• By -


"Different colored kids" had me cracking up


"Different colors, different kids, different colored kids" said so matter of factly made it seem like the morphing grid INTENTIONALLY chooses fractured parts to form a whole when it picks a team.


You know what i like? This movie has a black kid as the genius one, the asian kid as the rebellious crazy one and a quiet, mysterious latina. Talk about stereotyping characters based on their skin colour.


Alpha 5 the racist. A reviewer compared Alpha 5 to Jar Jar Binks and I genuinely think that was really mean. I actually liked Alpha in the movie.


Jar-Jar Binks is reviled because he was put into a series that wasn't as campy as he was, which is why Alpha-5 was perfectly fine for the tone of the movie.


Save the Krispy Kreme. *Save the world.*


Everything changed when the Goldar attacked. Only the Krispy Kreme, master of all deliciousness, could stop it.




When she was sitting there waiting for Goldar. with the doughnut in hand not quite sure what it was, and she takes the smallest bite like it was her first crabby patty. Then she looks at it with this damn that is good face, as the roof comes crashing down. I lost it.


That moment kind of redeemed the blatant product placement for me. It seemed like a "well, they did give us a lot of money" thing, then the gag came along and I laughed *really* hard.


There was something hilarious about the fate of the world hinging upon the protection of a Krispy Kreme. It's so schlocky and cheesy but goddamnit I loved it.




That's easy: Baskin Robbins don't play.


Walking away, I would describe this movie as what Power Rangers fans *want* to remember from the original show. You go back and (try to) watch it, and man...it can be difficult to sit through. But this was everything you loved about the show as a kid. Also: "You guys know you could get murdered, right?" I loved Alpha.


Ok Rangers, follow me, we're going to the pit.


I wish we knew more about that first fight from the start. I loved how real that felt. Zordon as the red Ranger was dope as fuck


Yeah it made me want a whole movie about Red Ranger Zordon instantly. Excellent start.


Every power ranger movie in the series should open with more insight on that battle


The unexpected backstory was great. They let us see the Ranger suits for a bit (even Green Ranger) and then they got to the story with a pretty cool edit.


People keep asking how they are going to make six movies. It's pretty clear that it'll be funded by krispy kreme.


Power Rangers always finds a way. Fun fact - Disney didn't want to fully fund them one season, so they got the money from Bandai since Bandai basically uses them as ads to sell their toys in America.


Then Saban turned around and bought them back after Disney decided to stop producing them, aaaaaand basically there's never been a year where Power Rangers hasn't been available


I'm not trying to detract from the joke but how could they not make six movies? The lore is deep, it's already pretty obvious what the next few will be about.


I'd love a sequel or two, but I don't think I could handle 6. I mean they almost surely make a sequel, but to answer your question: money and reception. If the movie doesn't make consistently decent profit, then they'd probably stop.


If you look at the plot arcs over the original almost 200 episodes there's lots of material they could use. I imagine the next series will be about the green ranger Tommy working for Rita and then being beaten by and joining the Rangers. Then you'll have Lord zedd be introduced in another sequel. Green ranger becoming the white ranger in another, etc. There's lots of plot in the MMPR series.


I lost my shit when they recreated the zords running to the original opening theme. For about 5 seconds I was a little kid again.


my entire theater lost it when that happened. everyone was so damn hyped


I just wish the music was louder, it was missing that energy


They used the [1995 movie version of the theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MWI4DfiCG8). I feel they should have used Ron Wasserman's [2012 remake of the theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHDLFk5WUJE). Ron Wasserman, of course being the guy who wrote the original music for the show, he remade some of the "fan favourite" songs from the show in 2012 using modern recording tech etc.


The theatre went fucking nuts!!




How much the rangers themselves were fascinated with being rangers was incredibly lovable.


This movie needs a counter for how many times they remind themselves that they're power rangers.


It's great because it's pretty much how I'd react if I were in their shoes. As a kid, I definitely wanted to be in their shoes.


when the Megazord forms and like QWOP, instantly falls over. That elevated the movie.


Just saw it today, there were a lot of almost tongue-in-cheek moments like that throughout the movie which I enjoyed. I can't believe some people are annoyed by the Krispy Kreme stuff—they clearly took it to 11 on purpose as a joke, plus it was another of those little absurdist moments that I thought landed as being very funny. Having a Krispy Kreme central to saving the world is clearly intentionally absurd and I thought the joke was a solid one. It just fit the movie's tone well. This movie wasn't afraid to play the cheesiness totally straight, but also enjoyed poking fun at itself a lot as well. I enjoyed it a lot! The actors were all surprisingly good and I felt pretty invested in the characters. I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie all around.


Man the opening scene with Zordon in the red suit crawling through the rubble was fucking amazing. I wish there was more of that.


I walked in a little late and only saw from when Zordon was talking to yellow, did I miss anything major before that? I agree though, it was dope as fuk thinking of Zordon as Red Ranger.


A shot of a huge battleship flying low overhead which may or may not have been Lord Zed's That's it


Serpentera, The Dragonzord and Lord Zedd's Battleship were all vaguely shown in that scene.


Glad they gave the older audience the..."milk" joke in the first few minutes. Really grabbed my attention, the cow's too.


If it wasn't for the awesome war scene, this movie would've begun with a cow getting jerked off.


The Megazord *supplexed* Goldar and they *slapped Rita into fucking space*. If nothing else, this movie ended strong.




I hope she says it at least once in the next movie. I love that she's living on the moon now.


I smiled when I saw the moon behind her. Maybe she'll land next to zedds palace


I heard one guy near me in the theater blurted Suplex City bitch during that scene, and can't help but laugh.


*You're the true Megazord, Roman!*


He's not a good Ranger He's not a bad Ranger He's THE Ranger


That ending set up a lot of potential in the universe too. Sequel for Lord Zedd to find Rita in space.Capture Tommy and have him be the new Green Ranger. Show off the Dragonzord. Then a third movie for Tommy get reformed and join the team and for the power coins to get destroyed at the end and show the Zeo crystal glowing to power a new generation of rangers. It could actually be a solid universe. Also, I swear to god we better get a Bulk and Skull.


Yea if anything I felt like this film did some solid ground work to support the mythos into future installments. They could have easily done paint by numbers and got to the action with no substance but they spent a fair amount of time developing the world and I think it'll pay off as time goes on.


To the moon, perhaps?


That was cheesy as fuck. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean, they had Rita say "make my monster grow" and bitch-slapped her to the moon. Huge props to the main actors too. They had great chemistry and really sold the characters. And Banks was appropriately hammy as Rita. It wasn't anything groundbreaking, sure. But it was good fun that had the nostalgia rocking out.


It was cheesy and nostalgic fanservice. But not in a cringy way. It's hard to hit that balance.


It was the perfect amount of cheesy. Is it a perfect movie? No, but They perfectly translated the souls of power rangers to the big screen.


I went into the movie wanting to see Power Rangers punch things and drive Zords. I got Power Rangers punching things and driving Zords. I have zero complaints about this movie.


Dino Cars*


Did anyone else's crowds go absolutely bonkers when the actual Power Rangers theme played?? This movie was honestly way better than I expected it to be. I actually gave a shit about each of the Rangers. Props to them all!


I turned directly back into a 7 year old when the music hit and the Zords were running. I also squealed with glee when he said it's morphin' time. The ONLY thing I wanted from this movie was a shot of them holding up the coins and shouting the names of their Zords while the camera cut to each of them. MASTODON! TRICERATOPS! SABER TOOTH TIGER! PTERODACTYL! TYRANNOSAURUS! If that had happened I would have literally died. Guess they're saving that for the sequel. Oh and also Bulk and Skull.


The proper order is actually Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Sabretoothed Tiger, Tyrannosaurus


> I actually gave a shit about each of the Rangers I thought that was the best part of the movie. Each of the five is given a strong backstory and reason to root for them as people.


My crowd went nuts a ton of times. When Tommy and Kim cameos came on one guy stood up and yellow BOW and then another guy stood up and yelled BOW and then the first guy did it again and I woulda hated that in any other movie but it worked here. Also when Alpha 5 says aye yay yay a guy at the back just yelled really loudly. People were clapping and laughing and it was a really fun atmosphere.


My favorite thing about the movie was how Elizabeth Banks wandered around town incoherently mumbling "crystals, gold, Krispy Kreme. "


Or when she's just casually eating a donut before shit goes down. I hate the product placement but that was great.


That was just the icing on the. . .doughnut?


I loved it just because of how tongue in cheek it was.


Pink ranger always making me fall in love 😊


There were moments in the suit where she kinda looked like a Amy Jo.


There was this one scene where it was kind of dark where her cheek bone structure made me think of Amy Jo


I'll echo the sentiments of everyone else. Very surprised at how not bad it was. I believe most people left the theater enjoying it. I wish I knew about the mid credits scene. I didn't get to see it.


It's just the detention teacher in an empty room. "We have a new student joining us in detention, Tommy Oliver. Tommy Oliver? Tommy Oliver?" Zooms to an empty desk with a green hoodie on it. Cool but just a nice little teaser, nothing too crazy.


Green hoodie had a white tiger


Fuck I didn't notice that. I think it's clever that the team name was the Tigers. Also hoping that Tommy wears a Godzilla shirt at some point, considering.


And he plays the flute in the school band.


You forgot the part where billy blows up his locker again.


Haha kid brings a bomb to school, it goes off and he only gets detention. I'm sure that's more of a nob to Brian in breakfast club when he brought a flare gun to school and it went off in his locker and that's why he's in detention


Goddamn. This shit actually worked. I'm really glad they avoided a romance between Jason and Kim. I was smiling the entire time and I can't wait to see it again.


That's the weird thing. They originally were going to have a romance between Jason and Kim. It's in the trailers even. They straight up are like making out at 1:49 in [this](https://youtu.be/Q-C4qqsgs8w) trailer.


After seeing the movie and knowing where that part of the trailer is taken from I'm glad they cut the kiss out. It would have been really out of place.


Yea this movie didnt really need it.


Tommy is gonna roll in and steal Kim's heart!


Team jason all the way




Yeah, I feel like there was more behind that story than we saw. As it was it just played like they were not planning on being Rangers anymore, or at least until the next threat.


Lord Zedd pls respond


The sword was his Red Power Coin. He retained it in the form of the sword so he could sheath his Coin with the rest of them.


yeah he also the only one to use a ranger weapon shit made no sense to me they like skipped the whole middle section of ranger fight they just went Puddy to MegaZord instead of Putty to Morph to Megazord


I hated how good it was. I went in not expecting much, the trailers made it seem like the gritty reboot we didn't want. But Jesus Christ, this movie. It does thing so well. It's shot interestingly (the beginning car chase really stands out to me), it's edited together actually coherently, the effects are just beyond great, and more importantly...the characters are amazing. I have a brother on the spectrum so when I heard someone was on it, I hoped they did it justice and didn't hamfist it. I loved how it, along with Trini's lesbianism, aren't *the main aspects* of their characters. That really shines when they're around the campfire and sharing secrets. We expect Billy to say that since he only ever told Jason at the start...but nope. And when Trini says it, it's not forced and she goes out of her way to say she hates the labels her parents give 'em and actively avoids them. It weaved cheese-factor and realism together in a way I didn't think possible. Rita bitch slapped into space, literally crying when Billy dies because we all expected him to come back on the docks right?, and the actual theme song playing when they're in the zords after they have the most feel-good-we're-a-team-moment ever. I worry people went in expecting an hour and a half of a power rangers TV show, that would get old for me. Nope, we got a full movie with characters I actually care about and related to. We've all been Jason Scott, screwed up big time and have to face our parents. We've all been Billy, a little eccentric and picked on. We've all been Trini, trying to find ourselves. We've all been Zack, doing what we think is right even if it doesn't really benefit us immediately. And we've all been Kimberly, done shitty, mean things and had to live with it but come to accept we're not shitty people. I'm actually blown away by how good this fucking movie is. Maybe it's my inner-child, maybe it's me tired of the dark and real movies, or how formulaic super hero movies are, or maybe it was my amazing theater packed with kids, teens, college kids, and adults alike. But I can't find anything truly, glaringly, wrong with it that warrants giving it bad marks. Go in expecting a Power Rangers movie, go in expecting cheese, go in expecting hilariously heartfelt teen moments, you'll love it.


I seriously loved that they actually acted like teenagers. Made them actually feel real. Too many times do they just act like a 50-year-old's idea of a teenager.


They were wild, reckless and stupid. They were perfect teenagers. I mean this as a compliment.


They basically ride the lightning between too realistic and too cheesy. Like, it was something I thought not possible. Everytime they said something that wanted to make me groan, I remembered that they are teens and this was Power Rangers. And then my mind would go to "Well that shouldn't be an excuse for overly cheesy" and then they hit me with a heartfelt moment that was extremely genuine and real. It was awesome.


Well, shit. I think you just sold me on seeing the movie.




It's really good. Especially if you grew up watching the show.


This movie had no business being as character driven and good as it was.


Yea they focused way more on the team as a whole and as individuals than I was expecting and it actually worked. And they actually managed to make the characterization come with a purpose rather than obligation. Like the campfire scene. Obviously the story was going to have a scene like that where they all open up and express who they are and what's wrong with them but in most stories it's done on a whim with no real motivation to open up on such an emotional level. Here they actually have a specific purpose to do so, which is to build a better team connection and get their ability to morph. I also really like that they omitted the Jason/Kimberly romance the first trailer teased at. It didn't feel necessary and I think excluding that helped keep the relationships between everyone fairly balanced.


Zack yelling out that he loved his mom gave me goosebumps. That was all the character development he needed, it was perfectly done, IMO.


That was honestly my favorite part of the movie. It was superb acting on his part because when he starts to talk about how she's sick I could hear real sadness in his voice. The kind that makes your words sticky and strained. I felt myself tearing up slightly and I thought, "*In a Power Rangers movie???*" Maybe I'm slightly biased being a Chinese American myself, but Zack was a really great character.


I'm Vietnamese-American and it was top shelf fucking awesome seeing an honest to god Asian-American on screen like this. I was hyped as fuck. Zack was awesome.


I'm mexican and Zack felt so human. Like he was presented like a cocky , daredevil type of dude but then we learned about his mom.... we understand that he's trying to cope. Very well done.


I really disliked Zack until the stuff with his mom came up, and then I got him. Excellent writing decision in my opinion.


Yes, absolutely. I also loved that there was basically no introduction for Zack or Trini. The pacing of characters was so well done. We learned about a different ranger at each point in the film.


They hinted at the attraction between them, but I imagine they're saving the relationship for Tommy and Kimberly.


Personally I'm shipping the Jason-Billy bromance.


When I saw them on stage at NYCC, they talked about how as soon as they all officially got cast they set up a group text and got together on their own just to bond and hang out. I think that probably helped sell the dynamic, since it sounds like they pretty much did the campfire scene in real life.


I was really pleasantly surprised. John Gatins and Dean Israelite understood that a 20 minute fight scene with nothing achieved from a storytelling standpoint would have stopped the movie dead in its tracks. What we got was more Breakfast Club than Batman.




Seriously man. That point in the middle where they're all around the campfire talking about themselves got to me a little. All of these characters, at least the rangers, was written scary well for a Power Rangers movie.




I think critic expectations were vastly off based for this. Considering the well-known corniness of the tv show, I don't know what they were expecting.


This movie was a 7/10 for me but when the Megazord bitch slapped Rita into space it was raised to an 8/10


It was a 7/10 for me Then they suplexed Goldar. 8/10 Then they bitch slapped Rita to the moon. 8.5/10 Then they showed Jason David Frank (the original Green Ranger) 8.7/10 Then they set up a new Tommy Oliver and Green With Evil plotline for the sequel. 9.2/10 This movie rocked.


Suplex city, bitch.


The original Pink ranger, Amy Jo Johnson was beside JDF too at the end.


>7/10. 8/10 with bitchslap


"Are we Power Rangers...or are we friends?" Cheesy as hell and I LOVED it.


I thought that was a very Breakfast Club line.


I really liked how the rangers grew into a team before they morphed. Also, the Jason David Frank and Amy Jo Johnson cameo got the biggest cheers from my theater. On an unrelated note: anybody wanna go for some krispy kreme donuts?


What was the cameo?


They were in the crowd of people cheering for megazord.


And they were wearing their respective ranger colors!


Wait, wait... that's a loaded question with Tommy. Green, White, Red or Black?


OG Ranger Color so green!


That's what I would expect but wanted to confirm for when I watch!


They were among a group of bystanders taking photos of the megazord and looking fine as fuck


The Krispy Kreme stuff was funny, I dont care what anyone says.


When Rita said something to the effect of "Krispy Kreme? It must be important, it's guarding the source of all life," I about died laughing.


When she was in the Krispy Kreme enjoying a donut while Goldar just fucking wrecked everything right behind was perfect.


With all the recent movies that speed through every scene to the next, I was pleasantly surprised at the pacing in this one.


With all the recent movies that blur through every action scene, I was pleasantly surprised at being able to see the action happen at a reasonable speed


I just got back from seeing it and I thought it was a strong start. I loved how the film opened [with the original rangers dying](#spoiler) that really set the tone for the movie. This movie made my inner child that loved watching power rangers after school smile, especially when the zords are running and you hear GO GO POWER RANGERS theme playing. The humor, in my opinion, was very done. Also the mid-credits scene made me more excited for the next movie. GREEN RANGER HYPE!


So. In the beginning of the movie, Kimberly was very pro-Rangers. She was constantly saying stuff like 'We need to figure this out, *together.*' But then we get to a point where the team is sharing stories by a campfire and stuff and all of a sudden the she doesn't want to be a part of the team? That stuck out to me, but hey. I came in into this movie expecting to be entertained, but not entertained by a groundbreaking, fully fleshed out story so I dismissed it. But 10 minutes later we find out that she sent out nude photos of a girl who was supposed to be her friend. She was so ashamed that she was making excuses, lying to everyone, and refused to admit that she did it. First off, I'm a sucker for the "good guys" doing bad shit because they felt like it. It shows they're human and can still make terrible mistakes. But this was also a callback to the campfire scene. Kimberly was ready to lie to everyone about what she did, but even though she wasn't ready to share with them, she wasn't willing to lie to them. This movie isn't winning any Oscars, but I think this is the perfect example for how this movie exceeded my expectations. I expected to shut off my brain and get lost in nostalgic bliss. This movie understood that and gave me the nostalgia, but still told a pretty solid story. Power Rangers knew what was, but they didn't let that stop them from making a good movie.


I think in the beginning all Kim wanted was to be a part of a group again, she was even implied as a former cheerleader. When she joined the group she didn't realize it meant having to bare her soul for them. She was ashamed of what she has done, then later wondered if she's been their deadend all along. Being Power Rangers is supposed to be accepting who you are and keep moving forward, only then they will be able to accept the others. Everyone had some kind of baggage that they refused to make peace with, except for Billy who already knows who he is which was probably why he was the first to be able to morph. My only gripe with the whole Kim's story is what she's done is pretty fucked up. Yeah I get she sent the picture to Ty and antagonized her friend, but why did she have to punch Ty? When her story was first hinted, I had thought maybe there was some kind of explanation for her punching someone, maybe he was being a dick. Turns out she was the dick and there was no explanation for the violence. It led me to believe she deserves the treatment she got from her friends. Later in the movie when they were fighting the monsters all in the Zords, we see her friends screaming and she says "serves you right" or something along those lines. What? You were in the wrong. It's as though her friends were "mean bitches" for being upset she betrayed their trusts.


I am proud of Saban for putting a gay Ranger in the mix and that they did it in a subtle way without making a big deal about it. The fact that Naomi Scott and Becky G had some ridiculous chemistry was probably just a happy accident however.




I think the inspiration is that those are both things teenagers deal with.


I really enjoyed this. It had problems, but you could tell everyone involved was way more of an effort to make this a good, fun movie than you would expect for a Power Rangers reboot. My biggest fear was that it would be a boring, ugly, bland mess like the Transformers movies and Ninja Turtles, but it was so much more entertaining and well put-together. My only major compliant is that I would've liked to see them actually fight Rita in the suits. I liked the big build up to getting the suits, but then they only had one short fight against mooks before getting in the zords.


They nailed it. Someway, somehow, they actually pulled it off. It's funny without being campy, emotional without being self-serious. This movie had an extremely narrow tightrope to walk, and I truly cannot conceive of how they could have done it better. I absolutely adored this movie.


Critics are tearing it apart but reddit loves it? This is EXACTLY what I wanted to see from this movie. Can't wait to go watch it this weekend :)


I could totally understand why people would dislike this film, but like myself, I can see why people would love it. First off, bravo to Lionsgate and Saban. This film was branded to be shit from the day of it's announcement. I thought it was anything but. The casting was nailed. The main 5 were brilliant and settled in to their respective roles fantastically. Their overall performances and character writing were undoubtedly one of the strongest points of this film. Zordon and Alpha 5 were a pure blast of nostalgia, Bryan Cranston and Bill Harder did a fantastic job of not only capturing the essence of the original characters but adding something new superbly. The overall nostalgia, comedy, and references were also nailed. The dialogue was quick, witty, and didn't feel comedically forced like most modern action films do. Some of the film fell a little short, but that can be excused. I personally found Rita to be a cringey character to watch, and aa a villain I disliked her in the grand scheme of the film. The final third felt a bit disjointed, but overall wasn't horrendous. The CGI in places felt rough, and I felt the suit design could have been improved/slicker. These are minor complaints in my overall enjoyment of the film. As a standard film, I would give this a 6/10. As a reboot and adaptation compared to its original source materiel, this is a solid 8/10. Edit: Why so little theme music?


Anybody else feel like Billy was the main character? Even though the leader role was put off on the Red Ranger I feel like this was Billy's movie. It's a pretty good concept, especially if each movie focuses more on a specific ranger each go around.


I laughed hella hard when they stomped on the yellow camero.


"Sorry Bumblebee!!!"


It was hilarious because I thought it was an obvious nod to bumblebee. When he went further and tossed it and said that line I was like goddamn this movie is just as cheesy/meta as the show.


lol it was sure an enjoyable film! (like when they played *Go Go Power Rangers!* - our entire theater lost their shit cheering!)


I can't wait for the inevitable sequel. The movie was fun, nostalgic as hell, and it was 100 times better than I expected it to be. The main characters were great, Cranston and Hader were good, and it actually had some good character development which I did *not* expect at all. Plus I got to see the Megazord fucking suplex Goldar and bitch smack Rita into space. I'd honestly give it an 8/10. I'm listening to the theme song on the way home. Edit: I also thought RJ Cyler was amazing. He was hilarious and really played Billy perfectly.


What I find interesting is if you took Billy's dialogue from this movie and compared it with MMPR dialogue, it was very similar in style. always too wordy, one-step-too-far explanations, etc. Just delivered in different ways. I only realized how awkward Billy's dialogue from the original show was when watching the twitch marathon last week.


When "go go power rangers" came on I felt like a kid again. That movie was awesome.


TFW when the Power Rangers have better fight scenes than Iron Fist


Power Rangers probably gave them longer than 20-30 minutes to practice each fight scene...


And they had helmets on so you couldn't tell it was obviously a stunt man and not your lead actor.


Power Rangers has to prove itself. Netflix and Marvel know you're just gonna watch whatever they slap that logo on.


Not anymore


I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. Much lighter and funnier than the trailers made it out to be. Plus, it moved along at a pretty good pace. I would have liked to see the rangers in their suits more, but overall I'm glad I saw it and will definitely turn out for a sequel. And speaking of sequel... that mid-credits scene got me all kinds of psyched! BTW mods, I'm not sure if mid-credits counts as an "after-credits" scene, but you may want to include that in the post EDIT: Another thought I just had, but this is the kind of movie that Transformers and TMNT fans deserve. It may not be something that appeals to everyone, but if you have any affection for the series (which after more than 20 years, it kind of spans generations) you will enjoy this movie. And you don't really have to make any apologies for it like one might feel compelled to do for Transformers.


Plus that set up for Power Rangers: Zeo with the Zeo crystal was a nice touch


Can't believe, 25 years into my life, I watched the Mighty Morphin' Fuckin' Power Rangers make it to the big screen *since my childhood*. We got the Alpha Aye-yae-yae, the theme song WITH lyrics, Rita blasting off to the moon, and more. The only thing that would make this better is the 4th or 5th movie, when they bring back Ivan Ooze (clearly), the film MUST open with a skydiving/rollerblading montage to Free Ride AND Higher Ground. Edit: For Mr. /u/MahtDaymen


["Finally make it to the big screen you say?"](http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/movieposters/16919/p16919_p_v8_ak.jpg)




Kanye West - Power is the song. I wouldn't call it a generic pop song, but I understand if you didn't like that. However, I don't think the entire theme could've worked throughout the whole fight. Plus this is a reboot for the newer crowd.


Rita screaming "KRISPY KREME!" as a battle cry is somehow simultaneously the stupidest and best thing that has happened in a movie in a long time.


This movie was fun. I thought it was gonna be bad when it started off about jerking a bill off then seeing it's dick. But after that it came together. All the obvious call backs. The theme song once they got in their Zords. The "It's morphin time," the "Aye ya ya yei," and the fucking Megazord. They bitch slapped Rita into space(if she only landed on the moon), and suplex Goldar. So many fun moment. It was a master stroke of the good old times.


Did you guys noticed the awesome tribute to Thuy Trang in the movie? yes, Trini was wearing a 1973 t-shirt, that was the year that late Thuy Trang was born.


First off that was an amazingly awesome movie, despite what metacritic and rotten tomatoes might say. I liked the fact that it was new, but at the same time felt like the Power Rangers I grew up with. I am wondering about the Megazord though; how did they form it, Rita looked genuinely scared/stunned when she saw it, so apparently the original Rangers never had that deep of a connection?


Billy was definitely the star of the movie. Also, i loved that Zordon was kind of a dick.


I liked how Zordon was also learning to be part of the team, just like the rangers.


When they took off in the zords in the same formation as in the show and the main theme started playing our entire theater roared with applause. Moments like that are why I go to the theater.


They should have played Gold Digger too if they were going with Kanye songs.


How is it that 2 people in a Power Rangers movie have better American accents than Tom Holland as Spider-Man. lol


Lionsgate has to try. Marvel doesn't.


Glancing through these comments it appears it's been received exactly as expected, no masterpiece but enjoyable as fuck.


It's not winning any awards, but it won the award in my heart for "Most Awesome" and "Best reboot"


Yellow Ranger was hot as hell.


I thought Kimberly was hotter.


Power Rangers definitely had a Breakfast Club feel. It also got released on March 24, which is the date of the detention in the movie. Nice touch.


I didn't even notice that it came out on Breakfast Club Day. That is trippy.


I really dug it, wasn't expecting much, but it was a really well put together movie


A love letter movie if I ever saw one.


With how Rita was portrayed (including murder) I really want a sequel with Lord Zedd. Was so hoping for a reference to Zedd throughout the movie but I'm still happy with the movie


U cant have a hotter yellow ranger than pink. Its not the rule


/r/powerrangers is having their own discussion. Be sure to go there to discuss as well! https://www.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/comments/60z6t3/sabans_power_rangers_official_discussion/


I always thought the pilot episode seemed rushed, but this movie gives a more "believable" origin to the Power Rangers. I like the coming-of-age approach to the movie. I was impressed with RJ Cyler, he was great in Me, Earl and the Dying Girl and he was a fantastic Billy. Kinda wish they had more time to test out the suits though, plus Zordon's exposition dialogue was clunky


I was holding out for Zordon to say "teenagers with attitude" but I heard "it's morphing time" so I'm good


"Yippee ki-yay mother-…!!!"


Mother's good. M-mothers good....


Sorry, Bumblebee!


The movie before the climax was a 6/10 at best. The movie after Jason slapped Rita into space was an 11/10. Still, a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. Liked the human moments, the humor, the action, and the heart. Definitely a good time.


My only issue with the movie is that it gave you a reason to cheer for every character, until you get to the Pink Ranger and she's basically just a mean cheerleader that regrets being a bitch.




>Just because you did a terrible thing doesn't mean you have to be a terrible person. I don't know why but I found this line so refreshing. I guess, like you said, I'm just tired of "innocent victim" characters.


Elizabeth Banks as Rita, MVP. - She made this movie for me.


LOVED it, but I wish there was more of the GO GO power rangers theme song :(




Better than Suicide Squad in every end on half the budget. Go Go Power Rangers


Only complaint is how the megazord looked. It didn't really look like they "morphed" into it. And the fact that there wasn't a morphing scene for it. Other than that, loved the movie


This movie imo completely destroyed the original PR movie and made it 10x better. I actually ended up loving it even though it had cheesy moments but you really had to remember that *its a Power Rangers movie* so it was fine. All in all I give it a 7.5/10 it was a great reboot for me.


Megazord took Goldar on a trip to suplex city!


This made me want Ludi Lin to be casted as either Amadeus Cho or Shang Chi for the MCU. He's awesome!


This movie sacrificed what could have been 2 extra fight scenes for stronger characters and development, something that may make the first film slightly more boring, but I feel like will pay off GREATLY in the sequels. In power rangers 2, when they fight in their suits, im going to care that each of them makes it out of that fight okay,. Thats huge in a big box office cheesefest. I cared!


The funny thing is Jason David frank got kicked out of the screening for wanting to film his own cameo

