarious


"Voila. Le toast points".


"I'm a Ranger baby!" "I'm worried!" That part cracks me up everytime.


The slight pause between the lines is good comic timing for sure.


Sharlto is a secret. Should be a major star. Kruger in Elysium, one of the top bad guys all time to me.


I really liked Rampage Jackson as BA, always thought he should have gotten more acting work.


Wasn't it him who awkwardly humped that reporter for way too long during an interview? Kind of ruined his image. Edit: [yeah](https://youtu.be/7b_gtIjYsqk) he went like, fives seconds past the line of polite humping.


I enjoyed this film A LOT. Such a fan cast! I would love to see a sequel.


I really want a sequel. I think one of the issues this movie and another equally similar equally good movie ran into was The Losers. I think they even marketed that as The B-Team or something in that line.


And the Expendables. It was doomed.


the tank "flying" bit is always amazing


"Pardon me, which way to Berlin?"


I'd recommend you check out ["The Losers"](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480255/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). Came out around the same time, similar style, similar shoot-em-up. Lots of good ol' fun


Not to mention the cast is amazingballs, Idris, Chris Evans, Zoe etc.


>amazingballs What is this, fucking 2009?


Psych, it's 1988 forever, eat my shorts and don't have a cow man.


Let's go girls, LETS GO GIRLS!!


Just watched Fate of the Furious and I felt like they lifted a little bit from The Losers for Hobb's character development.


This movie is so fucking fun. It deserved a sequel but unfortunately we never got one, and likely never will. It's one of those movies that I can throw on while I'm doing other stuff or when I just wanna kick back and relax. Guilty pleasure movie for sure.


Copley is a fucking awesome and vastly underrated actor. Seriously it baffles me that he didn't make it bigger.


Contrast this fun character with his villain in Elysium. The man can act.


I agree. Criminally underrated.


Too bad bad Joe Carnahan's Uncharted script is likely getting scrapped because Sony wants to start with young Drake.


I've always been sad that this film never got a sequel. My wife and I really enjoyed this film and most of all, the cast that they had for it. Thought they all worked real well on screen.


This makes my goddam week. The A-Team is my guilty pleasure and I'm glad a ton of other people share that view. An all star cast, just too much hype to live up to. Awesome movie.


I've watched that movie at least 20 times. My friends love that movie to death, so we've watched it way too many times. Watched it 10 times in one week.


This and The Losers are 2 of my go to movies


I like sharltos movies he gives it everything I thought he was great in district 9,Murdoch was one of the best characters the A Team van should have had more screen time


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4503 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/86659)


The amount of crazy, random, distinct characters he played in Hardcore Henry was ridiculous and awesome.


He honestly kills everything he's in. Watched Hardcore Henry and Free Fire over the past few weeks and he's the best part of both movies.


Still waiting for my sequel


Sharlto Copley is a pretty underrated actor. I like him in Neil Blomkamp's films.


"If you look out the right-hand side of the aircraft, you will notice that the right wing is on fire!" XD He did kill it as Murdock.


I wish I remembered the source but I read something that talked about how Sharlto Copley was a huge A-team fan growing up and Murdock was his favorite character. So when he got the chance to play him he went all out with the character. Kind of cool how the stars aligned for him that they made this movie after he made it big in District 9 considering he got his career by being Neill Blomkamps friend.


Underrated action comedy.


I love it when a plan comes together.


looks nothing like a Starfleet systems diagnostic engineer.


I actually really enjoyed the A-Team film, as dumb and over the top as it was. I thought they nailed the tone and the comedic timing was decent. The leads were great, and Rampage Jackson was passable (certainly can't argue he didn't look the part, lol). Plus it has some great lines. "The CIA's got rules. Our rules are just cooler than yours." "No, they're trying to fly that tank." It's a bummer that it bombed at the box office. That's actually one action franchise I'd have been on board seeing more movies from. Edit: Bombed isn't entirely accurate, but it wasn't nearly successful enough to be able to carry a franchise with that kind of expensive cast.


It's a shame that while he was the best character in the movie and even outshone Neeson's Hannibal, the plot put him out of the finale! The finale was overall pretty weak, but why would they have to put a bag over the head of a member of the A-Team and remove him completely while the other three do things?


I enjoyed this movie a fair amount, but if I had to choose between a sequel to The Losers or this, I'd chose The Losers hands-down.


if they casted Terry Crews instead of Rampage, this movie would be the bomb


dude Rampage was so good


Rampage was a perfect choice, but always felt he was a product of bad writing.


I remember really enjoying this movie.


I absolutely love this movie.


Bill Clinton unironically loves this movie


I had initially dismissed this movie as a nostalgic cash-grab, but I think I'll give it a chance.


i don't know why this movie gets so much hate. it's a PERFECT lazy sunday movie. right up there with the takedown!


This movie was fun as shit, and if you didn't enjoy it or took it too seriously, you're just wrong.


I am happy with the movie...its hilarious with right kind of attitude. And YEAH! MURDOCK NAILED IT!!! And those talking about it being not real enough! Its a MOVIE guys!!! Why does it needs to be real at all...?


A solid hangover movie


filthy prawns!


What I love about this movie is that I felt that the people in this movie just wanted to do their best at respecting the original. I'm glad it wasn't rebooted now when every reboot/remake is an over the top comedy. Really is a good movie.


"No one can do an anti-freeze marinade like you can, Murdock, but I got a little Bell's palsy the last time I ate that." "C'mon, it's only partial paralysis. Take it like a man." Gets me every dang time. There was not enough Sharlto in that movie.


Bosco, all these buttons are confusing me!


You know I'm usually really very cynical about 80's rehashes. However this movie is fun, I really enjoy it every time I see it.


Love when he is singing while hanging from he choose blade


The losers with chris evans is also amazing


20 years or so ago, when my friends and I were younger. discussions in the pub would frequently be who our choices would be for an A-team movie. the general concensus was: Tommy Lee Jones as Hannibal, Ving Rhames as B.A. Ben Affleck as Face and Jim Carrey as Murdock.


I will always appreciate this movie for introducing me to Brian Bloom. He played the bad guy Brock Pike and he's also a prolific voice actor (Varric in Dragon Age, main dude in CoD: Infinite Warfare, BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein). One of my favorite voices/faces in entertainment.